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Now that everyone was out, it was down to Nagisa and Karma on the fray, the red haired boy walked in the grass plains openly as the blue haired boy was hiding in the bushes.

"Nagisa-kun! Put down the gun, and come out! We'll settle it with these!" he called him out.

'Karma-kun...he sure likes to play dirty, if I ignore the challenge and shoot him with no provocation, the red team wouldn't accept the way they lost and he knows it too.' Nagisa thought as he set aside his shotgun and brought out his knife, he took the combat fighting which is Karma's specialty.

Karma started unbuttoning his vest as he still wears his upper black fitted shirt while Nagisa was warming up, then they walked up to each other.

'Since first years...I always looked up to Karma-kun.' Nagisa thought as he looked on the ground, thinking deeply.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Hey sir, what's this here?" Karma asked.

"Oh, Akabane! Moving into the second year territory already?" the teacher asked, rather proudly. He had a smile in his face.

Nagisa turned to Karma who walked up to their homeroom teacher to ask something about the lessons.

"Okay, that's all I wanted to ask, I've got the rest." he stated.

"What—hey, Akabane!" the teacher called.

"I'm leaving early because I'm thirsty." Karma grinned.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Whoa, no way! Nazzoni directed Sonic Ninja? How cool is that?" Nagisa turned to Karma who was pointing at the book that he was reading.

"Oh, and it opens today? Let's go, Shiota-kun!" Karma invited him.

"Um...sure!" he smiled.

Karma and Nagisa were walking in a alleyway as they stopped in their tracks when they saw a gang of adults all beat up and pissed.

"You Karma? You got a nerve, beating up a guy's pal like that!" the adult growled.

"Huh? that's new to me. Besides, he's the one who started it." Karma reasoned out.

"Bullshit! He told me that—"  the guy was cut off when Karma tossed his bag in the air as the adults looked up, he surprised them with a punch as he started beating them up.

Nagisa caught the tossed bag in his arms while the man became Karma's punching bag for awhile.

"Can't hear you! What was that? Try and say it again!"

Nagisa thought that Karma must've had been bored of him as they distanced themselves away from each other. By the time Karma got suspended, the both of them became just your plain old classmates.

"Strangers can best friends as easy as best friends can be strangers."

✦ ✧ ✦

'Ever since first years, he was a harmless little mouse. I put this distance between him cause I can sense danger from him.' Karma thought as he looked down while thinking deeply.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Where'd he go? Nagisa-kun!"

Karma began to walk with a tray filled with snacks as he searched for Nagisa, then he felt a poke at his back that made him feel like being stabbed.

"I'm right here, Karma-kun. Didn't you see me?" then Karma took a seat on the opposite side of Nagisa as he flashed him a forced smile to mask his fear.

"Sorry about that, Nagisa-kun. You're just so small!"


Karma thought that he could let his guard down when he's with Nagisa, but there was something that made him cautious all this time.

✦ ✧ ✦

Both of then looked at each other as their eyes gleamed with the desire to win this fight.

"You're going down!" they both stated.

Karma made the first move as he sprinted to Nagisa and thrusts his blade while his enemy did the same. The red haired boy flipped Nagisa as he tackled him, the both of them started to struggle in their own ways.

Nagisa hurriedly distanced himself away from Karma, then the red haired boy ran up to him as he swung his blade to the blue haired boy. Karma jumped to hit him with his knife while smirking, then knife touched the leafy ground as Nagisa kicked it making him let go of his weapon as he clicked his tongue.

Karma head butted Nagisa as the blue haired boy dropped his weapon from the impact, now both of them don't have any weapons. When Nagisa was about to get his another unused knife, Karma bumped onto him, trying his best not to make him take out his weapon.

"Really, I don't know the reason why Angel-chan choose to kiss you." Karma said angrily while gritting his teeth, Nagisa groaned at the pain that his enemy just inflicted.

"She didn't choose me...it was a pure accident!" Nagisa protested.

"Oh? What kind of accident, then?" the red haired boy smirked.

"Someone bumped to me as I fell straight to her lips!" Karma huffed as he let out a laugh, though his angry.

"You think I'll buy that? How ridiculous."

"I'm saying the truth—"

He earned a smack by Karma who punched him, the red haired boy started jabbing him while grinning. "If you win against me, I'll listen, if not—you're all beat up."

Then Nagisa punched him for the first time as Karma smacked him, they started punching each other in the best way they can.

"Believe me or not, it was really an accident!"

"Shut up! You stole her from me!"

"You shut up! I've been telling you that it was an accident!"

They began yelling at each other while throwing heavy punches, the others stared at them worriedly, not knowing what topic they were at. Angel looked at them worriedly.

'As long as they do their best, I don't care who wins or loses!' Angel thought while clenching her fist, right now, two boys were fighting for her heart. One of them was strong, and the other was weak.

'Somehow...I don't like seeing them like this, beating up each other.'

After the axe-kick that Karma performed, Nagisa fell on the ground, all rusty and beat up.

Karma grabbed his red painted knife on the ground as he turned to Angel who was looking at Nagisa, worriedly. He turned his gaze back to the his fallen foe.

'I'll probably never find another place like this again, where your feelings can be right out in the open.'

Millions of memories flashed through his head as he went back to those days.

✦ ✧ ✦

"If you don't like it, kill me or anyone else here, but the second you do...No one will see you as a teacher anymore, you'll just be a murderous teacher." Karma thrusts the gelato on Koro-sensei's vest as it left a stain.

"You, the teacher, will be killed by me."

"What are ya talking bout? That octopus will be killed by me, you ass!"

The red haired biy turned to the black haired girl as it was the first time that she talked to him.

"Remember this, Karma. I, Yuuki Angel, will be the one who will kill that octopus, and you're not getting in my way!"

✦ ✧ ✦

"What if I told you, that I like you... what would you do?" Karma asked.

"Dunno...you haven't told me that you like me, so I wouldn't know." Angel replied.

"I-I see..." he stated.

✦ ✧ ✦

Karma walked up to Angel's back while riding the ship, he began whispering in her ear.

"Am I the reason why your looking good today?" he whispered hotly in her ear, causing chills to run up to her spine.

"D-Dream on! I'm not going to seduce anyone or anything!" she stuttered, blushing.

"Oh, well your cute, I mean it." he complimented her.

✦ ✧ ✦

He smiled to himself as he remembered the memories of how he and Angel became an couple. 'Meeting everyone and falling for her was really fun...but I will kill him because that's what I think is right.'

When he was about to stab Nagisa, his foe sat up and clapped his hands, Karma dropped his weapon as he bite his tongue to keep him from going down.

'Just try and kill me, Nagisa-kun with that talent I never had!'

Nagisa lets go of his knife as he strike Karma down, making them fall on the ground. The technique that Nagisa just used was an arm triangle choke.

"You will hear me out! Angel isn't in wrong here! It was really an accident!"

Karma looked at how determined Nagisa was in trying to prove his misunderstandings and desire to save Koro-sensei.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Me fight? I think I'd be too scared. I mean, if my life depended on it."

✦ ✧ ✦

Karma thrusts the knife on the ground as he surrendered to Nagisa, the blue haired boy lets go of him.

"I won? I beat...Karma?" Nagisa couldn't believe it, he just really can't believe as he heard his classmates cheered happily.

"You say that it was an accident? I'll buy that, and you want to save Koro-sensei? I'm listening." Karma stated.

"Really? Are you sure?" he asked.

"Don't give me that dumb look with that beat up face of yours..." Karma sat up as he run his fingers through his hair, then he stood up as Nagisa turned his attention to him.

"Say, why don't we drop the formality already? I don't much feel like sticking it after the fight." Karma said.

"What, now? It feels weird to change this late in the game." Nagisa asked.

"I'll do it, then. Okay, Nagisa?" he started.

"All right, Karma."  Nagisa grabbed Karma's gloved hand as he stood up, thanks to him.

"Hey, Nagisa. It broke my heart when I saw you two kissing each other, even though that I loved her first..."

"I wanted to tell you that you misunderstood us, Karma."


"A waiter bumped into me during that day, leading me to kiss Angel. It was an accident."

Karma was trying to sink in what Nagisa just said after speaking.

"Is...that true?"

"Yeah, of course."

The next that thing Nagisa said made Karma really shocked. "I'll do it again, Karma."

"Huh? Do what?" Karma raised an delicate eyebrow, questioning him.

"I'll tell Angel how I feel once again." Nagisa said.


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