She did it for me

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Lucy's POV 

I wake up to a few scales on my cheeks. I look in the mirror and run my hand over the splatter of scales. What was going on? The scales were gold, they had a faint glitter to them. I have to figure out what's causing this and how can I stop it? I drop my hand. "Well they are pretty" I mutter to myself. I shake my head then head for the guild. "Yo Lucy!" I turn and see Natsu a ways behind me. I widen my eyes. He had splatters of scales himself. 

He jogs up to me when she spots the scales on my cheek. "What happened?" He asks. I shake my head. "I don't know. I woke up with these" Natsu gets a dark look on his face. "Come on. Maybe Levy knows something" He says, grabbing my hand. I barely keep up with him as we run for the guild. He slams the door open. "Levy!" 

My face flushes when everyone gets up close to look at the scales on my cheeks. "Lu. Can you think of anything that could've caused this?" Levy asks. I put a hand on my chin. My mind flashes to the book of END. "I... rewrote the book of END..." I look down. I hear gasps. Gray shoves his way through. "These aren't the same marks though" He says, looking down at me. I close my eyes. "Maybe.... Maybe its an aftereffect?" Gray sets his cold hand on my shoulder. 

I shiver slightly at the cold of his magic. Gray grows the demon slayer marks. "I'm not feeling anything demonic." He says after a minute, stopping his magic. Levy looks up in thought. "Not demonic?" I look down at my hands. I flinch when some skin peels and more scales appear in its place on my left hand. Everyone takes a step back. "That was gross" I hear Natsu snicker. "You have the same issue!" I shout at him. 

I rub my arms, shuttering at the feeling of scales showing up. "I... Unintentionally tied Natsu's life to mine when I rewrote the book" I look away, bangs covering my face. "That might be why" I look up and see Master sitting on the bar stool. He takes a sip from his mug. I glance at Natsu, who had way more scales than I did. "He has dragon slayer magic tied to his life. Perhaps by tying your life to his, you are unintentionally getting his dragon magic." Master says. 

I look at Levy, who was thinking with her eyes closed. "That seems logical. Wendy. Can you confirm?" She looks at the young girl, who nods. Wendy hoovers her hands over my chest, her hands glowing. "She does have dragon magic in her." She looks at me. "You have more than a normal human can handle. The fact you're alive right now is a miracle Lucy" Wendy says. 

I look at my hands. "What can we do?" I hear Natsu ask. "What do suggest Wendy, Levy?" Master asks. I see pink scales appear over my guild mark. I hug my hand to my chest. At least it won't disappear. "Lucy may have to burn through the dragon magic. That's all I can think of." Wendy says. Levy nods. "We should get Porlyusica. I want to see if I can make a potion to help" Natsu raises his hand. "Igneel and the other dragons went hid in our bodies to prevent us from turning into dragons. So why is this happening?" 

"Smart question" I tease and elbow his side. Master thinks. "Maybe because Lucy doesn't have the antibodies the dragons left. So with Lucy not having any it may be causing you both to turn into dragons?" He offers. Levy nods. "Seems like the most likely cause" I rub my arms. "How long do we have?" I ask. They both close their eyes and think. "I'd say three days" Wendy says. Levy and master nod, they came to the same conclusion. 

Master orders everyone to search for answers or ways to stop it. Master looks at me, a sad look on his face. "Natsu. Try and help her use the magic." I wince when I feel more scales appear on my cheeks. This was so uncomfortable. "How?" "teach her some of your dragon moves boy." Natsu and I look at each other. "Wouldn't that mean-" "Yes my boy. Lucy will be the fifth generation dragon slayer until we find a solution." 

(Until they later find out that people were eating dragons, which they bumped Lucy down to sixth gen.)

I walk behind Natsu, lost in thought. Why would I be taking Natsu's magic? How is that even possible? Well... Magic is a mages life, in a way. I'm surprised this is happening, I half expected to slowly die from changing the book of END, not take Natsu's dragon slayer magic. "Ne Lucy" I look up and see Happy talking to me. "Yes Happy?" "Does it hurt?" "The scales?" He shakes his head. "No. Having Natsu's magic? Normal people would've died from it in their body" 

I laugh lightly. "I've been burned by his fire plenty of time. But no. It doesn't hurt." I put a hand on my chest. "I just feel really warm." Natsu glances back, I could tell he had the same question as Happy. I smile at them both. "I knew the risks when I rewrote the book. As long as Natsu stays human, even if I die, I'm happy" "Lucy..." 

"I can't accept that Lucy" Natsu says quietly. We reach a plain field for training. The wind blows harshly. I stay silent, letting him talk. Happy jumps into my arms and Natsu turns to fully face me. "You're ok with dying for me?" He asks, anger in his voice. I tighten my grip on Happy. "We wouldn't have beat Zeref or Acnologia otherwise. Besides, you didn't have a say." I snap at him, then soften. "I would die for you thousands of times over, Natsu." 

Natsu grabs my hand. "Ow" I wince when his fire turns really hot. He softens and relaxes a little, turning down the heat. "You're not allowed to die Lucy. Not for me, not for anyone else" he says, a determined look in his eyes. I smile. "I wasn't planning on it. But if it came to it, I would" He grips my hand tighter. "I'll save you before that happens." I huff. "Stubborn dragon." 

I set Happy down. "So what now Natsu?" He asks, grabbing a fish from his bag. Natsu crosses his arms. "We're going to see if Lucy can do a punch with dragon magic." "Can I use my Leo stardress?" I ask. "Whatever makes it easer for you" He says, shrugging. I change into my stardress, Loke appearing against my will. I put my hands on my hips. "What are you doing here Loke?" Loke smiles at me. "I missed you!" I huff and look away as Loke starts flirting, dissing Natsu and blaming him for giving me scales. 

I feel anger rising me at that. I feel magic around my fist and I punch Loke in the face. "I know you're joking but that's too far Loke!" I growl. He goes flying back before he disappears in the spirit world. Natsu and Happy clap from behind me. Natsu whistles. "I knew you had it in you Lucy" I look down at my fist. It was covered in fire, Natsu's fire. It had blue ribbon-like streaks in it with little stars in the blue. I unclench my hand and the fire disappears. 

"That was cool Lucy!" Happy cheers. I look up at Natsu. "Why didn't you defend yourself?" I ask. He looks away. "It is my fault you're like this." He says. Before I can protest, Natsu lunges for me. I squeak and dodge him. "What the hell are you doing!?" I shout. Natsu growls at me. "Fight me Lucy." He lunges again. "Before I take your keys" He smirks. I instantly hold my keys, growling. "You wouldn't." I snarl. He chuckles. "Oh. I would. Now fight me before I punish you" I dodge a fist, barely. 

I pant and look up at Natsu. I burned through quite a bit of energy. I haven't grown any more scales. I look up at Natsu. His hands in the grass below us. He was slightly out of breath. He grins. "I won." I look away, huffing. It took everything in me to ignore Happy's snickers. "You're not going to actually take my keys are you?" "Course not. I only said that to rile up your instincts." I look up at him, raising an eyebrow. 

"My instincts?" He nods. "You growled and snarled Lucy." I close my eyes. "I did...." Natsu lays down next to me. "Your instincts to protect your hoard kicked in." I process the information, wait... "Does that mean you have a hoard?" I ask. He snickers. "You've seen it. How I had your maid dress and shit." I almost forgot about that. 

We headed to my apartment after that. I go to unlock my doors when I hear a thud behind me. "Natsu!" I instantly turn and see Natsu kneeling. He was holding his head. Then, long golden horns come out of his head. Natsu's eyes roll back into his head. I catch him before he can fall on the floor. I start feeling a stabbing pain in my head. "" I say as I pass out, landing on top of Natsu. "Lucy!" 

Natsu's POV

I sit up the moment I open my eyes. "Natsu!" Happy flies into my chest. "Happy? What happened?" Happy sniffs. "You grew horns. Lucy too" I reach up and touch the horn. I try tugging on it. It was real. I look down and see Lucy curled up next to me. Her horns went up then back. Mine went straight up. I hold my forehead. "How long were we out?" I ask. "Its the middle of day two." "fuck!" I curse. 

Lucy moans lightly. "Too loud." I feel something on my lower back. A tail. Lucy sits up, yawning. "Morning sleepy head." I mutter. Lucy blinks a few times, surprised at my tone. She was so cute. She pats herself down, then pats her butt. "I have a tail." "We both have tails" I say. She reaches and grabs her tail, placing it on her lap. 

What a sight she made. She was gorgeous. Golden scales glitter across her cheeks and forehead. She was gorgeous before but this enhances it for some reason. She looks up at me. Her eyes were blue with slits in them. "Natsu! Your eyes." She reaches up. I let her place her hand on my cheek. I place my hand on hers. "Yours too." Her eyes widen before she dashes for the bathroom. Happy and I snicker when we see her golden tail wag. I stand up, patting myself off. 

Lucy tells us she's going to shower quick and that we better not peek. I pout as she closes the door. Happy and I give each other a knowing look, then smirk. Time to raid the fridge! About twenty minutes in, Lucy comes back out, in new clothes. She was wearing a light pink crop top with a white skirt. Her tail pushing up the skirt slightly, but not enough to show anything. "That really was quick Lucy!" Happy says. "I outta strangle you!" She threatens. 

We make our way to the guild, Lucy not bothering to scold us, only saying that we had to buy her more. I feel my dragon tail wrap around Lucy's. She glances at me, a cute blush on her cheeks. I only grin at her. The tail seemed to have a mind of its own. I jog up and kick the doors open. "Do you have to do that?" Lucy asks, her tail refusing to let go of mine. I nod. "Yes." She shakes her head as we walk in. 

The second Lucy sits down next to Levy, dragon wings come out her back. Lucy squeaks, Levy too. I ignore the shouts from Gray and Gajeel as my wings pop out, slamming into them. I gently grab one and stretch it out. Lucy glances back at me, but also her wings. I fold my wings before Gray and Gajeel can grab them. 

Lucy's POV

 I glance back at Natsu. He had a fascinated look on his face. I look into his bright red eyes. They were so pretty. Like rubies. I look at my wings. They were golden as well. Natsu lets go of my wing. I somehow manage to fold my wings in. Natsu sits next to me. Gajeel and Gray were now plotting their revenge against Natsu. "Anything Levy?" He asks. 

Levy shakes her head. "Not really. All the books I found kept mentioning love and essence though." I feel a blush forming when I feel Natsu's tail wrap around mine again. I shake my head. Focus Lucy. I cross my arms. "The only thing coming to mind would be your theory of one magic" Levy says. I tilt my head. "That's what I was thinking. But they wouldn't of worded magic as essence." Erza sits across from us. "Perhaps it means blood?" I hum. "It's a possibility. It could possibly mean his element too" 

Porlyusica takes some of my blood. "I will run some quick tests as well." She places a Band-Aid on the wound. "Go get the other idiot." she demands. "Yes!" I walk out of the infirmary and see Natsu in the furthest corner of the guild. I stomp over to him. "Come on! She's going to help!" I grab his arm and drag him. "I don't want needles!" He whines, dragging his feet. I stop and look at him. "What, want me to hold your hand?" I tease. 

I ended up holding Natsu's free hand as Porlyusica takes a blood sample from Natsu. "I'm going to see if I can extract some antibodies from his blood and see if I can make a vaccine with it." Porlyusica explains. "Can you also test to see how his blood would react to mine directly?" I ask. "I was planning to" She snaps. I yelp and nod. "Now get out!" She shouts at us. Natsu drags me out of the infirmary. 

Natsu and I sit at the bar. "Why'd you ask that question?" Natsu asks me. I tilt my head. "It was in ancient books right? I highly doubt they made vaccines back then." I respond then Mira comes back with my food. I dive in, starving. The last time I ate was yesterday. "You look gorgeous like this Lucy. Kinda like a dragon queen" Mira says, winking. I blush. "t-thanks?" I blush even harder when I feel Natsu's tail wrap around my tail, again. He must've liked that. 

Porlyusica comes back out after twenty minutes. I turn and look at her, part of my tail sliding away from Natsu's. I shiver at the movement. "You have to drink his blood. A vaccine isn't possible." I scrunch up my nose. "I knew it" Porlyusica rolls her eyes. "It could be worse" I slump over the table. "Right" One of Natsu's wings wraps around me. "It'll be ok Lucy" I turn my head and look at him. He was in the same position I was. I unravel my tail from Natsu's, who pouts. I hug my tail. "I... Kinda like holding tails with you" I admit. Natsu's tail sneaks up and steals my tail back. I whimper when a few spikes hit a soft spot. He had a grin on his face. "Then I'll just hold your hand." 

We walk to the park, hand in hand, tails wrapped around each other. We got a few eyes. I know its the wings and stuff but still. I let go of his hand. "This is embarrassing"  He grabs my hand again. "So?" We sit down in front of a tree. I squeak when he drags me into his lap, my side now pressing into his chest. I huff. "Geez. Take my feelings in account for once." He doesn't respond. I look down. "The love part is pretty much just saying they have to love each other for it to work." I mutter. 

Natsu presses his lips to my head. "That won't be an issue. It'll work." I turn my head and look up at him. "Y-You sound so confident!" I stutter. He chuckles. "It's true though" He leans down, pressing his forehead against mine. "Or are you saying you don't love me" I grab his scarf. "That's not what I said" I whisper. He pulls his scarf down. He cuts a line on the side of his neck, causing blood come out. My hands twitch. With that cut, he smelled even stronger. I lean up and bite down on that spot. 

I moan as I drink up some blood. It tasted strangely good. Natsu hisses, grabbing my side. I lick the spot and pull back. I lick my lips. I look up at him. His scales were slowly fading, skin regrowing over them. I shift and straddle his hips, looping my arms around his neck. I feel a pulse in my chest. It feels like Natsu's fire. I pull him down and kiss him. He leans into me. By the time we pull away from each other, we were back to normal, no wings, horns, or tail. He presses our foreheads together. "Told you it would work" 

(Title doesn't match the story but I couldn't think of anything else)

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