Chapter 11 - The Spy Master

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The Spy Master paused in his reading. Something, no ... someone had just emerged from the shadows of the decorative painted screens.

"You're here." He smiled. "I've been expecting you. I wondered when you'd show up."

Ghost stepped out silently to scan the empty room. The Spy Master's guards were both outside his doors. They were alone. He relaxed.

"Come. Sit," invited the Spy Master.

"I came to warn you."

"Oh?" the tall slender man lifted an elegant eyebrow curiously.

"There is a girl stalking you outside. You should be careful. I think she likes you," the Shard smirked at the older man.

"Ah, you've met my little sister I see," he responded calmly. "She is practising her trailing techniques in a new environment. I guess she failed since you found her out so quickly and even determined her Target."

The Shard's heart skipped a beat. It really was her!

"Really? It's really Xi Xiu?"

"Why do you look so surprised? I told you the last time we met that I would bring her along with me on my next trip. This happens to be it."

"But ... darn it ..." Ghost muttered under his breath.

Xi Xuan was not flustered at all, in fact, the annoyingly calm Spy Master had turned the tables on him. He took a moment but adjusted to the situation recovering quickly.

"Xi Xiu's all grown up. Actually, she is quite good. It was just her misfortune that I was around."

"I forgot who I was talking to," Xi Xuan laughed, "... but you're hurt," he continued in a concerned voice noticing the blood on his young friend's neck.

"This?" asked Ghost tilting his head to exposed his neck. The girl's dagger had grazed his skin. "It's nothing, just a flesh wound."

"Xi Xiu?"

Ghost shrugged nonchalantly. "My fault. I wasn't paying attention as I should. I have learnt my lesson."

The Spy Master raised both eyebrows this time. Was Ghost actually admitting a mistake? That was rare. He supposed his sibling was not that bad after all.

Zhang Xi Xuan knew his old friend's range of formidable skills. According to his latest information, Ghost had just passed his level Five test and had recently been promoted. He was now officially a level Five Shard. The latest and the youngest Five. As far as Xi Xuan knew, the others were much older. If he asked to see the Shard's mark, he was positive he would see the five symbolic daggers. One for every mastered level.

Xi Xuan's brows creased. What exactly could distract a person like Ghost?


Ghost smiled sheepishly but said nothing before taking a sip of the offered fragrant tea.

Xi Xuan would never forget the day he met Ghost. It was five years ago when a young 12-year-old thief had saved him. The Zhang heir had accompanied his father to Zinnu for a learning experience and tour. Whilst his father had been in a meeting, he was tasked to meet several informants for reports. It was also a way to introduce himself and establish his growing authority to the scattered undercover network in Zinnu. Furthermore, it increased morale for the House to contact the network personally periodically.

One wrong turn later, young Xi Xuan had been separated from his guards and ushered into a dead-end alley. Recognized as a rich foreigner, he had been targeted for robbery by local thugs. He would have probably disappeared without a trace if not for young Ghost. The boy had appeared out of nowhere.

"He is mine. I saw him first."

They looked up to see a small boy crouched on top of a broken wall. The five nasty looking thugs laughed at the child.

"You got that wrong, boy. He, his gold and all those expensive items on him are ours."

A flick of his hand and the robbers cried out in pain. Two fell as their legs buckled and one more clutched his bleeding shoulder. Silently, Ghost dropped down to the alley holding up another two thin shards warningly in his hand.

Using his free hand, the young boy pushed up his dirty sleeve to reveal a tattoo etched in his fair skin. It looked like a small flying blade. The distinct mark identified him as the Dark Sect's.

"No. Mine. Touch one hair on him and all of you will not live long enough to eat dinner. I am sure you know the punishment of stealing from my Target."

One look at the well defined mark and the leader's eyes widened in fear.

"T-target? He's your Target? My apologies. We didn't mean to ..." he gulped backing away.

"Please forgive us. We didn't know." He turned to his lackeys. "Let's go."

"But boss, he is just a small boy," growled one of the fallen who had managed to stand up. A shard was buried in his thigh. "I'm going to make him pay for my leg."

"Yeah, we can easily deal with the two of them. I need to make him pay for my shoulder too."

"Shut up unless you want to face the Dark Sect. That was just a warning. He could have killed you on the spot!" hissed the Leader. "Don't you know that messing with one Shard means you're messing with the whole Sect?"

The Dark Sect protected their own and it was not known to be very forgiving. He glanced at the cornered Xi Xuan, "That guy is dead anyways if he is a Target. Let's go before we end up dead too."

The five ran off leaving Ghost with Xi Xuan.

"Are you going to rob me? ... or kill me?"

Ghost's serious demeanour changed at that question. A smirk appeared on his boyish face as he covered the mark on his arm.

"Nah, you are free to go. Just be careful around this part of town."

"I'm free? Just like that?"


"Why and how did you save me?"

"I was having so much fun tailing you," he sniffed and muttered, "but they had to go and spoil it all."


"Nothing," the boy shrugged. "You are obviously a foreigner here. An easy target. Besides you were not doing any harm, just meeting some very interesting people ... "

Xi Xuan gulped. "How long have you been following me?"

Ghost shrugged carelessly. "Since you met Kong, the tailor."

Xi Xuan was taken aback This young boy had observed all his contacts. He groaned inwardly. He was so dead. His father was going to kill him for exposing their spies.

"I won't tell. Nobody else knows. Will that save you a beating?"

The older boy closed his eyes in defeat. He was sure this little pain was going to blackmail him.

"What do you want from me?"


Xi Xuan opened his eyes. "Really?" he blurted disbelievingly.

"No," he chortled at his own joke.

"I knew it. Do you know who I am?" Xi Xuan asked cautiously wondering if the boy knew his real identity and purpose. If he did, the potential for extortion was huge.

Ghost regarded the young lord for a moment before speaking again. "You are the most interesting person I've ever met from the Islands and ..."

"... and?"

"And you know how to keep a secret. I guess it's in your blood."

Xi Xuan studied the young Shard for a while. His answer indicated he knew exactly who he was talking to. Good enough. "So? What is it that you want?"

"I want, umm ... ahh," Ghost hesitated and fidgeted suddenly unsure of himself.

Xi Xuan saw the uncertainty as an opening. Maybe he could get out of this unscathed.

"Tell me, I'll try to give you what you want if I can," he replied calmly. He had recovered his nerves and negotiating was his forte, just as he had been taught.

"I want you to ... be my secret friend," Ghost said very fast. He could only risk a friendship with someone who knew how to keep his mouth shut. He had determined that this guy could. He was trained to keep secrets. "No one must know, o'kay? I don't have any friends. I don't have anyone to talk to."

"Huh?" Xi Xuan's mouth hung open in surprise.

That was not what he had expected at all. Friends? Was that all? He had expected some impossible favour, gold, silver, information or even a future favour. He regarded Ghost who now stood awkwardly. The young boy suddenly made a lonely figure.

"It's o'kay, if you don't want to. I still won't tell anyone." Ghost's face fell as he inched backwards uncertainly. There was no one else to ask, no one else fulfilled his criteria. He must have been dreaming to think that anyone would want to be friends with someone like him.

"Just forget it."

He turned away, dejected. "Idiot. I'm so stupid sometimes," he scolded himself.


Ghost spun round, his eyes bright and full of hope. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I'm Zhang Xi Xuan," the young lord smiled warmly at the boy. "Who are you? And why were they afraid of you? You said I am your Target?"

"They are not afraid of me. They are afraid of the Dark Sect which I belong to ... and I lied about you being my Target. It was the easiest way to get rid of them. I wasn't in the mood to fight."

"You lied?" Xi Xuan felt faint.

He had studied (in theory) about the infamous Dark Sect of Zinnu as part of his education. The powerful ruling force of the underworld. They had their own agreement and understanding with the ruling House and their own laws and system.

"Don't worry. They have no way to check on me nor will they have any proof if they did. My word far outweighs theirs."

"You're crazy but thanks."

Ghost smiled. "You're welcome. Be careful but if you get into trouble again, just mention that you are under Ghost's protection."

"Ghost? Is that your name? It can't be your real name."

Ghost frowned remembering something then shook himself. "It's what they call me now."

"More like Little Ghost," Xi Xuan grinned. "Xiao Gui."

Ghost rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

They had become fast friends ever since. Xi Xuan had visited Zinnu several times after that incident. Each time, Ghost dropped in seemingly aware of his whereabouts They always managed to talk, catching up with each other exchanging tidbits of news, their unlikely friendship growing. Amazingly despite their growing ranks and positions neither tried to exploit the other. The tacit agreement led to a deep trust and mutual respect.

Since he met the Shard, Xi Xuan had only needed to use Ghost's name once when he was in dire straits. He had gotten instant respect. Over the years, Xiao Gui too had grown in status and skills. His young friend had just obtained his fifth dagger which meant he was now a full fledged Messenger and a ranking Shard of the Dark Sect.

Now, five years later, Xi Xuan himself was experienced and had taken over his father's seat as Master of House Zhang. He was no longer a naive unskilled lord, rather he had been exposed extensively to his House's business and trained in martial arts. His main weapon, a large beautifully painted handheld fan was never far. However, he still preferred his books and scrolls.

Lord Zhang had relegated his position to his only son so that he could 'rest'. However, he maintained an advisory role. Xi Xuan was positive his father was up to something, a secret project or mission and it had become a game to find out what.

The Zhang family live on their rocky islands off the Grey Straits and controlled all trade on the treacherous waters. Technically, House Zhang was known as masters of the mysterious Grey Island and the turbulent Grey Straits which separated them from the mainland.

The Grey Straits were controlled by savage pirates who attacked everyone except the Zhangs. As the savage pirates had sealed a deal with the Zhangs, only their ships and boats were unmolested. No one knew the terms they agreed to. Thus, the Zhangs controlled all fresh sea products and trade from the waters. Most did not know they also dealt in information. Although physically far from the capital, the Zhangs could always be counted on to protect their own, and that included their extensive spy network.

Sea food was a luxury due to the limited access to the water. The seafood caught and sold at the harbour were overseen by fierce looking men, presumably pirates. It was a treat only the rich could enjoy. The common folk could only dream of tasting even the tiniest morsel of fish.

However, many villagers living near the water were happy. As long as they did not try to fish or invade the straits, the pirates left them alone. In fact, the rough men provided much needed work and income by hiring the villagers for land related work. The pirates had no patience to cater to the land bound's political hierarchy, practices or whims, the villages would know better how to handle their own kind.

Both men and women villagers were well paid to sort out the daily catch and sell the fresh sea produce at the harbour. The assorted fish, squid, crabs and shrimps were sold to the noble servants who waited patiently each morning to bid for their masters' orders. It was hard work but fulfilling.

Despite the high prices it was sold at, the daily catch was mostly sold out by late morning. Unbeknownst to most, these hired hands were occasionally given token produce to take home. They had a good relationship and understanding with the pirates who supported their livelihood.

In return, the pirates seem to know well in advance when raiding officials would muster their courage to come full force for raids or tax collection. They were never around on those days.

"It's good to see you again, Xiao Gui (Little Ghost)." 

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