1: Escape

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        She was running. And she couldn't stop.

        They don't deserve an explanation. They don't deserve a goodbye. They don't deserve me.

        Her chest burned as her legs pumped, tripping occasionally over her long skirt. Stopping in annoyance, she tore the skirt off, leaving herself in just her undergarments, and kept running.

        The Forbidden Forest was just ahead. Once she was in there, she was free. No one would follow her. No one would care. No one would do anything to continure their search...if they had even begun one. 

        Just a little longer...just a little longer...

        But she couldn't do it. The Forbidden Forest was at her fingertips, but she couldn't muster up the strength to continue. Falling in the leaves at her feet, she let out a sob of frustration and anger.

        Of course I can't make it. Of course I'm not strong enough. Anyone else would be. But I'm not. No one understands how terrible this is...this hatred of myself, of everyone around me...I can't control it. I can't help it. I don't deserve this.

        She got up and braced herself for the pain in her legs to continue.

        But it didn't.

        There was something else inside of her...something powerful, something Dark. Something she couldn't quite explain...but it was giving her the energy and the strength to continue on her escape.

        And that was all she really wanted.

        When the leaves of the Forbidden Forest touched her skin, she knew she had made the right choice. Leaving that castle, leaving everyone behind...it had been for her own good. And now she was ready. Ready to destroy all aspects of her former life...including the people in it.

        Turning around, she stared up at the towering trees in front of her. No one else would dare to enter these woods unless they were banished...but just to make sure...

        She held up her arms and let the power, the unexplainable energy, surge through her until it engulfed her very being. Bolts of energy flew out of her fingertips as she watched the wall go up, the black wall that would keep everyone out. No one could pass, no one could get to her...no one was powerful enough.

        When the wall was finished, it turned the color of the trees and blended in with its surroundings, leaving her proud of her achievements. Turning around, she continued running, continued her journey into the unknown.

        In that moment, Dawn was free.


        "We have to go after her."

        "Are you insane? Look what she did to her room! She could easily do that to our heads!" James took Adriana's hand in his, "Please don't go after her. Let your father's army do it, let the guards do it, let anyone else do it...except you."

        Adriana stood her ground.

        "No." she replied harshly, startling James. "I am going to look for my sister. I am going to get her back and I am going to do it my way."

        "Well, you're not going alone." King David said, standing from his throne and walking over to the two teenagers, "I won't allow it."

        "Good." James breathed a sigh of relief. "You'll send an army with her?"

        David laughed heartily.

        "Do you think that I just sent my army out to do my bidding at the drop of a hat, boy? No. You will accompany my daughter on her mission. I feel that the less people who ambush Dawn at this point, the better."

        James looked like he was about to argue and then thought better of it.

        "Yes, Your Highness."

        "Thank you." David turned to Adriana. "Be careful. No one knows Dawn better than you, but no one saw this coming, not even you. You don't know what she's capable of at this point."

        "I know, Father." Adriana replied, smiling slightly to ease the king's worries. "But if anyone can help Dawn, it's me."

        "I know." King David smiled. "Good luck, Adriana."

        "Thank you."


        "It's really cold. Isn't it supposed to be spring? Almost summer?"

        "Quit your complaining. You sound like a toddler." Adriana snapped, spurring her horse to go faster. 

        "Well excuse me for not being used to this kind of riding. The wind is going to take off one of my ears pretty soon."

        "I wish it would take off both of mine so I don't have to listen to you."

        They rode in silence for a while, until the Forbidden Forest came into view.

        "Why is this the first place you thought to look for your sister?"

        "The Forbidden Forest is known for all sorts of evils and dangers. After what we saw in Dawn's room, don't you think it's a logical place for her to retire to?"

        "I guess so."

        "Faster, boy, faster." Adriana urged, the fear in her chest coupled by an unexpected excitement at being on a rescue mission. Her horse raced through the fields, leaving James in the dust behind them and causing Adriana to let out a quick burst of laughter.

        "Okay...here we go." she whispered, climbing off of her horse and landing gracefully in the grass right outside of the Forest. "Are you ready?"

        "Yeah." James whispered back. "Are you?"

        Adriana took a deep breath. "I hope so."

        She inched forward, James right beside her, until her path was stopped by some invisible force right as she was about to step foot into the Forest itself.

        "Um..." James muttered, kicking at the barrier, "What is this? Why can't we get in?"

        Adriana put her hand up and felt the outside of the force, feeling a solid wall under her hand. "It's a barrier. An invisible wall keeping us from getting in the Forbidden Forest."

        "Do you think Dawn did it?"

        Adriana was about to shake her head before looking up.

        "James!" she gasped, grabbing his arm, "What is that?"

        James followed her gaze and his eyes widened. "Proof that Dawn's in there."

        Spiraling up above the trees was a turret, black as the night, with a lone window at the top and a blood red flag flapping the wind.


        "Rise..." Dawn muttered, the energy pulsing through her veins and out of her hands, "Build me a castle."

        And a castle she created, taller than the one she had grown up in, black as the night, and grander than any castle she had ever seen. Flags flew from the tops of the turrets, red as the blood she had used to write on her wall just a few hours before, with a shattered mirror depicted on them. 

        Fitting, Dawn thought happily as she watched her castle grow in front of her eyes, The mirror is shattered, just as my life has been. Just as their lives will be.

        She walked towards the double doors, feeling a rush of satisfaction as they opened for her immediately and she was able to survey the inside of her handywork. 

        They deserve everything they'll get, Dawn thought to herself, grinning slowly, Especially that brat of a sister I have. Or, should I say, had. She is no longer any sister to me. She ruined my life. Everything that she got should have been mine. She should be the one wallowing in the Darkness of her own self-hatred, not me. And for that, I'll make her pay.

        I'll make all of them pay.


A/N: I hope you guys like the first chapter of Shattered! It took me forever to come up with a good title for Spiral's sequel, but I think I'm satisfied with it. Please comment below letting me know how you liked the first chapter, and how you think this book is going to play out! Don't forget to check my website, www.katherinepowellbooks.weebly.com, for information about Spiral's publication and other info about my books! (The link is also in my Wattpad bio). 

Vote, comment, and check back for more! And if you haven't read Spiral yet...then go check it out! 


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