Inky Death - Angst Warning! (Idk how to title this tbh)

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Shawn was sitting there working on another one of those Bendy dolls, like he usually did... In fact, he sat at his desk a lot, just... working away, he occasionally went out to go get food and do other various things that humans needed to do.

However, he wasn't alone this time, there was... a rather small being climbing up and onto his desk, of course Shawn noticed, and he knew what they were, they were one of those beings called tinies...

He rose a brow "Ay, what ye be doin' little one?" He asked, his accent unmistakably Irish of course, and at that the tiny looked up at him but they weren't scared, they knew Shawn and pretty much all the other egos in the house.

"Shawn, you need a break! You've been working for hours and hours, c'mon and just relax a little" The tiny spoke, crossing their arms and frowning at him, but he merely scoffed at that.

"There ain't no time fer lollygaggin'! I've got a lot of work to do, I might be here in th' others world or... Whatever Jameson had told me, but that still don't be meanin' I don't 'ave work ta do" He spoke, still continuing to work on those dolls.

And with that, the tiny being glared a slight bit "All you do is work! Come onnnn, it won't hurt for you to take a day off at least!" They whined, getting closer to him and trying to pull his hand away from the doll.

Shawn's eye seemed to twitch a bit, he was growing a bit annoyed with the other, he pushed them away from his hand "No, now leave me be an' let me work in peace"

They huffed as they were pushed away, they then looked around, wondering if there was ANYTHING that could help them get Shawn to take a break...

It took them a second before they had an idea, they waited for the right moment and then... They dashed towards Shawn's hand, grabbing the brush he uses to paint those smiles on the dolls.

Shawn immediately stood from his seat and glared daggers at the tiny "Ha ha, very funny little one... Now if ye don't mind, hand me brush back, n o w..." That... sounded like a demand but they still shook their head.

"No! All you do is work! You need to take a break! It's not good for you!" They dashed away as he reached out for them, which seemed to annoy him even more as he let out a low growling sound.

"Give. It. Back. N o w, this is me final warnin'..." He spoke, but of course they once again shook their head "Shawn! Aren't you listening to me?! I said you need. a. break! Your working too much!"

After a good bit of you two going back and fourth, arguing and bickering, and being chased around, Shawn finally had enough of this...

He scooped them up in a rather tight fist which of course caused them to wheeze, he snatched the brush from them as well "I TOLD YE TA GIVE ME BACK ME FUCKIN' BRUSH! I DON'T BE HAVIN' TIME FER YER FUCKIN GAMES LITTLE ONE!" After he finished yelling at them, he threw them aside, not even bothering to look back.

Shawn had stormed out and slammed the door shut, he needed to calm down before continuing anymore work, however he was unaware that he just threw them in some ink...

They immediately began to struggle against the thick liquid, trying desperately to swim to the top, wherever it may be, they knew they only had a limited amount of time before they'd pass out.

They didn't expect Shawn to just... throw them like that, not even looking back either, they must've really overdid it... They just wanted to help him take a break!

This was it, this was how they were going to die... Tossed away by a friend that they were only trying to help... After a few minutes more... Their struggling ceased, they had passed out...

(just gonna do a timeskip bc uh, there's not much they can do now lmao, this story isnt gonna be long btw, so if your looking for longer bits of angst I aint yer guy, sorry bout that haha)

It was a very long time before Shawn returned to his room, he had spent the night in Jameson's room... It always took him a long time to calm down, sometimes even a few days!

Shawn had... admittedly felt bad for just tossing them away like that, it was only right that he apologized, but they probably weren't in here after that...

He'd make them a toy as an apology gift, he walked over and sat down, grabbing the ink jar but he froze at what he saw inside...

Shawn could practically feel his heart stop as he saw a... Tiny body floating in the ink "N-No... No no, oh fuckin' hell... No... It... It isn't... Yer just seein' 'tings Shawn... Tha's all... They... w-were right... Yer jus' workin' too hard..."

He set the ink down and looked away, he was going to deny what he just saw... That... That was not a tiny body floating in the ink, certainly not his friend's tiny body... No...

While he was looking away, a hand shot up and grabbed the edge of the bottle, pulling themselves up and out, the now inky being was making horrible sounds...

It sounded like they were trying to breathe, it was just extremely raspy sounding, and they even began to make a few choking noises as well, and upon hearing those, Shawn's gaze snapped back towards the bottle and his eyes widened.

"T-There's... no... no way..." He swallowed, hard, he couldn't believe what he was seeing... He was watching this... tiny inky being crawl out of the bottle, they of course fell out onto the table, leaving a few good ink stains along the way.

Shawn looked over the being and once he again, he froze at what he saw next... It...It was wearing the pendant that he had made for his tiny.... friend ...There... was no way...

Shawn then called the being by his friend's name and it seemed to respond to that, its head perking up as the being slowly stood, ink dripping of the tiny's body.

He wouldn't believe it... He couldn't, there was no way this thing was real, it was just a hallucination... He reached a hand out and watched as the being slowly dragged itself over, he then reached over and... touched the being, looking at his finger in horror as he saw the ink on it.

It took him a moment to finally realize... That...That was indeed his friend, there wasn't any doubt about it... He could touch them, this wasn't a hallucination, this was all real... And he realized now what he had done...

He had let his anger get the best of him, he.... he killed his friend... After all of that sank in, the thoughts began getting to him, the guilt began slowly tearing him apart... His eyes were slowly tearing up as he began shaking "N...No.... I...I didn't... I didn't mean too... I....I..."

It was... his fault, he killed them... His anger got the best of him finally, and he... he killed them... Tossed them away, like some kind of t o y...

Shawn couldn't handle the guilt and thoughts anymore, he broke down and began crying and sobbing, he stood and stumbled over before falling in the corner, he couldn't... he couldn't ever forgive himself for this...

His friend was dead because of him, tossed aside, and left to drown in the ink... And all they wanted him to do was take a break, they just wanted to help him and he killed them...

The inky being tilted its head, it couldn't understand anything, it only had one purpose, it only knew one thing and that was to follow this person around...

It jumped down, from the table, it didn't care how high up it was, after all, it was only made of ink... It then slowly dragged itself over towards the corner, making those horrible rasps and choking noises, as if it were struggling to breathe...

Shawn slid back as far as he could "S-Stay back! I'm sorry... M'... I'm... sorry... I didn't mean... I didn't mean fer this... I didn't want ta kill ye..."

After the inky being got close enough, it stopped, just staring at Shawn with... What looked like white eyes, they held no emotion, no hint of sadness or anything, just... purely barren...

He couldn't take it... He didn't like how the thing just... stared at him... No emotion could be read from its expression, he didn't see any anger, sadness, or anything in between... He just saw... Nothingness...

Shawn continued to sob and cry, until he just... couldn't anymore, he was never the type to cry or show many emotions like this, but... to know that he just murdered someone, a friend no less, it broke him...

Shawn reached out two hands, both of which were shaking like crazy, he gently scooped the inky being up and held them closer to his face... "M' so sorry... Ye... Ye just wanted to help me... And what did I do...? I.... fuckin' tossed ye into tha' ink... An' now yer... This..."

The inky being did nothing, it just continued to make those horrid sounds that made Shawn cringe every single time, the inky being knew nothing now... All it knew how to do was follow him, while it didn't know why exactly, it just knew that was its purpose...

Shawn held them close, not caring at this point if he got ink on his clothes or face, none of it mattered to him... "M' sorry... I'm so so sorry... M' gonna make this up t' ya... Somehow... Jus' Please.... Please come back ta me little one..." He was hoping deep down, somewhere... His friend was in that inky prison...

Sure, he didn't think it'd be best hence said inky prison... but he just... Wanted them back, wanted to make things up to them, even though it'd seem impossible... He...He killed them, somehow tears pooled up again and then fell to the ground as quickly as they appeared.

It couldn't speak, it continued to make those raspy choking sounds, just staring into the other... All it did was stare and make horrid sounds, who knows, somewhere deep down maybe the tiny being that Shawn once called friend was in there, or maybe they would just be an inky shell of their former self forever...

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