Chapter 7- Guess who's back. Back again.

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Hello, everyone! in today's chapter, we're an anime! Wait I never agreed to that! Yes, you did, it's in your plot outline. Where some of the chapters completely change in style. You read my outline? No, you never wrote it. I just have the book and can see into the future. Now on with the chapter!

The group finally reached the exit of the cave, Andy had to shield his eyes from the bright light. They were in a canyon area, the sun was beating down and the air was hot.

"Well, it seems like we chose the worst day to hike through a canyon," Andy said.

"Well, it's not like we could wait inside the cave much longer. We'll just make do." Lynn told him.

"You know I actually met David out here. He had gotten himself lost and seemed pretty scared, so I caught him and took him under my wing. Now we're on a quest to rule the universe." Andy said. Holy exposition.

"You found a Larvitar here? Can I find one? Weedle needs a friend!" Alex asked.

"Nah, normally Larvitar live up in Mount Silver. Dave just got lost, and unfortunately, he didn't fly home like a bird." Andy replied.

"Yeah... right. Let's just go." Lynn said, eager to get to the next city.

The gang continued down the path, suddenly Andy had a great idea.

"How do you get a cow off a swing?"

Lynn titled her head. "What's a cow?"

"You hit it with an ax!"

"What's an ax?" Alex questioned.

Andy facepalmed. "You're both hopeless."

"SNEAK ATTACK!" From behind them one of the Gramps members charged at the three trainers. He was an S. Lynn whipped around and punched him in the face. Sending him flying into the water.

"How did you hit him that hard?" Andy asked.

"You idiot!" Another Gramps members stepped out from the bushes sighing. This one was clearly a G.

"Hold on, are they who I think they are?" Lynn asked.

"These idoits? I beat them up in Goldenrod City." Andy said.

"Ah Andy, yes you may have bested us that time but now we've come prepared." G smirked. Multiple Gramps members of all classes ran in from either direction.

"How did we not notice them?" Andy asked.

"I can beat them! Weedle use poison sting!" Alex said, his Pokémon jumped into the air and fired multiple small purple darts at the grunts, however, none of them flinched.

"Why does it only poison when my enemies uses it?" Andy sighed.

"This ends now Andy. Hand over the Larvitar, it's for the better. Clearly, we can raise one better than you can."

"Really now? Prove it punk!"

G laughed manically and took out a Pokeball, the ball burst open and a Tyranitar stood before them. The giant Pokémon was green. It seemed to resemble Godzilla if Godzilla was green and made of rocks.

"T-t-Tyranitar!" Andy gasped, actually surprised. I wasn't scared! You stuttered man. "Lynn. Meditate."

"Right." Lynn nodded and sent out her Pokémon.

"So now you're hiding behind your friend? Well, I suppose that's natural for someone like you, all bark and no bite."

"I wouldn't be talking, I blasted you with a hyper beam. Maybe this time I'll aim for the head." Andy growled.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Get them." The grunts surged forward.

"Lucky for us, today's chapter is an anime. Goodbye physics!" Andy ran on the wall and kicked one of the grunts in the head, then he began punching through all the enemies. He grabbed one by their head and threw them behind him, when he turned around he saw they were bleeding much more than should've been possible.

"Plot armor activate." Using his magical senses he got from a pig bite since pigs can totally predict the future, he dodged every single punch the enemies threw. We're spoofing superhero logic now? Fine by me! Seriously that stuff makes no sense! It's always radiation! Guess what, radiation kills you!

G pulled out his gun and shot Andy in the back five times, instead of dropping dead he got up and ran at the speed of sound. Then Andy kicked G into the stratosphere and leaped up after him, finishing things off by flying over to the moon, grabbing it, and throwing it at G. Then there were millions of people killed by the moon crushing them and disaster struck as the moon was now gone. OK, that's where I draw the line, rewind!

G pulled out his gun but Alex bit his ankle so he missed completely. Then Weedle knocked the gun from his hands and into the river.

"Way to go Alex!" Andy cheered, as he kicked a guy in the chest, sending him flying into multiple other guys. Then they exploded and Andy turned around and put on sunglasses.

"Meditite use focus punch!" Lynn told her Pokémon, Meditite closed her eyes and began concentrating, pulling her fist back. Tyranitar moved to stomp on her but Larvitar hit it in the face with hyper beam.

Meditite's eyes snapped open and she jumped forward and punched Tyranitar in the chest. The giant Pokémon fell down into the gorge before it hit the water it was stopped by the other side of the gorge.

"Well looks like we made a bridge," Andy stated. "Also G, next time you might not want to decide to attack us in the anime spoof chapter." Lynn, Alex, and Andy ran across the Tyranitar.

G cursed under his breath. "That boy says very strange things. Gramps Grunt shouldn't be intrigued just because a crazy person says crazy things, but the boss wants what the boss wants I suppose." Ooooh foreshadowing!

The group finally stopped running at the outskirts of Blackthorn City.

"Well that went well," Andy said.

Alex's face was red from running. "It was fun!"

"Not fun. We're never doing that again!" Lynn told them.

"Well, it's not like we have a choice to be jumped by a group of huge idiots." Andy reminded her.

"Whatever," Lynn replied.

"Well come on. I'm hungry and there haven't been any trainers to battle so you're buying!"

"You said you'd pay for your own food."

"Well not always. I mean come on, you can't expect that of me!"

"I expect nothing of you."



So sorry for almost two weeks without an update guys. I had camp and just didn't feel inspired to write but hopefully there won't be another hiatus like that. On the bright side we're finally starting a part of the book I've been excited to bring in, and that's spoofing other genres. We sort-of saw that in Chapter 2 but not to the extent I have planned. I hope you all enjoyed, have a nice day!

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