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Countdown to Koro-sensei's deadline is three hours! Will the students of the Class 3-E save their teacher, Koro-sensei? Read and find out, everyone.

"Have you ever heard about a story of a spider and a fly, Koro-sensei?"

"A spider and a fly, you say?"

"If you save the fly, the spider will die. But, if you save the spider, the fly will die...In other words, if I save you, the earth will die. But, if I save the earth, you will die."

"You can't save anyone without being forgotten...am I right?"

Angel doesn't know why she wanted to save the person who killed her parents, but right now, she thinks that it's the right thing to do. Sure, she is not the sharpest knife when it comes to making decision. Honestly, she sucks at it.

There were times that she wished someone would decide for her, but right now...those things doesn't matter, all she has to do is to listen to her heart.

"Capture the problem child!"

"Heh. There is nothing to get so fired up for, after all...she's only a child."

"Don't underestimate your enemy! The rug might be pulled below you."

Few footsteps of soldier men can be heard outside the class 3-E building, then another intruder entered the classroom, panting.

"They're here, Angel! Get your weapons, let's fight them." just like her teammate yelled, grabbing her weapons, and bullets. A tentacle grabbed her wrist. Making her halt in her actions.

"What are you trying to do, Angel-chan? Are you...going to kill them?" thou, whilst. No reply came, she just turned around as her crimson eyes glimmered in the darkness of the classroom's abyss like a room.

"It may not look like it, but I'm still an professional assassin...Killing is the only thing I've lived for."

"No! As your teacher and target. I won't let you kill anyone!"

"As your student and killer, keep your mouth shut...sit still, octopus."

Blood. It's brightness of color red filled her vision, it was fantastic. However...very grieving as well.

At the first time of her life, she's come to realize what she wanted to do. Even if this was the right or the wrong decision, she wanted to save this octopus in front of her...no matter what it's cost.

"Rin, don't you dare kill anyone."

"Oya, oya? Aren't you soft, hmm."

"You don't want another month or worse, a year added in your prison. Don't you? If you kill anyone here, your time in jail would be extended. Perhaps, the treatment will be more horrified for you."

The pinkish haired girl stopped and started thinking for a while, 'she does have a point.' she thought.

"Instead, let me do the killing...I don't want you to be more in trouble because of me. I troubled you enough."

"What's the reserved attitude for? You've always been a pain for me, but I guess there are some pain worth it."

Angel smiled and mouthed a silent gratitude such as, "Thank you"

✦ ✧ ✦

The Class 3-E came to the mountain just like Angel told them, once they passed through the heaven's spear, all of their eyes widened to the scene in front of them.

Bodies of unknown men scattered through the grass plains, blood spluttered here and there, but that wasn't the reason why their eyes widened. The reason was...They saw their classmate standing on those dead bodies, blood stained her clothing as the knife that she was holding was dripping with specs of clear red blood.

The shadows casting in her eyes faded as she dropped her stain blood knife and made her way towards her wounded friend, Soraru Rin.

"You idiot! I told you not to involve yourself with me anymore...look what happened to you—you're all banged up and bloody, Rin!"

The pink haired girl coughed as a blood escaped her gunned abdomen, she caught a bullet that was suppose to aim at Angel earlier. How heroic. "D-Don't worry....I won't...die. That's w-why...go to the person...you want to save the most, Angel..."

"Whaaat? I can't possible do that, you're wounded, I need you to get treated in ASAP!" she retorted which made the pink haired girl chocked a laugh.

"Y-You're so kind...Angel, that's what I adore...about you."

Tears slipped through her eyes as it landed on Soraru's cheek, she was still smiling solemnly.

"A-Anyone! Come and help Rin!" she cried out, then she turned around and saw her classmates looking at her with a surprised expressions.

"E-Everyone...please, help Rin!"

The students looked at each other quietly, not knowing what to do.

"You told us to save her, but how?"

"She's bleeding too much, we aren't doctors or anything..."

Then a tentacle stopped Rin's bleeding, Angel turned around and saw Koro-sensei beside her.

"Koro-sensei, I beg of you—help Rin! I'll do anything, so please...!" she plead.

"I'm doing my best, Angel-chan. However, do keep in mind that I'm not a doctor either just like your classmates just stated."

"No way...because of me—!" she trembled in fear because of the reckless action she did earlier, she was just fighting the soldiers sent to hunt her. Normally, they are armed.

She didn't dared to kill anyone, only the ones who were stubborn to meet their end. However, no one was that stubborn, so no one end up dying.

Not until a stray bullet aimed for her, before she could react—Soraru pushed her out of the way and took the bullet that was meant for Angel.

That's when anger rooted in her veins, she started killing the remaining men who were still standing. That was her reason for killing, it might be unreasonable, but for her, it was fine.

Suddenly, something sharp pierced Koro-sensei's body, being caught in a surprised attempt. The class turned around and saw him...Shiro. No, rather than man named Yanagisawa.

"The time is ripe. Let me give you the gift of the world's cruelest death."

"Sensei...you know who I am, don't you?"

"Why don't I reintroduce him—to your students, too. He's the man who stole the name 'the Reaper' from that octopus. And...as of today, he's the new Koro-sensei."

A dangerous beast such as the one standing in front of them, growled. One of it's eyes searched through the kids and stopped to one kid. His lips curved in a smile.

"It's been awhile, Yuuki Angel. You recognize me, do you? Being my very first student."

She began trembling in fear as she recognized his voice, but not his face. He didn't looked like the person who trained her to be an assassin few years ago. Now, he was nothing but a monster in her eyes.


Everyone was surprised when their assassin classmate called their enemy as 'Shinigami-sensei'. All of them were too awed to speak.

"Angel...isn't he the one who...?" the girl turned to Soraru who was standing up with a bandage wrapped around her abdomen.

"W-What are you doing, Rin?! You should be resting—wait, who put an bandage for you...?" Angel asked.

"Your friends. Anyway...he's the person who said that trained you as an assassin, right?" Soraru answered.

"...Yeah..." the black haired girl nodded.

In front of them was the Reaper 2.0, the one who'd attacked them back then in the past few months.

"He's just had the same modifications as that octopus, the only difference is that he begged for them. Completely unlike the botched Itona or my little sister over there..."

"Can you even imagine? A man who overpowered you single-handedly even as a human now gas both incomparable tentacles and hatred."

"The destructive power...!"

Then the Reaper 2.0 attempted to hit Koro-sensei with all of his might, after some few hits, their teacher was very injured. Then Yanagisawa injected something in his neck, making him very powerful as they started attacking their all-time target, Koro-sensei.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Please teach me how to kill!"

"Are you sure? That was your father I just killed, you know."

"That doesn't matter! When I saw you, my father's killer, it came to me: This is what my life of luxury has been missing! I want to have your skills, even if I die trying."

The boy didn't know right from wrong, but his eyes were brimming with talent and his own brand of hopes and dreams. It's at this point, before he threw away his tomorrows and his sanity that there must have been another way to raise him.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Yanagisawa, leave us! This is a place for students to learn and grow. You are not entitled to be here!" Koro-sensei firmly stated.

"Still fancy yourself a teacher, eh, guinea pig? Then let's put you to the test. Don't you see why we chose this moment to make our move?"

Then Yanagisawa ordered the Reaper 2.0 to make his move to attack the students, but before the beam could even touched them, Koro-sensei risked himself to save them.

"You're the very model of an educator, guinea pig. You can escape these harsh blows on your own, yet you take them head-on to protect your students!"

They did this devilish plan multiple times already to inflict damage on him. Koro-sensei coughed as he was deeply damaged.

Kayano challenged the enemies in a fight....however...she didn't stood a chance, she wasn't that strong enough to buy enough time for Koro-sensei to regenerate. However, she was very noble. Just like her sister.

"Rin, hand me that thing...this is the perfect timing to use it." Angel seriously said.

"A-Are you crazy?! There's no way I'll give that to you, you're too reckless!" Soraru stated.

"It's the only way for us not to meet the worst-case situation, if we don't do anything...we'll surely die."

Without putting up a fight, Soraru handed her the injection just as she asked. She smiled and thanked her.

Angel walked up to Karma, she unwrapped her scarf around her neck as she put it around his neck. "Angel-chan...? Why are you giving me your scarf...?"

"Hey Karma, you know what? We were Koro-sensei's greatest weakness."

"What do you mean—!" he stopped when he saw her holding an injection.

Angel injected something in her neck, dropping the aid. She felt a great surge of immense power and hatred running through her veins.

Slowly, black tentacles grew out from the back of her neck. Black linings started to appear on her skin as her eyes became hellish as well.


Everyone gasped as they saw black tentacles from Angel's neck, she started to walk towards the fray, but before she does...she walked towards the wounded Kayano who was being lift by Nagisa.

"You did a great job, Kaede. I won't let your efforts be a waste, so I'll do the rest, okay?" she smiled at her as she started walking through the grass plains, then she noticed that her classmates were looking at her, surprised and worried.

"Red Man with tainted black tentacles is in Action!"

EDITED ON MAY 10, 2017

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