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Later that evening I am sitting on my bed with my iPad in front of me. I go onto Facebook and see a whole heap of messages on the reunion page. A few people have mentioned me and I look over the comments before I reply to them.

Lena O'Connell: Does anyone know if Eliza Donoghue is going to this? I would like to catch up with her.

Daryn Sanchez: Isn't she the girl that was with Austin Wilde all through high school?

Lena O'Connell: Yes, that's her.

Daryn Sanchez: She'll be there. That girl never made it out of town. I think she's one of the girls that liked being stuck in town and waited for the ten-year reunion.

That's bull. I was set to leave with everyone. Then Mom got sick and I stayed here.

Austin Wilde: You don't know anything about what she went through, Daryn. You don't know the reason why she stayed in town. Everyone in the town knows. Which is why all our parents seem to keep quiet about what happened with the Donoghue's.

I'm glad he stood up for me.

Daryn Sanchez: Does it have anything to do with why her Mom drags her foot around town? No one will tell me what happened.

Why can't he mind his own business?

Austin Wilde: That's none of our business. If @ElizaDonoghue wants to tell us. She will. Don't pressure her into doing something she doesn't want.

Why does he keep sticking up for me? We're not close like we once were.

Lena O'Connell: I'm surprised @AustinWilde that you're still protective of her after all these years.

Austin Wilde: She was my first love. I'm never going to not want to protect her. Eliza's going to see all this and I hope that she knows that I will always protect her from certain things.

He was my first everything.

Ronny Abercrombie: I'm married to that @ElizaDonoghue's sister @NinaAbercrombie(Donoghue). I haven't seen a member of that family since I left town. My wife isn't ready for me to meet her family yet, but I will be seeing them when we return home for the reunion.

Dwayne Cornwell: @ElizaDonoghue was the best tutor I ever had. If she came to college with us she would have made me work harder for my grades. I did try my best and remembered everything you taught me.

I'm glad he remembered the things I taught him. During the tutoring sessions.

He used to get distracted by the smallest things and I had to gain his attention back by asking him questions. He caught onto what I was doing and it brought a smile to his face. He told me that I was the only person that could bring him back from a distraction.

His teacher's had problems with gaining his attention after his friends would distract him with what they were doing the weekend.

I reply to Dwayne.

Eliza Donoghue: Dwayne Cornwell: Hey, Dwayne. It's good to hear that you tried your best during your college years. I've been following your pro football career and want to congratulate you on the newest season and contract renewal.

I continue to read the posts until I come to the end.

Eliza Donoghue: Lena O'Connell: Hey, Lena. How are you? I'm going to the reunion. I'll see you there.

Eliza Donoghue: Daryn Sanchez: FYI, it's none of your business why Mom drags her foot around when she walks. Since you want to publically announce it, she had a stroke. That's the secret the town is keeping. It happened the night of the graduation party. THAT'S ALL I'M GOING TO SAY ON SOCIAL MEDIA. NOW, STOP POSTING THINGS ABOUT ME.

Kat knocks on my bedroom door. "Liza, can I talk to you?"

"Come in, sis." I wait for her to open the door.

She walks over to me and takes a seat next to me. Opening Facebook she shows me the page I was on. Looking at my iPad she says. "Oh, you've already seen it?"

"Yeah, I told him what's wrong with Mom. People in this town are so annoying when they want to know something. A lot of my peer's parent's didn't tell their kids because they wanted us to have our privacy. They've seen Mom walk when they came back to town."

She wraps her arms around me and looks at the message that I sent Daryn. "You're right. It's none of his business. I'm glad that you're telling him off as well. Mom would be proud of you." Kat looks at the door and then says. "Austin is still protective of you. Maybe he still has feelings for you."

Shaking my head I say. "The last I heard he was dating a model and it's pretty serious between them. There's no way that I will come between what he has with her."

"Nothing is ever perfect. When you look at pictures they tell a thousand words and when I've seen the ones of Austin and Casey I can see that he's not happy."

"Why doesn't he leave her then? His happiness should be the most important thing to him, but he's sticking with a woman that makes him miserable."

"It's not that simple to leave someone you planned you're entire life with. I had a few, second thoughts when I was with Seb, but getting my own job and standing on my feet made things easier for me."

My phone starts to ring and I see 'Nina' flash across the screen. Showing it to Kat I say. "Should I send her to voice mail or give her a chance?"

Kat stands up. "Give her chance, sis. She's coming home for the reunion and I have a feeling our brothers are going to call you in the upcoming days. After all, they want to see Mom and not have problems the next time they show up. Answer the phone." She walks out the door.

Swiping my finger across the screen I answer it.

Me: Hey, Nina. It's been a while since I've last heard from you.

Nina: I know and I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch. Things have been busy.

Me: I heard. Congrats on marrying a guy that used to be an asshole to everyone at school.

Nina: Sorry, I didn't invite the family.

Me: Sure, you are, Nina. I know you're embarrassed of Mom. You know that woman deserves better from her children. But, you know what she got? Two boys and two girls that are selfish and that think of themselves. At least I had Kat. Without her, I'm afraid to think about what would have happened to me. When I needed someone she was there for me.

Nina: I had a life to start.

Me: WHAT ABOUT ME? I snapped.

Nina: You chose your path and that's why you're still stuck in the town we grew up in.

I hang up the phone and then throw it across the room. It lands on the carpet, next to the door.

Why am I not surprised that the apology was as fake as they are.

I know I should forgive them, but it's hard when they want to suck up to me and give half-assed apologies when all they want is access to our parents.

There's knock on my door. Followed by a voice saying. "Liz, its Mom. Can I come in?"

Standing up from my bed I walk over to the door and pick up my phone. Opening the door I look at Mom and say. "What's up?" I step aside and let her into the room.

Mom moves over my desk chair. She looks at me and says. "I just got a phone call from Nina. She wasn't happy. Do you want to tell me why?"

Shrugging, I play dumb. "No, I have no idea. Why she would call you."

Sighing Mom leans her head back against the chair. "She told me what you said when the two of you were on the phone. Liza, I need you to forgive your siblings for leaving us. I want all my kids together for your reunion. Please, let everything go for me."

Moving over to her I say. "I'll let everything go for the reunion, but when it's over I want nothing to do with them. Just like they did to me."

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