[warrior code]

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The full warrior code! Changed up, and in no particular order.

Note: Spirits are the highest cats in SpiritClan, basically StarClan.


m a i n  r u l e s :

1. A Clan cat must uphold the Warrior Code, and use it as a basis for a good life.

2. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to the Spirits for its life.

3. Kits, queens and old elders are not to be harmed*.

4. A Clan cat must be ready to die for their Clan, faith or the code.

5. A Clan cat rejects the life of a kittypet*.

6. The leader's word is law*.

7. A cat's loyalty must remain with their Clan^.

w a r r i o r  c o d e :

1. A warrior does not kill to win*.

2. A warrior must defend all cats' lives, whether they be their kin, Clan or from another Clan.

m e d i c i n e  c o d e ^ :

1. A good medicine cat must be able to heal well.

2. A medicine cat must be taught basic battle training, in order to defend themselves.

3. A medicine cat must be able to give advice to any cat who comes for it.

4. A medicine cat must work hard to save every cat, even if they are not from their own Clan*.

5. A medicine cat cannot put anyone above others, not even the leader or their kin.

k i n  r u l e s :

1. A cat must stay with their mate, unless they are abusive, uncaring or have another mate without their approval. The cat is considered free to choose a new mate after they leave the first one, or if the first one dies. (For the latter, if a cat chooses a new mate less than a moon after the first one dies, then the cat is considered to not love their first mate. That is seen as shameful).

2. A cat must care for their kits, unless they cannot. For example, if a cat cannot produce milk for their kits, another cat may care for them. A cat may choose to give their kits over to another cat, but that is usually looked down upon (unless the cat has to do this). High-ranks (medicine cats, leaders, etc.) can leave their kits to go back to their duties after the kits do not need to be nursed, but they can care for them until they are apprentices.

3. A cat must care for and check on all kin of theirs.

l e a d i n g  a n d  c l a n  r u l e s:

1. A leader must put their Clan above themselves. However, the leader must also consider themselves in the process (this is to make sure the leader is still in health and healthy enough to lead their Clan).

2. A Clan must question all cats on their territory but must not use force.

3. Cats going to speak to SpiritClan or some other thing that all Clans agreed on are free to walk on other Clans' territories to get there*.

o t h e r  r u l e s:

1. A cat cannot be named Mistlekit, Thistlekit, Bristlekit, Whistlekit, Spiritkit, Starkit or anything else that is related to these. These suffixes (except for -star as that is for a leader) are all okay.

2. Renaming a kit due to an accident they had, or naming them any names that they do not deserve (for example renaming a kit from Specklekit to Brokenkit due to them breaking their bones) is not acceptable. There are some exceptions (like Stumptail for a cat with a short tail, or Archtail for a cat with a permanently arched tail, as long as the name does not emotionally scar the cat). 

3. Similar to the above, disowning a kit due to a deformity or injury is not acceptable either.

e x c e p t i o n s:

1. (Rule 1.3) If it is the best or safest option, yes, they can be killed (for example, if they are suffering from an incurable disease).

2. (Rule 1.5) This can be used as a last resort for a cat who is struggling to survive in the Clans, but it is still looked down upon.

3. (Rule 1.6) If a leader is evil, cowardly, has evil intentions, or does not have the Clan's, Clans', group of cats', or even just one cat's best interests in their decisions, then cats must disobey their word with no consequences. If a cat fails to do this, they will be looked down upon by the Spirits.

4. (Rule 2.1) A warrior may kill as a last option, for example if it's a kill-or-be-killed situation, or if the warrior is defending a cat against another who has killing on their mind.

5. (Rule 2.4) If the best, safest or kindest option, then a cat must be killed swiftly and as painlessly as possible. THIS MUST ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST OPTION! If the cat is curable, the cat must be saved at all costs.

6. (Rule 4.3) A cat must not use this as an opportunity to cause problems or do anything else. They can only cross to speak to SpiritClan or for something all Clans agreed on.

m i s c o n c e p t i o n s :

1. (Rule 1.7) This does not mean that a cat cannot have family in another Clan. Their loyalty must be with their Clan and they must be ready to fight their kin to protect their Clan. (A cat may choose not to do this, but they must give a valid reason to their leader as to why).

2. (Section 2) This does not mean that a medicine cat cannot have a mate and kits. They may if they choose, but they must have a fully-trained cat to take over healing the Clan for them if they choose to have kits. The medicine cat must return to their duties as soon as the kits do not need nursing, but can care for them longer if needed. They may return to duties sooner, but they must have someone who is ready to care for their kits instead.


That's the full warrior code! 1000 words of it-

If you didn't read through this that's fine. It's not necessary, it's just to clear up any doubts.

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