𝟐𝟗 | Touché

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Cover above by TheOfficialSemiloore (actually she made two sef) I love you babe🥺🤍

Chapter dedication; Mykolsgoldpants. My book is the first Nigerian book she's reading and I am super excited! Y'all should show her love and spam her with more Nigerian books recommendations :)

When love is not madness, it is not love.


Isoken Issa bae👉🏽👈🏽:
(2 unread message)

You mean, you said nothing?! Like freaking nothing and RAN AWAY?!

You're a fücking idiot babe!!!!😂😂


Why are you mocking me???

I've never been so close to a guy like this and now, I ditched him!

Stop mocking me and helpppp!

Isoken Issa bae👉🏽👈🏽 is typing...


The little text bubble dances along the screen of my WhatsApp chat page indicating that she is getting ready to reply. My forehead wrings out and causes little droplets of perspiration to cascade down my forehead.

Typing typing typing...

The menacing three dots seems to be mocking me as I bite hard on my lip, expecting a sane reply from Isoken. Who am I kidding? Isoken can never be serious-minded even if an armed robber was to have her at a gun point.

I confided in her about my unfortunate mishap just because she is the only one out of my friends that I could tell. Telling Kiki would be kinda weird since it involves her brother and telling Jide or Jerry, that would be an utter no-no talkless of speaking to a jerkhead Jamal or my overprotective elder brother.

Not wanting to see her trifling and witty reply, I swiftly exit WhatsApp and once again enter YouTube for the umpteenth time since I woke up hours ago. No I didn't take my bath, I did not even brush my teeth, neither have I changed from my nightgown. I have been surfing the YouTube over videos like;

'Is it normal to be shy when asked out?'

'How to act on a first date.'

'Signs to know that a guy likes you.'

'Is kissing possible on the first date?'

'Ten hidden facts about Superstar teen Model, Tobias Pirah.'

'The beginning friendship of Tobias Pirah and the Triple-J.'

It is sickening that as time goes on, my mind would start wandering to stalk his personal life and every single thing I can lay my eyes on.

"Aramide...you still here?" As if I am caught redhanded in the middle of a mischievous chivalry, my new phone slips out of my hand and successfully lands on the other side of the bed. My heart does an automatic reverse backflip as I take in my situation under two seconds.

The brand new Samsung phone that Uncle Tee painstakingly bought for me, (apparently Ayo made up a gullible excuse about my old phone hence the new one) was about to get crashed just because of my clumsy stupid self.

"What is your problem?!" I transfer my aggression on Derek as I retrieve my phone from his side while smacking him on the chest lightly. His face morphs to a flash of pain causing my reflective instincts to jump in.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Derek. What was I thinking!" I scramble frantically on his bed as I rush to his side in a jiffy. Derek underlining condition of asthma surfaced last night and I was beyond terrified. Flashbacks of how I saw him battling with his life in this same house and when he was on the hospital bed months ago haunts my memory.

Nobody – including my guardians, Cheryl, and the household staffs, had a good sleep at all till the early hours of this morning.

The family doctor could not make it since the Lagos state Government put a stupid curfew down and we were left to deal with Derek alone. I didn't want to be in the personal space of Cheryl last night when Derek was having the attack but for the sake of him...I persevered. Even though she was giving me the most deadliest and filthy glare subtly, I persevered.

I cried all night and refused to leave Derek's side even though he was much better. It wasn't easy to sleep very well, knowing fully enough that someone was battling with his life.

"Look at her, scaredy cat." Derek's voice reels me out of my reverie. My forehead creases in confusion and a tinge of annoyance, as my mouth hangs open in disbelief.

Did he just..trick me?

So this is how Ayo felt when I used my condition to beg him for a piggy ride? Oh, come on!

"I hate you." I manage to utter through seethed teeth as I attempt to get up from his bed. His hand clamps mine down, therefore halting my movement.

"Th–the look on yo-ur face guy..." He tries to complete his mocking words but falters when he notices I am not in the mood for his early morning charades. "Okay I'm sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you..I guess." I snap my hand out of his hold and grab a random pillow that was previously tucked under his head.

"Don't. Be. A. Dämn. Jerk!" With every word that comes out of my mouth, I use the pillow to smack him hard as he laughs and tries to use the duvet as his protection.

"I'm sorry okay?" His voice is muffled as he continues to laugh at my poor attempt of being angry.

"Hey kids, wh..." Derek hysterical laughter tones down a notch and I freeze mid-air with a pillow clutched tightly in my right fist. We both look like barbarians that are caught in the middle of a crime scene. "I can see you guys have turned to wild animals overnight." Uncle Tee mumbles in sarcasm as he allows himself to enter the room fully.



We say the same time as we look for a reasonable explanation. I shoot him a death glare as he rolls his eyes and subtly kicks me under the duvet.

"Uncle Tee! Der.."

"Dad! She is.."


"Stop it both of you." My uncle mutters and rubs his head wistfully as if asking: "God why?" I stick my tounge out at Derek as he slowly uncovers himself from under the duvet. My eyes almost bulges out of its socket when I realise he has been shirtless – all these while.

"I came here to check on you son, and now you're fighting your sister that stayed up all night by your side?" Uncle Tee has this weird inclination that I am his daughter and often makes Derek and Cheryl see me as a sister also. I am not too surprised when the real sister aka Cheryl, didn't last up to an hour after Derek's health was stabilized.

"I said I'm sorry. I've apologised before you came dad. Didn't I sis?" He shoots me a mocking look as he deliberately gives a perfect show off with his shirtless torso. I huff and finally get down from the bed. I can see through his antics and I won't fall for it.

"Of course Kiddo. You apologised and I am yet to forgive you." I mutter with a sweet smile. Uncle Tee shakes his head in a despicable manner at our exchange but doesn't say anything. He moves over to the bed and places his hand on Derek's forehead asking him if he is perfectly okay and all. I almost awed at the fact that they had a sweet father-and-son relationship when my phone pings on the bed.

My head knocks into alertness noting that I was supposed to receive a reply from Isoken since.

Aggh stupid me!

It did not matter that I am far away from the bed. But Derek deemed it fit to pick my phone from his side, and read my text message out loud before I could grab it.


Isoken Issa bae👉🏽👈🏽:

Okay I'll stop laughing and help you.

I don't really know much about senior Tobias but babes, I'm sure as hell that he needs a good fück. Likeeee, have you see you? You've gat the thick thighs, long legs, moderate body that any guy would kill to manoeuvre his hands all over.

Anyways since you're being such a petty weirdo, I've already replied him for you.

So he's coming to pick you up at 3pm today. Dress peachy and sexy too😏


And of course, Derek smirks triumphantly as I fume and snatch my phone from him. Uncle Tee is staring at my phone with a stern look as he opens his palm and beckons for it.

"Give me that phone. Now!" He commands with an air of authority and I am left to scream in my head internally.

Damn you Derek!

I slugglishly place it on his palm and stomp my foot on the ground after promising to deal with Derek in my head. The idiot is even laughing at my predicament and I quickly throw a random paper from his reading table and target it into his open mouth when uncle Tee wasn't looking. Good.

"Follow me." Uncle Tee commands as he shoves my phone into his kaftan's pockets and walks out of the room. Leaving no room for any explanation whatsoever.

Oh God. I'm so screwed.

Isoken and Derek have both killed me!

"Sweetheart, it is perfectly fine to have these hormones as a growing teen..." And here I am, listening to the long lecture Onome has been offering me ever since uncle Tee finished his own lecture and thought maybe if I listen to his wife, her own lectures will enter my head. As if. "..who cares about raging hormones when there are sexy guys out there, looking for a girl like you?"


I stare at Onome incredulously as she flips her bone straight wig over her shoulders and unconsciously uses her hand to soothe the slight bump that is already bulging from her stomach.

"Onome, you're supposed to be..scolding me?" I state, more like ask in confusion while she giggles.

"I know I know. Dämmit!" She gets up to off the gas and comes back with a steaming bowl of strawberry custard and bean cake. "Hmmm food." She stirs the custard repeatedly and allows the milk to sink in before scooping a spoonful into her mouth. The scent of the strawberry flavour whooshes past my nose causing my stomach to resound silently.

"Jesus, that thing is hot Onome!" I flinch when she gulps it and takes a big bite out of an akara(bean cake).

"It's hot? And it tastes too lukewarm for my liking." She creases her face in a frown and gives the custard a once over before shrugging and shovelling all the contents into her mouth again.

Okay. Pregnancy sucks a lot--Lesson noted.

"Sooooo, back to our 'Onome lecture 101'." She grins and use the serviette to wipe a stray spill on the cheek. I anxiously wipe the back of my hand on the hem of my nightgown. My uncle and his wife both read the a-z of my WhatsApp chat with Isoken and the supposed guy we were talking about.

Trust me it was eye-cringe-worthy to behold for a supposed innocent teen like me.

Blame Isoken not me.

"You know, I was once a teenager like you. I passed through the teen challenges, the cliche love triangle, heartbreaks, being drunk and high, getting into trouble with white asses and what not." She smiles as she reminisces on her teenagehood memory lane. "Looking back now, it may or may not be worth it."

Standing from her stool meticulously, I am slightly hooked to her story as she keeps talking.

"You know, the Bolanle's have this exceptional tendency of being possessive, jealous or egotistical." I raise a brow at her statement. That cannot be hundred percent true because uncle Tee possesses none of those characters. But the likes of my brother, Cheryl, Chief Justice Bolanle, Uncle Makanaki and co, let's just say it is true.

"I don't think I posses such traits. And your husband too." I mumble in my defense as I tuck a loose curl of my hair behind the ear.

"You have it in you sweetie. It just can be a recessive trait yunno? And don't forget, you also carry the genes of your father who isn't a Bolanle. So it is possible that his genes suppresses those of your mother inside your DNA." I cringe as the words roll out of her mouth. Hearing her speak about my mother is kinda disheartening to think about. Not more about talking about my father that I have zero clue about.

Sometimes I wonder..is he dead? Is he alive? Who is he? What does he look like? What was his relationship with my mother?

"Your uncle was such a jealous brat." She scoffs and scoops another spoonful of custard. I almost choke on my saliva at her statement. "I'm not kidding at all. Flashback to when I knew him through his twin sister which is obviously your mum and my bestfriend..."

And she divulges into the story like a kid going to Disneyland for the first time. She even narrated how he would do outrageous things just to be with her. And the most hilarious of all was when uncle Tee went to jail a couple of times because of the fights he got himself involved in, back in Dubai.

Oh wow.

I never saw my gentle and sweet loving uncle as a jealous monster in million years to come.

"...and he begged me that day like never before. We made up and had a steamy sex on the beach."


I'm fed up for real. Too much information that is crumbling the wax in my ears.

"Umm.." I nervously cut her short as she yaps about that single sex, leading to the pregnancy of Cheryl.

"Oh my, I am boring you right? I'm so sorry I got carried away!" I smile tight-lipped and shuffle my legs awkwardly.

This is so weird on many levels.

"All in all, I wanted to assure you this..." she trails off and does a dramatic pause before speaking again. "I trust you so much and since I want you to learn from your own point of view, you are thereby permitted to go for the date."






Utter silence

"Stop sitting there like a dazed moron. Get up and pick a sexy outfit. Now!" She all but pushes me out of my seat to the foot of the stairs.

"How can you prefer Bruce over Tony?!" I screech in horror causing Tobias to smirk amusingly on his own seat.

"You're so adorable when you act pissed." He compliments and throws a handful of popcorn to his mouth. I blow my cheeks out and cross my arms over my chest defensively.

Turns out that he kept to his word and came to pick me exactly at 3pm. Uncle Tee kept mumbling that I wouldn't dare move an inch out of his house if I went on that date but Onome promised him a blissful night if he let me go and of course, he agreed. And I am rest assured that a blissful night means rounds of uninterrupted sex.


I am donned in a blue and yellow patterned off-the-shoulder long sleeved top that is tucked in a clinging high-waisted jeans trouser. I simply wore my favourite neon sandals and packed my natural hair in its best fro style after doing my sleeky edges also. My butterfly silver necklace chocker decorates my neck spectacularly. Trust me I didn't come up with all these alone – Onome helped in giving me the cutest look ever (according to her, not me).

When Tobias came, he was looking so dashing, elegant, dexterous and handsome in a dangerous way. Our first interaction was awkward because of me. I was so intimidated and overwhelmed by his calibre of a person and I was scared Cheryl might end up knowing that I went out with him. Trust me it wasn't funny at all. The conversation was one-sided as guilt about how I ran off on him kept gnawing my guts.

He laughed it off when I brought the matter up and cheered me by buying a tub of ice-cream when we passed a drive-through. Since then, I became more relaxed in his presence and eloquent in my speech instead of stuttering like I did initially.

We are currently at Genesis cinemas, watching the latest release from the DC movies – Wonder woman 1984. I almost kissed him when he knew what I loved--any action movie and giving me a Marvel or DC movie? He just automatically made my day!

"You're incredible for thinking Batman is better than Ironman." I singlehandedly ignore the fact that he just insinuated that I look adorable when I act pissed.

"Have you seen Bruce Wayne seriously? Like come on. He has the epitome of dominance and..." I drop my popcorn with a thud and face Tobias squarely. I can forget about the movie this instant afterall, DC isn't my favourite compared to Marvel.

"Are you aware that Ironman was Spiderman's uncle in Spiderman: Homecoming? Have you ever imagined the whole Marvel family without Ironman? Okay let's talk about when he died in Endgame! That alone broke my heart into tiny pieces." A couple behind me, glares spontaneously as my voice raises an octave higher. Sinking myself in embarrassment on my seat, I swiftly mumble an apology and stuff myself with popcorn.

Tobias dunks his head back on his seat and chuckles in fit of quiet laughter. The crystalline effects from the movie casts a perfect silhouette around him and he looks so..surreal. I quickly avert my eyes when he sees I am watching him closely and we are once again, cooconed in the abode of silence.

As we watch the movie silently, I could feel his keen stare on my side profile throughout – I was so tempted to ask what was interesting about my face, but I evaded it and pretended it was nothing. Reaching a very interesting scene of the movie, he says something that tugs my heart.

"You're so beautiful, little one." It was so sincere and heartfelt that I thought my heart would rip out of its place. He then intertwines our fingers together on the handrest and gives me a last glance before facing the movie fully.

If my heart has not shredded before, it has now evaporated into thin air and sweet nothings.

Is that the end? Of course no!
The next chapter will be Part 2 of their date/rendezvous🙂 that Ironman and Batman argument was between my friend and I. I felt like beating him for saying batman is better!

And some people are saying where is Jamal, Jamal, Jamal😂😂 who said she likes him?

Anyways, y'all can beat me, yell at me..do anything you want. I'm so sorry for delaying this update. I was doing a movie marathon and forgot about Wattpad for days. Hehe

First update of 2021! Wohooo🥳 and I am excited to do greater exploits this year. I would be doing book recommendations at every of my author's note, then I would be asking questions(Q). Yhyh I know I'm great🥰

Book recommendation; Chioma by DissoluteWriter
If y'all love YA, I bet you'd love this book so much.

Q:How has 2021 experience been so far?

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