28th May 2023

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Hi guys. I hope you're doing well.

Week: 21st May to 27th May 2023

Apart from one or two sunny days, this week was mostly cloudy. However, Storm has changed it schedule. Instead of late afternoon, it comes around 7PM IST. Dear, Storm. If you're reading this, please give this chapter a vote. I'll appreciate that.

Hobi aka Jhope of BTS, posted his selfie on Weverse. He completed his training and got back his phone. And I'm glad that I got to know this from his Weverse post. I hope he's safe there, his privacy doesn't get breached, like Jin and His fellow soldiers treat him respectfully.

Jungkook came live this week. I'm happy I didn't miss this one. Though, I wasn't happy at the moment (for personal reasons).

ARMY was taking about an article, mentioning Jimin's recent comeback, his solo album "FACE", is "partially successful." What? If mid-way charts change their ranking criteria, sabotage sales counts, that made FACE partially successful! I guess Hybe was expecting much higher numbers. But seriously Hybe is টাকাখোর রাক্ষস, রাজাকার। Looking at the price, it's still a high number. But I'm worried that Jimin might think that his effort isn't good enough, which isn't true. Luckily, to lighten up my mood, Jimin & V came on Weverse & Insta. Thank you so much guys💜.

Now coming to the elephant in the room, A.I. Honestly, I have a not-so-good relationship with it. Back in 2018, 2nd year of my post-grads, we had A.I as one of our subjects. In my understanding, A.I is a machine with engineered intelligence like a human. It has its circuits programmed like our nervous system. Some A.I needs our input to function (like a kid) and some can take input from their environment or past experience (like an adult). However, (goss, I'm crying rn), my professors didn't agree with the "machine" terminology. "Like 'machine' means our 'everyday computer', which A.I is not", they insisted. And this not only hindered my interest towards the subject, but also hampered my progress. A.I & machine learning was one of the sole reasons, I ditched the path of pursuing Programming as a career. I was like, if this ain't for me, I'm outta here. Some may think, I'm over-reacting. But I said what I felt. And I'm crying as I'm revisiting those memories. I feel intense heaviness and emptiness in my chest. 

I thought that maybe programming wasn't my thing in the first place. So I should pursue my drawing & storytelling interests instead. But, what do you know, A.I showed up. Again! I accept the fact that A.I. is the future. And I'm okay with it too, as long as it remains as a "tool", & doesn't become "the better human". 

Last week, my sister showed me a reel which had A.I cover of the Hindi song "Ishq wala Love" in Jin's voice. From then, I'm looking for such tools to make an A.I cover of Bengali song in BTS members' voices. Wish me luck.

This week, one fine day, for some reason, I recalled "Kiteretsu Daiyakka". I searched for the episode list on Wikipedia. But I could see on 75 episodes in the list! It has to be 331. So, I searched for English subtitle for the Last episode; but I found subtitles for ep 1 only. So I was looking for translating the episode in English.

Again, I'm saying, I'm okay with A.I, but a little of it at the same time. Varun Mayya, an Indian Youtuber, brought some clarity on the subject, while also discussing & acknowledging the fear around A.I. His video on A.I really helped me, eased my fear. I haven't seen someone from programming background, would also backup the concerns & complaints of Artist community. I remember, he called himself an artist though. 

The point is, A.I is everywhere. Even in wattpad, I guess. My key concerns are, A.I may not remain as a tool to benefit the human, but become one; Big company would use indie artists' hard work to plagarize it for their own profit, leaving artists to starve; and lastly, "A.I artist", in my eyes, people who label themselves as such, I've mixed feelings about you guys. An artist, be a painter, writer, sculptor, singer, rapper, dancer, actor, photographer, digital artist etc. all give their physical labour. Whereas A.I art can be generated by typing out few keywords in a A.I art generator and for that you call yourself "an artist"; I would say, the A.I art generator is the actual "artist", not the human. 'Cause, the A.I is doing the hard work, the human is just "typing & pressing a button". (Maybe it's time to see the Jetsons in real life) I have maybe gone harsh here, but if you're an A.I. artist, please share your process so that I & many others can have a better understanding on it.

Lastly, my request to all the artists, using A.I or not, please don't steal someone else's hard work and call it your own. Don't make profit of it, coz Corporation houses are doing it way before the A.I; and only artists can voice the concerns of other artists and also can help others in this chaos.

So, that's it for today. I hope you liked it.

Do let me know your thoughts on A.I. I would love to hear them.

See you in the next chapter.

Take care.

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