Chapter Twenty Four

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"Well, I don't like him already," Hannah declared staunchly as she took a bite from her sandwich.

Luckily, Dr. Benjamin was occupied the day Corrie announced Edwin's impending arrival to her friends. Though Christina had not openly expressed her disapproval, Corrie had always known Christina was skeptical of their courtship. Corrie had to admit that her relationship with Edwin paled in comparison with Christina's with David.

"Hannah," Christina reprimanded.

"What? I don't like this Mr. McAlister. He doesn't speak to you for months, and now he's going to show up here out of nowhere? What kind of beau is he?"

Corrie smiled softly though shame chased her. "We can't all be as lucky as you and Mr. Fletcher."

"Still, it's not fair to you. You deserve someone who knows you and really treasures you."

The face that instantly appeared in Corrie's mind brought an unwanted blush to her face. "Edwin's very busy and has little time to write letters."

One hand on her hip, Jack asked, "What I want to know is why he hasn't joined the army. Hasn't he signed up for the draft?"

The blush on Corrie's face intensified with embarrassment. "He...he didn't have to sign up for the draft because of his family."

The ire on her friends' faces forced Corrie to look away from them. She wasn't proud that Edwin had bought his way out of the draft, but she also understood; he hadn't wanted to interrupt his law degree. On the other hand, thousands of men had left their families and careers to go to war. Hadn't she abandoned her degree for her sister and the war? Why was Edwin somehow more important than they?

"Just give him a chance," Corrie pleaded. "He was so kind to me in New York, and he was there for me when I was alone."

"We will, Cor," Christina assured her, squeezing her hand.

Corrie closed her eyes for a moment, steeling her composure. She could see the pity in the downward turn of Christina's eyes, and it made her angrier and more ashamed than she wanted to admit. It wasn't her fault that Edwin didn't love her as much as David loved Christina; it wasn't her fault he was a coward; it wasn't her fault he'd barely spoken to her in months. 

Corrie rose from her seat and excused herself to get some fresh air; she could no longer endure the pity or the shame. Leaning against the wall in the hallway, Corrie drew a steadying breath and let the murmur of conversation fade into the background. Edwin would be arriving this afternoon, and she was still an undecided wreck.

"Hello?" a voice called from the entrance of the practice.

Corrie was instantly afraid it would be Dr. Benjamin and then reassured herself that he wouldn't call out for someone in his own practice. When Hannah didn't emerge from Christina's room, Corrie straightened her skirt, gathered her composure, and walked to the foyer.

The man standing before her startled her into stillness. "Ed...Edwin?"

She felt the blood drain from her blanched face as she took in the dapper young man she hadn't seen in months. Despite his long train trip, his suit was pressed and pinstriped with double buttons. He wore a hat with a matching cane, and his dark hair and mustache were groomed to perfection. He smiled when he saw her, his teeth dazzling.

"Cornelia!" He tossed aside his cane and rushed to her, taking her by the shoulders and kissing her on both cheeks.

Completely startled, Corrie stood immovable as he greeted her, unable to respond in word or deed. Edwin was here, standing in front of her. His expression was jovial and charming, and she remembered why she had been captivated by the man in the very beginning.

"'s good to see you," Corrie murmured.

"You as well, darling. It's been far too long. I do apologize for not coming sooner," he said while setting his hat on the table and unbuttoning his waistcoat, "but I fear I've been much too busy. However, I could not stay away from you any longer!"

"I trust your trip was satisfactory?" Corrie asked, letting the conversation fall into banalities so she could gather her thoughts.

"Quite uneventful. This area is so bucolic. I understand why you wanted to move to New York."

Setting aside her surprising offense at the slight, Corrie asked, "Why are you here, at the doctor's practice?"

"Well, I arrived an hour ago and deposited my things at that charming bed and breakfast. Then I went to your home, and your mother directed me here. She was quite obliging and mentioned that you spend much of your time at the medical practice."

At the jealous light in his eyes, Corrie chided, "Of course I do. It's where Christina stays."

"Of course," Edwin responded. "I hope you're free for the rest of the day? I'm sure an afternoon is more than enough time for a tour of your little town, and your parents have invited me as well as your sister and aunt for dinner."

"Well, I...I work at the post office, and my sister is just inside."

Corrie beckoned to the hallway, but Edwin cut her off, "Oh, I'll be able to meet her this evening, and I'm sure you can find someone to take your place at the post station. In a town can't be very busy."

"I suppose I can spare the afternoon," Corrie murmured, trying to find grace for Edwin despite his constant insults of Irvington. Had not she herself ridiculed and debased her hometown as archaic and antediluvian? Was his judgment not based on her own?

"Are you quite alright, Cornelia?" Edwin asked.

Corrie looked up and her heart softened at the concern in his drawn eyebrows and wide eyes. "Of course."

"Shall we?" 

Edwin offered her his arm and she accepted it.


"Ah, this must be the young Mr. McAlister I've heard so much about!" Oliver declared when Edwin and Corrie arrived at the Walkers' front door.

"Mr. Walker, it's a pleasure," Edwin said, removing his hat with a grandiose bow. "Thank you for gracing the world with your beautiful daughter."

Corrie blushed under the praise and joined her mother as Edwin and Oliver engaged in a conversation about the upper echelons of New York society.

"Darling, he's perfectly charming," Anita whispered under her breath into Corrie's ear as they walked arm in arm to the dining room. "Such a gentleman, and so very handsome."

"That he is," Corrie answered. "It was kind of him to visit."

"It's about time he visited," Jack harrumphed from behind them, her voice echoing loudly enough for Edwin to hear her.

Jack and Mr. Bricker had just brought Christina from the hospital, and Anita's conspiratorial smile faltered at the sight of her eclectic sister. "Jacqueline, how good of you to come. Let's bring Christina to her seat."

In the dining room, Oliver and Edwin were admiring Oliver's gold handled cane and Corrie was forced to touch Edwin's arm to draw his attention from the conversation and introduce her sister and aunt.

"Edwin, this is my sister, Miss Christina Walker, and my aunt, Miss Harrison. Christina, Jack, this is Mr. Edwin McAlister."

"Charmed," Edwin murmured as he kissed both of their hands. "I'm quite flummoxed as to how the Walker family has so many beautiful, unmarried young women."

Jack frowned at him, one hand cocked on her hip, and Christina's face flamed. Corrie wondered if he had already forgotten that Christina's beau was in France, but for the sake of the dinner, she said nothing.

"Let's eat, shall we," Anita interrupted, distracting everyone from the uncomfortable moment.

"Of course. And what delicacies have you prepared, Mrs. Walker?" Edwin inquired.

"Oh, Mr. McAlister, I assure you we're quite able to keep a cook," Oliver explained, puffing out his chest. "I am the mayor, after all." After taking a generous bite of mashed potatoes, Oliver continued, "We're glad to learn that you are still courting our daughter. We were concerned her independent ways and long absence may have driven you off."

Corrie blushed and was grateful for Edwin's quick defense. "Oh, of course not. I rather admire Cornelia's independence and dedication. It is, of course, rather difficult to court her with such a distance between us."

"Yes, it must be difficult to be so far from the ones you care about," Christina interjected, her face a brooding storm cloud.

Jack, not one for subtlety, explained, "Christina's beau has joined the Army and is stationed in France. What a reminder for all of us to be grateful for what we have."

Edwin's face reddened and he sputtered, "Oh, Miss Walker, please do accept my concern for your suitor. It is such a tragedy how many of our young men are in danger."

"It's just a relief that you have not been pulled into the melee," Oliver said, and Corrie felt her face redden at the stark difference between her parents' perspective and that of her own.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Edwin said, "Miss Walker, I'm very glad to hear that you're recovering."

"Thank you," Christina answered, tight-lipped. "I owe it all to Dr. Benjamin. He's been such a great doctor and friend over the past few months. He was there for me and my family when we needed him."

No one in the room except for perhaps Oliver missed the jab at Edwin's prolonged absence. Edwin raised his eyebrows and readjusted the napkin on his lap, glancing at Corrie.

"Yes, so I've heard."


I've been waiting to post this chapter pretty much since the very beginning. Did anyone catch the Pride and Prejudice reference? Am I the only one impressed by how easily Edwin disguises his insults? Also, thanks for getting Sharing Corrie to over 900 reads! It's getting so close to a thousand which is just incredible. 

I also wanted to let you know that I may not be able to post regular updates for a while. I'll do my best, but my family is facing some horrible news right now and that's going to be my priority. 

Thanks ahead of time for understanding. I hope things will improve soon and I can return to Wattpad with my full focus. 

~ Hannah

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