[5] Not Her

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Third Person POV;

The whole class gasped when the fruit got inside Irene's mouth, not expecting it to happen in an instant. She took out the fruit from her mouth, stared at it before it fell to the ground. Her eyes wandered across the room, blinking a few times as if she was trying to adjust her eyesight.

All eyes were focused on her as she flopped down to the floor. Everything went silent, everyone held their breath.

All of a sudden, she lifted her head and scanned the people around her, before displaying a foolish smile, "Hi, everyone! My name is Irene. Call me Irene."

The class looked at her in astonishment, some of them even dared to smirk at the sight. "Oh' hi Irene." Haejin answered in a teasing tone and the class cheered."Can you do something for us." She asked.

Irene's eyes glistened at her, nodding like a kid.

"Act like a dog, please? I"ve never seen one in my life." She faked a sob.

Without hesitation, she got onto the ground and imitated a dog as she stuck out her tounge. Everyone laughed at her silliness and she looked pleased to see people 'having fun' with her.

Lucas couldn't take it anymore as he went up to Haejin and pulled her arm harshly. "Hey, you crossed the line." He said through gritted teeth as the others went silent. She gulped and carefully pulled her arm from his grip as she could feel his strong glare on her.

"Oh, come on. Where's all the fun, dude?" Ara smirked at Lucas before looking back at Irene who was barking on the ground. "Hey, Irene." She said and Irene's attention was now at her. "Yes?" She smiled widely.

"Aww, she's so cute..." Ara scoffed and the class let out a loud laugh and made Irene's smile wider, oblivious that her colleagues were making fun of her.

"Isn't it hot around here?" She fanned herself. "Yeah... you're right..." Irene pouted. 

"Strip your clothes off, then!" A guy joked and his friends laughed. Though the joke went overboard, the whole class was curious if the spell would draw her to such extent; except Rowoon and Lucas. "Guys, enough!" Rowoon growled as he was getting annoyed at his classmates' absurdity.

But Irene's nod received the class's attention, her hands carefully reaching the top button of her shirt and unbuttoned, revealing her collarbone. Her hands then reached for the second one, when suddenly a sparkle of magic slapped her hands away and the top one was suddenly buttoned like it was just now.

She looked at it in confusion but then a pair of strong hands scooped her small body into his embrace. A sigh of relief escaped from Rowoon's mouth as soon as he saw Lucas carrying her in a bridal style.

Her half-opened eyes stared blankly at Lucas, who was busy glaring at the others, before finally meeting her eyes. Lucas blew on her eyes, fluttering them to close as she fell asleep.


I opened my eyes slowly, my head still spinning crazily. I bit my lower lip as I touched my head, trying to remember anything that had occurred. The last moment where I was conscious was when I stumbled to the ground. Wait... did something bad happen?

I scanned my whole body, checking if there might be something weird but there was none.

"A boy brought you here."

I turned around and saw Nurse Choi filling up a glass of water before handing it to me. I took the glass from her hands, drinking it all up as she told me so. "So, what happened?" She asked as she sat on the chair beside my bed.

I blinked at her for a few moments because I, myself, didn't even know what had happened.

Then it suddenly hit me. The Saenity.

Silence engulfed the atmosphere around us and she quickly let out an awkward cough. "I guess you still don't remember." She sighed before flashing a smile at me. "He's a keeper." She told me as she stood up.

Still flustered with what might have happened just now in class, I gave her a puzzled look.

Seeing my brows wrinkled and my face full of confusion, she let out a sigh. "I'm talking about the boy..." Her words were trailed off as she rested her pointing finger to her temple, trying to remember his name. "What was his name again? Oh yes, Lucas."

"Ah, him..." was all I could reply at the moment.

"If you still have trouble remembering what happened, go ask the guy. I'm sure he knows. He came here carrying you with a worried face."

I replied to her with an 'okay' and asked permission to leave, but she also said that there was a guy who had been waiting outside- maybe wanting to see me. As soon as I twist the doorknob and the door opened, I was surprised to see a familiar face. He looked at me in surprise, not expecting to see my face either. "What are you doing here?"

Jungkook composed himself, his face changed into something he had usually worn on his face; poker face. "Checking up on you, what else?" He answered with a straight face, initiating that he wasn't lying.

Well, at least he is still concerned about me.

"Stop getting into trouble, will ya? My reputation worsened just because people believe you're my sister."

Or maybe not.

His eyes lingered from my head to my toe, scanning if everything was really okay, before thrusting his hands into his pocket. "You should know that Noble Faes are immune to Saenities. I'm sure you have plenty of time to reflect on that." He looked at me with his cold eyes and turned, making his way through the hall before completely lost from my sight.

Jerk. Every time he gets on my good side, he would always ruin it.

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