♥️✨Nakul's Nitya !!

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Pranipat !!
Yeah, it's me, NakulPutr Shatanika.

Ofcourse, as everyone I have a precious person who is my inspiration, my life, probably my everything, they are my parents, you must be suprised, I called them one person, yeah they are one, two bodies but one soul.

My father...
He is the son of King Pandu and Maharani Madri, blessing of Ashwini Kumar Nayashra. He's is the most handsome man on Earth and a very lovely brother, a caring husband, a responsible son, and the best dad. He was very loving to animals too, he treated them as his own friends.
Unlike other royals he was born in a forest, 15 years he lived a simple life, but unfortunately my Pitamaha, the great king Pandu passed away leaving Pitamahi Kunti and Pitamahi Madri as widows, my father and my uncles were left fatherless, ofcourse that would have been the most worst of times to them. That wasn't the only thing, like adding oil to the forest fire, Pitamahi Madri left them too, I'm sure it would have broken the family more, specially my father and Kakashree Sahadev would have felt very week mentally, afterall they were small boys, but by god's grace the brothers stood inseparable, they loved each other to no end, Pitamahi Kunti was very affectionate to pithashree and Kakashree, that they didn't feel the loss of their mother, the younger brothers looked on to their eldest as their father, their guide, Tatshree Yudhishtra took good care of his younger brothers.They then moved to Hastinapur with hope that they will get a loving family, yeah they got one, Pithamaha Bhishma, Pithamaha Vidur, Pitamahi Gandhari everyone were loving to them. They got love at the same time hatred too, my uncles, no I feel ashamed to call them that, they had insulted my mother so brutally, the Kaurav brothers, hated my father and his brothers, Gandharaj stood as a supporting pillar to them, one mistake of his, brought hatred between the cousins, they tried many ways to kill the brothers. Once they tried poisoning Tatshree Bheem and Nagraj Vasuki saved him. All the brothers then went to Guru Dhronacharya for their studies, ofcourse the 100 brothers created alot of havoc out there, my pithashree was the best swordsman among them, while my uncles were skilled in other weapons too, when they returned after 12 years, they were asked to show their talents, Gandharaj again tried harming Tatshree Arjun, but nothing can win the Pandav brothers. Guru Dhrona once came to Hastinapur and asked for Gurudakshina, and his command was to conquer Panchal. The brothers then went to fulfill their teacher's wish, the 100 Kaurav brothers were easily trapped by the Panchalas but my father and his brothers were invincible, single handedly they brought my Pithamaha Drupad to Guru Dhrona, Panchal was divided and one was given to Guruputr Ashwathama. After a few days, Tatshree Yudhishtra was announced as the crown prince of Hastinapur, this increased the anger and jealousy of the Kauravas. Those evil minded brothers once again planned to kill the Pandavas. They secretly asked one of their men to invite the Pandavas to Varnavat, yeah my father, his brothers and my grandmother went to Varnavat, they tried burning them alive in a palace made of lac. Somehow they escaped it and went to live incognito, very soon they reached Hidimb's forest, seeing humans Hidimb the king of the rakshas clan intended to kill them, Tatshree Bheem fought him and ofcourse Hidimb died, later on he married Badi maa Hidimba and Bhratha Gatotgach was born, unwillingly they left the place and came to Kampilya [Panchal] where my mother's swayamvar was held, as you all know very well, Tatshree Arjun won the competition in the disguise of a Brahman and when they came back home, Pitamahi Kunti unknowingly asked the brothers to share her equally, assuming her to be alms, and after a lot of hesitation my father and his brothers agreed to marry mata...

My mother...
She's the daughter of Maharaj Drupad and Maharani Kokila, blessing of Agnidev himself, my mother was born out of the pure fire, she was a delicately raised woman, being the most youngest among siblings, she was pampered by her family, ten elder brothers and a sister, my mother was so kindhearted, she befriended maids and was never rude to them, she is the most beautiful woman on Earth, a very loving wife, daughter sister and to everyone in our family she's a very respectful and caring person. Unlike all the others in the world she never had a chance to enjoy herself as a child, she was born out of fire as a 20 year old girl, she had to act according as a grown up woman and my mother was perfect in that. She had a sister and ten brothers who were all elder than her, they were very loving to her. She was raised like a fragile flower, till the time came for her to get married. Pithamaha Drupad conducted a swayamvar for mata with Mamashree Krishna's advice. The contest was based on Archery. And you all know what exactly it is. My pithashree and his brothers attended the swayamvar as Brahmans, when all the brave kings and princes lost easily, Pitamaha Drupad openly called the Brahmans to take part, as suggested by mamashree. Tatshree Arjun stepped forward and won the contest, mata garlanded him and when they reached their hut, Pitamahi ordered her to be shared UNKNOWINGLY assuming her to be alms.

As said before, my pithashree and his brothers agreed to marry mata after a lot of hesitation, but immense love bloomed between them, and they got well very well with each other.

I've just said a little about my parents, infact they possess many extraordinary qualities but today I want to tell you about the lovely bond they both shared. I've heard many people say that my pithashree shared a very lovely bond with my maa. I know many such incidents but one incident where they praised each other while advising me makes me think their the best ever couple.

It happened when I was a very young boy, when I had to get seperated from them for 13 solid years.

My mother was sitting in her room crying bitterly, I peeped in to see my father trying hard to console her in his embrace.

Being a very young boy, I didn't understand understand what exactly was going on. I ran inside the room.

"Maaaaa !! Pappaaa !!" I shouted while running inside, they abruptly wiped their tears and smiled at me.

Pithashree came forward and picked me in his arms and started cuddling me. I saw he was trying hard to control his tears, pithashree couldn't imagine staying away from me and Printha.

Me being a small boy, kept quiet not knowing how to react.

"Putra !! I'm sorry putra, take care of yourself and my gudiya Printha in pithashree's absence " he said as I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

"Your absence ?? What do you mean pithashree ?? Are you going somewhere ?? No pithashree I won't let you go, I can't live without you, I will DIE" I said while pouting not knowing that my words were breaking their hearts.

"No putraa" pithashree said as he covered my mouth with his palms and tears were flowing uncontrollably from his eyes...

My mother's sobs increased as she ran to us and took me from pithashree's arms, she hugged me tightly and broke down crying.

"Maa !! You're a cry baby" I pouted looking at her as she gave me a teary chuckle and kissed my forehead.

"Putra !! Remember I once told you your pithashree's story ?!" She asked me as I nodded in a yes.

Matha took me to another chamber nearby, so that pithashree didn't get to hear that, she wanted to tell me about Pitamaha Pandu and Pitamahi Madri, she didn't want him to get more heart broken due to those memories.

Mata pulled me on her lap...
"Putra !! You know right ?? When your Pitamaha and Pitamahi passed away, your pithashree was even younger than you. Just think how much broken he might have felt without both his mother and father...you have both of us putra, but it's fate !! It's fate separating us from you. Your pithashree didn't lose hope putra, he was brave, I want you to be brave like your father. He loved his brothers more than anything, I want you to do that too. He didn't go against your Tatshree Yudhishtra, I want you to follow your jyesth Bhratha, never go against Prathi Bhratha, come what may, all the five of you should be inseparable" maa said.

"Will you listen to mata ??" She asked me.

"Yes maa !! I promise !!" I said as she smiled and kissed my forehead.

I ran to my pithashree and saw him in deep thoughts, I know he was trying to find a way to console and apologize to my mother. I went slowly and back hugged him tightly.

"Pithashree !! I promise to be a good boy, I will always take Prathi Bhaiya as my guide, I will take very good care of Printha, I will make sure she doesn't miss you and mata" I said as pithashree gave an extremely proud look to me and hugged me tightly, probably for the last time in thirteen years.

"Putra !! You're symbol of my love to your mother, my little lion, I'm very proud of you, I will wait eagerly for these thirteen yearsof end, I know my Putra is the best. Be brave as your mother. Your mother is a person who has a never giving up mind. A person who cares more for others, she forgets her own happiness for others. I want you to be like her my son." Pithashree said.

Very soon my Pitamaha came and took me and my siblings to Panchal. Being a small boy, I still didn't know how horrible it will feel to be separated from them. Slowly I started understanding that, the worst times of life but my Bhratha Prathi didn't allow me to get upset. He always kept us engaged.

But now I realise how they adored each other while advising me.

I do remember the time we meet after those 13 years. The happy smiles I saw in their faces gave me bliss.

My parents had reached Panchal. I heard from a servent, I felt really different, a peaceful feeling, now I can sleep peacefully with my head on my mother's lap, I can freely do anything afterall my father is there to stop me if I'm wrong. I don't have to fear anyone regarding being a perfect person.

"I'm proud of you Shatanik" these words from my parents made me feel I had achieved the goal of my life.

Though I am not married, I learnt from them, how to respect a person, not only spouses love each other, even siblings do and many.....

My parents thought me how to respect and love others, they thought me to give up never.

I remember how heart broken they were when me and my brothers left them forever.

All I wanted then was my parents to live as the cheerful and lovely couple as they were and my gudiya Printha to live a peaceful life.

Love you maa !!
Love you pithashree !!
I don't know what penance was done by me to be born as your son, my penance now is to get the same blessing in all my births.
Proud to be...
❤️Nakul and Nitya's apple of eyes'...
❤️MadriNandan and KokilaSuta's symbol of love...

Accept regards from this proud son of Panduputr Nakul and DrupadDulari Nitya !!

Hey friends !!
Hope you liked the one shot,
Please do let me know your views.
Thank you for your time and support,
Stay safe, Bye !!

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