Chapter 9- Ice Ice Pressure. No we're not doing another musical number.

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Andy was highly infuriated at the fact that he couldn't find Claire anywhere. "The girl loses and then she just up and vanishes? Who does that?" He ranted while Lynn and Alex ate their sandwiches.

The group had decided to get lunch at a nice small restaurant in Blackthorn City before they left for Ecruteak City.

"What is with your strange obsession with this girl?" Lynn asked.

Andy shoveled multiple sandwiches down his throat. Lynn had yet to inform him she was only paying for one. WAIT WHAT? "Obviously I'm not obsessed, Lynn. Chill out. I just like a girl who can train a Pokémon."

Lynn stared at him blankly. "She hasn't even evolved half of her team."

Alex finished eating and began playing with Weedle at the table. "I wonder when Weedle will evolve. Does he evolve? When does he evolve?"

"Alex," Andy started. "Weedle will evolve whenever. Just like David."

Lynn shook her head. "Andy, you know Pokémon evolve once they've gained enough experience right?"

"Or if they really need to win a battle," Andy added. "You're paying for all these sandwiches right?"

"No. And anyway," Lynn rushed on before Andy could complain. "Weedle should evolve soon enough. He probably just needs to win a few more battles. Bug Pokémon evolve super early after all."

Andy shrugged. "I don't worry about levels and stuff. David will evolve soon and then I'll have my own personal Godzilla." They finished eating and signaled to the waiter that they were done.

Lynn chuckled at that. "What level even is David? I'm not sure when Pupitar evolves into Tyranitar but since David hasn't even evolved once I'm guessing you're a ways away." The waitress handed them the check and Andy nearly passed out as he saw how many sandwiches he'd have to pay for.

Andy tried to focus on the conversation so his heart wouldn't kill him as he paid for his part of the meal. C'mon you make it sound so bad! I was fine! You want me to tell them what you were thinking? I'll pass. "David is level 23 last I checked in the PC," Andy answered.

Lynn raised an eyebrow as she paid for her part of the meal. "That's pretty low. Haven't you had David for a few years now?"

"Yeah sure but we don't battle much. We live on the edge after all."

"You mean you're too lazy to battle trainers."


Alex got up and returned Weedle to his Pokeball. "So where to next? Are we finally going to Ecruteath?"

Lynn nodded as they walked out of the restaurant. "Yep! We're going to take the Ice Path and then it's a straight shot to the end of our little journey!"

"And it'll put me one step closer to my penultimate goal," Andy said with a glimmer in his eye. "Taking over the universe."

Alex giggled. "How are you going to do that?"

As the three walked through Blackthorn City Andy explained his elaborate plan. "See all I need to do is take over the lighthouse in Olivine City. Then I can catch the Ampharos in there, use him to Super Hack the PC and steal somebody else's Pokémon, fly to the Indigo Plateau, and then beat all the trainers with David. After that, it's easy peasy since I'm KIng of Kanto and Johto."

"I'm having you committed as soon as we get to Mahogany Town." Lynn groaned as they entered the Ice Path.

A cold breeze blew through the area and the group shivered. The entire cave was coated in a thick layer of ice. The floor was extremely slippery and the ground was covered with sharp icicles as was the ceiling.

Andy exhaled with a shiver and looked around. "I k-k-knew we shouldn't have stopped at V-violet City."

"I-i-it was YOUR idea A-a-andy!" Lynn snapped as she slowly shuffled ahead.

Andy took a step and slipped on the ground, falling on his face. "OW! WHY THE NOSE?" Andy got up perfectly fine and his nose definitely wasn't broken. Ow. "Why doesn't the ice work like in the games?" Andy complained.

Alex and Lynn were slowly moving forward through the frozen cave. Andy walked on the ice without any troubles whatsoever. Decreeing to burn the entire cave down once he ruled the universe. No, he slipped and fell again. OW! COME ON!

"Stop f-falling over Andy! Y-you're going to break your n-nose!" Lynn called. "Just take steps one at a time."

Andy ignored her and tried sliding on the ice. Only to fall over again and slide across the floor. "Hang on." Andy flipped himself onto the back and slid across the floor with ease. "Take that world! I WIN!" In his celebration, he slid forcefully into the wall. "ARE YOU S-SERIOUS?"

Lynn and Alex eventually made their way over to where Andy had given up and Lynn offered her hand to help him up.

"I d-don't need your help, Lynn." Andy dismissed her.

Lynn raised her eyebrow. "T-then how come you haven't already g-g-gotten up?"

Andy begrudgingly took her hand so he could finally get up.

"H-how big is this c-cave?" Alex asked while shivering.

Andy stared down the hall. "With any l-luck, the author won't drag this out for t-t-too long."

About an hour later the group had made it a decent way through the cave and were staving off hypothermia. They were in the final hallways of the cave and trying to avoid being impaled by the dozens of icicles on the floor as they crossed the icy floors.

As the team rounded a corner they came across a small ball of brown fur struggling to keep up with some Piloswine moving deeper into the cave. The Pokémon tried to stand but simply fell back down.

One of the Piloswine looked back at it before they marched off. The Pokémon had a pink pig nose and stubby little legs under a heavy amount of fur to keep it warm. Its two eyes were small and appeared to be closed.

"Its hurt," Lynn whispered. She stopped Alex from running up to the small Pokémon.

Andy slowly approached the Pokémon before falling down. The Swinub tried to run away but its leg once again prevented it from moving. "Hey bu-buddy, I just want to help out," Andy whispered. He pulled out a potion from his bag he definitely had with him the whole time. "Now I need you to show me your hu-hurt leg."

The Swinub slowly revealed a scuffed up and battered leg. It seemed to have been struck with some sort of powerful physical attack. Andy began to spray the potion with the steadiest hand he could manage onto the Pokémon's leg until it was as good as new.

The Swinub made a cheerful squeal and practically tackled Andy, nuzzling up against him. "Don't mention it, little b-buddy."

"Awwww." Lynn cooed.

"S-shut up Lynn!" Andy shouted back to her.

Lynn shook her head. "N-no way! I never see you being nice!"

"Hey, Alex! Ly-Lynn's a hooker!"


"What's a h-hooker?"

"Uhm. A f-fisher?"

"Wow, you're a fisher?"

Andy stood up and continued down the path while they talked. Grinning at the exit that was in sight. The Swinub followed Andy and rubbed its head against his leg. "Shouldn't you g-go back with your f-family?" Andy asked the Pokémon.

The Swinub shook its head and nuzzled Andy's leg again. "Y-yeah I get that. They d-ditched you. Not cool. I'll take you under my w-wing buddy." Andy pulled out a Pokéball and tossed it at the Swinub. The ball shook three times before it signified it had captured the Ice and Ground type Pokemon.

Andy walked out of the Ice Path taking in the immensely warmer air. Lynn and Alex stepped out next and the three of them spent some time warming themselves up.

"So Andy, I see you caught a new Pokémon," Lynn said as they walked down Route 44 after they'd warmed up.

Andy nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to nickname him Justice. Because Justice is best served cold. Plus it'll be really dramatic to have a Pokémon named Justice."

"What's just-ice?" Alex asked aloud.

Lynn shook her head. "That's a stupid name, Andy. Name it something less stupid."

Andy rolled his eyes. "Fine." Andy looked around and spotted a couple of trainers, one had a backpack on and Andy had an idea. This is so stupid. Why can't I just call him Justice? That's way cooler! Shut up. "Backpack. How's that Lynn?"

Lynn smiled. "I like it way more than Justice that's for sure."

"You have no taste."

"You named a Pokémon David!"

"I'll have you know that David Hasselhoff is a highly respected man in the real world! You should be honored to be in his Pokémon form's presence!"

"Shut up Andy!"


Oops, I forgot to update this for like two years.

Yeah sorry about that hiatus. I should actually be a little more consistent from now on. Not too consistent mind you, but more than before. Anyway thanks to anybody for reading this little chapter! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time! Bye!

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