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It was early in the morning at the classroom as Koro-sensei happily entered the classroom, wanting the students to look up with him with respect and affection...but instead, they gazed up to him with disgust.

They let Koro-sensei read the magazine's that's been released recently as he sweat dropped nervously from the news.

"This is totally you, isn't it?"

"Honestly, we're disappointed."

"How could you do such a thing?"

"N-No, wait! I don't know anything about this class!" Koro-sensei stated.

"Koro-sensei, please turn yourself in jail."

"How rude! Then come with me to the staff's room—I'll prove you my innocence!" he said.

Then some of them went to the staff's room as Koro-sensei gets rid of every last one magazine in his locker that in his sight, then they saw his tentacle holding a bra which everyone gasped.

"Hey, everyone, check out the class roll book! See the letters next to all the girl's names—he's done research into all our cup sizes!" Okano said as they looked at the roll book, then Angel and Kayano were pissed with what's written next to their names.

"Hey! Why am I and Kaede marked with Forever Flat?!" Angel yelled.

"Yeah, she's right!" Kayano stated.

Angel and Kayano were making a ruckus as everyone turned to them while Okuda was stopping Kayano as Karma was stopping Angel.

"Look at this, a list of women in Kunugigaoka with at least an F-cup!"


"Wait! I...that can't—" Koro-sensei stuttered.

"Damn you perverted octopus." Angel glared at him.

"No, I can explain Angel—" Koro-sensei halted as the students' looked at him with disgust and disrespect, making him more tensed.

"Oh, right! I was getting ready for an after school barbecue! See? Don't these skewers look tasty—" he once halted as he noticed that it wasn't skewers—it was a variety of bras stuck in the stick, silence filled the air as everyone was shocked.

"This isn't good."


"So filthy."

"Y-Your the worst!" Angel yelled as Koro-sensei was really shocked, after what she said, no one dared to speak.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Th-That's all for today...class...see you...tomorrow..." Koro-sensei said nervously as he walked out of the room while everyone was looking at him intensely.

"We really put him through the wringer today, huh....Guess he couldn't stand the heat." Karma smirked.

"Hey Karma, do you really think he did it? I mean—it's a serious crime." Angel asked.

"Whoa, fancy hearing that from an assassin like you."

"Tell me about it."

"Compared to blowing up the earth, it's downright adorable." Karma stated.

"How's that adorable? It's gross." Angel said as she had a disgusted look on her face.

"Yeah, for a girl it is—but, if I were a Mach 20 underwear thief, I sure wouldn't leave an evidence behind. Here, catch it with your hands." Karma said as he tossed a ball to his seatmate, he said to catch it with your hands, but instead she caught it with her face, resulting for her face t= glow bright red. She looked down and gasped as a bra was wrapped around the basketball.

"A ball from the equipment shed. He'd have to know that if he did this—he'd be dead to us as a teacher, losing our trust in him with this nonsense is what he wanted to avoid while being assassinated." he stated the facts.

"Yeah...your right." she said.

"Then who did it?"

"An impostor...this culprit is familiar with Koro-sensei." Fuwa stated as she turned to the machine at the back rows as the girl stared back at her.

"Ritsu, look for clues with me!" she stated.


"Something along those lines, anyways. I don't know why they'd do something like this—" Karma started as he stood up from his chair and walked up to his seatmate as his fingers played with her long, silky black hair that's being held together wit a scarf wrapped around her neck.

"But if this rumor rides our bounty buddy out of town, we'll lose everything, right, Angel-chan?"

Then Angel stood up as the top of her head hits his chin, her eyes were filled with determination and passion so suddenly.

"Yeah, like Karma said! Let's beat this damn culprit in a cool way!" she stated.


"I'm in!"

"Forever flat..."

✦ ✧ ✦

Angel jumped on the wall as she landed on the ground where her friends are: Nagisa, Kayano, Fuwa, Terasaka and Karma, her boyfriend.

"The great detective has arrived practically grown up in body and mind!"

"All we're doing is using parkour to trespass."

"Hey Fuwa, how do you know the culprit's gonna strike here next?"

"This is a camp facility for a certain pro entertainers, a big busted idol group has been here for two weeks practicing their latest dance routines."

"Yes, and based on the suspect's disposition, there's a 99.77% probability this place his sights."

"And tomorrow's the last day of camp! No way will our man let these top notch trophies get away."

"I see."

They were in silence for awhile as they noticed Koro-sensei's presence in the bushes, hiding.

"So it's Koro-sensei after all."

"Sure looks like a thief with that getup."

"He's looking at the underwear and getting all worked up!"

"I just can't see him as anything but the bad guy!"

Then Angel spotted a suspicious character within the midst as her lips curved in a smile.

"No way...it's him?" she stated.


"Anyways, we know that someone else was behind all of this!"

"Damn, his getting away!"

Before the culprit could even ran away with the undergarments, someone ounce at him making him halt.

"Caught you—so you disguised yourself as me and did things I only wish I could have done!" they watched as their teacher pulling the culprit with him.

"Isn't this worse than the underwear thief?"

"The reports got his laugh exactly right."

"Now show your face—you impostor" Koro-sensei revealed behind the person in the mask as everyone gasped except Angel, she just sighed.

"Knew it was him...." she mumbled.

It was Karasuma's underling that came in their classroom several months ago to handout everyone's knifes.

"How did you know, Angel?"

"His helmet...the model was vaguely familiar, I saw him once wearing that so I knew." she stated.

"What an impressive memory you have."

"Usually, no normal human could remember that."

Suddenly a trap was prepared for Koro-sensei as something appeared beneath and shielded his exits.

"I negotiated with the government to borrow one of Karasuma-san's men—he lured you right into this pen of anti-sensei sheets."

"It's what your student's did on that southern island, youngsters have such limber minds—especially hers."

"This voice...could it be?" Koro-sensei gasped.

"Let your final death match begin."

Shiro flicked his fingers as someone jumped and appeared on the moon with long tentacles.

"Koro-sensei, compared to me you are...Weak."


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