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The Class 3-E were now riding in a bus because the media found their way in their graduation ceremony. Angel sat on the rear view while looking out of the window, then Karma sat beside her. He was about to tease her when he stopped as he saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

'I never thought a day like this would come when you have lots of reason to cry about...and I bet, a day like this wouldn't come again.' she thought as tears quietly stream down her cheeks.

Goodbye, Kunugigaoka Junior High

Goodbye, Class 3-E


✦ ✧ ✦

Lots of stuff happened after that, Kunugigaoka Academy came under fire for putting its students in harm's way. The Class-E system, too, was seen as problematic and abolished. After they left, the Class E campus closes its doors for good.

The principal had to relinquish his administrative rights, but he would already have accounted for that. He's a man of tough convictions and prodigious wit. He'll be working in education again somewhere soon.

The 30 bounty yen bounty was promptly paid out. Like Karasuma said, it was hush money too, of a sort. All of them talk it over in how they're going to divide the money prize after referring to Koro-sensei's book of advice.

✦ ✧ ✦

"You can't grow up right if you live your life relying on scads of money!"

✦ ✧ ✦

All of them took the money for paying their tuition fees and for living on their own, donated here and there to various places, then made one-big ticket purchase together. The rest they returned to the government in thanks for their year of support, Karasuma's reputation will sure to rise.

The moon began to crumble, slowly but surely. Under its own gravity, it would eventually end up a much smaller sphere than before. The explosion had also brought it closer to Earth, so after a while, its size, shape, gravity and orbit would start to look and feel very similar to the way it was before its destruction. The crescent moon that symbolized their year together would slowly forget its shape.

"The moon...is slowly shattering." a girl with long hair sat on the top building of the sky scrapper as wind fluttered against her skin, her crimson eyes met the moon smiling down at her. She sighed.

'This spot really brings memories, its where my last mission ended...hmm, it's been around a year since then.' she thought as the memories of her being an assassin before she even entered the assassination classroom.

"Is it true that your going to quit assassination, Angel?"

"Yeah...what about you? Are you still going to continue, Rin?"

"Well, yeah. It's the job that I took since I was younger...but what made you a change of heart to quit being an assassin so suddenly?"

She was in silent for while racking her legs left and right as she was sitting on the top spot as Soraru was standing beside her, calmly. Both of them aren't aware of how high the building was.

"Irina and Karma told me to quit, so I guess I'll go with it..."

"How selfish of you, after killing many people...your still trying to live a normal life? Have shame on yourself."

Memories of dead bodies scattered on the ground, lifelessly. Flashed through her head as all of her emotions came to hunter her again. She trembled in fear of the darkness of her heart.

"I have to go now, Angel...I have another client who needs information. If you want to know something, don't hesitate to rush to me, okay?"

"Uh-huh...good luck."

The pink haired girl disappeared as now Angel was on her own, she looked at her hands that was used to be stained with blood.

'Once I quit being an assassin...can I really live a normal life?' she thought as she referred to the numerous people she killed in the past.

She pushed her hands on her face as she started crying in silence. 'of course I can't...not with this stains of my past.' she thought.

✦ ✧ ✦

"You should've had been drop dead!"

"Begone to our place! Never appear your face again."

"Die! You murderer!"

✦ ✧ ✦

She can still hear it, the crying echoes of the darkness. Slowly, she stood up as her skirt was swaying through the winds direction. Her scarf fluttered, then she took a step forward and looked down, only seeing the moving cars and lots of civilians below.

"Maybe...I should be better off dead." whispering those words, she started falling to the deep abyss beneath. Tears stream down her eyes as her emotions came to hunt her again.

She was committing suicide...

'For the first time of my life, I wasn't afraid of falling...' she thought.

Slowly, but surely, she was falling in the darkness within her heart. She stretched her arms in the air, as the moon was still smiling down at her.

"If I die...will everyone be happy?"

Closing her eyes, she let gravity do the job of letting her fall. But before she could clearly fall, someone caught her hand, making her stop.

"You idiot! What are you trying to do? Killing your self?!"

"Rin...? I thought you already went to you job—"

"Fool! I would rather discard my job than seeing you dead."

She lift her up to her feet, once Angel touched the metal bars again, she was slapped across the face by Soraru.

"Do you know how much I was scared when you did that?! Don't ever do suicidal again, get it?"

"...I thought it was the best if I just drop dead...in that way, everyone would be happy, the end."

"How so?! Don't realize lots of people love and care for you? When you sacrificed your life, the sadness will come to the people you left behind!"

She was silent for awhile, and then she grabbed Soraru's hand.

"Hey Rin, could you give me one hard slap on the face? So I could open my eyes again—"

Before she could finish her statement, she received a slap from Soraru across the face again.

(A/N: Double bitch slapped//)

"Thanks...I needed that."


Putting her hand on her red cheek, she flinched from the pain that stung her cheeks. She has to admit that it really hurts being bitch slapped XD

✦ ✧ ✦

"More than anyone...you know how life is have to be valued the most."

✦ ✧ ✦

"Yeah, I know...your the one who taught be that, Koro-sensei..." she whispered.

7 Years Later

Lots of years passed by as everyone gathered again to that place, the Class 3-E. They were cleaning the campus because, after all, seven years had passed. So much time passed by as everyone become to be what they want to be, Nagisa became a teacher, Karma became a bureaucracy, Kayano became a hit actress, and everyone else became what they want to be.

As for Angel, she became a detective. Solving crime scenes that involves killing...she wanted to arrest murderers instead of killing. She made a hit to the economy and became big for just a year. Her talent in arresting killers were top notched that lots of clients give her request offers, as for her best friend, Soraru, she became a underground informant and quit being an assassin.

Everyone became happy with their success, so they decided to celebrate it in making a party blast. Once in a lifetime reunion just for the Class 3-E, was of course, fun.

Angel began plopping various food in her mouth in the buffet, while the others continued talking with each other after so long. Then Karma walked up towards her, with a smirk planted on his face. "Your still a pig when it comes to food, aren't you?"

Swallowing the meat, she turned around and saw a well grown man who finally reached the height of 6ft.

"Huh? Who are you...?" she asked while titling her head to the side.

"Ouch, that hurts. Have you forgotten the face of your boyfriend already?" he asked, feeling slightly hurt.

Then something clicked in her head, as her eyes widened to the unknown man in front of him. "Karma, is that you?!"

"Who else is your boyfriend, duh." he stated.

"S-Sorry, you're appearance really changed...especially, your hair. So I could hardly tell that it's you." she sheepishly smiled.

"Well, you haven't changed. Your still wearing that red scarf, and still flat as board. Aren't you drinking your milk and going to bed early?" he smirked as it seems like she didn't grow a bit, well she did grow a little. She became slight taller, her hair grew longer and she still has a scarf around her neck.

A vein popped on her head as she put her plate down on the table and growled, playfully hitting him.

"Karma! You jerk! I hate you!"

"Haha, just kidding...but good thing your still you. Even if we're apart."

"Yeah...you too."

Yes, those two were apart from each other. They're having a long distance relationship these past years. Then, Karma grabbed her hand as she looked up and started at him. "Hey Angel-chan, do you have a moment to spare with me?"

"Huh, uh...yeah?" she replied, confused.

"Great, there is something I really want to tell you..." he started.

"Hmm, what is it?" she asked.

His cheeks were slightly red, then he smiled and confessed to her.

"Right from the very start, I liked you. Slowly, those feelings grew something more and became an emotion that I'm not accustomed to, and it's love. Back then, I thought I have no chance...but when we started dating, I was happy. However, they're were some guys who looked at you with affection, the same way I look at you...I was scared that one of them may take you away from me, but in the end, you choose me. With that, I'm glad...I love you with all my heart, Angel-chan..."

Unexpectedly, he kneels down in front of her while holding her hand lovingly. She who was surprised, stared at him with great confusion. "H-Hey Karma! What are you doing? Stand up. The floor is dirty."

However, he seem not to mind. He grabbed a small box from his pocket, he opened it as it reveled a beautiful diamond ring. Her eyes widened as he smiled lovingly, then the next thing he said made her heart paused momentarily.

"Yuuki Angel, will you marry me?"

This sentence caught everyone's attention as they turned around to see what's the event, but to only find a marriage proposal in public. Warmth spread across her cheeks as she blushed furiously from the sudden event, her former classmates in Class 3-E we're watching intently, if staring can kill...I bet those two lovebirds are dead meat by now.

The audience, which were they're classmates, watched them silently and seriously. Waiting for Angel's response to his marriage proposal, she was a blushing mess, she wasn't expecting this at all. She could tell that Karma was very sincere and loves her like crazy.

"...Sure, why not?"

That was her answer to his question, Karma's face lit up and without anymore further ado, he puts the wedding ring in her finger as it fit perfectly just like he imagined. He stood up and gave her a bone-crushing hug, it was so tight that it feels like he doesn't want to let go of her anymore. He swung her in the air in happiness as they were showered with claps by their classmates. Finally, he can now call her as his one and only.

✦ ✧ ✦

In a white veil pastel that she wears, she walked through the aisle with a happy smile on her lips. Meeting her groom as he was waiting for her near the altar where the priest stood beside him, both of their eyes came in contact as they smiled.

"Is there anyone out there against their marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace..."

Silence, the church was silenced. It was consisted of Karma and Angel's classmates, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives and family. No one dared to interrupt the white veil ceremony.

"Then, let the exchanging of marriage vows commenced...!" the two of them turned to each other as the priest gave them his blessing,  he smiled at the two.

"Akabane Karma, will you take Yuuki Angel as your lawfully wedded wife, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?"

"I do."

Then the priest turned to the bride as she flinched, he gently smiled at her.

"Yuuki Angel, will you take Akabane Karma as your lawfully wedded husband, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?"

"I do."

He closed the book as the priest smile, he clapped his hand and said:

"Seal this marriage vow with a kiss."

Karma turned to his bride, then he lifts up her veil. He smiled as she smiled back at him. Angel closed her eyes as he leaned in for a kiss.

In the background can be heard cheering of people that were supporting their relationship, giving their blessings. Karma leaned back as they stared at each other's eyes, then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He placed his chin on her shoulder as he smiled happily.

"Finally...you are mine!"

Angel giggled from that as he unwrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. She turned to the crowd while holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

"Whoever catch these roses will be the next one who gets married~!" shouting that, she tossed the bouquet as it flew in mid-air. Every woman invited in their wedding, wanted to catch the roses. Then it landed on a green haired girl's hands.

"So the next one who'll get married is Kaede, huh? Hey Karma, who do you think she'll end up with?" she grinned as the flowers landed on Kayano.

"Probably with Nagisa, she had a crush on him since we're in junior-high...I hope they'll end up with each other." Karma replied as he held her waist closer to him.

"Yeah, I think so too..." she giggled, then Karma abruptly grabbed her shoulders and leaned in for another sweet kiss. She was surprised to the sudden affection he showed. Then Karma leaned back as his cheeks were flaming, he pouted, unsatisfied of her not kissing back.

"Kiss me back, Angel-chan!"

"Oh, um...sorry! You caught me off surprise, I'll do it right!"

He smiled and nodded, then he leaned in again as he kissed her lips. She kissed back now, of course.

The man leaned back from his woman, his long fingers touched her cheeks as he caressed it gently. Then a mischievous smirk played in her lips as a chill run up in her spine.

'I-I don't like it when he smirks! His planning something!' she thought as she sweat dropped.

"All that's left is I have to show you my love, I can go all night~"

Her face was erupted with heat as her husband have already planned out for their very first night together.

"Karma! You pervert....!"


EDITED ON MAY 10, 2017

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