Chapter 3: Wolf Unleashed

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    It had been four days since Sharrie and Laeraen had been locked up. About once or twice a day, someone would come by and throw them some food and candle sticks. It wasn't very comfortable, but Sharrie was at least able to move. Laeraen had still not been freed from his chains, and Sharrie could see bruises forming where the metal touched his skin. He looked very tired. The chains were stopping him from getting a good's night rest. Yet he didn't complain once. 

    Around noon, their captor came in, with a few men pulling a huge crate between them. Sharrie got up and dragged Laeraen out of the way. Sharrie had almost completely healed herself. Sitting next to the small fire, and letting the light strengthen her weak body, Sharrie was able to stand in no time. She had been giving Laeraen all of his food. Not feeding him, but close. She had tried to heal him countless times, but she wasn't as good as she had hoped to be. 

    The crate was dropped in the corner, and Sharrie heard metal clash against metal. She winced. One of the men came over to Laeraen and unlocked all of his chains and let him loose. Then took the metal chain away and brought in a small wooden chamber. Sharrie knelt down and checked to see how Laeraen was doing. He was still asleep, but he had marks all over his body from the metal. His skin looked sickly pale. 

    Haladen walked over to Sharrie and Laeraen. He looked at them with disgust. "I'm sure you have noticed this boy's... er, talent. He can make an endless possibility of-... Just about anything. I need him to make me a few things, and I need you to power them with your light." I scowled.

    "I won't be helping you with any of your stupid projects." He raised his hand to hit me, but then slowly put it down and smiled reluctantly. 

    "If you do not help me now, then your brother will suffer!" With that he left the room. The men who brought in the big case brought out papers from their pockets. One of them told me that they were blue prints, then they left too. Locking the gate behind them. I looked at the papers. They made absolutely no sense to her, but she was sure that Laeraen would understand them. She set his small body against a few rocks and walked over to the crate. 

    When she opened it, she saw tools, lots of different screws, and metals, papers, and woods. Sharrie wasn't very good at making things but she took out a few pieces of wood and tried to screw  and nail them together to make a chair. Sharrie spent almost thirty minuets on it. She was almost guilty for using Laeraen's things. Almost.  In all honesty, Sharrie didn't think it was that bad. She propped it up and walked around it, observing. 

    It had a wooden seat that was just a square chunk of wood. There were three legs. Two of the legs were just big sticks, and the other half had one big block. The backrest was metal painted like wood, strangely enough. I tried it out. It wasn't that sturdy, and wobbled the way you leaned. I fell out of the chair. 

    I heard a laugh and jumped. I turned to see Laeraen smiling at me. I frowned and turned away from him. I moved the chair over to the table and then turned to Laeraen, blushing.  He was still smiling. He gestured for me to take him the chair. I sighed, and did as he requested. He raised his eyebrows at the crate. 

    "Haladen brought it in. He wants you to make him weapons and stuff. I think, I couldn't read the blueprints. I don't want you to do it." I said. He grimaced. 

    He obviously didn't want to build what Haladen ordered, but he shook his head with sadness, and said: "He Threat?" 

    I nodded. "My brother." He scowled. He moved around a little. Enjoying the freedom of being, well... free. He tried out his legs, trying to stand up. He fell down, and hit his head. It's my time to laugh now. He shoots me a dirty look, then turns to the chair I made, sitting in front of him. He points to the crate and mutters something about a small slab of wood. I grab a few things and bring them over to him. He seems satisfied and starts to tweak at my chair. I raise one eyebrow. 

    Laeraen finishes and I sit in it. It doesn't wobble or shake anymore. I smile, impressed. I set the chair over by the table. Then walked back and picked up Laeraen. I set him down in the chair. I suggested that he eat some bread I had saved for him earlier, and he did as asked. 

    We spent the next few hours talking, and Laeraen trying to walk. He finally got it after about three hours. He was a bit unstable, but with my help, he could walk good as new. 

    He finally decided to start building things. The entire time, we both had grim expressions. We didn't know what these machines would do, but we were sure they wouldn't help anyone with good intentions. After a while of Laeraen building things, and me being his assistant, we decided to stop for the night. We both curled up on different rocks in the small cave and fell asleep. 


    When I woke up, Laeraen was already awake. He was working on another project, the one from last night missing. "Where is...?" I asked, not knowing what to call the machine from last night. He pointed toward the gate and I nodded. "They came in a got it? When?"

    He looked at me. No expression. "Gone when I woke." He said to me. I nodded again. I did most of the talking around here. He seemed to understand my words pretty good, but he still gave me questioning looks every now and then. 

    I turned around to look through the tiny glass window on the left wall, and saw a familiar pair of eyes approaching quickly from outside. The sky made it clear it was still really early in the AM's because it was still kind of dark. Black hair bouncing, clothes whipping, I saw my brother running to the window at maximum velocity. It wasn't much bigger than a small pot or pan, not nearly big enough to fit me or my brother, yet he still punched it and it shattered. Before even trying to rescue me, he pulled me toward him and kissed my forehead. 

    Instantly after that he started to yell at me. Quiet enough so that nobody heard, but loud enough that I got the message. With that, he turned to black mist and he flew threw the window. I heard a gasp from Laeraen, and I turned to see the shocked expression on his face. Wolf, my brother, formed again into a regular teenage boy. He didn't notice Laeraen. He looked around and his eyes fell on Laeraen, and instantly ran over to him, and picked him up by his neck. Laeraen's face grew blue. Wolf started to threaten him, but Sharrie ran over and stopped him explaining how they had both gotten here. All the time, Laeraen was still hanging by his neck. Wolf reluctantly dropped him, and Laeraen fainted. 

    Wolf turned to Sharrie. "Let's get out of here. " He picked up the boy, after Sharrie convinced him to bring him. He rolled his eyes and turned to the window, to leave. He grabbed Sharrie's hand and adjusted Laeraen on his back. They all turned to black mist. They were just leaving, when a voice stopped them. The black mist turned around and solidified. 

    Haladen stood there with two me at his sides, a sword in hand. Wolf set the boy down, and instantly shot forward, double blades appearing in his hands. 



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