Chapter 4 -Spy

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When Ghost returned to Mudan's bedroom, only the sleeping boy was there. He heard voices at the outer chamber.


Mudan half turned from the open door.

"Xiao Gui. Sorry for waking you ... but something has come up," she gave him a warning glance indicating a flustered girl standing at the threshold.

"Ahhh, Wei Wei said Xiao Gui was here. I didn't know you were resting ... I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

"It's o'kay, Ju (Daisy)," Ghost replied the girl taking Mudan's cue.

No one else knew of his real purpose here or his actual relationship with Mudan. They all thought he was a favoured customer of the owner. He gambled occasionally and flirted with the girls to keep up appearances but he only did his 'serious drinking' or other business behind Mudan's doors.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"I came to report a suspicious person to Mudan. Someone has been asking around about the Dark Sect."

"Oh?" prompted Ghost suddenly on high alert.

Although the various watering holes and pleasure houses in the city were frequented by all walks of life, Houses and the different Sects, it was common courtesy to mind one's own business. Not doing so could be dangerous to one's health as it would inadvertently attract the attention of the relevant parties.

Ju eyed Ghost. "He is asking about the Shards and if anyone knows how to contact them. I haven't seen him before. I think he's new," she concluded her report.

"What do you want to do?" Mudan asked Ghost since it involved him directly.

Ghost grinned. "I think I'll go check this guy out and see what he wants."

"Try not to break anything. I'll make you pay for damages!" she called out after him.

Ghost laughed. She always threaten that but never did.

When Ju pointed the man out to Ghost, he left her with Mudan at the balcony overlooking the common area. Slowly he made his way to the stranger.

Noting another two off duty Shards in the crowd, he signaled them to stand down. Although they were both older than him, he was the ranking Shard. He would handle the situation. The Four gave a slight nod, motioned that his Target was alone and went back to his drinking whilst the Two winked at him and called out playfully to the girl attending him. She promptly sat in his lap giggling.

Neither questioned Ghost's presence. What each Shard did with their own time and behind closed doors was their own business. As long as the missions assigned them were completed within contract stipulations and Old Wolf was happy, all was good. They did however, look out and support each other unconditionally against others wherever they were. Their allegiance and loyalty was first and foremost to the Dark Sect.

Ghost casually approached the Target and sat down near him. A server appeared placing a tray complete with a dainty porcelain teapot with matching tea cups for Ghost. The Shard proceeded to pour and sip his tea casually studying the stranger.

The man was small, almost petite and dressed casually. He was also young and clean shaven. Although his clothes were nondescript at a glance, careful observation distinguished it's extraordinary texture. The unique material was not readily available in Zinnu. The Shard's eyes narrowed. There was only one House which used that particular material and it was not from the mainland.

House Zhang.

The stranger was from the Grey Islands. Ghost relaxed, more informed in the few minutes of observation then before. Mentally, he reviewed his knowledge of the Grey Island in preparation. He would proceed accordingly.

Ghost waited for the man to notice him whilst pretending nonchalance. Several patrons smirked and got ready to 'watch' the show. They knew Ghost, he was a regular there. None would interfere but would enjoy whatever entertainment the ensuing meeting would provide.

The man was nursing an untouched wine cup, surveying the room for more informants. He was nervous and fidgety, obviously out of his comfort zone. So far, everyone he had approached didn't know anything or wouldn't answer his queries. Now word had spread and everyone was avoiding him. The Dark Sect was a dangerous topic. Some were even eyeing him suspiciously. At this rate, he would have to leave soon.

Then he spied Ghost and froze. He drew in his breath sharply and let it out again shakily. Ghost wondered at that. Did he look scary? Nah, couldn't be. Even Ju was not afraid of him. From his peripheral vision, he saw the young man take a sip of wine to calm his nerves down but swallowed too quickly and ended up choking.

Ghost heroically managed not to snort with laughter. This man did not seem to be a threat. Still, he shouldn't let his guard down.

The Target got up to stand at his spot indecisively. He couldn't make up his mind to approach Ghost or not. Perhaps he was afraid of being turned away again? But this was his last chance to get some information. No one else would pay him any heed.

Curious of his intentions, Ghost decided to encourage him a little. Perhaps he should be a little more approachable? Ghost lifted his head to return his gaze. When their eyes locked, Ghost paused in surprise. Ahhh! He was a she. He was certain of it.

It was not obvious but being drilled in disguises at Level Three helped him to spot the subtle tell tale signs.

For one, her overly manly poses and exaggerated gestures for her small frame was off. She did not have a clear picture of the 'man' she was trying to impersonate nor were there any distinctive characteristics in her behaviour. Rather it was a bunch of generally accepted 'manly' gestures thrown haphazardly together. As such, she came off as self-conscious and stiff, not unconsciously natural like a normal person.

A mistake, thought Ghost. However, her clothes were cut right in a style which could easily hide her womanly shape. This helped her disguise but she had no Adam's apple for the 'man' she was trying to pull off. A female Shard would have attached a 'fake' one and adjusted her behaviour accordingly.

Part of every Shards training at level Three included disguises. It was a compulsory segment in mastering Thievery. It made stealing, hiding and blending into communities easier. They were instructed in make-up, posture, gestures, habits and the like for every possible character and situation the crazy Six in charge could think of. Training also extended to disguising items, physical messages, hiding places and code.

After the extensive course, even the manliest and gruffest Shard could pass off as a woman (matron, cook, female soldiers, et cetera). All women could also act and adopt mannerisms of men. The smaller ones, like his target would usually style themselves as young boys, being beardless and all. False facial hair could be used but was not recommended. Age was no problem at all. Anyone of them could act as young or old as needed.

Hiding his momentary surprise, the Five encouraged the impostor by smiling. Now his curiosity was piqued even more. Why was this person asking about the Dark Sect? What did she want with the Shards? Did she want to place a contract?

"Hello ..." she greeted him.

"Hi, join me?" Ghost offered. "It's more fun to drink with company."

"Really? Ugh, I mean, yes of course," she hastily lowered her pitch mid-sentence much to the Shard's amusement. She sat down gingerly at his low table.

Ghost raised his teacup in a toast to her. "To new friendships?"

"Sure," she agreed and took a cautious sip of her wine sealing the offered association. "You're drinking tea?"

"Yes. It's a special brew one of the ladies make for me every time I come here," he held up his cup again to toast a woman half hidden behind thick curtains on the inside balcony. She was obviously waiting for his reaction and watching him. She waved back shyly before disappearing behind the decorative draperies tied at every column throughput the establishment. He grinned, Mudan knew how to play the coy admirer. She left him to his own devices after gave her the agreed signal.

"Oh ..."

"I think she has a crush on me," Ghost said carelessly. "Are you new in town? I haven't seen you around."

"Umm, yes," she replied. Her eyes were still at the spot where Mudan had vanished.

Ghost wondered at her tone. Was it curiosity, disappointment or distrust? What was it with this girl?

A moment later she had refocused on her purpose. "You're right. This is the first time I'm travelling in Zinnu," she admitted. "I am Lei Jun, nice to meet you."

"Xiao Jian. Call me Jian," he countered her blatant lie.

"Jian?" Ahhh, a nice solid and sensible name, "Jian as in 'strength' or 'build' ...?"

"No, Jian as in 'double edged sword'. My father was not overly happy when I came into the world and named me accordingly."

"Why wouldn't he be happy with your birth?"

"My mother died in labour that night. So he couldn't decide if I was a blessing or a curse. I was life and death, hence, a double edged sword."

"Oh ..." she trailed off uncertain of how to respond.

"No matter," Ghost took a sip of hot tea. "It's all in the past. What matters now is the present, right?"

"Right," she agreed. It was time to change the subject away from his sad past to what she was really after. This guy was friendlier than the other patrons and would probably talk. She leaned forward and whispered, "Jian, I've heard so much of the Dark Sect here in Zinnu. Is it all really true?"

"Depends on what you heard."

"People say they are a bunch of liars, thieves, murderers, scoundrels ..."

"Really?" he asked in a guarded tone. "That bad, huh?"

"Yes, but then here's what I don't understand. The very same rumours say the Shards are regulated. They don't simply kill or steal randomly or for fun. They are not simple criminals or thugs."

"That's true. They are for hire and are expensive," confirmed the Shard. He was used to the name calling. It was expected in their business. People were generally prejudiced against the Dark Sect but still called on them when they needed some dirty work to be done. It was human nature. "The Shards act in accordance to their contracts."

"That's good, good ... so that means they are not really the bad guys, they are just facilitating the ones who pay them. Its a job. They are basically mercenaries," she concluded.

Ghost winced. Old Wolf would throw a fit if he heard such a comparison. He would insist that his Shards were better trained, unwavering in their loyalty and deadly, but technically the girl was right. To put it simply, they were paid hands. He'd better keep this girl away from the Sect. Offending Old Wolf would be hazardous to her health. Why, the proud Sect Leader might even take out a contract on her himself for insulting his beloved Sect, he smirked.

"How do I contact them?" she blurted out. "I mean, is there a way or place I should go? Who should I talk to? No one here wants to talk about the Dark Sect or the Shards."

He regarded her enthusiasm skeptically. "Why would you want to meet them if they are so dangerous?"

"I want to find someone. I need to know if ..."

"Who are you looking for and what do you need to ask?" Ghost cut in. "I know some of them," he added with a straight face.

"You do?! That's great!" She became excited, "I, umm, have you heard of the Shard named Ghost?"

"Ghost?" Ghost echoed. "Why are you looking for him? Do you want to place a contract?"

"Ahhh, he really does exist. It was not a lie," she exclaimed softly. She sighed in satisfaction, smiling as her thoughts turned inwards.

"Lei Jun?" Ghost spoke getting her attention. "So, you're checking if he's real? Are you looking for him to place an order with the Dark Sect?"

"No, not exactly. Do you know him? I heard he comes here a lot. Is he here?"

"Yes, yes and yes."

"What?" she asked startled at his answer. "You know him personally and he's here? Now?"

"Yes." He couldn't help it, his lips quirked upwards.

She almost squealed but remembered her disguise at the last moment.

"Where? Do you see him?" she asked suddenly nervous and glanced around the room. She could barely contain herself.

"Calm down. He is around here ... somewhere. Why? Do you want to meet him?"

"Umm, no."

"No?" That was unexpected. She was asking about him but didn't want to meet. What exactly did she want?

"No," she said again, more firmly.

"Huh?" Ghost tried again. "Do you want to tell him something? Maybe leave a message for him? A job?"

"No-ooo, not really. I just ... I was just wondering what he looks like?"

"Looks like?"

Ghost shook his head. Seriously, she was making him sound like an idiotic parrot, repeating her words. Her thought process was not logical and was so random. This conversation was not making any sense to him, unless she wanted to confirm him as a target? In that case, everything would make sense. Homework was essential to every mission. Putting a face to a name to ensure she got the right person was important. It wouldn't do to get the wrong target. That would be embarrassing.

"Why?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." She kept quiet for a while. "Is he really as good as they say?"

He considered a moment before replying. If she was not going to give any information or define her purpose other than chasing rumours, then he too could play the same game. He had confirmed there was no new contract involve, at least for now. He would disclose nothing else to her tonight.

"He's probably better. He has never missed a Target or left a message undelivered," he smirked proudly before changing the subject, "and he is handsome too. Almost as good looking as me."

"What?" She coughed rudely. "Seriously Jian, who says you're handsome?"

"Why, lots of girls, just ask anyone here," he replied confidently and gave her a boyish grin.

This time she rolled her eyes relaxing her stance a bit more. Ghost noted that she was quite pretty underneath all the bad skin colouring she had applied as part of her disguise, weird hairstyle and anxious expressions she kept making with her face. However, he couldn't really tell. She was too awkward and edgy now. He would need to see her as herself in a more natural environment to make fair judgement.

Ghost leaned back into his chair. He would lead her on for a bit, talk about generalities and end the conversation when his tea finished. She would not get another bit of information on him or the Sect.

The other patrons had lost interest in them. It was obviously going to be only a dull conversation between the two. The stranger was not aggressive and there was no indication of any fights breaking out. Ghost was relaxed and handling the situation in a peaceful way. A very boring peaceful way. They turned away in disappointment,

'Lei Jun' was very suspicious indeed. She wanted to know about him and how he looked like but didn't want to meet him. Or perhaps she didn't want him to know she was asking about him on the sly. She did not seem to be after the Dark Sect per se, she was more interested in him as a person and his work.


The one word jumped at him. It all fit. Although the Zhangs from the Grey Islands were known mainly as masters of the Grey Straits and the open sea, not many know they also had the most intricate spy network and system throughout the provinces. However, in the underworld, where information was crucial, everyone was aware of House Zhang's unique position. They were the most accurate and powerful when it came to information trading. None rivaled House Zhang.

The question now was, who wanted information about him and why?

Perhaps he should pay a visit to Lord Zhang.

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