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At home, there's a red sports car parked in the driveway. Mom looks at it before saying. "Whose car is that?"

"I'm not sure. Let's go inside and see who it is." Stepping out of the car I round it to Mom's side and help her out. I grab her shopping bag before helping her into the house.

Mom opens the door carefully and looks around. "What's going on, Eliza? You know I hate surprises."

I keep quiet and at the corner of my eyes, I see my sister, Kat.

She sneaks behind Mom and says. "Hey, Momma."

Mom jumps slightly and spins around to her. "Katrina Rowena Donahue-Vance. Don't scare your mother like that." She hits Kat on the arm.

Kat and I laugh at her and then she joins us. "My husband is out of town and I thought I'd come here to surprise you."

"It's a good surprise," Mom admits. "Are you going to help me get ready for my date with your father?"

"You know I wouldn't miss that." She looks at me and says. "I'm going to help you at the club tonight. I don't want to stay here on my own."

"That sounds like fun. We haven't done that in a while. Hung out at the club, while working together. Don't probably won't have the need to check on us during the night and we'll be able to close the club for him."

A smile spreads across her face. "Do you remember the first time we closed it together?"

How could I forget it? It's scared into my brain for eternity.

Mom looks between us, before asking. "What happened at the club?"

Kat and I were closing the club when a guy walked in with a friend and threatened us. He pulled a knife on us and said. "If you don't hand all the money over I'll kill you."

We didn't have any money to give him because I had already cleared it out and put it in the safe. There's no access to it for 12 hrs, which is something Dad was happy about when it came to the safe.

The guy with the knife stepped behind the bar and moved towards us. "Open the safe and give me the money."

"I'm sorry. We can't. The safe is locked for another twelve hours." I tell him.

"Fuck," He steps forward and Kat steps in front of me, trying to protect me from what could happen.

A guy steps out of the restroom and looks at the men and then us. When he sees the expression on our faces he steps forward and yells. "Get out of here?"

"No," the guy with the knife says. As he extends it towards my sister's throat.

I try to shove her behind me, but she continues to stand her ground. Turning towards me she says. "Stay behind me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Liz. I'm older than you and you have to listen to me."

While we were arguing the guy with the knife is distracted and he gets tackled by the restroom guy. He hits the back of the bar and some of the bottles fall on top of them. Making Kat and I step back as the bottles break and the contents land on the floor, making a puddle at our feet.

The other guy made a run for it during the commotion.

Restroom guy pulls handcuffs out of his back pocket and looks at us. "I'm going to call the station and get someone to pick him up." Lifting the guy up, he takes him over to a booth on the other side of the bar.

Kat follows him over to the table. "Thanks for your help. If you weren't still in the restroom something bad would have happened to us."

A smile spreads across his face. "You're welcome. Maybe, when this is over I can take you out."

Kat flips her hair over her shoulder. "I would like that. Now, can I get the name of my hero?" she says, flirting with him.

"Sebastian Vance. You can call me Seb."

"Where did you learn how to tackle and why do you carry cuffs?"

"I used to be a cop. Now, that my father is on his death bed I need to step up and take over Vance Incorporated. I'm here for a couple of days before I have to move to the city."

Kat's face falls as she looks at him.

After the guy was taken to the sheriff station my sister dropped me off at home and went to the hotel with the Seb and that's how she met her husband and has a son and a daughter with him.

Looking around the room I say. "Where's Mia and Logan?"

She looks at the front door. "Actually, Seb's meeting got cancelled and he came here with us. He's taken the kids to the park. He wants to spend time alone with them, which is why I said I'll help you with the club."

"Okay," Looking at Mom I say. "Have a shower and then we'll help you get ready."

Just as she's about to walk up the stairs the front door opens revealing my three-year-old nephew and thirteen-month-old niece. She slowly walks over to me and I pick her up. "Good job, Mia." I kiss her cheek. "Do you want to watch, Frozen?"

She nods her head.

"Cars," Logan says, following me to the living room. When we get to the living room he turns the TV on. Grabbing the remote control he turns Netflix on. "Mia's watching it with me."

"Logan," I say, gently and kneel in front of him. "You're going to watch Frozen first and then we'll turn cars on. If you're a good boy, I'll give you a treat."

His eyes open wide and he bounces on the couch. "Chocolate?"

"Sure, buddy. I have a stash hidden from everyone." I wink at him and put frozen on. While the movie is playing I walk into the kitchen and cut some fruit up for my niece and nephew.

Seb walks into the kitchen with my sister at his side. Shaking his head he says. "You're already bribing my kid? He hasn't been here for five minutes and you're promising him chocolate."

"So?" Pointing to the fruit I'm cutting up. "They're going to eat healthy first. I promised him a treat, but I didn't say anything about when he could get it."

Kat laughs. "It's true. Our son is going to learn to eat healthy before eating treats. If there's one person that's good redirecting people it's her."

"Can we talk outside?" Seb asks me. "It's really important."

After I put the grapes, apples and orange into a bowl I ask Kat to take it to the kids while I follow Seb outside. He closes the door behind me. "We need to talk about what you sent Kat earlier today. She showed me the text."


"Yeah, Oh. Why are you trying to pull us apart?"

"I'm not. I was sent a photo from your secretary the other day with a woman standing too close to you and it looked like you were kissing her."

"Shit," he drags his hand through his hair. Leaning forward he adds. "That was my ex. She doesn't know what personal spaces are and she keeps doing that to me. I would never cheat on your sister. Meeting her that night at the bar was the best thing to happen to me. It was love at first sight for us."

I know.

Standing up I look at him. "Don't do business with her again. If she can't be professional then it's time to cut all ties. She could claim you had sexual relations with her in the workplace. I would hate for anything to pull Kat and you apart. I'll also block your secretary from my phone so I won't receive a message from her."

"That's a good idea. How did she get your contact details?"

I shrug. "I've never met the girl before. Do you have my details in a book on your desk?"

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"That's where she got it."

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