Chapter 02

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Shie Hassaikai base,
Meeting room,

Third Person's POV

"Then, we have come to a conclusion?" Izuku stated joyfully, her palms clamped together. Kai nodded his head in agreement, while Tomura kept his mouth shut. During the second meeting, he was the only one who remained quiet, only speaking up when his lover insisted.

"Ah, Midoriya. Why don't you and Shigaraki join us for lunch? It will be my treat." Kai spoke up nicely, his voice full of sincerity to invite them to eat together. Izuku secretly darted her harlequin irises to her pale blue-haired lover, scanning his figure. When she turned to Kai back, she mustered a meaningful smile.

"I greatly appreciate your generous invitation, but I have to turn down, unfortunately. I have another meeting to attend." The female greenette kindly rejected, her head tilted slightly while her eyes closed, faint pink shades dusted her face.

"That's a shame. Well, I can't complain here, can I? I will meet you again in the next meeting." The yakuza leader extended his gloved hand to shake hand with the League of Villaind' shadow leader.

Izuku was flabbergasted by his drastic action. Never once Kai wanted to shake hands with her. It was only necessary since he was germaphobic. However, today was different.

Staring at his palm, Izuku shakily stretched out her arm before shaking hands with Kai. Her lips curled into a force smile, sweats trickled down the side of her face.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again in the next meeting too." Politely, she responded to him. Standing up from the couch, Tomura followed her action. The couple walked out of the office. Behind them, Kai was tailing to send them off to the entrance of his hideout.

"Bye bye!" Izuku waved a last goodbye for Kai before she and her boyfriend left the yakuzas' residence. Kai waved a hand to her too silently observing her leaving the lawn of his residence.

Hari, who was watching his boss the whole time, stared at Kai in silence. He was confused on why his boss was still trying to win Izuku's heart, despite acknowledging her relationship with the League of Villains' leader.



League of Villains' lair...

"Heh, so that bird guy asked Izuku out?" Dabi raised an eyebrow while he chewed on his food. Izuku had agreed to cook katsudon for everyone to repay their hard work and success in mission.

Tomura's appetite died down when Dabi said that. Just remembering Kai's face already enraged him, but he kept it quiet, knowing that Izuku disliked it when he brought up the same issue all the time.

"Tomura-kun is jealous~" Himiko cooed teasingly at her boss. Tomura almost smacked her head but Kurogiri hurriedly stopped his young master from going berserk. "You lunatic!!! Come here! Let me decay you!!!" The light blue-haired man struggled to free himself, desperates to murder his most mischievous subordinate.

"Jeez, stop fighting during dinner all the time!" Izuku scolded the two as she placed down another bowl of katsudon on the dining table. Spinner had a wide smile, a trail of drool on the corner of his lips. "Thanks for the food!" The lizard man clapped his hands before digging in the food.

Izuku chuckled heartily, satisfied to see them eating her cooking. "Now, I'm going to check on the toddlers. Make sure to wash the dishes after eating." She reminded, shaking her index finger.

Izuku left the dining room and went over to her two daughters' room. She crept open the door slightly, peeking through the small gap. The twins were fast asleep. Sighing in relief, the mother shut the door close. Thank goodness the commotion and noise didn't disturb their beauty sleep.

Deciding to head back to the kitchen, Izuku made her way toward there. The villains were still arguing among each other, fighting over the food.

The young woman shook her head, a small smile carved on her face. This kind of atmosphere was what she loved about the villains.

"Come on, you guys are not kid anymore. I will make more for everyone!" Izuku exclaimed cheerfully, grinning at her family members. Yes, family. They were her new family. The people she treasured the most in her life.


(Dabi and Tomura have their own rooms but each night, they will take turn to sleep with Izuku in her room.)

In Izuku's room...

"No, no... Izuku is going to sleep with me tonight. You already slept with her last night!" Tomura argued, slaminng the table in disapproval, his crimson irises glared dagger at Dabi. The ravenette pretended to be deaf, ignoring his sharemate's complaint and rambling.


"Dabi, Tenko..." Izuku eventually left the bathroom. The two men's eyes shot wide open. An alluring royal blue nightgown hugged Izuku's beautiful hourglass body.She twirled the tip of her curly hair. Her long, thick eyelashes fluttered as her soft, sexy lips curled into a seductive smile.

Oh. God.

Izuku walked over to her two boyfriends before she sat between them. "...Izu, what are you..." Tomura was at loss of words. Since when Izuku could act so hot and seductive?

"You mentioned it yourself this morning...about..." The female shyly looked away, embarrassed to utter that word. Her attire didn't match her shy personality at all.

Hearing her explanation, Tomura smirked lustfully. His gloved hand rested on her flat stomach. "Well, are not you eager, babe? Don't worry, we will pleasure you... If that is what you desire." The bluenette whispered into her ear dangerously.

A wide naughty grin graced Dabi's scarred face. He leaned close to her neck and gently bit down on her sensitive spot. "Ooh, little bunny, are you sure about this? Don't underestimate us.."

Izuku felt shivers running down to her spines. The way them acting so dominant over her made her very submissive.

"I-I'm sure-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the two beasts attacked their prey..

- Meanwhile -

The twins' bedroom...

Kurogiri's POV

....OH DEAR.

"Giwi! Giwi! Miwlk!" Kurona cooed hungrily at the me, her tiny hands reached out to me. I sighed and fed her with powder milk... Since her mother was too busy.

"Gi-Giwi... Uwaa!!!" Nashiro bawled her eyes out. I went over to her bed, patting her stomach and stroking her hair to calm her down. Her eyelids slowly fell shut again, soft snoring slipped from her mouth.

Good. She is finally asleep again.

Now the only one left...

"Giwi! Buwny, buwny!" Kurona, who was finally down with drinking the milk, pointed to a white rabbit plush. I picked it up and showed it to her. "This?"

The toddler clapped her hands happily. I walked over to her bed and gave the stuffed toy to her. She hugged the bunny plush lovingly, as if it was her kid.

So long like her mother..

These kids are nothing like their father at all, except for their appearance. But in term of personality, they seem to inherit more of Izuku's traits.

The loud crying from Izuku's room almost caused me to vomit here and now. Why were they so loud and energetic at night?

Sighing, I closed the door. I could barely hear the noise which was a relief.

Huh, I think it is better if I sleep here only.

I'm too scared to leave this room...

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