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Mom and I walk next door to the drug store and we put her prescription in. She walks over to the chair and waits for them to fill it. "Can you get some cold and flu tablets for me? I think I'm coming down with something."

"Sure," I walk over to the cold and flu tablets aisle and look at all the different brands that they have in stock. Reading the back I find one that I think will work for her.

As I walk back down the aisle I stop in front of the pads and pull my brand off the shelf. I take everything to the counter and get it scanned. I pay for it and then walk back over to Mom.

The lady behind the counter calls "Amadene,"

Mom walks over to the counter and pays for her tablets. She takes my arm and we leave the store.

Turning to the right we end up in the parking lot behind the doctor's office. Unlocking the car I open the door for Mom and wait for her to climb in.

She puts her seatbelt on and closes the door behind her.

I walk over to the driver's seat and sit behind the wheel. I place my bag on the ground in the back, before starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.


It doesn't take too long before I'm pulling into the driveway of my parent's place. I step out of the car and then help Mom out.

She grabs onto my arm and lets me help her to the house. Unlocking the door I step into the house with Mom. "Can you take me to my room? I'm feeling tired."

"Okay," I help her up the stairs to her bedroom and then tuck her in. "I'll get you some water and then you can take your tablets." Pulling the blanket down the bed I help her in and then cover her up.

She grabs my hand. "Can you bring me something to eat around 2 pm?"

"I can do that for you, Mom. Don't go to sleep straight away."

"Yeah, I know. I have to take my tablets. I'm tired, not senile." She gives me a cheeky grin before I walk to the bathroom and fill up the glass that she has in the bathroom.

When I return to the bedroom she has her tablets on the bedside table. She puts them in her mouth and swallows it with the water that I gave her. "Goodnight, Mom." I walk over to the door and turn the light off. I close the door behind me and head back downstairs.

My phone goes off and I look at it.

Dad: You were supposed to call me after you saw the Doctor.

Me: Sorry, I forgot. Mom went to see the Doctor on her own. She told me everything is all good with her. She just needed to fill a prescription.

Dad: Is there anything else I need to know about?

Me: I had to get some cold and flu tablets for her. That's about it.

Dad: I'm coming home. I'll leave my manager in charge for the rest of the night. I'd ask you to come in, but I know you have plans with Austin.

Me: See you soon, Dad.

I put my phone in my bag and turn the tv on. I flip through Netflix and settle on Arrow. The first season.

When Dad walks through the front door I'm still on the couch watching the show. He looks at me and says. "Is your mother in bed?"


He pulls his jacket off and puts it on the back of his chair. "I'm going up to see your mother." Dad walks away from the living room and I continue to watch the show.

When the fifth episode is over I walk to the kitchen and make something to eat for us. I make scrambled eggs and bacon.

Bringing up the food I open the door to my parent's room and see Dad asleep next to her. I place the food on the nightstand. "Mom," I shake her lightly and she opens her eyes.

"What do you want?" She sounds tired as she answers me.

"Lunch is on the nightstand." I help her into a sitting position and then grab the tray.

"Thanks, sweetheart." She looks to her left and see's Dad asleep next to her. "When did your father come in?"

"About an hour and a half ago. He came home after I told him you were coming down with the flu. He wanted to be here for you."

A smile spreads across her face. "Did you make extra food for your father?"

"Yes, I did. I'll bring it right up. Can you wake him up?"

"Of course I can." She shakes him and says. "Honey, wake up. Our daughters bringing something for you to eat." He opens his eyes and looks at her.

Rubbing his eyes he says. "What time is it?"

"2:15 pm," I say, before walking to the door and heading back to the kitchen to get Dad's plate.

I grab the plate from the table and carry it up to the bedroom for Dad.

As I get closer to the room I hear Mom and Dad laughing. I wait close to the door and wait for there moment to be over. Clearing my throat I make sure they know I'm about to enter the room.

Dad smiles at me as I enter the room. "Hey, Lizzie. Thanks for bringing lunch for me. After this take the afternoon off and get ready for your date with, Austin. Also, we leave tomorrow around 10 am for the city. Be home, early to pack."

"I'll do that before I leave with Austin. My stuff will be in the car. Austin's going to drive me to the vineyard." I give him his food and walk back out of the room, leaving my parents to talk."

My phone goes off and I look at it. "Austin," flashes across the screen and I swipe my finger across it.

Me: Hey, Austin. What's going on?

Austin: I'm going to be a little late picking you up. There are a few things I need to do before I pick you up.

Me: Okay, I'll see you when you get here.

Austin: I love you, bye.

He hangs up before I can respond.

I walk back downstairs and make myself something to eat before I go to the living room and watch some more episodes of Arrow.

Grabbing my phone I send Kat a message.

Me: Hey, Kat. I'm looking forward to the weekend.

It doesn't take that long until she sends me a reply.

Kat: Me, too. Are you driving with Mom and Dad?

Me: Nah, I'll be coming with Austin. We're going to go through the city because Austin needs to show me something.

Kat: What would he need to show you in the City?

Me: A house. We're moving in together at the end of the month.

Kat: ...

Kat: ...

Kat: ...

Kat: That's great. You're going to live close to me. But, what's going to happen to Mom?

Me: Dad's going to take care of her.

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