chapter 9

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The episode start with a leap of 6 months

In this 6 months

Malika become one of the top singer

Siddharth and shivaay business grown 10 times more than the previous

Shivaay and anika becomes friends.Its friendship for anika but for shivaay it's love and obsession

Shaurya left Mumbai and went to Delhi priyanka follow him his company is growing faster no one say it's a start up company

Omru left oberio mansion leaving speratly Omru start involving oberio business and maintaining distance with shivaay and priyanka

Malika get obsessed with her new silver purse

This bring suspicious in anika mind but Siddharth doesn't let her think much because he knows the reason

OK guys enough of bak  bak so let's go to the story

Scene shift to anika fashion house anika is discussing with her team

Anika:so guys I am here to announce that fashion pride we conducted has become super duper hit

All her staff clapped some shouts in happiness

Anika continued because of that we got a chance to submit our work in Paris fashion show for the top models

Again they all clapped

Anika:so guys we have nearly  8 months(just a guess no idea about it) I want everything to be perfect so I want all the team leader to submit their best dress drawing 2 week you can submit as much you want we will discuss with the sponsored and select the best design. The design we select will be displayed in Paris fashion pride do you guys agree

All:we agree

Anika:ok there will be a party in Sunday in beach house

Again all clapped and shout in happiness

Time turns to evening anika goes to her car

Voice:hai anika

Anika turned and found shivaay there and smiles at him and says Hai shivaay

Shivaay:so ready for the dinner

Anika:ya sure but I wonder how do you know about my fashion show hit

Shivaay:that is shivaay sigh oberio

Anika rolled her eyes

Anika:ok let me call di and inform I will reach the restaurant directly

Anika dialled her number  but no response

Anika:shivaay I think something is wrong

Shivaay:what happened anika

Anika:di didn't pick the phone

Shivaay:she must be busy anika relax

Anika:no this not happened before di usually pick my call in first ring even when she is busy in shot I am getting bad vibes

Shivaay:anika don't get panic releax

Anika:let me call di driver

Anika make the call

Os:hello anika mam

Anika:hello sudhakar where are you where is di

Sudhakar :i am waiting outside mallika mam is inside

Anika:ok go inside and give the phone to Di I want to talk to her right now

Sudhakar :ok mam

After few mins

Os:aaa ..... Blood.... Blood.... Blood

Anika get Panick hello sudhakar what happened

Shivaay sees anika get panicking went near hed



so guys the episode ends here so how is today episode if you guys liked this episode please press the star 🌟 button and give your views by commenting so guys meet you all in next episode until than bye bye 👋 👋 take care

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