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The Class 3-E students were spending the last day of summer in their own ways as for Nagisa he was spending it with his father inside the sushi shop.

"Are you getting along with mom?" his father asked as the question made him flinched while he held the plate of pink salmon flavored sushi roll.

"Must be hard because she can be so strict. I feel bad for bailing on you." his father continued.

"It's okay, she isn't that strict when you don't tick her off." Nagisa said.

"If you say so..." his father said.

"Yeah, so anyways—" Nagisa stopped mid way as he saw a certain black haired girl with red scarf holding a wooden block.

Summer Festival!

If you're free at 7'o clock tonight, meet at Kunugigaoka Station

Was written on the board, Nagisa sweat dropped as she grinned happily.

"What's wrong, Nagisa?" his father asked him.

His eyes blinked while staring at Angel who was seating beside his father, hurriedly she wrote something with a marker in hand.

Last day of summer vacation: let's hang out and have some mindless fun, you better come!

Hurriedly, Angel grabbed some sushis and ate it quickly, afterwards she stood up and sneaked out of the restaurant while whispering thanks for the food sushi, it was good.

Nagisa deadpanned to her childish actions making his dad confused, then that's when he made up his mind.

"Thanks for the food, dad!" he said.

"Your done already?" his father asked.

"I just remembered I have to do something today. Take care of yourself dad, see you!" Nagisa said as he stood up from his seat.

He ran out of the shop, trying to find the girl, his eyes spotted a girl in black dress with red scarf turned to an alleyway as he run towards to her. When she reached the place where she turned, she was nowhere to be found making him frown.

She got away. he thought.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Huh? A festival?" Karma asked while playing a game in his PSP as he turned to Angel who was sitting on his window.

"I and that octopus just thought about it today, we're asking everyone in class...lots of our classmates turned us down because they have their own plans, I'm feeling hurt." she reasoned out as bubbly tears rolled down her cheeks while she begged for Karma to come, the boy could only  sweat dropped.

"Please Karma, come with us to the festival...plus your my boyfriend, aren't you? isn't it they're jobs to do what their girl wants?!" she nagged him while grabbing his hand and shaking it, still begging for him to come.

He let out a sigh as he put aside his PSP on his table and stood up while his gaze was on her.

"Alright" Karma said.

"Really? You mean it...?" she asked.

"Yeah, I was just lazing around anyway" he lied, what Angel didn't knew that was he was studying before she dropped off to his house.

"Thank you, Karma. Your really nice!" she said as she let out a closed eyed smile making Karma blushed furiously.

"Yeah, whatever...why do you want me to come that badly?" he asked.

"It's more fun when we're together!" Angel grinned happily.

"W-What?" he stuttered.

"It's true, I'm not lying." she said.

Karma nearly had a meltdown because of her kind and bashful words, doesn't this girl have shame?

"Well, if you wanted me to come that badly...guess I can't do anything about that."

"Are you going to do something later? If you do, then I won't force you to come."

"No, I don't have anything to do, damn it!"

"W-Why are you angry?"

Karma turned around as his back was facing her, not wanting her to see his blushing face.

"Gotta go now, see you later at the festival Karma!" Angel told him.

"How are you going to go down?" he asked.

"Window." she simply says.

His eyes widened as she stood up on his window, ready to jump down on the ground.

"Wait! This is the second floor—"

Before he can continue his statement, the girl was already out of his sight. Hurriedly, he peeked outside the window to see her landing safely in the ground without scratches.

"See you later, Karma!" she yelled while waving her hand out, then she ran out of the Akabane residence leaving Karma in shock.

This is the second floor...how did she do that?! he thought.

Koro-sensei on the other hand was literally crying because he has no success in winning his students. He was on his phone, asking for Lovro Brofski to come to the festival.

"A festival, huh? I'm pleased that my target invited me but I'm out of Japan in another mission."

"I'll come pick you up! Karasuma-sensei wouldn't come, no one would be there."

Koro-sensei's weak point

25) Thinks a poor turnout means his worthless

"Don't be silly, I'm working."

"No way~!"

"How are the two assassins that I brought there, any progress?"

"Angel-chan and Irina-sensei, huh? They're fine, but for Angel-chan she's really dominating when it comes in killing me, I'm surprised that I'm still alive."

"Good to hear, make sure that she doesn't get any harm. Despite her brute force, she is a fragile child."

"Yes, as her teacher I won't."

"I'm hanging off now, see you."

"Alright, come by and kill me anything, okay?"

"But of course."

With that, the call ended. Lovro placed his phone in the depths of his pockets as he was deep in thought.

"Too bad I have to leave Angel and that boy in Japan...must've been great if I invited them here."

His eyes widened as he witnessed the person who was in front of him, it was him...

"Eh~ You know Angel?"

Before Lovro can react from his statement, the man positioned his hand like a gun and pointed it to the other assassin.

"From the moment you were born, I'm always by your side."

Blood stained his chest as he fell on the ground silently, while he was still in the foggy area.

"Fear not the name of the Reaper."

✦ ✧ ✦

The skies turned dark as the city lights lit up, there were lots of stalls you could spot in every corner of the festival.

"More came that me and Angel-chan expected! I was considering suicide if no one came." Koro-sensei cheered.

"I guess we shouldn't have come." Kayano said to Koro-sensei as she sweat drop, then silence filled them.


Nagisa, Kayano, and Koro-sensei turned to the owner of the voice and saw Angel wearing a yukata while waving her hand in the air.

"T-That's fraud, customer! Your cheating." a vendor said.

"What? I didn't! I won fair and square, your the one who's fraud!" Angel reasoned out.

"Please customer, lower your voice." he whispered.

"Nuh-uh, I will not until you gave me my price, hand it over!" she growled.

"Alright, alright. Here you go." the vendor gave her the prize.

The three watched her win marvelously in a stall as they sweat drop.

"Angel doesn't know when to lose, does she?"

"Yeah...the way she is right now is utterly embarrassing."

"Well, well...let her be, she's just a kid that doesn't know how to lose."

After getting her price, she walked up to Koro-sensei and the others.

"Look, look, I got this huge meat as a price~!" Angel beamed happily while waving the meat in mid-air.

"Good for you, Angel-chan." Koro-sense said.

She began to bite on the big piece of meat as she turned her head and saw Hayami and Chiba walking towards them.

"Hey Rinka, Ryūnosuke, what's up with the faces?" she asked.

"We got banned from the shooting gallery."

"It was too easy, we got carried away."

Both of them said while holding lots of prices in their hands from the shooting gallery.

"Sucks to be you guys." Angel said while grabbing a bite from the huge meat she won earlier.

"Hey mister, I spent five thousand yen and never got any better than fifth place~" Nagisa heard Karma's voice as he turned to see him negotiating with the owner of the stall.

"Going by the number of strings and prizes left, the probability of never getting fourth place or above is—" he trailed off as he showed the man his devilish smile.

"Wow! 0.05 percent, are any of these strings a winner? Maybe I should get a police officer to check."

"Alright, alright! You can gave your money back—"

"I wanna play, old bag." someone said as both of the males turned to see a girl in yukata and holding a meat in stick.

"You probably shouldn't, Angel-chan, this mister is cheating." Karma cooed as the man shivered nervously while Angel was confused.

"I don't care, I came here to win."

"Like I said, he is cheating, there is no way you could win—"


Karma was dumbfound when the machine stated that she won by her first try, what a miracle.

"Please pick your prize." the vendor said.

"Hmm...I want that one!" she pointed her index finger at the cotton candy prize as the man gave her the one she chose as her prize.

"Isn't this cheating, mister? How could she win in her first try yet I couldn't win to the point I spent 5,000 yen?" Karma growled.

"T-That's...the girl has an amazing luck—that's all!" the vendor stuttered.

"Hmm...your suspicious, didn't you just put the winner to the spot you think she would grab?" he said while glaring at the old man.

"N-N-No, I didn't do that!" the old man sweat dropped.

Karma-kun is so persistent yet Angel is really lucky... Nagisa thought while watching the scene in front of him.

Unknown to the two people arguing, Angel fled without Karma's consent and she saw Isogai and Maehara.

"Hey Yūma! Hiroto! Whatcha guys doing?" Angel casually asked as she walked towards them.

"Oh it's you, Angel. Great timing, look at Isogai's skills, pretty neat?" Maehara stated.

"Now that you mentioned it, Yūma is awesome to be able to catch all of that!" she cheered.

"No, it's not that amazing, Angel..." Isogai said as he blushed while the girl just grinned happily at him and continued to watch him scooping fish.

"Isn't there anything you can't do, Isogai?" Maehara sighed.

"It's a lot like slicing with a knife, it's really easy!" Isogai said.

"What, really? I wanna try!" Angel cheered.

Then Angel tried to scoop fishes in her first time as she successfully grabbed a lot

"You're right, Yūma, it's easy!" she stated.

"Right? Told you it was!" Isogai replied.

"Well...for both of you it's easy, for me it's difficult..." Maehara said.

Angel handed Isogai the plastic bag filled with fishes in water, saying she wouldn't need it.

"Thank you, Angel! When you're poor, you're glad to get a while meal for a hundred yen." Isogai happily said.

"What? Your going to eat those?!" Maehara asked, surprised.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Damn, how did I end up here again?" Angel said while looking around, behind her was a temple that the only person here is her.

"I know I was with Yūma and Isogai earlier...HOW THE HECK I'M STUCK IN HERE?!" she yelled the last part while messing her hair, lost in the area.

It was dark and cold outside all alone, she heard some rustling making her flinch.

W-What's that?! she thought.

She stared intently at the bushes. A sweat tricked down her forehead as she saw a cat running off, she let out a sigh of relief.

"What the...It's just a cat, that scared the shit out of me." she mumbled.

Her red eyes stopped and stared at something and saw a girl standing near the darkest view of the forest.

W-What's that...a ghost?!

In her surprise, the ghost smirked making Angel halt as the colors from her face faded.

The ghost walked nearer in her surprise with a knife in hand, as she realized it wasn't really a ghost. It ran towards her as Angel quickly swiped a knife beneath her yukata then the pair of silvers clashed each other.

"I've missed you, Yuuki-san~!" the girl that she thought was a ghost, said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here...Rin?" Angel gritted her teeth.

"I've come here to seek my revenge, what do you think?" Soraru answered.

"Damn you..." the black haired girl said.

They've continued clashing the knives at each other while shooting glares at one another. Then Soraru swung her blade and left a scrap on her cheek, Angel began to panic as she used this chance to cut her arm and leg, however, Angel's reflexes are better. She was able to avoid Soraru's attack and only suffered with a scrap. Hurriedly, she backed away from Soraru.

"Have you heard the God of Death, Yuuki-san~?" Soraru asked

"Huh? Who the heck is that?" Angel said.

"No, his an assassin. Your surely living under the roof, aren't you?" Soraru chuckled.

"Not that I care for that person." Angel huffed, not interested.

"You should be careful around him, he's after that octopus' head...and he'll kill anyone that stands in his way." the pink haired girl warned her.

"Like I said: I don't care...I'll just have to beat him up." she growled.

"Yeah...if that's easy." Soraru said, sadly.

Silence filled them as Soraru unzipped her jacket to reveal her breast covered in bra, the first thing Angel noticed was the huge scar across her chest.

"Where did you get that scar?"

"From the God of Death, he really did a great art out of me."

"...No way." She was indeed terrified of that God of Death after seeing that huge scar on her chest.

"If you don't want to end up like this, you better start being aware of your surroundings...he's always with you."

"Shut up—Don't even dare to scare me, I'm not afraid!" Angel yelled.

"I wonder how long you'll last with that attitude, I can't wait to see..." Soraru sighed as she zipped up her clothing while smiling at Angel who was terrified.

"Do you get it now? You better—"

"ANGEL-CHAN!" a voice called as the two of them turned, while Soraru clicked her tongue.

"Until we meet again, Yuuki-san." she said and hurriedly escaped before the third party comes, Angel fell on her knees.

"Are you okay, Angel—Whoa, where did you get that?" Karma asked as he crouched down, he caressed her cheek that has a cut. He wiped away the blood with his thumb.

"Uh...cat scratches?" Angel said.

"Seriously? That's a lots of them." he said while eyeing her arm and her leg that also had a light cut.

"Yeah...she have grown stronger, too." she muttered under her breath.

Karma heard her muttering something while she was averting her gaze with his, that attitude of hers, no doubt—something happened earlier before he came.

"Do you think I'm dumb enough to believe it was just cat scratches?" he sighed.

"But it really is—" she was cut off by Karma.

"Is is really...?" he asked, eyeing her.

She clammed her lips as she wasn't able to say another word while Karma stared at her.

"She came...Rin did."

"W-What? That girl came...?"

"Yeah, she warned me of a certain someone, but it wasn't really a threat."

Angel stood up and began dusting her yukata, she hid the light cuts on her arm and leg in her clothes. She rubbed the wound on her cheek, making sure that there were no more blood. Then Karma stood up and hugged her tightly, she was completely surprised.

"Don't scare me like that—I was worried, damn it!" he said as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Sorry..." was the only thing she could say.

"Even if I don't protect you, your strong enough..." he said.

"Well, yeah...but, I would really appreciate if you do." she lightly blushed in his arms.

"Of course, I'm your boyfriend." he smiled.

They back away from each other, staring at one another's eyes as the both of them smiled. Unexpectedly, Karma leaned down and kissed her on the lips while Angel returned the kiss. During the kiss, fireworks shoot up in the sky as it lightened up the dark skies filled with stars.

"That's unfair, Karma..." she mumbled.

"No it's not. Your just slow." he grinned.

"Oh, shut up." she pouted.

They let go of each other as they looked up at the sky to watch the fireworks display.

This I promise you, I will, with no fail protect you this time!

✦ ✧ ✦

"If one person kills him, the 10 billion yen stands, so I decided that we will increased the bounty of 30 billion yen."

"Can the two assassins that Lovro introduced us can pull it off?"

"Of course...have you forgotten who that girl really us?"

"Do you refer to Yuuki Angel?"

"Yes, that girl is a monster itself...do you not recall the crime she committed?"

"I don't remember...not at all."

"It isn't so surprising if you don't, the government decided to delete her history because of how dreadful she is."

"What is she, a comrade or a enemy?"

"...I bet she's neither..."

Who is the real Yuuki Angel?

Why was the government so frightened by a small girl?

Is she really someone you can trust?


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