Chapter 2: Strawberries and Half-Baked Proposals

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"Nouran Bayaan Hameed, get your lazy ass up!" exclaimed my ever gentle brother tugging my blanket off. 

"Bhaiya, please just 10 more minutes. Please," I said.

"10 minutes ki bachchi, it's been 20 minutes since I came to wake you up for the third time!" 

Honestly, I really love my brother but at times like this, I wanted to punch his headlights out. I grumbled loudly and opened my eyes slightly. He was looking at me longingly as if he wanted to say something. Before I could ask him what he was staring at he laughed out loud and said, "Get up! Your hair looks like it was electrocuted." And then he walked out of the room and closed the door before my pillow could hit him. 

I looked to the right side of my bed and saw the beautiful snow falling delicately framing my big windows. No matter how harsh the weather, Boston was beautiful. It was half past 10 and I had gotten in bed at four in the morning after praying Fajr and taking a hot shower. Hence, my haystack of a sorry hair. I climbed out of my comfy bed and made my way towards the bathroom. 

After brushing and combing my hen's nest, I skipped down the stairs. "Mama, can you please make your chicken biryani today?" Bhaiya asked. 

Bhaiya was the eldest out of all three siblings, and I fell in the middle, and the youngest was Sabr, the baby of the family and 18 years old. Bhaiya, or Adeel, was 28 years old and married to the sweetest girl alive. 

Him and Bhabi got married two years ago after Bhaiya spotted Zarhawar at the Boston Harbor. She was passing out balloons on the boardwalk to all the little kids, and like an idiot he walked up to her and asked her, "Can I have a balloon?" 

Bhabi, looked at Bhaiya with an amusing smile and said, "Don't you look too old to want a balloon?" 

He just started at her like a dumbstruck fool as Bhabi handed him a balloon laughing and walked away without a second glance. Lo and behold, he wouldn't stop thinking about her and was always in a daze and I knew he was in love, being the closest to him. After searching for Zarhawar, and countless failures, I finally found her at BU. 

She had come to pick up immunizations for her Graduate Program and I ran up to her saying, "You're the girl with the balloons at the arcade that my brother is hopelessly in love with." 

They got married in the next three months because Adeel couldn't wait, and of course Mama didn't have any problems because Zarhawar was beautiful Masha'Allah, a pious girl, independent, from a good family, and a smart young women. To this day, even after two years, they both still looked like a newly married couple, happy, smiling, always caught staring at each other, and blushing from both ends. It was kinda cute, but I didn't believe in my fairytale and that kind of love existing for me. My prince was not coming on a white horse to steal me away. He was either riding a turtle somewhere or sleeping under a rock.

Sabr, on the other hand was the most calmest out of all three. She wasn't a typical 18 year old with typical teen problems. She always acted as if nothing was bothering her and faced reality like the independent young lady she had become. After dad, she knew things were going to change. At the time she was only 10 and completely conscious of what had happened. Sabr was the prettiest, average height, with big doe hazel eyes, long thick and curly lashes, and naturally highlighted brown hair. She wore thick black-framed glasses on bad days and pj's with bunnies on days like this-no school days. She had snow white skin tinged with rosy cheeks and strawberry colored lips. Yeah, I was totally jealous of her looks, but not a moment passed when she said the same about me and got half the relatives in the family to back her up. It was all an effort to make me feel better, I was plain. A plain Jane. 

Bhaiya was one of the top and youngest physicians in the state. He was the core of the family, being there for each and every one of us. Oh, and he was,"Mama ki Jaan." Mama always loved all three of us infinitely, but Sabr and I both knew he was her favorite. Yet, we didn't have a problem with that, because he was like our father, protecting us and believing in us. He deserved so much more, but Bhabi filled in the gaps. Bhaiya was tall, towering above all of us at 6"4'. His eyes were like Sabr's, and he was blessed with handsomeness. He had facial hair but a minimal short beard. 

And then there is me, plain and simple as anything. I am 5"4', tall for Desi standards -try working with non-Desis, I feel like a tree stump-, with ginormous eyes and minimal lashes because Bhaiya stole majority of them and Sabr picked up my share along with hers. I had pale skin tinged with pink but nowhere close to Sabr's. My hair was slightly wavy unlike Sabr and Bhaiya who both had straight hair. That was one thing I'd never let go to this day. I had long slender fingers, which did come in handy for the medical profession. All in all, I stayed behind any crowd, because I didn't think I was worth even a first glance. 

"Of course meri jaan, I'll make it spicy like you all love," answered Mama. See I told you. 

"Yes!" Bhaiya exclaimed, high-fiving Sabr. 

I walked up to Bhabi who handed me my plate of double chocolate chip waffles with whip cream, nutella, strawberries, and maple syrup. Yum, just the way I liked them. 

"Thank you! Bhabi don't you think you married a four year old?" I asked teasingly while giving her a peck on the cheek and giving Mama my salaam and hugging her.

"I really hope not because than that would mean I married a delinquent," said Bhabi with a smug smile on her face. 

Bhaiya scowled at us both while I laughed out loud and said, "Either way he still acts like one."

As I took a seat on one of the bar stools in the middle of Sabr and Bhaiya, he reached over to pull my ponytail and stole one of my strawberries. "Bhabi!" I exclaimed. Telling Mama wouldn't have done anything anyways. 

"Adeel," Bhabi said in a stern voice. That made him shut up quickly. 

"Sorry dear," he said and winked at Bhabi causing her to blush redder than my strawberries. 

"Ewwwwwww!" Sabr and I both yelled looking at each other, and then we laughed out loud.

"Enough Nouran and Sabr," said Mama giving us one of her glares. 

Bhaiya quickly got up and grabbed his white coat off of the sofa and Bhabi handed him his coffee mug. 

"You have work today?" I asked. 

"Yes, I have to work whenever I am needed unlike you who only has to work four days a week," he said. Being an RN had its perks. 

He kissed Mama on the cheek and gave both Sabr and me hugs while stealing another one of my strawberries and smiling cheekily at me. Bhabi walked him out to his car and I finished the last bit of my pancakes. Sabr and I both got up, I took the plates to clean and Sabr helped Mama prepare the ingredients for the biryani. Bhabi walked back in looking dazed and slightly blushing. She walked to Mama and helped her and Sabr. 

As I walked past her to grab the kitchen towel, I whispered, "Your blush is a little too obvious." Bhabi smacked the back of my head and I laughed hard enough for her to blush even harder.


I was sitting in my room organizing my endless bookshelf. Hmm, should I color coordinate or sort by genre? I guess I'll go with genre. On my free days, if I didn't get called or paged in, I tried to spend as much time with my family as possible. I knew being in healthcare was strenuous and hectic, but to me, my family was everything, and without them I was nothing. I finished placing my paranormal fantasies when a soft knock interrupted John Legend in the background. 

"Come in," I said.

Sabr peeked from the door and smiled at me, "Hey."

"Hey, gorgeous. Come in," I said.

She sat on my bed and crossed her legs. She looked so fragile in that moment. My heart always went out to my baby. I wish she'd just let someone in. I looked at her holding Jane Eyre in one hand and Throne of Glass in the other. "Historical Fiction or Fantasy," I asked.

"Fantasy," she muttered.

After placing the rest of the series, I got up from the floor and sat next to her on the bed. She laid her head down in my lap and I gently combed her hair back with my fingers. 

"Appi?" Sabr called.

"Yes, baby," I replied. 

She turned her head in my lap so that she was facing my stomach and traced the pattern on my sweater. "Are you really getting married?" she murmured.

What? I looked at Sabr with confusion. Where the Jahanam did she get that from? My hands stilled in her hair, "Sabr, where did you hear such a thing? No, I am not getting married. Astagfirullah!" 

"Calm down, geez. I only asked because I overheard Mama talking to Bhaiya about some dude's proposal that Ubaida Aunty brought," Sabr said lazily. 

"Hahaha, Ubaida Aunty is always bringing half baked proposals. If we say no, she'll just take it to the next victim on her list," I told Sabr.

"Appi, when are you going to be serious about marriage and actually look into these "half-baked" proposals?" she quoted. 

To some extent, she was right. I had rejected almost every single proposal that had come for me and the rest by either Ammi, Bhaiya, Sabr or Bhabi. It didn't matter who they were, whether they were doctors, engineers, lawyers, or even businessmen. I simply didn't care. I believed in the institution of marriage, just not my marriage. I was a sucker for romantic novels and movies but I knew that all of that was a fairytale. Yet, that was the least of my concern. I was a strong believer in arranged marriages, but what scared me the most was getting married to an unknown man whom I didn't know what he was capable of, and the thought of being in a helpless situation where no one would be able to come and save me scared me. What if he pretended to be a sweet and lovable guy and then became mean and ignorant, or worse a serial killer? Astagfirullah! Sabr and Anam both thought that to some extent my fears were irrational, and sometimes I did believe them. However, I didn't want to get hurt. I couldn't put myself in a vulnerable situation. 

"Appi, what are thinking about? I know for sure it's not your boyfriend!" Sabr snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

"And what if I was?" I asked smugly. She knew I didn't believe in dating. As a matter of fact, none of us did. 

"Haha, very funny!" said Sabr annoyed.

"Okay, fine. If you guys can prove to me that all my fears are irrational, then fine I'll get married. Just make sure he's at least handsome so I can see a beautiful creation as I die," I told Sabr just to annoy her further.

She got up and looked at me angrily and said,"La hawla wala quwwata illah billah! Oh my Allah Appi. Please just for once. Allah please mercy on this girl." 

"Sabr jaani, what if he..." before I could finish, Sabr interrupted me.

"What if he's mean, psychotic, a serial killer, bipolar, blah blah blah," finished Sabr.

I looked at her with wide eyes, shocked by her sudden outburst. "Well, at least you know me well," I said dazed.

She bent down on her knees in front of my bed and took my hands in hers. "Appi please just for once be serious," pleaded Sabr. Her doe eyes shined under my starry lights.

"Isn't someone a little too eager to get rid of me?" I asked begrudgingly. 

"Funny Appi. I would never try to get rid of you, I just want you to be happy," she whispered.

I cupped her right cheek with my free hand and leaned my forehead towards her. "I am happy," I said.

"You know what I mean. You deserve someone who can take care of you and let you be who you are for once. You are always taking care of someone no matter where you go, and for once you deserve that for yourself. You deserve to get all the attention," Sabr genuinely sounded upset.

"Did someone say anything to you?" I asked.

"No. No one said anything. I just want you to find someone who is actually worth your time and attention," she said.

"When did you grow up so fast?" I asked her smiling.

"I've always been like this, you all just deny it and pretend like I'm still little," she said kissing my cheek and getting up.

"Well, that's because we love you and you are our baby," I said while getting up from the bed and straightening my loose knit sweater.

She looked back at me from the door and simply said, "I know!" 

Right when she was about to turn the door knob, Bhaiya opened the door hitting Sabr on the forehead, "OW!" she exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry Sabr! Let me see! What were you doing so close to the door? Are you crazy? What if it broke your nose?" Bhaiya was having a panic attack. 

I ran over and took her hands in mine while Bhaiya rubbed his hand over her forehead. "You're going to be fine insha'Allah, just need some ice," I said.

"And no, you are not allowed to move for the rest of the night," Bhaiya said.

Healthcare in the family was an advantage most of the time, but both Bhaiya and I tend to get overprotective when someone got hurt. 

Sabr stopped moving and looked at us both with amusingly and said, "Guys, I'm fine. Can we just get some ice and eat biryani? I'm starving!"

Bhaiya shook his head at her and grabbed her by the elbow while I held her other just incase her vision was blurry. "Let's go," Bhaiya said. And she said she's been all grown up! 

Well, what did you guys think? To all the amazing people who are reading, voting, and commenting: You guys are awesome! I am so happy to see that some of you are enjoying my story. And to my silent readers in the shadows: Hi! I see you, and you are so kind to be reading along. :) Thank you everyone, it makes my day to see notifications from all of you! Until next time, please vote, comment, and share.... and of course, READ! Make today a great day. :) 

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