Chapter Twenty Six

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 Corrie frowned as she examined the gown Edwin had given her. It was a soft shade of mint, matching the color of her eyes, with a high waist and a v-shaped neckline. Corrie never would have chosen such a dress for herself, but she had to accept Edwin's generosity. It irked her that he still spent money so frivolously despite the war, but he had always pampered her with extravagant gifts. Perhaps he was trying to give her a glimpse of the life they could one day have.

The dress, however, wasn't merely the gift of a doting beau; over the past few days, Edwin and her parents had arranged to throw a lavish party, supposedly in support of the war effort. It was just like Edwin to host a party within days of arriving in the town. The dress was to be Corrie's attire for the evening, and though she would oblige, she had no desire to parade around in fine silk on Edwin's arm. She would prefer to sit down and talk about the future realistically. Edwin spoke in generalizations while she desired specifics. If they were to wed, when? Where would they live? What would she do? How could she still support Christina? When would she go back to school, if ever?

Edwin, however, dismissed all of Corrie's concerns with a wave of his hand and a vague sentiment on everything working itself out. Corrie sighed and returned the dress to her bed, grabbing her hat and walking to the hospital. With Edwin occupied in planning the festivities, she had time to breathe and visit the friends his arrival had required her to neglect.

Corrie reached the practice at lunch time, hoping to intercept all of them but especially Dr. Benjamin who she hadn't seen since Edwin arrived. She knew he was likely keeping his distance, but she realized she missed him even though they no longer spoke as easily as they used to.

"Hello?" Corrie called.

"Back here!" Hannah's voice echoed from Christina's room, and she found Hannah, Jack, Dr. Benjamin, Mr. Fletcher, and Christina crammed into the small room.

"Good morning!" her friends greeted her.

"How's your week with your handsome beau?" Jack teased though Corrie did not miss the dark flash in her cornflower eyes.

Corrie blushed, glancing quickly at Dr. Benjamin who evaded her gaze. "Oh, it's fine. He's busy this morning, and I haven't seen much of you all in the past few days."

"I've seen far too much of you and Edwin," Christina teased with an eyeroll.

Laughing nervously, Corrie's eyes shifted from friend to friend. There was a restless undertone to the conversation; it was no secret that Christina, Jack, and Hannah disapproved of Edwin, and Corrie blushed to consider what Dr. Benjamin must think.

"What's happening on the Western Front?" she finally asked, deflecting the conversation away from herself and gesturing towards Christina's array of newspapers.

Christina squinted at one of the papers. "Quite a bit, but our soldiers aren't fully engaged yet. David says the rations are already getting smaller and they haven't even started fighting yet. A few men caught the flu and died already."

"When will soldiers arrive here?" Corrie asked, finally letting her gaze rest on Dr. Benjamin.

He raised tortured eyes to hers and she nearly gasped at his expression. She had always treasured Dr. Benjamin's cheerful good nature, but it seemed to have dissipated. Dark bags gathered under his eyes and a permanent wrinkle formed between his eyebrows. His eyes appeared empty and forlorn even as he attempted a smile.

"Perhaps the end of November," Dr. Benjamin answered simply.

Uncomfortable silence fell over the small group, and Corrie wondered if she had failed to veil her feelings well enough as they all seemed aware of the tension. For the first time in months, Corrie felt as if she didn't belong. The feeling reminded her of the time she had leapt into an ice cold lake, plunging into the freezing water. She felt as if cold instantly washed over her and she knew she could not stay here any longer. Her presence was an aggravation to her friends rather than a balm.

Perhaps she did not truly belong in Irvington; by the vacant and avoidant gazes of her friends, she felt like a stranger among those who had been her friends. For once, she wished she were with Edwin instead of those she considered her closest companions. Perhaps she was only a sojourner here and belonged elsewhere.

Squeezing the brim of her hat between her fingers, Corrie cleared her throat and murmured, "Well, I suppose I'll leave you to your lunch. Perhaps Edwin needs me--oh, my parents are holding a last minute party this evening to welcome Edwin. I hope you'll join us? It'll be at our home."

Hannah glanced at her brother and then answered, her voice boisterous against the silence, "Of course I'll be there! I've scarcely met Edwin, and he certainly needs the approval of your friends."

Corrie smiled gratefully at the girl, her unease soothed. Jack also guffawed her agreement, and Corrie promised to send Mr. Bricker for Christina.

"Mr. Fletcher?" Corrie hesitated. "Dr. Benjamin?"

Mr. Fletcher smiled. "I'd be glad to attend if only to keep Miss Benjamin out of trouble." Hannah giggled and shoved him playfully, the two exchanging an amorous glance.

"And you, Dr. Benjamin?" Corrie asked, again raising her eyes tremulously to his.

His gaze wandered to the window and his hand raked through his hair. "I'm afraid I must decline this evening, Miss Walker. Please offer your parents my regrets. Perhaps I shall meet Mr. McAlister at another time."

Offering her adieus, Corrie evacuated the room as soon as she could, stumbling into the street and towards home. Her heart rattled in her chest and she felt tears threatening in her eyes. She had known for months that she cared more about the doctor than she should, but she had not truly considered that perhaps she was not alone in her feelings.

Corrie thought about the garden she had tended at the Howards' home. No flower could bloom without both sun and water. Corrie was the water, silently feeding the growing feeling between them and giving it the strength to rise. Dr. Benjamin was the sun, bringing the feelings to life. Corrie knew that what rested between them was no longer simply her own inner musings and dreams; as soon as she'd seen the look in his eyes, she'd known this was between the both of them now. It was material, tangible, and she knew she needed to deny these feelings of sustenance. They needed to wither and die for both of their sakes.

Glancing at the way the pale winter sun shadowed the cobblestone streets, Corrie reminded herself that she did not belong in Irvington; she belonged with Edwin.


Corrie smiled wearily, accepting congratulations from yet another matronly gossip for having such a handsome beau. Invitations to Edwin's party had attracted a marvelous reception among the town's more esteemed citizens as they flounced about in their finest clothing, trying to smooth talk the rich young man that the Walkers had somehow managed to hook. Corrie noticed more than one backward glance at her and whispers behind hands, but she was too distraught to much care. With Edwin doting on her, their gossip could do little harm.

"My dear Cornelia, you look entirely too pale. Allow me to fetch you a refreshment?" Edwin offered, giving her a charming smile.

"That would be wonderful, thank you," Corrie acquiesced, propping herself against a nearby wall for support.

Though her decision to focus on Edwin had brought relief, it had also engendered a great sorrow for all that she would leave behind in Irvington. She would remain here until the end of the war, but the end was now set in stone. She would leave, and if all followed the current trajectory, she would leave with Edwin.

"Here you are, Miss Walker," Edwin said, approaching her and grandly offering a cup of punch.

Corrie sipped it if only to avoid conversation for a moment. Edwin's extraversion had allowed her to remain silent all evening, only offering pleasantries and banalities to those with whom she wanted no association. The only guests she truly wished to see, Christina, Hannah, and Jack, wisely remained cloistered in a corner of the room, avoiding the attraction of censure and gossip. Every so often, Hannah sent Mr. Fletcher on a mission of mercy to fetch them sustenance.

"Cornelia, will join me in the center of the room?" Edwin asked suddenly, attracting her attention.

"Oh...of course," Corrie said though he was already leading her by the hand to the very center.

Ringing his spoon against his glass, Edwin gathered the attention of the guests, and they all turned to him with curious smiles. Corrie caught sight of her parents, and barely had a moment to register their smug expressions before Edwin began to speak.

"To the esteemed residents of Irvington, I thank you for welcoming me to your quaint town and for producing one of the most beautiful and accomplished young women in my acquaintance. Miss Walker and I have been courting for nearly a year now, and though the war has forced us to endure a separation, I hope it shall remain brief." Corrie barely withheld the gasp that fluttered up her throat at the direction in which his soliloquy was going. He turned to face her, his expression earnest. "Miss Walker, Cornelia, these past few months have brought me great joy and your presence in my life has bettered me. I wish to let these months continue to years until we are both gray and old."

Corrie, as well as the entire household, could no longer contain a gasp as Edwin knelt to one knee and brandished an exquisite, ostentatious silver ring embedded with a magnificent diamond.

"Miss Cornelia Walker, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"


Holy crap! I guess we all probably saw this coming, but a public proposal? What do you think Corrie's going to do? We'll find out in the next chapter, but unfortunately that won't come for a few weeks as I'll be traveling overseas! Let me know what you think :)

Thanks so much for your support! See you in a few weeks.

~ Hannah

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