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Kat and I walk through the door of the Whitehall Building. She greets the security personnel as we walkthrough. "Hey, Joel. I want you to meet my sister, Eliza. She's going to be working here too."

Joel holds his hand out to me. "It's nice to meet you, Eliza."

Shaking his hand I say. "You too, Joel."

"Is the boss in?" Kat asks him.

"Yes, he's expecting you in ten minutes. You don't want to be late meeting him." He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. "This is a temporary card to get around today. Someone will be up to give you your card later in the day."

"Thanks," I put the card in my pocket and follow my sister to the elevator.

She presses the button and we wait for the doors to open on the ground floor. Turning towards me she says. "Today I'll be starting my new job. Today I'm going to take it easy on you, but in the upcoming day's things are going to change."

Hugging her I say. "That's not going to be a problem, sis. I can't wait to start my first shift. This is going to be amazing. Working with you."

A smile spreads across her face. "I never thought I'd get to work closely with someone that can inspire me to be better and do better. You're going to be a great addition to Whitehall, sis. All you're dreams can come true by working for this company. It's a shame that Chad will have to look for two secretaries while we're on maternity leave."

"Can I get paid for that? I thought I'd have to be working for the company for at least a year?"

"In most companies you do, but with Chad being our boss he comes up with his own rules. He wants his company to succeed and with you, it most definitely will."

The doors to the elevator open and we enter it. Kat presses the button to the 34th floor. "Chad's office has the best view of the city. It makes you want to stand there and watch the scenery below. I've taken several great photos from his office when he was in meetings."

"Will I be interacting with him often?"

She shakes her head. "I'll be dealing with him. Sometimes he can be difficult to work with and I'd feel bad if he was an asshole to you."

On the 34th floor, we step out of the elevator and head towards Chad's office. When we get close to the office I crash into someone. Looking at who I bumped into I say. "I'm sorry." I'm met by blue eyes, sandy blonde haired male, dressed in a suit.

He holds his hand out and says. "I'm..."

"Hunter," Kat says, with disgust. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my cousin. Do you have a problem with that?"

She steps forward and makes herself taller than him. "You're supposed to be banned from this office. If you did something to upset Chad I'm going to throw you out of one of these windows."

"Oh, scary," he pretends to shake. "You're scaring the shit out of me, Katerina."

"Hunter, get the fuck out of the building." The second male looks at us and says. "You two in my office now."

My heart begins to race as I look at the second male around us. He has dark hair, blue eyes and his facial features are similar to his cousin. He's also wearing a suit.


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