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After talking to Fiona I walk away and then look at the door.

Standing at the door is Austin. He looks around the room at everyone.

Ronnie and a few guys walk over to him and pat him on his back. "It's good to see you man." He pulls my sister into his side and she starts talking to him.

Austin's eyes roam around the room and I move to a dark corner so he doesn't see me.

Someone bumps into me, spilling the drink on the floor between us. Looking up I see that it was the head cheerleader of the school.

She hasn't changed much.

Her dress is short, revealing a little too much and her boobs are practically falling out of her dress. "Watch where you're going." She yells.

"You're the one that crashed into me, Rachelle. I can see ten years hasn't been good to you."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She looks at my tag and says. "Oh, I was wondering when the townie would show up. I can see clearly that you have no friends still. It was always about you and Austin. Where is that hunk anyway?"

"I don't know where he is, but there's still no way he would sleep with you, Rachelle. You should have moved on a long time ago."

She looks behind me and says. "You still don't have a boyfriend? If you did he'd be here with you. You're always going to be alone, Eliza. No one cares about you."

I have a lot of people that care about me. I know they for a fact.

Ignoring her I walk away and find an old friend standing in a corner with her friend. I walk over to them. "Hey, Cecile, Adrian. How are you both?"

"Good," Cecile says, with a smile on her face. "Do we know you?"

"Yes, Eliza Donoghue."

A smile spreads across her face and she pulls me into her arms. "How could I ever forget the best friend I had in high school." Pulling away a serious look comes across her face. "How's your, Mom? Did you go to University? Did you study?" She continue to throw questions at me.

Adrian cuts her off. "You just asked her a million questions, Cecile. Give her a moment to catch her breath and she'll answer your questions."

"Sorry," she steps away from me. "I'm just so happy to see you."

"Me, too. I'll answer all your questions. Mom is doing well. She's having a date with Dad and there grandchildren tonight. I graduated from university, but I did the course from home. I was told if I attended the school I would have been valedictorian."

"I knew you had it in you. You're just not a townie. We've heard about the things you've done for your fathers company and how he's not taking the first offer for the land his club is built on."

How does she know about that?

"How do you know about that?"

She pulls her phone out of purse and gives it to me. "You're father has been keeping a few people informed about what's going on with his land. There's still four people that haven't given up there properties and I think it has something to do with your father."

"Adrian Fisher, is that you?" A male voice says.

Turning around I see Austin and my heart starts racing. My palms begin to sweat and I wipe them on my dress.

Austin looks at me and a smile spreads across his perfect face. It has a five o'clock shadow.

I used to love touching his face when he had that, growing up.

He leans forward and whispers. "It's good to see you, Lizzie."

It sends shivers down my back.

I wish I could say the same.

Looking up I see Nina walk over with Ronnie and I mouth. 'Help me,'

"Austin, I need to talk to my sister for a moment. I'll bring her back to you shortly." Nina, grabs my hand and pulls me away from the group.

Rounding on her I say. "You weren't supposed to tell him you'll bring me back. I was hoping to avoid him a little longer."

She throws her brown hair over her shoulder and says. "He's made you flustered, sis. Austin's the only person that can do that to you. I have a piece of advice for you."


"Stay away from him. He has a girlfriend back home that..." she looks over at him and her husband. "Austin's engaged and shouldn't be looking at another woman. When it comes to you he forgets. Just remember that before you get too involved in him."

"I'm not going to get involved with him."

She grabs a champagne glass and gives it to me. "You've got chemistry with him. His fiancé doesn't and also you have a history that she can't compete with." Nina leaves me alone close to the bar and heads over to her husband.

"Looks like your shit out of luck when it comes to, Austin too." Rachelle says, taking my glass from me she drinks the rest of the contents.


She tries to give the glass back to me and I walk away.

There's no way in hell that I'm going to deal with her. She's been doing shady stuff since we were kids.

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