Chapter 44 - Jealousy

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Lady Shuang settled into her chair. She was in a bad mood. Stupid Ghost had ruined everything.

How dare he drink the cup that Lord Yuan had offered her! If a man personally poured and offered a lady a drink, that must mean something mustn't it? It was a romantic and caring gesture on Lord Yuan's part. He was so sweet. How presumptuous of Ghost to drink her wine and spoil the moment! She was right to banish him from her sight!

The young lady seethed for a while until a sudden thought struck her.

Oh! She sat up, eyes wide and heart pounding wildly.

Maybe ... could it be that Ghost was insolent and had forgotten his place momentarily because he was jealous of Lord Yuan? A pleased smile formed on her moist pink lips. Yes, that must be it. It was the only logical explanation for Ghost's sudden rude behavior. He had been overcome with jealousy! So, that meant he did harbor secret feelings for her. Shuang's self indulgent smile widen. She knew it! He did like her even if he did not know it himself!

Shuang felt her heart flutter for her absent handsome bodyguard. Awwww, poor silly adorable Ghost. If he really wanted her, all he had to do was say so. Didn't he know she liked him too? She could find a way to accommodate him.

The girl leaned back and relaxed. Ghost must be shy or uncertain how to express his feelings towards her. She was after all so much higher in social status than him. Shuang was confident he had never met anyone better than her. Of course he could not resist her, she thought. Wasn't she the unrivalled beauty in Zinnu? To think he had been playing hard to get all this time when he was actually just a man in love! The thrill of conquest ran through her body making her smirk in glee. All at once, she felt beautiful and powerful.

Shuang thought of her options, comparing them in her mind.

Lord Zhang was an old boring man. Granted, he was rich, powerful and mysterious but to be honest, downright unsuitable for her youth and beauty. To marry and live with such a dull lord like him for the rest of her life was unthinkable. It was surely a death sentence for someone like her! Why, she would fade away to nothing locked up on the pile of rocks he called a home. Surrounded by the turbulent sea, she couldn't even escape if she wanted to. It would literally be a prison! Shuang pouted in displeasure. She knew her father only chose House Zhang for her marriage to increase his power and expand his domain beyond Zinnu.

On the other hand, Lord Yuan was a real man with a nice warrior's body. He was strong, exciting and sociable. Lord Yuan was a noble with refined tastes and someone who knew how to treat a lady properly. Also, he was young! There was not a grey hair on his head unlike someone else her father was trying to marry her off to! Being one of the major Houses in Zinnu, surly House Yuan was no less than House Zhang in prestige? However, he was rather plain looking compared to her two very attractive bodyguards.

Her lips turned up when she envisioned Ghost. He was young and handsome. Unfortunately, he was a mere commoner and far beneath her in social status. Although Ghost was not really husband material, she supposed she could grant him a permanent position by her side so that he could always accompany her. She would take him along with her after marriage despite him being annoying, stubborn and unbending to her will. He was already an excellent bodyguard but with time she was certain she would be able to teach him how to be a good companion, confidant ... and consort. Since he was a commoner, he should be grateful to be promoted to consort regardless of who she married. To be honest, Ghost was more her type. Yes, she mused, that could be arranged. Then everyone would be happy.

Shuang's eyes fluttered closed as she continued her wonderful day dream. Shun Xi could be her husband. The young lord would provide for her lavish lifestyle and gift her precious gems. She would attend public functions together with him, grace him with her beauty and make him the envy of all his peers for having such a gorgeous wife. Ghost could be her favorite consort, be at her side at all times and protect her forever. If Lord Zhang really wanted her, she supposed he could be her second consort. They probably wouldn't even see each other often as he would be shut away with his dusty scrolls and books most of the time.

All would obey her. Neither could go against her wishes because she was daughter of the powerful Ruling House! If they dared, father would punish them.

What a wonderful life awaited her! She would have it all. It was good to be pretty, rich and powerful!

Just then, Su burst in breathlessly. LiQuin gave the maid an exasperated look and shushed her.

"Su! Lady Shuang is resting!" admonished LiQuin in a hushed tone. "Don't just barge in noisily like that. You must always present yourself properly."

"But LiQuin, I saw Ghost with a woman!"

"What!? Where?" Shuang's eyes snapped open and she jumped up from her chair suddenly wide awake.

"On the path to the lake. He was on one knee and the woman was holding him," the maid blurted out. "He was looking adoringly into her eyes! They were so close together!"

"Ghost was whaaat!?!" shrieked Shuang shrilly.

Key who was standing guard silently almost choked at the news. Ghost with a girl? Seriously? He schooled his face void of expression hastily suppressing the urge to grin. He wondered who the lucky girl was and when he'd get to meet her. That meant Ghost was o'kay and the drugged drink was mild or had minimal effect. The Five would not be courting a girl otherwise. He wasn't wasting his free time, thought Key enviously.

"Are they still there? How dare he see another woman behind my back!" Shuang was royally pissed.

Ghost was hers!

"Lady, they are not there anymore."

"What? Where are they now?"

"I don't now. They went off somewhere together. She took his hand and he followed her like an eager puppy. They were holding hands!" Su almost cried with jealousy. Stupid lucky girl! She too was shocked and couldn't contain herself.

Su had never seen the handsome bodyguard so intimate with a girl before. Key was more friendly and open, but then the older bodyguard had made it clear he already had a lover before he entered service with House Zhai. Ghost was single and available which made him fair game and more desirable.

The maid had developed a crush on Ghost after the bee incident where he had carried her on his back so gallantly. Although hurt himself, the bodyguard had saved her and taken her to the Healers. He had practically saved her life.

Ghost was usually polite and courteous, never inappropriate or too friendly as to invite unwanted attention. As if that was possible! All the maids sighed and gossiped about their slightest encounters with him. His casual words were dissected, analyzed and interpreted for any hidden meanings.

However, the maids kept their admiring glances to themselves as much as possible because it was well known that Lady Shuang had her eye on him too, never mind that she was to be married into House Zhang. If you did not want to live a life of misery with increased duties, one does not cross Lady Shuang or openly covert what she considered hers. Ghost was technically her bodyguard and thus categorized as 'hers' until his dismissal.

Everyone wondered if Ghost and Key would follow Lady Shuang to her new home at the Grey Islands or the handsome bodyguards would be reassigned elsewhere in House Zhai. They hoped it was the latter. With Lady Shuang gone, there was a chance that Ghost might just turn his attention to one of them. But all hopes were dashed now that he was seen with another girl!

Su felt hurt and a little betrayed. Her allegiance was to Lady Shuang and House Zhai. If that woman was one of them, it wouldn't have been so bad. But the girl who was holding Ghost's hands was a total stranger! She was definitely not from House Zhai. Shouldn't they have first pickings? She felt they had a claim on Ghost since he was practically one of them.

Su felt it her duty to report the incident to Lady Shuang. Suddenly, she felt an unprecedented closeness with the lady. They were in the same boat. It was them (the women from House Zhai) against the brazen vixen. This was important news to Lady Shuang.

"Is she pretty?" asked Lady Shuang.

"Yes, she is," answered Su reluctantly. She could not deny that the maiden had a sweet face and a nice figure.

Jealousy reared its ugly head.

No wonder Ghost never even looked their way. Someone had already captured his heart. That minx!

So what if she was getting married to Lord Zhang or getting acquainted with Lord Yuan, Ghost was her bodyguard. Hers!! He should not be with someone else when she had not given him her express permission. Why was he meeting up with another woman when she was punishing him for ruining her date with Lord Yuan? He should have gone somewhere quiet to reflect on his mistakes and beg for her forgiveness later. Instead, he had taken the opportunity to meet up with a hussy?

Shuang gnashed her teeth. How infuriating! She would teach Ghost a lesson when he got back. She would punish him appropriately and then make him stay close by her side so that no one else would get him. She would not allow him to leave her even for a second, then he would not have a chance to go anywhere or to meet the mysterious woman.

Much to her frustration, Ghost did not return the whole day. When she asked Key, he couldn't tell her where his partner had disappeared to either. He reminded her that he had been guarding her all this time and had no communication with Ghost since she dismissed him.

She grew angrier and more jealous by the hour. Scene after romantic scene played out in her head. What was Ghost doing with her? How could he betray her like this?

Ghost was too brazen and needed a good punishment to remind him of his place, she thought. She would think of something when she came back.

When evening came, she decided to meet Lord Yuan. He had mentioned he had an idea to save her from Lord Zhang without making her father angry. If there was a way, the least she could do was listen to his offer. Who knows? It may be feasible. The more options she had, the better. It was still not to late if the formal public announcement had not been made.

She'd show them all. A lady like her should not be forced into a marriage not of her choosing even if it was her duty. She refused to be sold off like some cattle to further her father's ambitions. Lord Yuan was giving her an option. She would listen to all her possibilities and make a decision for herself. She will make her own fate.

"You, stay here and wait for Ghost," she instructed Key. "Tell him to remain here when he returns and wait for me. I want to talk to him! He is not to go anywhere without my express permission, understand?!"

"But, I'm suppose to protect you wherever you go," protested Key. "If you're going somewhere, I should follow."

"No need. I'm only going for a short walk for some fresh air and to calm my nerves. There is no danger. I'll be back soon to rest before my Engagement banquet tomorrow."

"Tell Ghost to prepare for his punishment! I'm very angry with him!" she said stomping off to her rendezvous.

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