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"I said it as a joke." A complaint came from the maw of Duskleap.
"You still said it." Russetroar rumbled with amusement.
"I'm still eating mice for breakfast!" Duskleap lashed his tail, taking this all too seriously. Frostberry padded on the other side of Duskleap with her ears flat and simply watching her paws cross the earth. She really hoped all of this was simply a bad dream. That her clan was going to be fine and she made a mistake. She didn't care if cats thought of her as a liar after this, as long as her clanmates were alive. Russetroar glanced over at her and flicked his tail in discomfort. The cat had always been strange in his opinion. She always flinched when spoken to, when she didn't start the conversation, followed orders without question from any cat bigger than her, even from other clans, and she all and all was a simple coward. How well was she taking this? The large russet ginger warrior didn't dare ask, not wanting to have a glimpse of that goes on inside her head. Yes, she was his medicine cat but there was a reason she was a medicine cat and not a warrior. A good one.

As they made it closer to camp, Duskleap sped up and took the lead up the switchbacks that led to the gaping hole in the side of the mountain where they called home inside a cave. A waterfall roared from the back of the cave and a path carved by water led down the mountainside to a glistening blue lake beyond. As the cats climbed the stones they where mere ants compared to in size, the sun was slowly sinking behind the mountain, not yet being eaten by the land beyond. They just had to get the message to the queens, elders, and apprentices then evacuate the warriors to the forest. Padding into camp, Duskleap felt a wave of anxiousness and fear wash over him. It wasn't from his own worrisome heart, but from his clanmates who feared for their lives. Ashstar must have told them the predicament.
"Are they going to help us?" Pebblepaw squeaked from his sister's side.
"If not what would we do?" Cypresspaw leaned into Pebblepaw with her pretty orbs stretched wide with uncertainty. Swiftpad sat near Pebblepaw and when Cypresspaw began to shake with fear, the skinny white she-cat curled around her kits numbing soft words. Alpinerush padded over to his mate to help comfort his daughter.
"Pearstar is probably like Spiderstar and will enjoy our ruin..." Frogthorn grumbled with distaste next to Goosespiral.

Cats around mumbled in agreement with Frogthorn's words. Russetroar growled softly before throwing his head back in a howl for his clanmates' silence. Once cats quieted down and Ashstar padded out to see her patrol who she sent to DuneClan, Russetroar began to speak.
"Pearstar has decided to help," The tabby began. It was as if the whole clan had been holding their breath as sighs of relief flooded from the cats, "But only our queen, apprentices, and our elders. They will be given sanctuary in the medicine den of DuneClan. Warriors will have to move to," the sound of Russetroar's voice faded as Duskleap sought out his brother. The tabby shouldered past a few whispering she-cats and located his brother sitting with Cherryjaw, their tails entwined. Duskleap rolled his blue eyes before galloping over, "This excitement enough for you?" Duskleap tossed his words playfully at his brother,
"Oh stars, Duskleap, you have no idea." Cherryjaw cut in. Snakegaze narrowed his eyes,
"I saw his eyes light with excitement the moment Ashstar announced this threat."
"You're making me sound like a bad guy!" Snakegaze grabbed her by the ear and tugged at it angrily, "If someone dies then I'll feel bad but at least something new is happening!" Snakegaze defended himself. Cherryjaw snickered lightly and licked Snakegaze's chest while her ear was in his jaws, "Oh stop. You don't have to explain anything to me."
"Ugh just have kits already." Duskleap gagged and shook out his pelt. Cherryjaw scoffed, "Oh please, like Snakegaze here could ever get someone like me." The she-cat spoke highly of herself. Duskleap chuckled deeply before looking over the cats all listening to Russetroar. He already knew the plan having discussed it with his father on the way back to camp.

These cats all looked up to his father. In all honesty, Ashstar seemed to as well and it was a deep shock when she chose Ripplecoat to be her deputy. Russetroar, of course, thought nothing of it but Duskleap thought he deserved it. The dark brown tabby's eyes scanned over the cats, eyes studying each reaction and soon his blue orbs connected with sage green eyes. The russet tabby across the camp from him seemed more interested in Duskleap or some cat behind him then Russetroar. Duskleap tilted his head and glanced behind him seeing Frostberry and Cedarthorn. He brushed it off as the other warriors' curiosity in the situation Frostberry was in.
"We head out now. Goosespiral and Ebonyskip will lead the apprentices and Frogthorn to DuneClan while we head to the very heart of our forest." Ashstar called to her cats. Duskleap snapped his head away from the slim fluffy tabby and looked at the more lithe Ashstar. Cats rose to their paws all around, Alpinerush and Swiftpad fussing over Cypresspaw and Pebblepaw. Alpinerush had a grave look in his eyes as if this was the last time he'd see his kits. StarClan wouldn't do that to any cat. Would they? They did it to me. Was all that rang inside Duskleap's head as he followed his brother and Cherryjaw into the forest.

As the cats of BeckClan climbed down the switchbacks of their mountain, the sun began to be swallowed up by the great land beyond. This was it, the very last dusk any of these cats were prophesied to see. A silence hung in the air as the stars above began to light. Into the forest BeckClan went, paws brushing blades of grass, ears flicking, and low whispers. Duskleap looked ahead to see Snakegaze and Cherryjaw gently lean into each other. Duskleap couldn't help but feel alone. It had always been him and Snakegaze chatting away. Now it seemed it was the occasional talk and sharing prey in the mornings. No cat really interested him in BeckClan, or DuneClan for that matter. The tom shook his head as the cats swarmed into an open clearing and Russetroar called instructions, "No cat leaves this clearing. The bushes on the edges by the bigger trees are fine, but wolves like to roam the forest at night. It's best if we all are close to each other. Sleep in groups, it's warmer that way and safer." With that cats began to disperse to the groups of cats they knew well.

Duskleap padded over to a large haricot she-cat he knew as Redwing. She had always been nice and motherly to him,
"Hi Redwing, mind if I join your group?" Duskleap asked gently.
"Of course not dear! We're taking over here." The she-cat led Duskleap over to a flowering bush and slid inside it.
"Hi." A low voice a smooth as honey and as kind as a queen spoke. Duskleap blinked through the branches and met sage green eyes, "I'm Alderstride." The tom introduced himself with a flick of a russet orangish ear. Duskleap flashed a smile, "Duskleap."
"I know." A rumble came from the tom that sounded like laughter mixed with a pleased purr, "Son of Russetroar, all cats know you." The tom shuffled closer to the stem of the bush and put his chin on his white paws. Duskleap took that as the end of the conversation and curled up a few branches away. He felt Redwing settle in the leftover space of the bush and her breathing began to slow. Duskleap's blue eyes peered out into the clearing and watched as cats chose spots and settled in for sleep. Most cats chose bushes but a good-sized group curled up in the center of the clearing, deciding that being one big pile would be best. The tom smiled softly seeing Snakegaze and Cheeryjaw in a bush with Brindlelight and Sootwhisper. Duskleap's eyes slowly blinked closed and his tail wrapped closer to his body.

Snores echoed around camp, nothing loud but definitely snores. Duskleap found it hard to sleep in the grass instead of his moss nest. He was half awake when a small,
"Hey." Came from next to him. The tom turned an ear to the direction it came from and rose his head. His muzzle faced the way his ear had moved and he met those sage green eyes again,
"Alderstride?" Duskleap yawned,
"Can't sleep?" The warrior asked and blinked through the branches.
"No... too worried. What do you think will happen if our camp caves in?"
"Come with me," Alderstride spoke softly before leaving the bush, brushing off the question. Duskleap stared at the place the tom has just been before slipping out of the warmth of the makeshift den.
"Where are we going?" Duskleap stretched a back leg and looked skywards. The moon was at its highest peak. Why did Alderstride need him at this time of night?
"Not too far, promise." Alderstride led the way to the place BeckClan had entered the clearing and exited it without a second thought. Duskleap got a little frustrated the tom wasn't answering him and opened his maw to protest but shut it and looked behind him. Russetroar was asleep with Ripplecoat, Ashstar, and the medicine cats. Duskleap flicked his tail before he padded after Alderstride. A walk wouldn't hurt any cat.

The two toms padded through the night, the moon lighting the forest floor dimly. Duskleap glanced at Alderstride as they walked and watched how the moon made the russet warriors pelt gleam with a faded flame color. Alderstride suddenly lifted his tail for them to stop and Duskleap peered forward to an empty clearing. It was an open clearing with beautiful untouched tall green blades reaching skyward. Alderstride cast a charming smile over his shoulder at Duskleap before leaping into the field and the blades exploded with small glowing bodies. Duskleap's pupils went into full moons as he watched Alderstride leap through the grass sending twinkling lightning bugs into the air. The dark brown tom stepped into the field after Alderstride and began to bound around trying to catch them. The original thoughts about the caving in of BeckClan mountain were lost as he frolicked with a fellow warrior through a clearing of flying stars.

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