May Parker

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Ganke was right - they couldn't exactly invite Peter, Penni, Noir, Porker, and Gwen into his bedroom, and Miles' apartment was out, too. There was one other person who would have the space for them all, and the decency to not make a big deal of it.

May Parker.

The Spidergang had thanked Ganke profusely, then headed out to May's house in the suburbs. She actually hadn't been too surprised to see them.

"And you, handsome, should really text more," she said to Noir as he came inside. He blushed - if blushing was possible in black and white - and then clicked his teeth and winked at her.

"Hey, doll, I don't exactly get time to go jitter-bugging."

Miles was looking between Noir and May with wild eyes. "You two? You're a thing?"

"We ain't going steady," Noir said.

"Yet," May added with a wink. Miles mimed throwing up.

May showed everyone to their rooms - Penni and Gwen were going to share Peter's old room, while Porker took the couch and Peter headed out to the shed. Noir claimed he didn't need any sleep, just 'a black coffee... black'.

Miles and Peter left the others in the kitchen as May worked on some food for them all. They were the first ones to notice the blurring effect, and they were going to be the first ones to start working on the case. If this really was another collider incident - if somewhere, there was another mad scientist or evil villain or crime lord trying to break through the dimensional walls - they needed to be ready, and they needed to get as close to creating a new goober as they could.

"Any ideas on where to start?" Peter asked. 

Miles shook his head. The problem was the dimensions themselves. A supervillain in Miles' dimension might be a completely normal citizen in one of the others, and a villain in one of their dimensions might be some random Joe-Shmoe in Miles', meaning tracking the culprit down was nearly impossible.

"Ganke said we could try running some program he designed to compare dimensions, so we could see what comes up as different." Miles passed Peter a goober from Ganke, and Peter settled into a desk chair in front of the main computer monitor.

Peter plugged in the goober Ganke had given Miles and got to work booting up the program. While it was loading, Miles' phone buzzed hard. He gave it a glance, then clicked it off and shoved it back into his pocket.

"A scorned ex begging for more?"

Miles looked down at Peter at the computer. "No. What? No."

Peter just smirked and went back to the program, which was starting to turn back results. Most of them were busts - the easiest and more obvious changes were the physical differences in time and space between the dimensions.

Miles' phone buzzed again, so he pulled it back out, declined the call, and shoved it right back in his pocket. Peter ignored it, but it buzzed again. This time, Miles turned his phone off completely.

"Seriously, who is it?"

"My dad," Miles said after a moment. "He's wondering why I'm not back yet. It's almost 11."

Peter looked down at the clock in the corner of the screen. "I had no idea it was that late. Do you need to get home?"

Miles shook his head. "I'll head back later. It's fine."

Peter hummed and shrugged a little before turning back to his program and watching for results. There were a few more interesting ones popping up now - some people were different in some of the dimensions, like how the mayor of New York City in Peter's dimension was the Governor of Jersey in Gwen's.

"Have you told him yet?"

"What?" Miles asked.

"Have you told your dad you're Spiderman?" Peter asked again, spinning around in his chair. "You should, Miles. You're 14, you need some support."

Miles shook his head. "Nah, man, I have plenty of support. I have Ganke, and May. I have support."

"You need your parents."

"I don't think I need your advice, Peter. You were, what, 15 when you became Spiderman? And you didn't tell anyone."

"I didn't have parents." Peter spun back to the computer, the temperature in the shed nearly 10 degrees colder. Miles had forgotten that - Peter Parker lost his parents. It was a constant across the dimensions.

"I'm sorry. I forgot, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Peter said lowly. "Listen, Miles, you are lucky. You know how rare it is to be Spiderman with parents? Porker, me, Noir, Penni - we've all lost our parents. And Gwen, she lost her mom. You still have both parents. You still have a home to do home to, a real home, a-"

Peter put his head in his hands.

"Miles. I loved my Aunt. I loved her so much, it hurt. She was the woman who raised me. But you know what? She wasn't my mother. She wasn't my mother. I loved her, but I stayed up late staring at photos of Mary trying to find myself in her image. You have something special. You have parents. Don't let go of that."

Miles was quiet for a moment, and then he sighed and closed his eyes tight. "I know. I know."

"And you think telling his parents would bring them all closer?"

Peter and Miles turned at the voice, and were shocked to find the rest of the Spidergang heading down the elevator. Gwen was at the front, her arms crossed and her face hard.

"When my father found out about my identity, he was angry and confused and hurt. And that lasted for months. You think it was worth it? You think I don't think about that day and wish that I could go back and hide it better?"

"So I shouldn't tell him?" Miles asked.

"No," Gwen said.

"Yes," Peter said.

Peter and Gwen stared at one another.

"Listen, I'll think about it," Miles said quickly, trying to diffuse the tension in the room. "Maybe I tell him, maybe I don't. We'll just see, ya know, like maybe I go to-"

The program beeped loudly, and Peter spun to read the results.

"We've got a hit," he announced, and the others crowded closer. "Looks like there is an identical signature through all of our dimensions, and I don't mean its the same person but in different places. I mean there's someone dimension hopping, and he's dragging us along with him. Well, dragging the whole dimension along with him."

Noir leaned in closed, his eyes narrowed a little. "Who is it?"

"Some kind of mutant," Peter said honestly, scanning the report. "Looks like it's a kid, but he's attached to an alien symbiote."

"Oh, shit," Gwen said. "Venom."

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