♚SHE [42] : FAMILY♚

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The Kunugigaoka festival has just started as the classes started to snag visitors outside the school, the Class 3-E were having an Acorn Cafe for the day, the ingredients they were using are the mountain's nature.

Lots of guest have came in their first day, let's go to our main protagonist shall we?

"Huh? You didn't order this?" Angel asked as she gave out a puzzled look while in her hands is a tray of bowled acorn noodles.

"Miss, one mont blanca please!"

"That acorn noodles is my order!"

"I want a cup of water!"

Panic, lost, confused, was the swirl of emotions that she was feeling right now, she ran up to one of the customers then tripped. The acorn noodles went up to one customer's face.

"Oh, crap...I'm in deep shit." she mumbled as her face was on the floor, then someone came to her aid and fixed up her mess.

"I'm deeply sorry, our dear customers. Let me hand you some napkin." a voice said.

She stood up and saw Isogai handing napkins to the person she spilled noodles at, she sweat drop bullets as she was wondering how much trouble she's going to be in later.

"Go and take a rest, Angel-chan." he said.

"Yeah, thanks a bunch, Yūma." she smiled at him.

She walked inside the classroom as she saw Nakamura and Nagisa talking.

"Hey Nagisa, I heard why your hair is long, I'm sorry. You didn't want to do it...did my teasing hurt you?" Nakamura asked.

"Oh no, I can handle a little ribbing from you and Karma." Nagisa just laughed it off.

"I see, I'll lay off the teasing now." she said.

Angel smiled after hearing this, she walked out of the classroom and started to head outside.

"Angel-chan~!" she flinched from the voice that called her name, no doubt its....

"Y-Yuji? What are you doing here?!" she asked.

"Hehehe, I have my ways!" he laughed.

"I-I see...anyways, do you want to order some food? It's a school festival after all." she said.

"Yeah, I would love to~!" he stated.

For some dozen of reasons, they end up at the bushes as Yuji was eating the ordered foods.

"Hey Angel-chan, do you want to eat? Name your food and I'll buy it!"

"Really? Thank you Yuji!"

They started eating the food that they ordered, the reason why they are there because Angel didn't want Karma to see them...he'll get angry for no reasons. Then a foreigner walked up to Karasuma.

"I'm liking all the rich colors on this mountain!"

"I heard the Reaper did you in."

"It was touch and go there for awhile, but I'm young enough to recover quickly."

"Never mind that, hide your gun!"

They saw a man with blonde hair with a shotgun as Yuji became frightened.

"Who's that? He has a gun!" he asked, flabbergasted.

"H-H-He's Yoshioka f-from the local hunt c-club! I-I've heard that his a big otaku, hilarious right?" she was just reading the script Nagisa was writing behind the bushes, Yuji's cheeks begun to go red.

"Well, enough of him...Angel-chan, what do you think of me—AHHH!" he shouted.

Angel turned around to see Lovro behind her as she sweat dropped, then the man in cloak walked up to Karasuma.

"The octopus invited me."

"I see, glad to see you're alive too, your pupil's been worried, meet her."

"Will do."

Angel's eyes scanned the script that Nakamura wrote for her.

"W-What's with that scary old dude? He's no ordinary guy..." he asked.

"M-Mild Yagyu, a big name in Asakusa theater scene..." she answered.

They noticed the assassins at the isle were eating and having assassin like conversation, Angel just explained that they were fellow comedians.

"Hey Angel-chan, you suck at lying you know that?" he stated.

"What are you talking about—" she trailed off when he looked at her, seriously.

"I can tell when people put up a front, wear a fake smile. The girl I met at that island hotel? She wouldn't smile like that." he said.

She hung down her head as shadow appeared from her eyes while she lightly bit her lower lip.

"Yeah, just like you said...I suck at lying, but it can't be helped, I needed to lie to keep a certain secret."

"A certain secret?"

"If I told you what it is, it's not a secret anymore..."

Yuji didn't said a word, he knew that she doesn't trust him, it made him slightly frustrated but it couldn't be helped...they don't know each other that much.

"I see, your right. You couldn't tell to the person you barely met your secret right?"

"Yeah...there are just some secret are better off to be unheard."

She couldn't tell him, it was in the contract after all, not telling about the secret of the Class 3-E to outsiders.

"I'm going home now." he stood up.

"Huh? Why so suddenly?" she asked.

"I feel like I made a fool out of myself today, ahhh...I'm tired." he sighed, disappointed.

Yuji stood up as he began to walk away, Angel hurriedly ran up to him and grabbed his wrist as he stopped on his tracks.

"I-I didn't mean to lie...it's just—"

"A secret that suppose not to tell? I get it now, no need to explain to me."

"Yuji...are you angry?"

"Nah, not really."

She lets go of his wrist as he turned to face her, her crimson eyes were filled with guilt and sadness.

"Thanks for understanding." she smiled, Yuji let out a small smile and blushed furiously as he nodded.

The Next Day

It was filled with lines of people from different places in Japan, even Kuroko came to check the place!

The place was packed with people as the food they have sold are from the mountain's nature, in the end of the day they didn't won.

"U-Um, Yuuki-san! Are you still open for today?" Angel turned around to see a pretty woman walked up to her.

"Nope, were already closed—oh, your Nagisa's mom!" she stated.

"Is that so? And yes I am." the woman said.

Then Angel guide her to seat on one of the tables as she handed her mother a cup of crimson glory vine juice.

"Hey, how do you know me?" Angel asked.

"Oh, Nagisa sometimes talks about you to me." Nagisa's mother answered.

"Is that so? What does he say?" she asked her again.

"He says that your really pretty and strong, physically and mentally. Oh, he also said that he l—" she was cut off when someone interrupted them.

"MOM!" Nagisa run up to stop their conversation while he was beat red.

"Hey Nagisa, I'm going back now okay? Do your best." Angel said.

"Y-Yeah...thank you, Angel." Nagisa nodded.

She walked out and let the mother and kid alone as the two watched her walk inside the classroom.

"So that's your type, huh?" his mother asked.

"N-No! It's just happened she's always with me, that's all." he blushed.

Nagisa sat at the other side of his mother as she didn't push further.

"Your class is really something, I understand why you wanted to stay."

"Yeah...everyone here is really kind to me as they treated me fairly."

"I see...in what happened here the other night, I knew that my son was separated from me and graduating from me was no bluff...but, at least stay with me till you come of age, I did get to be your mother so let me worry about you."


The class smiled as they were eavesdropping their conversation.

"All of the connections we encounter in this world serve as teachers who nurture us."

✦ ✧ ✦

"How about making today the day you were born?"

✦ ✧ ✦

"The connections you gave me...am I doing a good job passing them along?" Koro-sensei thought about the words of his beloved back then as he stared at the children of the class.

Tears silently fell on the floor as Angel smiled while staring from the window view.

"Having a family is a good thing, right? I wish I had one of my own." she muttered.

Her classmates turn to her worriedly as she was crying while smiling, her heart was etching from the heart warming scene in front of her.

"I'm so jealous of everyone...for having a happy family." she hid her face with her hands as she gritted her teeth while tears stream down her cheeks.

None of her classmates said a word as they could only watch her sob in silence.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...Angel."


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