Chapter 1 - Shard

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All was calm and quiet in the moonlit night. Only the light breeze and soft night noises accompanied the man as he waited in the shadow of a grove of trees. From where he stood, he could see the sentries at their posts, two at the main gates and the other six faithfully patrolling this side of the perimeter. The officers on duty for the North wall were warming themselves in the guardhouse further back together with the other six guards for rotation. Soft light filtered out and his sharp hearing caught the faint click of dice and soft murmurings.

A few moments later, the local Crier came into sight banging loudly on his gong signaling the hour of the Boar (9 p.m. - 11 p.m ). His faithful torch bearers lighting his way as the trio made their way slowly along the main path.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

It was getting late, he would have to get back to his own post soon. Xin scanned the area again. The agreed time had come. Nothing. Where was he? He jumped startled when a dark figure stepped out from the shadows. Although Xin had been alert and expecting the Shard, the man's sudden presence still gave him a fright.

The soldier coughed and cleared his throat to recover his composure.

"Are you him? The Shard?"

The black clad figure nodded. He was hooded and masked. Only his bright eyes showed.

"Show me proof."

One eyebrow lifted in surprise but the Shard remained silent. Not everyone dared to ask for proof of identification. The Dark Sect's reputation that the Shards belong to was good enough. But the man in front of him was not just anyone.


The Shard blinked and shrugged. There really was no harm in fulfilling this man's request and besides, he had things to do other than quibble unnecessarily here.

Without any more fuss, he pulled out a sleeve from a leather wrist guard to show his bare forearm briefly before tucking the black cloth back into place. An intricate pattern was etched into his fair skin. Five sharp shards chased each other in an incomplete circle. In the middle was a single character, Gui (Ghost), his name.

Xin's eyes widened. This man's tattoo was almost complete! He had five shards not just the one or two of a lowly Runner of the Dark Sect. He was no Runner, he was a full fledged Messenger! A level Five Shard! Xin took an involuntary step back.

Dark eyes regarded the soldier in amusement. "Do you want your message?" he asked in a low velvety voice.

"Are you slumming? Why are you giving me the information?"

"Do you want your message?" he repeated ignoring the irrelevant questions.

"Huh? Yeah sure," Xin collected himself. The Dark Sects were mysterious indeed. Maybe this guy was being punished to perform a Runner's job. It was really none of his business how the Underworld ran their operations.

He had his proof. The man standing before him was genuine. No one would dare copy any of the Dark Sect's markings if he wanted to live long, not even one of a lowly Runner.

Quickly, Xin took out a heavy pouch and tossed it to the hooded man who caught it deftly.

"Tell me."

"I'm here to confirm that your wife did visit a man last night," he said formally.

Xin sucked in his breath and closed his eyes in sudden pain. The ruggedly handsome man's face fell and his mouth turned down.

"Tell me again and this time, don't lie," he said in a gruff yet oddly pleading voice.

The Messenger's eyes twinkled. He cleared his throat in an attempt to be serious.

"Vice-Captain Xin, your wife ..."

"Shut up!!" Xin cried out in despair, forgetting who he was talking to. He banged his fist against a nearby tree. "I knew it! I knew it!! But how could she? I love her and she ... she loves me, right?"

"Right?" he asked the silent Shard again but the Messenger merely blinked at the sudden verbal assault.

"It's not my fault that I can't be with her always. I'm only allowed leave every three months," he said mournfully. "I try to write sometimes but I'm not too good at it. Her letters ..." he trailed off thinking of his wife's last letter. The tone had been so weird that it had prompted him to send someone to check on her discreetly. He could not wait until his next scheduled leave of absence due next week. He had to know what was going on.

"If you will let me finish ..."

"You are done," Xin cut the Shard off curtly. "Thank you." He wanted to be alone to wallow in self-pity and misery. His heart was breaking. His Qinqin had betrayed him.

The Shard hefted the small bag of coins before it disappeared somewhere on his person. Full payment and by the extra weight of it, a little extra bonus. Nice. The black clad man smiled in satisfaction, he suppose he could repay Xin's generosity with a little bit more information.

"The man she met; you know him."

"What? Who?!"

"It's ... Ming."

"Ming?" The miserable Vice-Captain did a double take. "Ming? MING?! As in ... Doctor Ming?"

"Yeah," replied the Messenger and prudently moved back a few paces. He was not disappointed. In one swift move, Xin had his sword out and was pointing the naked blade at his neck. The Messenger was not intimidated by the trained warrior.

"What?" he asked shrugging innocently. "Your implicit instructions were to confirm if she was seeing someone else in your absence. She is. In fact, she has been to Doctor Ming's place five times in the last eight months."

"Why you, you scoundrel! You let me believe she was cheating on me!"

The Shard chuckled. "You did that on your own. I never implied anything ..."

"Ahh! Are all Shards like you?"

The Messenger tilted his head. He lifted one hand to push away the sharp blade carefully from his neck.

"Are all soldiers in the Elite Guard like you? So emotional ..."

Xin clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on his sword. To his annoyance, he knew the Shard was laughing at him behind his mask. His exposed eyes were all squinty! Control! He was here for information. This Shard may be young and impertinent but he was still a full-fledged member of the Dark Sects, and a Five at that. He had to suppress his annoyance and get the whole story from this irritating man. Qinqin may be sick. Questions bombarded him. Why would she need to go to the doctor's so frequently? Why didn't she tell him? What's wrong with her? Was it serious?

Xin took in a deep breath, held it counting to ten and breathed out again. Feeling a little calmer, he sheathed his sword.

"Please, tell me everything."

"That will cost you a few extra coins."

"What?" Xin exploded again, his new found calm evaporating in an instant..

"This is extra information ... not in the original agreement."

"Fine!" Xin grumbled but reached for a few more coins.

"Scrooge," the young Shard bantered as he reached for the money.

"Talk," the Vice-Captain growled. "Is Qinqin o'kay?" he asked worriedly.

The Messenger pocketed the coins. "Remember, I'm the one who congratulated you first. Congratulations! You are going to be a father!"

"What?" Xin couldn't believe his ears. His beautiful Qinqin was pregnant! He was going to be a father! But best of all, she was not cheating on him. It must have been the last time he was home; the timing was about right. A happy foolish smile appeared on his face.

"She's been going for health check-ups and to buy herbs. That's it."

"Oh my God! Thank you! Thank you for the wonderful news! I'm going to be a father!"

"Congratulations again. Remember to act surprise when she tells you. She wants to tell you the special news herself," warned the Shard. "She will be angry and disappointed if you don't."

"Huh? Yes, yes of course I will," he said absent-mindedly. He was still reeling from the good news. His beautiful, wonderful Qinqin was with child.

"Sir?" a voice called out. "Are you o'kay? Why are you standing there?"

"Huh?" Xin was jerked back to reality as two guards approached him, hands on the hilts of their swords. They were searching the area alertly, ready for ambush.

"Sir? Is everything o'kay?"

Xin realised he was standing quite alone. The impertinent Shard had discreetly melted into the shadows and disappeared.  

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