Chapter 04

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Shie Hassaikai base,
Underground facility,

Third Person's POV

Nashiro giggled adorably when her mother tickled her belly. "Yosh, be a good girl and don't interrupt Mama's work, okay?" She cooed at her little girl lovingly. Nashiro waved her arms in the air, her eyes grew big from excitement, happy to have a mother-daughter bonding time with the female adult.

"Okie!" Nashiro replied earnestly with her own baby language, making Izuku chuckled heartily. "Um, I don't want to trouble you, Overhaul... But do you feel bothered if Nashiro stay with me during our meeting?" She asked, her wide smile just now turned into frown, saddened by the thoughts of having to separate with her daughter.

Chuckles slipped away from his mouth. Kai looked at her, his closed-eyes signified he was pleasent with her. "I don't feel bothered even a little. She can stay with you, if that will assure you, Midoriya. Of course, you can also leave her to my subordinates if you want.." His voice was filled with what seemed like odd pleasure, as if the baby's presence made him happy.
Seeing his positive response, the greenette smiled softly at the yakuza leader. Never she expected someone as cold-hearted as Kai would be fond of children. "Thank you, Overhaul. You are the best." She thanked him happily.

Note : Izuku didn't know about Eri being the crux of Kai's plan.

But Nashiro wasn't happy at all when she heard the man's voice. She remembered everything her father taught her about this sickening human species called "Birdman".

- flashback -

Tomura pulled out a voodoo doll resembling Kai's appearance, perfect with his plague mask and his villain's outfits; green coat, black button-up shirt, white tie and a pair of black pants. He showed the voodoo doll to Nashiro, who seemed quite intrigued by the doll.

The light blue-haired toddler tried to take away the doll from his hands, but he shook his head, telling her not to do that.

" Listen, Nashiro. If you ever see this man with this mask, kill him. DEFINITELY. KILL. HIM. Because he wants to hurt Papa, Daddy and Kurona, and then take Mama away from us. So promise me you will kill him if you see this little birdie, okay?" He said sternly, earning a determined, firm nod from his cute daughter.

"Yosh, now that's my little girl. You are really Papa's daughter." Tomura picked her up and nuzzled their noses together.

"Papa! Papa!" She called him out excitedly, before adorable giggles escaped her mouth.

- Flashback end -

"By the way...what is her name again? Nanako?" Kai slowly approached the two females. He stared at the little human being in Izuku's arms, observing her attitude and expression.

"Her name is Nashiro. Shiro for short." The mother gladly introduced her daughter to her business partner. "Don't worry, she is well-behaved. She loves interacting with people she just meets. Come on, say hi to Overhaul, sweetheart." Izuku held her small hand and waved at Kai playfully.
Nashiro didn't listen to her mother's order. She looked away in disgust, shocking the two adults. "I-I'm sorry, Overhaul. Usually, she isn't like this. Perhaps she is in bad mood..." She remarked questionably, confused with Nashiro's odd rude attitude.

"It's fine. Well then, shall we start our meeting now...?" Kai was quick to change the topic. Obviously, he was annoyed with the little girl's impolite response. Luckily, Izuku was too oblivious to notice or she would feel upset if she was ever to find out.

The two people walked into Kai's office, both sitting facing each other. Izuku seated Nashiro next to her. The baby surprisingly sat beside her mother obediently, not moving an inch.

In fact, she was actually glaring at her archenemy; the birdman called Kai Chisaki, also known as Overhaul.

Seeing her mother chatting happily with the brown-haired male irritated Nashiro. In her still childish, immatured mind, she thought that no other men could talk to her mother in such friendly way.

Only her fathers could talk to her mother happily like that.

Decided to catch Izuku's attention, she started crying loudly, halting their conversation. Izuku swiftly picked her up and stared at her dearest baby in worry. "Pardon for the intrusion, Overhaul. I think she is hungry. May you leave for a minute? I want to feed her." She politely asked in guilt.

Kai, slightly feeling unpleasent, unwillingly got up from the black couch and left his own office. Izuku zipped down her shirt and pulled up her bra. She patted her back as Nashiro sucked on her bud, drinking her milk hungrily.

"Shh, shh. There, there... Shiro good girl." Izuku cooed, before she began singing a lullaby for her beloved baby. Nashiro's eyes were already half-lid, sleepiness taking over her mind.

After finishing feeding Nashiro, the little blunette fell asleep. Izuku fixed her bra and zipped up back her shirt. "You can come in now." She said a little loudly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping bean.

Kai entered his office back along with Hari and Irinaka. Izuku smiled upon seeing the three figures. "Oh, hey, Chronostasis, Mimic."

"How is your child?" Kai questioned monotonously, his gaze fixed on the small blue bean in her arms. "She is fast asleep. Now we can continue our meeting peacefully. Someone needs to look after her though." She said in awkwardness.

"Mimic, you will babysit that little girl." Kai didn't waste any time and instructed the manager of Shie Hassaikai. Irinaka didn't fight back, though he disliked the idea.

"We just finished making the perfect, completed drugs. I'll be happy if you take a look at them." Kai smiled slightly beneath his plague mask. "Sure. Well then, Mimic, I will leave Nashiro to you." The woman gave the angry plushy a small smile before walking out with the two men toward another room.

Irinaka stared at the sleeping baby in distaste. "Just because you are stronger than Overhaul... Don't mean you can boss us yakuza around! Ugh!" He ranted to himself in madness, dissatisfied with Izuku's treatment toward them.


Several minutes passed, Irinaka started to grow impatient. Wondering why they were taking so long, he decided to go to them too.

The little plushy turned to look at the baby on the sofa...

... Only to find the couch was empty. "What the—" His gaze fell on the backdoor that was slightly opened, which connected the dots now.

"Crap, did that brat leave the room—!!"

Irinaka rushed out of the office, heading to where Izuku and others were...


Somewhere in the base..

Nashiro waddled in the hallway joyfully, feeling happy to be able to play by herself. But her track came to a halt when she saw an iron door. It was slightly opened, signifying someone was in there.

Being a curious toddler, she walked toward the door with her stubby legs. She peeked through the small gap, and a wide excited smile decorated her face when she saw an older girl sitting on a bed, cowering in fear.

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