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Valentines day, it was a day for where girls give out chocolates for the person they like. Angel walked to the school premises of Kunigagoka, then she spotted a glimpse of strawberry blonde hair whose back was leaning against the wall.

He was clearly laying wait for someone, lifting his head, he saw the one he was waiting for. His lips curved in a smile as he walked up to her.

"Yuuki-san! You finally arrived."

"Gakushu? Were you waiting for me?"

He turned his head away, blushing furiously while slowly nodding. She was confused.

"Um...it's an obligatory, I know that, but—please accept this!" he stretched his arms toward her while handing her a pricey chocolate, she was now confused of the sudden gift.

"For me? Thank you...but why are you giving me chocolates? What's the occasion, Gakushu?" she grabbed the pricey chocolate as a pair of magenta eyes widened, surprised of what she just said.

"T-Today is February fourteen, Valentines day. I-I was just marking the occasion, that's all!"

Angel titled her head to the side, confused. 'February 14? Valentines day? Chocolates?'

"I don't know why you gave me chocolates but, thank you! I'll surely give you something in return~" shoving the pricey chocolates in her bag, she smiled at him.

"How about you meet me after school, at the sycamore tree planted here in the school grounds?"


She giggled, then she bid goodbye to him and swift fully made her way to the mountain grounds. Asano looked up to the blue sky, thinking...

'Giving chocolates to girls is hard, I hope she likes Hershey...'

✦ ✧ ✦

"Please forgive me! Forgive me!" Kayano cried as Nakamura and Karma were teasing her about her chocolates for Nagisa. A black haired girl entered the room with a smile on her face.

"Hey there, guys! What's up?" she casually made her way up to the three with a smile on her face as she asked them a solemn question.

"Oh, you gotta hear this Angel! Kayano has chocolates for Nagisa!"

Nakamura giggled making the green haired fellow more mortified. 'chocolates again...what's up today?'

"Ahhh! Stop making fun of me, Nakamura-san! Karma-kun!" Kayano cried out loud as Nakamura and Karma just laughed at her. "E-Enough of me, you have some chocolates with you today, don't you? Angel?"

"Huh? Chocolates?" Angel asked.

Karma was expecting handmade chocolates made by the person he likes, but he will never admit it.

"What's so special today that I have to bring chocolates? All of the students I've seen earlier has chocolates with them...what's the occasion?"

Blank. Yes, those three had blank expression painted on their faces. But for Karma, a ghost figure left his mouth as Nakamura gasped, grabbing hold of him.

"Get a grip on yourself, Karma! I feel bad for you having such an oblivious girlfriend!"

"Excuse me?! I'm not oblivious!" Angel argued as Karma was now blank as paper sheets, then Kayano face palmed herself.

"Today is valentines day, Angel. Girls give chocolates to the guy they like to express they're feelings..." the green haired fellow explained while slightly blushing, the red scarfed fellow just 'oh-ed'.

"Eh? Can't guys give chocolates to girls during Valentines day?"

"Of course they can't! Boys give something in return at White day!"

Angel was surprised, 'then why did Gakushu gave me chocolates today?'

"So girls give chocolates to the boy they like...huh?"

"Good, you finally get what valentines day means!"

Angel looked up to Karma who was now back to normal, she blushed and hurriedly looked away. 'That means, I have to give Karma a chocolate?'

✦ ✧ ✦

"Please, Kaede! Help me!" Angel cried for help from her classmate, Kayano Kaede, the green haired girl smiled.

"Alright, let's start off with the basics, okay?" Kayano sighed, giving in.

"Yeah, thank you~" Angel began to chop chocolate bars while Kayano instructed her how to, she just followed her instructions.

'She's the girl that Nagisa likes...' Kayano thought while silently staring at the red scarfed girl who was boiling the chocolates. There was no questions why he liked her; she was a good student-assassin.

"Hey Angel, what do you actually feel about Nagisa...?" the girl turned to Kayano as she paused for awhile, there was a chocolate stained on her cheek.

"Huh? He's a good friend of mine."

"...That's all?"

"What do you mean about that?"

"No, never mind. Forget everything all about I said."

'It seems to me that she doesn't see Nagisa in a romantic way...' thinking about that, made her smile. Now all of her doubts are finally cleared.

That Angel doesn't hold romantic feelings for Nagisa...

"Hey Angel, why are you making two chocolates? Who will you give the other one for if not to Karma?" Kayano asked.

After wrapping the chocolate in the box as she tied the ribbon, she turned to Kayano with a smile on her face. "This chocolate is for Gakushu~"

"Huh? To Asano-kun...?"

She grabbed a pricey chocolate from her bag and showed it to her friend. "Earlier, he gave me this. I promised to him to meet up and give this chocolate."

"...I see, but how are you going to give him the chocolate?" Kayano asked.

"What do you mean how? I'm just handing this chocolate, that's all." Angel simply stated.

Kayano was kinda confused as she had no idea how to give Nagisa this handmade chocolates.

"Shouldn't you just say what you want to say in your own way?"

"What I want to say in my own way?"

"Yeah, I bet he'll understand your feelings. Kaede."

Kayano smiled as she nodded, then Angel shoved the two chocolates in her bag, she zipped her bag afterwards.

"Oh, yeah...tell Karma to wait for me at the gates of Kunugigaoka." Angel stated.

"Alright, will do." Kayano nodded.

'Karma-kun and Asano-kun have lots of things in commonboth of them are good looking, each has a sadistic personalities, top notchers, heck they even liked the same girl!'

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

Kayano stood in front of the table after class, Nagisa walked out of the room as she gripped on his coat. "Kayano? What's wrong? You're being so quiet." he asked.

'Oh, no—my heart's thumping so hard that I can't think.'

Karma and Nakamura began to eavesdropped in their conversation while smirking.

"Hey Nagisa...have you figured out your future plans?"

"Well, I kind of have an idea of what I want to be...but right now I'm not sure at all that I can be it."

'He'll probably a teacher...I've seen him look admiringly at Koro-sensei, not as an super creature or an assassin, but as a teacher. I bet he'll give his answer at the month-end career counselling, so with what face, what words do I give him this...?'

Then an memory flashed on her head as she remembered Angel's words earlier.

"Shouldn't you just say what you want to say in your own way?"

She let out a friendly smile as she handed Nagisa a box of chocolate. "Nagisa, thank you for staying by my side this whole year—here!"

"For me?" he asked, taking the chocolates.

"Yeah." Kayano began to push Nagisa in a friendly way as she began acting cheerfully.

"But, I mean, I'm the one who should be thanking you."

"Okay, mission accomplished! Well done! See you tomorrow, hope you get into that school!"

'Right now, Nagisa is looking straight ahead. I can't be next to him, distracting him...but I want to do something to thank him, I'll cheer him on with my very best smile.'

Kayano saw Karma and Nakamura eavesdropping as she walked up to them. "I guess I failed, huh?" none of the two said anything, they both just kept quiet.

"Oh, that's right—Karma-kun, go and wait for Angel outside the gates of Kunugigaoka."

"Eh? Angel-chan is...?"

"Yeah, she has something to say. I gotta go now, see ya!"

Cheerfully, she walked away with a heavy heart that is being masked by a happy-go-lucky smile.

'The best way in being close to the person you love is being friends with them...' Kayano thought.

✦ ✧ ✦

Karma walked through the mountain climb as he went on Kayano's advice. 'I wonder when Angel-chan is gonna give me chocolates...'

He spotted a glimpse of orange hair and black hair, he hid behind a tree as he finally recognized who those people were...It was none and other than Angel and Asano.

"Sorry for the wait, Gakushu!"

"No, don't worry. I just got here."

In his surprise, Angel grabbed an chocolate from her bag and extended her arms as she handed it to him. "Gakushu. Thank you for always being so kind to me, and being friends with me."

He blushed as he grabbed the chocolate, he let out a smile.

"I should be the one whose supposed to be thanking you, if not for you, I won't be able to feel this kind of feeling..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Karma's eyes widened, 'Maybe...just maybe—does he have a thing for her?'

"I need to tell you something, Yuuki-san!" Asano suddenly said.

"W-What is it?" Angel asked, becoming slightly alert.

He breathed air as he adjusted his tie, opening his mouth, he said

"What I want you to know is—" he halted as a memory of Angel and Karma flashed in his head, he saw how happy she was with him. Then he clammed his mouth.

"...I hope you'll always be happy."

She smiled as she nodded, thanking him for those kind words. Angel bid goodbye as Asano watched her flew away from him.

'This is for the best, isn't it...?'

✦ ✧ ✦

Reaching the gates of Kunugigaoka, she spotted a glimpse of red hair. He was leaning his back on the school's stature, waiting for her.

"Karma! Did I made you wait?" she panted, trying to catch her breathe. Then the male turned to her with a smile on his face.

"No, I just got here." he casually replied.

"Good...I have something to give you, sorry if it took so long though." her hands roamed around her bag as her hands made a contact with a box, grabbing it, she handed to Karma her handmade chocolates.

"Karma, I adore you. So please have this chocolates!"

"Yeah, of course."

Grabbing it, he unwrapped the ribbon as he grabbed a piece of chocolate. Plopping it in his mouth, he chewed it as a mix of sweetness busted in his tongue, making his taste buds dance.

"Did you baked this chocolate?" he asked, chewing the chocolate.

"Yeah, I asked for Kaede's assistance. I didn't know that today is valentines day nor how important this day is for girls....sorry." she sheepishly smiled, then Karma leaned down and kissed her forehead. Surprised, she blushed.

"W-What's with that?!" she asked.

"Nothing~ here, taste your chocolate." he plopped one chocolate in her mouth as she smiled.

"I knew it that it'll be this good! Did you liked it?"

"...Well, it's not that bad. So yeah."

Bliss appeared on her face as she pumped her fist in the air, beaming ever so happily. "I'm so glad you liked it, Karma!"

He could only smile as he stared at her face filled with bliss. 'So Asano really liked her, huh...he's just like Kayano.'

Meanwhile with Asano, he stared at the two of them together. He lets out a depressing sigh.  He missed his chance in telling her how he really felt. He regretted that.

He never told her, now she'll never know what he truly feels.

"How could I tell you that I love you when your so happy with some other guy?"

✦ ✧ ✦

"How's the assassination going? The probability's down to one percent! Hooray! Like it'll end there." Jelavić stated while looking at her juice, she was in a hotel with Karasuma this night.

"Yes. I was planning to talk to you about it. My main job now is solely to provide guidance to the Class E, so they won't put me fully in the loop until the eleventh hour..."

Time Skip

"You know what, Karasuma? I think it might be not so bad if the world were destroyed. For the kids, anyway." Jelavić stated as they're valentines dinner date came to an end, they walked together back home.

"If they can't kill him, they'll be left with these nagging feelings of frustration and loss. Worse, if their teacher were killed in some huge assassination that's out of their league and beyond their control..." Karasuma looked at her as he silently listened to her speech.

"It's scary; frustration, powerless, trauma. No matter what happens, it's bound to warp those kids' futures. I don't want to see those brats turn into twisted adults...especially Angel."

"What about her?"

"That brat has gone through a lot, for someone as young as her whose hands are soaked with blood...is unbearable."

Afterwards, they've shared the solemn silence. Until Karasuma spoke. "Irina. Once this job is over, you and Angel quit being an assassin."

"What did you just said?"

"Both of your emotions run too deep, especially Angel's feelings for her friends and for Karma...it'll only make your future jobs much harder..."

Karasuma grabbed Jelavić's drawn out weapon with a grip tight.

"Someone like you can blow it off easily enough, this life I've desperately built for myself...we've killed a lot, you know."

"Irina, come work for us. The Intelligence Department won't ask about you and Angel's past. There, you both can save more people than you've killed, a d pray for your victims at the shrine every morning..." Karasuma put the gun in his pockets as he started walking away.

"Shrine...? But I'm an Christian. Plus, I have no family in Japan..."

"Don't you get it? There aren't any churches near my house."

The blonde began to think for awhile, then she let out a loud scream. "Whaaat?! Wait, Karasuma—what are you saying?"

"Just like I said." he nonchalantly replied.

"B-B-But a man and a woman living under one roof is so...immoral!" she bursts out.

"Live alone, then." he stated.

"No! I'll do it—I'm coming so wait for me, Karasuma!" she finally said.


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