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The iPhone 11 sitting on the table next to me goes off and I look over at it. There's a message from a girl I went to high school with. Clicking on the message I'm directed to the Facebook page of the reunion.

It's been ten years since I graduated from Milford High School, in Lake Harbour. Which is a small town just outside of Savannah, Georgia? The population here is just over a thousand and we're a close community.

If someone was to go missing in this town people would notice. Which is why there has never been a missing person case open in this time. We often get drifters coming through, but that's about it.

Turning my attention back to the phone I read the invite.

Hey, Y'all.
Are invited to attend the ten-year reunion at Club 21. There will be assorted food and drinks on offer at the event. I'm looking forward to seeing y'all at the reunion. RSVP before the 22nd of June 2020.


Mischa Coleman

My finger hovers over the decline button as I don't really want to attend an event that everyone's going to. They're only coming to town for the reunion and heading back the next day or Monday, depending on if they get the day off from work.

I see the list of people that have accepted and click on it.

It'll make my decision easier if I know who's coming. If he's going to be there then I'll be there too.

Going through the list I see Austin's name and click on his response.

Austin Wilde: I can't wait to see y'all and find out what's been going on with your lives. I hope you've all had a great ten years.

A few people have responded to him, telling him they were excited to see him as well.

Hopefully, I can see him after all this time. I want him to see how much I've grown since the last time we saw each other.

There's a light tap on the door and I spin the chair around facing the entryway. "Come in."

The door opens and Mom drags her right foot across the ground as she enters the room. "Sweetheart, I need to go to my appointment. I'm not feeling that well and was hoping that you'd take me to it."

Closing the computer I look at the beautiful woman in front of me. She has dark hair and blue eyes that look like mine. Her clothes are hanging loosely off her frame. Her face is a bit white today.

Smiling at her I say. "You don't have to ask me to take you to the appointment. Besides, since when do I allow you to handle this on your own?"

"Since you started working for your father. You keep yourself hidden in here finishing off the tax paperwork. He should be doing that. It's his business, not yours." She leans against the wall and then holds it again and she drags her foot again.

I was drinking with my friends at the graduation party when I got a text. Opening it I see it's from my sister, Chloe.

Chloe: You need to get to St. Louis hospital. Mom had a stroke and we don't know if she's going to survive.

Me: I'm heading over there now.

Chloe: Good,

My phone chimed again and I see another message, but this time from the sister I'm closest too.

Kat: Where are you? I'll pick you up. You shouldn't be going anywhere alone.

Me: I'm walking down the street.

Kat: Which one?

I can't remember the name of the street.

Stumbling over a rock I fall flat on my ass and see a sign above my head. The phone rings and I answer it.

Me: yellow.

Kat: where are you?

Me: woolybutt ave.

I start laughing as it's a funny name for a street.

Me: do you have a woolybutt, sis?

Kat: You're drunk, Liz. Just stay where you are. Is there anyone with you?

Me: Nah, just on my lonesome.

My head starts to spin so I place it on the ground.

Me: Everything's spinning.

Kat: you better fucking stay with me, Eliza.

Me: I'm so tired. Need to close...

After that, I close my eyes and wait for my sister to get me. Hearing a car door slam I lift my head and see Kat standing there. Her eyes are narrowed and they hold a little anger in them.

"You should have stayed at the party until I got you. Being out here is dangerous."

Shaking my head. "Nah, uh. Have you heard of anyone doing anything in this town? Besides those people in the houses would have heard a commotion if anything were to happen. Being the small town we are, we know everyone and their business. We can't wipe our asses without the neighbours knowing."

Kat throws her head back and laughs. "Trust you to make light things out of a serious conversation."

"Blame the alcohol I was drinking." Standing up I walk over to the car and climb in. "How's Mom?"

"She's in the OR. They're doing what they can for her. All we can do now is wait and..."


She's the only one in our family that goes to church and that's her solution for everything.

"Can we stop by the drug store? I need to get something."

"Whatever you need I'm sure I'll have it in my purse."

Grabbing her purse from the back seat I go through it and find the painkillers I need. I take two tablets with a bottle of water that's kept in the glove.

When we get to the hospital I'm lead through different doors until we reach the waiting area. There I see my father sitting with my younger sisters, while my older brothers are sitting on the other side of the room.

"I'm bored," Nina says. "Can I go for a walk?"

"No," dad yells. "You're going to play on the phone I bought you and wait until we hear an update on your mother and then you can go home." Lifting his head up he looks at me. "I'm sorry we had to cut your celebration short."

"It's fine, Daddy. I wasn't having that much fun anyway."

Which was the truth? Austin ditched me the moment we got to the party, so he could see friends. He told me that he was leaving in a couple of days and wanted to spend time with them.

Grabbing the keys off the table I stand up and help Mom to the car. Opening the car door I hold onto her as she climbs in. "Thanks, Eliza."

"You're welcome." Closing the car door I walk over to my side and climb in. Starting the car o pull it out of the driveway.

Turning the radio up I start singing along to Walking on Sunshine.

Mom laughs and then she starts singing along with me. "It's been a while since we've done this."

"I know, Mom. It was so much fun when Kat and I put on a performance for you. Sometimes, I wish she lived closer."

Mom looks out the window. "I know. I miss all my kids being under my roof. Sorry, you're the one that had to step up and take care of me."

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