♚SHE [45] : CUTE♚

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It was another day in the Class 3-E's domain as the class told Angel about Koro-sensei's weakness as she nodded, understanding it.

"A drama festival?!"

"Yeah, Asano-kun said it was a training to memorize lines and stage directions in a short time and beside you guys will find a way."

"Anyways, let's whip those guys in the main campus excited!"

✦ ✧ ✦

The curtains started to raise as the student from the main campus sat down on the floor while eating their snacks.

"So it's the Class 3-E's turn, huh."

"Let's bash at 'em while we eat!"

{A/N: The scene that would happen next isn't from the main story line and episode, I will now take the lead}

A long, long time ago, in the thorny castle of one kingdom, there was once a beautiful princess. She was cursed since the day she was born, and because of it, she was called Sleeping Beauty.

"Jeez, I wonder if there are any good men anywhere around here." Nakamura said as she was wearing a gown while standing on the stage, acting normally.

"How boring can this place get?" she sighed as they continued acting, then Angel was behind the stage, nervous because she couldn't memorize the lines.

"Uwaah! W-What should I do? I've never been in a play before!" she stuttered.

"C-Calm down, Angel! The sleeping beauty w-will play for awhile, until then—let's memorize our lines!" Nagisa stated, trying to help her calm down.

"Y-Y-Yeah! Good idea, Nagisa!" she agreed.

The two were very nervous right now at backstage as they just finished changing their costumes, Angel's role was the prince and Nagisa's role was the princess...shouldn't that be the opposite? In what their classmates said, their personality and looks fit the characters too well.

Itona walked out of the dressing room, his role was the wolf, Angel's eyes glimmered as she ran towards him, happily.

"Wow! Your so cute, Itona!" she beamed as the others nodded, Itona blushed a bit but replaced it was soon replaced with a glare, he flicked Angel's forehead as she yelped in pain.

"Ow! What's that for?"

"Don't ever call a guy cute, plus..."


Itona stared at Angel, who was wearing a prince's costume, even though she's suppose to play a male's part, she looks adorable.

"Your... the one who's..."


"C... Cu—"

Itona's tongue was tied in a knot, he couldn't speak because his heart was beating fast and blushing furiously.

"Hey Angel! Nagisa! It's both of your turn to get on the stage." Sugino called the two as Angel and Nagisa gulped, they looked at each other for awhile and nodded.

"L-L-Let's go...Nagisa." she stuttered.

"Y-Yeah, your right. Angel." he stated, nervously.

But before they could leave, Angel turned his head to Itona and smiled.

"See you later, Itona!" she stated before walking towards the stage.

He just nodded as he stared at her back that was slowly fading from his sight.

"Your the one who's cute."

✦ ✧ ✦

Walking up like robots to the stage, the others turned to them as they sweat dropped, worried about how they will act in that condition.

At around the same time, in the Eastern Castle, the prince and Snow White had their fated meeting.

"Ah, what beautiful flowers!" Nagisa said as the light shone down on him, he was wearing a beautiful gown that reaches the wooden floor, it seems like his stage freight went away.

"N-No, they're nothing compared to your beauty!" Angel said as the lights shone down at her and Nagisa, she was holding a bouquet of flowers in hand. They could hear few squeals from the girls who were watching them.

"W-W-Will you...take these?" she stuttered, nervously.

During the line she told, some of the audience frown, unsatisfied of her acting plus she was stuttering.

"That girl is Yuuki Angel, right?"

"Whoa! She sucks at acting!"

"Well, she's from the End Class anyways, what do you expect?"

At the back of the stage sat Koro-sensei who was writing on the board some few words, his face was bright pink and he was smirking all by himself.

"Kayano-san, please held this up and show it to Angel-chan later~!" Koro-sensei said as he handed the board to Kayano, she was curious in what he wrote so she read it...then her eyes widened from what she just read.

"W-W-What?! Koro-sensei...this!"

"Nurufufu~ do it later, okay~?"

Kayano didn't have the right to protest so she nodded her head and clutched the board as she looked down on the ground, her heart was like as if it was going to explode any minute.

✦ ✧ ✦

"I wanna beat 'em till they drop!"

"L-Let's not get violent now, Angel."

Nagisa tried to calm down the angered girl as he let out a small laugh while sweat dropping, thinking it won't get him anywhere.

"I'm not really cut at this kind of things...Kaede should've have taken my role instead."

"But you lost at Jaken-pon."


"The one who loses will be playing the prince!"

"You're on!"

"I d-don't want to act on t-the stage! I'm scared!"

"Let's start!"

Angel, Kayano, Okuda, Okano, and Kanzaki started to held out their hands.


They stopped for awhile as all of them used all of the moves, their were scissors, rocks, and papers.

"Again! Jaken-pon!"

They stopped once again as all of them except Angel used paper, she turned white as sheets as she witnessed herself using a rock.

"Hahaha, Angel lost!"

"Luck wasn't on your side!"

"Good luck!"

Angel messed her hair in frustration as she lost.

"Ugh...I don't want to remember that again, I regret playing with them." she growled in frustration.

"Well, if this show turned into a good route...it's our win!" Nagisa said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah, your right. I should just enjoy this...I'm not an actor or anything, I'm just a human who makes mistakes." Nagisa nodded as an quote lit up in Angel's head as she remembered something.

"Only actors need to worry about how they're seen, for the rest of us, being yourself is enough." she said as Nagisa nodded, then they started laughing happily, their laughter attracted someone's attention as he quietly watched them.

"What's wrong, Karma?" Karma turned his head as he saw Itona looking at him with his same dull expression.

"Nothing, anyways—I think its now your turn to get up on the stage with the Snow White." he stated.

"Oh, that's right." Itona said.

✦ ✧ ✦

The Snow White was taking a stroll through the forbidden forest, while humming her favorite melody.

"Lu la la la~ Lu la la la~!" Nagisa sung while wearing the gown as his face was bright red, very much embarrassed by this.

Unexpectedly, a Wolf came out of nowhere and covered her path.

"Awwooh~! You shall not past!" Itona performed the wolf as his voice was expressionless as always.

"W-Who are you?" Nagisa asked.

"I am the guardian of this forest, those who dare to walk in here shall not come back unscathed!" the albino haired boy said.

"Don't come near me—NO!"

Itona was about to use his fake sharp claws to attack Nagisa when Angel ran to the stage and use a fake sword to counter back the wolf's attack.

The Prince came and rescue Snow White from the Wolf's wrath.

"Nagisa—no, princess, run away!"


"Don't worry, I'll protect you!"

Itona forced a little bit of power as Angel clicked her tongue as he was really going to hit Nagisa.

"Run!" she yelled as Nagisa hurriedly stood up from the floor, then she used her heel to maintain in balance. She swing the sword as Itona backed away.

"You—why did you ran away?!" she retorted as the others sweat dropped and face palmed, knowing that she have forgotten they are still on the play.

"I mean... why are you attacking the princess? What's your objective?"

"..." Itona didn't replied as his cold stares remained on her, then he turned around and started to walk away.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" she yelped.

"I'll be back and take Snow White's life... we shall meet again." he stated and left the stage.

✦ ✧ ✦

The Sleeping Beauty had extreme jealously of the Snow White because she attained the Prince's attention.

"Snow White... I will destroy you in the name of the Prince's love!" Nakamura said furiously as she hid behind the fake bushes as she waited for Nagisa to come.

"Uwah~ what a beautiful flower!" Nagisa cheered, then Itona pulled him and strangled his neck lightly, Nagisa acted as if he was truly hurting from his grip.

"Stop... this...!" Nagisa struggled.

"I can't do that Snow White, I need to fulfill my mission in killing you." Itona said, strangling him.

Then Okuda walked in the scene while holding a violet colored poison, but in fact its only grape juice.

"Witch, do it!" Itona stated.

"B-But... she's too young to die." Okuda slightly shivered and acted like what the script stated, until Nakamura came and began laughing.

"What are you hesitating for? Have you forgotten that I still have the hostages captivated?" Nakamura smirked.

The screen showed Kayano, Kanzaki, and Sugino tied up, screaming for help. Then Okuda bit her lip.

"Alright, I'm sorry princess..." Okuda forced open Nagisa's mouth as the juice slide inside of his tongue while he gulped it down.

Itona dropped Nagisa on the wooden stage as Nakamura laughed.

"Very good! Now, we should get going before anyone witnessed us!" with that, the three of them excited the stage, leaving Nagisa alone.

The Snow White became eternally asleep after swallowing the poison that Sleeping Beauty gave her.

"Snow White! Where are you?" Angel ran up to the stage as her eyes widened to see Nagisa laying on the ground, his eyes were closed.

"Hey Snow White! Open your eyes!" she shook him, but no avail, the light shinning on the two of them as Angel felt her phone vibrate, while she grabbed it and saw Ritsu.

"Angel-san, please look to your right, Kayano-san is raising the board for your next move."

She turned her head as instructed, she saw Kayano bowing many times while raising up the signboard.

Angel-chan, please kiss Nagisa-kun on the lips to end this play~

Koro-sensei ★彡

It took a while until the instruction became cleared at her as she blushed bright red, imagining her and Nagisa kissing right now...

'K-Kiss Nagisa in front of this crowd?! Seriously? Has he forgotten that me and Karma are already dating?' she cried inside while blushing, her face can be a perfect match as Karma's bright red hair.

'But if I don't... the story will ruin! However, Karma would get angry.'

"If your really dead... I should leave you a parting... k-k-kiss!" she gritted her teeth as she slowly grabbed Nagisa to raise up.


"Hmm... what?"


While Angel was leaning down, Karma balled his fist and gritted his teeth, not liking what he's seeing.

"Koro-sensei! What does this mean?" Karma growled.

"Nurufufu~ why are you so angry, Karma-kun~?" Koro-sensei chuckled, liking his pupil's angry expression.

"Me and Angel-chan are already dating! Why are you letting her kiss Nagisa-kun?"

"Oh? Are you jealous?"

Koro-sensei teased the red haired boy as he blushed, frustrated, then he heard Maehara and Nakamura snickering behind him.

"You're just jealous~"

"How possessive!"

He wanted to hit Koro-sensei right now, wait scratch that, he wanted to kill him right now. Who would want to see the one their dating kissing another person? No one, right?

"You see, Nagisa-kun is still confused and hesitating." Koro-sensei started.

"Huh?" Karma asked, confused.

"I want him to realize his true feelings for Angel-chan, didn't you heard if you kiss one person, you can determine if you like or dislike them?" his teacher stated.

Even so, Karma was against this. He didn't like this kind of scenario, he was slowly losing patience, he was also breaking inside.

Nagisa was thankful of this opportunity even though he feels bad.

Being kissed by the girl that he likes wouldn't be so bad, but there was one person breaking too, knowing how Karma is feeling.

Kayano clutched the board that she raised earlier, tears started to form her eyes. She hated this.

Before their lips met, Karma grabbed the waffles that Itona was eating, he was standing right beside him.

The curtains started to fall as Karma tossed it to her as she lays Nagisa down the ground. Kissing him had back fired immediately.

Afterwards, all of the cast bowed as the audience clapped, they were awestruck in the props and acting they just did in a short days.

Asano sighed in relief as Sakakibara smirked from his reaction.

"That was really close, Asano, they've almost kissed~" he teased the orange haired boy as he didn't replied and maintained silent.

"Why are so relief that they didn't continued? Oh, did you took a liking of that girl?" Sakakibara grinned.

"Shut up." Asano snarled.

But in truth, he was hurting. Was he jealous? Did he liked her? If he did, when and how? Why didn't he knew it beforehand? Love... it is very unexpected isn't it? That emotion can take over you completely, how terrifying it is.

"I won't fall for you, never." he muttered under his breath.


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