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"Miles, can you please set the table?"

Miles dashed into the kitchen and weaved around his mom, grabbing the good silverware for the table settings. It was a special occasion after all. The Spidergang - and the newly introduced Petey and Eddie - were joining them all today to share the Christmas dinner! Miles hurriedly set out the flatware and stood back to admire the table. It was actually really pretty done up like this, even if it was a fold-out party table and their normal dining table shoved together.

"Did you finish the table?" Jeff asked when Miles fell onto the couch. The teen just nodded.

Things had been... good. When Miles got back from Petey's dimension, he'd been eager to make things better with his father, and they'd all sat down for a long, long conversation.

In the end, Miles had agreed to show his parents some of his powers, just so they were a little less worried all the time. They had agreed to let Miles continue with his heroism.

It was a good set up.

The doorbell rang, and Miles jumped up to get it. It was Peter, flanked by both Penni and Porker. They were all carrying various things - Penni had sparkling cider, Peter had pie, and Porky had...

"Is that a ham?"

"It is!" Porky said happily. "I baked it myself."

No one said anything about how very bizarre that was. Gwen was next to show up, then May and Noir, who were holding hands and toting a pan of green bean casserole.

"This is lovely," Rio said, holding the casserole close. "Miles and I worked on the Pasteles all day, they'll go amazing with this."

Gwen was next. She came empty handed, with decidedly mussed-up hair. Miles have her a raised eyebrow, but then Petey was coming around the corner, his own hair in knots, and Miles burst into laughter. "You two?"

"Oh, shut up."

Tony was right behind Petey, his sharp suit clashing so horribly with the dark and grimy apartment building. When Eddie finally showed up, everyone was starving and decidedly done with waiting.

Peter was already serving himself as Eddie sat down. "Hurry it up, man, I'm so hungry."

"And I'm not?" The familiar voice of Venom startled everyone, and as the alien separated from Eddie enough to manifest his face, Rio and Jeff both flinched away.

"V, we talked about this," Eddie said calmly, and Venom retreated. "Sorry everyone."

For a second, no one did anything, then Miles snickered and broke the silence. Everyone stared as the teen slowly built himself into a roll of laughter, his shoulder slumping and shaking as his eyes watered hard. He barely caught his breath before Noir was patting him on the back and he choked on his spit.

"I'm sorry, sorry, it's just-" Miles gasped a little, then continued. "I'm just so happy you're all here. I'm just-"

Miles looked around the table. Peter, who taught him how to be Spiderman. Gwen, who had become his best friend, and the others who had saved his butt more times than he could count. His parents, who were so open, and loving. Petey and Tony, who were quickly becoming some of Miles' favorite people to hang out with, and Eddie, who was funny and sweet and terrifying all together.

"I'm just really happy with you all here."

**A/N: And there's the end! I'm not happy with this one, guys, but my grandmother had a stroke this week and I wasn't going to make my deadline if I didn't cut some of the plot I wanted to explore, which is why it feels sudden. I'll fix it later, when I have some time and energy again lol. Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you in January!!**

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