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A ring of fire appeared on the grass as everyone gasped from Kayano's tentacles, that was when Angel just barely made it.

"W-What's going on?" she asked as she just arrived, then Itona turned to her who just arrived.

"Kayano's life force is being sucked by her tentacles at the moment we speak, she is now going against Koro-sensei." Itona answered.

"What?" she gasped, surprised.

Kayano kept attacking Koro-sensei with all her might, she kept yelling that he should just drop dead already.

"It looks like that she'll die any moment now..."

"Can't we do anything?"

"What should we do?"

Suddenly, Koro-sensei appeared in front of the class, well just his face though, he stated that they should remove her tentacles ASAP, he also stated the difference between her and Itona.

"There's only one way: I'll pull them out as we fight, by letting her hit my heart. If I can make her feel like she killed me, then her tentacles will weaken for a bit...then one of you distract her from her blood lust!" he stated.

"Distract her? How?"

"Whatever works, just to get her mind off the assassination!" Koro-sensei said.

"But then Kayano's tentacles will be in your heart, wouldn't you die first?"

"Let's say the odds of me dying first are 50-50, but for me, if you guys don't graduate together is worse that dying." the teacher stated.

Everyone was confused in what to do, they started to panic and discuss random ideas in cutting her off.

"Oh, I got an brilliant idea!" Angel loudly blurted as everyone turned to her, they've begun asking her what this idea is.

"Tell us!"

"What's your idea?!"

"I'm sure it'll be pulled off."

But Angel didn't replied to none of them as she began to search for someone who will fit the job, then her eyes landed on Nagisa, she smiled.

"Hey Nagisa~! I need you to help me on something!" she chirped, waving at him.

"H-Huh? You need me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I want you to do this..." she pulled his arm and began to whisper in his ear silently, afterwards, she backed away as he was blushing furiously in what she just said.

"W-What?! I can't do that!" he blushed.

"You can, I put my trust on you!" she held both of his hands as she stared at his azure eyes immensely, it made him blush in how close she is.

"You are the only one who can pull this off, I cannot think of any other!"

This made him blushed more, he was flattered that she needed him that much, then she lets go of his hands as she slapped his back.

"Go now! You're a man ain't ya?!" she stated.

During their conversation, Koro-sensei grabbed Kayano in place as she continued to struggle in pain.

"What did you made Nagisa do, Angel-chan?"

"Come on, tell us!"

Angel just grinned, making them more lost and confused. "Watch."

Nagisa walked up to Kayano who's being captivated by Koro-sensei, then he begun kissing her as it made her eyes widened in shock.



Karma and Nakamura started snapping picture as Jelavić smirked while watching her students.

1 hits
5 hits
'I won't let you say that it was all an act...Kayano.'
10 hits
'I don't think your acting all along just to get your revenge for your sister.'
15 hits JACKPOT

Nagisa stopped exploring her tongue as it made her blushed furiously, he turned to Koro-sensei.

"Full marks, Nagisa-kun!" he cheered as he hurriedly removed Kayano's tentacles from the back of her neck swift fully.

After some few moments, the fire went out as all of them gathered to Kayano who was unconscious.

"Does this mean Kayano is okay?"

"Yes, probably."

Kayano was resting on Angel's legs peacefully as everyone was watching her fall asleep.

"So the thing that Angel planned was to make Nagisa kiss Kayano...?"

"Huh? Yeah, so what of it?" Angel nonchalantly answered as the others were confused.

"Why Nagisa?"

"Why, you ask? It's because Kaede told me that she li—" she trailed off her words.


Angel felt bullets of sweat drop dripped down her forehead as she started fanning herself. "No reasons! I-I just happened to see Nagisa that time...hehehe~"

"How suspicious!"

Angel continued to laugh nervously as she sighed inwardly. 'Oh crap, that was so close! If Kaede knew that I told everyone that she likes Nagisa, she'll kill me...'

Then Karma and Nakamura walked up to Nagisa who was now blushing.

"Hey Prince Charming! Shutting her down with a kiss, eh? Nice!"

"Hmm...nice one Nagisa-kun!"

"I-I'll apologise to her later..."

Then Jelavić grabbed his chin and leaned down to him.

"Fifteen hits on a ten second kiss? You're not there yet. I trained you on a forced, indiscriminate French kisses, you should be able to make to forty."

"Hmm...twenty five is too tight for me."

"I can just make it up to twenty."

Suddenly, Koro-sensei puked as everyone gasped, worried about their teacher's condition.

"Quit playing deathbed angle, you're still alive enough to dodge it." a voice said.


"Useless girl, even when I told her to make Yuuki Angel as her camaraderie, now she just lost...quite a monster!" Shiro uncovered his mask as Angel and Koro-sensei recognized him.

"The genius scientist with clocked face and altered voice...so it is you, Yanagisawa." Koro-sensei gasped.

"Y-You're the guy...who poisoned everyone before..." Angel's eyes widened as she stuttered her words.

Shiro turned to the red scarfed girl who was purely surprised, smirked. "Yes I am, I'm very much surprised that you survived the vicious poison."

Her eyes widened as she remembered the very scene of that day.


There was a mad scientist came in the auction that day, he introduced one of his new inventions to everyone in the hall.

He lets out a deadly gas to see if it's even effective, then the people who inhaled the gas was poisoned.

There lungs rot as they were in agony of death, but somehow some few children survived, those remaining kids, he let them survived and left the auction.

"Shouldn't you be thanking me that you were able to escape with your pink haired friend?" Yanagisawa smirked.

"Bullshit! My other friends died in agony thanks to your poisonous gas!" she growled as Shiro continued to smirk in her reaction.

"Let's go 2.0, we'll be back before march to get our revenge." afterwards, him and the masked one left the scene as Angel felt her blood boiled in her veins.

"Hey! Where the heck do you think your going—!" she was cut off by her classmates.

"Hold it just right there, Angel-chan, you're no match for him now."

She just gritted her teeth as everyone knew that she was in rage, mess with her but never mess with her friends.

"Next time we meet, I'll make him realize that he made a huge mistake in poisoning my friends...!" she growled angrily, then she felt something move on her legs, she looked down and saw Kayano waking up from her slumber.

"Oh, Kaede you awake?" Angel asked as her blood lust disappeared as she looked at her worriedly.

"Yeah...I'm fine." Kayano looked down as everyone was worried about her, then she began to speak her thoughts out.

"It was pure blood lust at first, but as I spent time with Koro-sensei, I started losing my confidence...like, doesn't this teacher have some circumstances I don't know about and shouldn't I find out what they are before I kill him?" she paused for awhile and then continued shortly afterwards.

"How dumb, everyone was genuinely enjoying their assassinations while I wasted on plain old revenge...this really sucks!"

Out of the blue, something sharp pierced the air as everyone was purely shocked to see Angel slapping Kayano across the face.

"Don't say that! Am I dumb because I was so hung up in getting revenge for the people who killed my parents?!"

Kayano's eyes widened a bit as Angel began to shake her shoulders. "Tell me, am I dumb because I did everything just to get my revenge?!"

Tears escaped her eyes as she continued to violently shake her shoulders. "Does that mean everything I've been doing until now has sucked?!"

Then Karma grabbed Angel's shoulders as Nagisa did the same to Kayano, the two males were trying to separate the two of them.

"Answer me, Kaede! Is my ruined life really that sucked?!"

Kayano only looked down as Angel cried really hard, thinking how stupid she was to be caught in just a plain, old revenge of hers.

"Angel...we don't know what happened in your past, but if you think that Koro-sensei was your killer, you must've been lonely all this time." Nagisa started as he was holding Kayano who was still depressed.

"He's not a saint, we know he doesn't always do the right thing, but I think that we should hear him out..." Karma said as Angel began to sniff and wiping her tears away, then he hugged her while she's crying.

"Yeah, your right...I bet he didn't mean to kill my parents..." she finally ceased from crying as she broke free from Karma's arms, then she turned to Koro-sensei with a small smile tugging her lips.

"Right? Koro-sensei...?" she asked.

The sonic teacher didn't replied for awhile now as it made Angel surprised.

"You've got that wrong, I really did mean to kill your parents..." he stated.

To be Continued...


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