Chapter 44: Celebrations and Compromises Part 1

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And everyone is invited! :)

Thank you ssha1kh for this cute little invitation message and the "Keep Calm" edit. It's absolutely adorable, and I'm in love with it! Thank you so much my love!

Enjoy this chapter full of festivities and color, but please don't forget to comment away and vote! It takes some serious motivation to deliver long chapters, so I wouldn't mind the extra push. Thanks! :) #Wattys2016

The next morning, the birds were happily chirping outside, and the breeze was cool with rays of sunshine coming through the big windows into the whole house. Alhamdullilah the weather was on ur side as well, and the house hummed with jovial serenity. I wasn't allowed to go downstairs since the entire house had been decorated over night and everything was put into place once I'd retired for bed.

My breakfast was being sent to my room, but since I didn't want to eat all alone, all the siblings and cousins were to join me and Izhar in our large room that was fit to accommodate the whole family. I sat on our king sized bed as Izhar roamed around the room, getting his stuff together. I had already ironed his kurta salwar and vest even though the baby shower was all women. He was picking out his watch and walking out of the closet with a pair of brown Oxford's swinging on his fingertips when I asked him why he needed all that stuff.

"Why are you getting dressed as if you were going to the baby shower too?" I asked curiously watching him walk from the closet and to the other side of the room.

He placed his things next to the recliner and laughed. "Well, the boys and I will be having our own celebration," he looked back and smirked at me.

I looked away and fiddled with the idea in my head. I bit my lip as I watched him grab his cologne from the vanity. He wasn't allowed in the room after breakfast since the girls were going to get me ready, and they had forbid him to see me till after the baby shower. He'd protested and thrown a fit, but he was no match for his and my equally stubborn sisters.

Izhar and I both had showered and gotten ready for breakfast early morning. As I watched him pick up things here and there, I tugged my bottom lip with my fingers and asked, "What kind of celebration? Like a bachelor party?" I ridiculed as my eyes matched the stride in his sculpted back.

He stopped rolling the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows and faced me with a secretive glimmer in his eyes. "Something like that," he nodded his head to himself and slowly walked to me, going back to the task at hand.

"Interesting," I slowly nodded my head and arched my head up to see him coming towards me. I placed my palms on the edge of the mattress and leaned forwards. "By the way, you never told me what you and the guys did for your bachelor party before our Nikkah," I reminded him intently.

I tried keeping my tone steady so that it didn't hint at over curiosity. He looked down at me and grinned. "What happens at a bachelor party stays at a bachelor party darling," he winked and leaned down to peck my cheek before walking to his side of the bed and picking up his phone.

I gasped and watched the birds soar down towards the garden that faced below our balcony doors. I wasn't even allowed to open the doors and go out for fresh air as I waited because then I would see what they had prepared outside as the event was being held indoors and mostly outdoors.

"Hmm, interesting," I contemplated.

The room boomed with his chuckle, and despite myself I smiled as he rounded the bed and came to kneel below me on the plush carpet.

He looked me in the eye and smiled heartbreakingly before lowering himself down on his knees and reaching out for my stomach. I looked down and his hand rubbed small circles on my lower abdomen. Without saying anything, I watched him with gentle eyes as he came forward and leaned down to leave a longing kiss on my stomach. I smiled and reached out to touch his head.

His hair tickled my fingers as he whispered words of love to our baby. I savored the sudden shift in mood and giggled as he showered the awake baby with his love. After a few minutes, he grabbed my hand that was in his hair and placed a kiss on my rings before gently pulling me forward. Our eyes stayed on each other's, and I didn't dare look away as his melodious voice awoke every live current inside of me and my breaths became labored.

"I forgot to tell you. One of my friends from Columbia University is in town to tie up some business, and I invited her to the baby shower. I hope it's not of inconvenience," he started. His voice had changed from playful to soothing and determined.

I licked my lips. "That's not a problem at all. I'd love to meet her! Have I seen her before?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, her and her husband, my other close friend attended our Walima. They moved to California after they got married, but they travel for work and business. I wanted her to meet my darling wife more properly this time," he winked.

"I can't wait," I smiled. "What's her name?"

"Samia Ahmed Shaykh. We always called her Sami as a nickname. She's very kind, you'll like her," he grinned and left a longing and sensuous kiss on my lips.

"Samia Ahmed Shaykh," I slowly rolled in my mouth as I contemplated. "She has a beautiful name ma sha Allah," I looked away and tried to remember her from the Walima, but my mind was blank. There had been too many people for me to remember, but her name suggested her to be beautiful.

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged and got up on his feet.

"She must beautiful," I teased as he walked towards the door to see where everyone was.

He sightly turned his head back, and watched me with a question in his eyes. "Umm, is that supposed to get me in trouble?"

"It depends on how you answer. Sounds like you had a lot of pretty female friends in school," I voiced and scrunched my nose at him.

He fully turned towards me once he got to the door. "Remind me to answer that question some other time," he winked and there was a knock on the door with commotion on the other side.

Perfect timing.

"Izhar!" I shook my head in disbelief, and he smirked at my burning cheeks.

All the youngsters had breakfast with us, and it made me feel relaxed and eager for what the day's event would hold. Breakfast was full of comedic banter and rivalry between the cousins, but it was all interesting to watch. I felt at home and at peace between them all, as if I was one of them. Once breakfast was over, everyone had left and after the girls got ready, they came into my room to get me ready as well.

Sabr, Anam, and Zarha Bhabi came soon after Mahirah was giving my wet hair a blowout. She had to stop midway once they greeted everyone with big hugs and kisses on their cheeks. Sabr had fell to her knees to kiss my stomach once she got into the room. I had fondly smiled at her as Khala spoke with future nephew or niece. My miscarriage had affected everyone, but more so it had taken an immense silent toll on Sabr from the state I had physically, mentally, and emotionally relapsed into. She was the only immediate Khala of any of my future children and both the loss of the child and grief of her old Appi had damaged her brutally though she'd never tell me.

After I was back to myself months after the miscarriage, Mama had told me how upset Sabr had been, in tears when someone would bring up me and or the baby. My heart had gone out to my jaan, but the news of my pregnancy this time around had kept her anticipated and excited. It was good to see her interacting once again like before.

Once I saw all of them together in my and Izhar's room I noticed that they all wore salwar kameez in light and pastel colors. They were shining in mint, baby pink, ice blue, lilac, and subtle yellow with hints and accents of cream and white. Their outfits complimented the colors in the others, and it reminded me that they would go perfectly with the minimal arrangements I saw last night.

They all gushed at my deep red hands as they chirped about the mehndi Malaica had put on the night before. After Mahirah was done drying my hair, Huda Appi handed me the blouse and petticoat of the sari. They were folded over her arm, and she smiled at me with mischief in her eyes as she placed them in my hands.

"Why don't you go put these two pieces on, and then we will take care of the rest," she winked and knowingly smiled at a grinning Bhabi.

I watched them suspiciously and said, "Okay."

Sabr followed me into the huge en suit bathroom as everyone else awaited for our presence back in the bedroom. The slip was ivory and light rustic golden that was illustrious with a small golden pattern. Sabr gently took the embellished blouse from me so that it didn't get wrinkled, and once she straightened it out my eyes widened with fear and anguish.

She saw my expression and then flitted into laughter as I flushed scarlet and a blush creeped up my neck and onto my face. My eyes didn't blink or move away from the scandalous blouse she held in her hands. It was a rich ivory and cream color that would compliment my skin, and it had rustic golden and cream zari work all over, embellishing the front and the sleeves in the most luscious ways. The precise hand embroidered work diffused into the rich material of the blouse into detailed flowers, and I was awestruck.

However, the blouse was short, stopping below my bust line for sure and not coming an inch lower with long sleeves but an open back. There was nothing but two skinny strings on either side at the nape of the backline to hold it in place with golden trinkets at the end and another embroidered flap midway to secure it to the middle of my back. The flap was thin, barely any piece of fabric at all and the front... Ya Allah, the front had a deep and plunging neckline that wouldn't hide any ounce of shame I bore inside of me, and my stomach fell to the floor, my knees going weak.

The only thing I could think of as my eyes stayed frozen on the blouse and Sabr watching me with amusement was: Izhar.

When the girls and I had contemplated what I should be wearing a few weeks ago, Izhar had taken responsibility of picking out my outfit for the baby shower even though I told him not to worry about it. He was adamant in choosing my outfit since he always did no matter how big or small the event, and without a doubt I knew what he would choose for the festivity today. In a heartbeat he'd told his sisters and Anam and Sabr that I had to wear a sari without any argument. I wasn't even given the choice, and once I had tried to put up the smallest of fights, he'd blackmailed me and told me not be zalim. I rarely wore them even though he practically begged me each time, but this time my hands were tied, and I wasn't allowed to say a word.

He'd bought me a sari of his choice, and I trusted him because he had impeccable taste, but I wasn't allowed to see that either till it was time for me to wear it. I had thought that that would be the last of gifts from him for today since he had given everyone leeway to do as they pleased for my baby shower, but I was wrong. Mr. Khan had other plans that I didn't know of till now.

I gulped as my eyes started to water with fury. The blouse was fire and desire in itself, and I had never worn something nearly as promiscuous and scandalous in public or outside of the privacy of my bedroom.

Sabr snapped her fingers in front of me and I shook out of my reverie. "Where are you lost?" she giggled.

"I can't wear that. This has to be a mistake. There must be another blouse! Are you guys crazy?" I whisper yelled, paranoid that someone would hear us.

Sabr giggled but muffled her laughter when I threw her daggers. Anam knocked on the door and asked if everything was alright. Sabr sighed and let her in as I sat on the edge of the jacuzzi with shaky hands.

"What's wrong?" Anam asked, amusement lit in her eyes.

They were all in on it. They probably had a good laugh when I was oblivious to what the white box held that Izhar had left on the bed before leaving the room.

"She's freaking out about the blouse," Sabr exhaled disappointedly, and her and Anam stared at me.

"Nourie bear! It's just a blouse, and plus it's a women's-only baby shower. It won't hurt you to just put it on," Anam scolded gently.

I furiously shook my head in opposition, the long tendrils of my hair thwacking behind me with force. "You all knew, didn't you? How can you expect me to wear that? How can he expect me to wear something- something scandalous like that?" I covered my face in shame, the blush hadn't lessened whatsoever.

Anam walked up to me and held my shoulders, getting me back on my wobbly feet. "Listen, it's already long sleeves just like you love, so you're covered in that department. The front we can easily cover with the drape of the sari until time being," she teased and winked when I looked up at her. I playfully smacked her shoulder, and she laughed before continuing. "And as for the back, it's deliriously sexy, so we aren't even going to try to cover it up, but if you really want, we could with the drape by bringing it over the back and then to the front. It is a sexy blouse specially made for a particular beautiful girl. Now loosen up, everyone is waiting," she soothingly rubbed my arms and took the blouse from Sabr, handing it to me.

I shakily took it in my hands and put it on. The girls securely clipped the extremely attenuated flap in the middle of my back and tied the two strings below the nape of my neck, the heavy trinkets hung from the long and skinny strings, tickling my spine and lower back. The cool embellishments rubbed against my naked skin, and it sent volts of electricity down my body as I thought about what made Izhar want to get such a scandalous blouse made.

I wore my bathrobe on top before we headed out. Everyone stopped talking once I came into their view with Anam and Sabr on either side. They had mischief written all over their faces, especially Huda Appi and Bhabi but neither one of them said a word as they saw my worried and blazing hot face.

They all speedily worked around me, chatting in light hearted voices to keep my mind off of the blouse that I hid under the bathrobe. I felt like a newlywed bride as they dolled me up with the heaviest and prettiest of jewelry and glazed my face with makeup. They treated me like a porcelain doll, fragile and gentle. They laughed and giggled as they teased me endlessly and brought up their brother. Anam had done an excellent job with my makeup, making my sharp features stand out and in covering the tired bruises under my eyes, all the while keeping the soft touch that was naturally etched into my heart-shaped face.

My eyes were rimmed with kohl and lined with eyeliner as the lashes flashed and curled with volume, my cheekbones and nose prominent and taut. My lips were bold and gentle all in the same stoke and everything about me was créme and roses. It wasn't too much or too little, just in between with the perfect amount of simplicity and elegance. Mahirah and Sabr were quick to turn my soft blown out hair into an elegant and sexy braided bun that hung low on my neck, contrary to the exquisite back of my blouse. A few tendrils were loosened, angled, and framed to the shape of my face in the front, giving me gentle glow in my appearance.

Amirah and Imaan dressed me in the finest of jewelry with pearls and diamonds and minareted authentic pieces. Some of them were gifts from my wedding while others were ones I'd acquired in the past two and a half years. My henna designed hands were adorned with bangles and hand jewelry that extended to my fingertips and back to the soles of my wrists. I wore an intricate yet simple set of diamonds on my neck with heavy studs in my ears. They paid attention to every detail, not forgetting the anklets Izhar had gifted me either.

Before I stood up on my feet to have the sari itself be draped over my body, Bhabi placed a small rose in my hair that was yet to bloom, and the flower matched the colors of the theme and the ones I'd seen being strung in the house the night before. I didn't dare look at myself in the mirror as I sat in front of the vanity, only stealing a few peeks here and there.

The girls helped me get onto my feet once they were done with hair, makeup, and jewelry. My body shook as I slowly and painfully took off the bathrobe, exposing myself in front of them, but they were patient with me. Once it was off and I handed it to a smiling Huda Appi, cool air rushed through every pore. Everyone's voices lowered in soft hums as I kept my eyes down with a natural blush evident in my face and neck. They all smiled at one other as they draped the rich and illicit material of the sari over my milky skin.

The material of the sari was sheer and ivory with the same cream embellishments and hand embroidery that garnished the blouse. The whole sari itself was plain except with the embroidered edges, making it all the more regal and beautiful with a heavy designed trailing drape. It was a sari fit for a beautiful young lady, and it complimented the shape of my body. Bhabi and Huda Appi left the end of the drape they'd thrown over my shoulder long and gliding over the floor for a sense of romance. As Malaica pinned and tugged, they turned me towards the mirror so others could fix my pleats and the bottom of my sari.

I looked up, and I couldn't recognize myself as I stared at the transformed beauty in front of me. The pattern of the petticoat stood through the sheer ivory sari, the accents on my blouse and edges and drape of my sari twinkling underneath the lights from above. My skin fused with the color of the sari, and I sucked in my breath when Huda Appi fixed the back of my blouse.

They were all caught up with their work on me as I stared at the sari melting into my body. Everything I wore, from the makeup to the jewelry, perfectly complimented my sari. The flaps that lay midway in my back were shaped into small leaves attached to one another that met in the middle of my spine, the trinkets tickling my skin in round embellishments of jhumkas and pearls. The whole blouse was donned with the detailed hand embroidery, and only one with an eye for detail could pick out such an elaborate sari. Huda Appi and Bhabi had done a good job in hiding the front of the blouse, the plunging neckline that subtly exposed the top of my cleavage covered and hid it from prying eyes along with my exposed waist.

Once they were done draping the sari and doing final touches, there was a knock on the room. We all turned towards the sound and looked at each other in hesitation. We had a bit longer till the guests started to arrive so no one could guess who it could be.

"Maybe it's Dadi jaan or one of our moms," Imaan said before walking towards the door with Mahirah.

Before they could open the door, Huda Appi yelled at them to wait. We all looked at her in confusion while Amirah and Malaica fiddled with the pin in my drape, trying to secure it in its place.

"What's wrong Appi?" Imaan asked.

Huda Appi took a deep sigh before tilting her head to the side and putting her hands on her hips. "Who is it?" she called.

There was no noise so she asked again, and my suspicion grew. "It's me!" Izhar said.

My mouth dropped and eyes widened when Izhar's voice echoed from the other side. He knew very well he wasn't allowed to come in or as a matter of fact be in in the house a few minutes later since the guests would be here soon after. Everyone around me started to giggle and Huda Appi muttered under her voice.

"I knew it!" she walked up to the door and indicated Imaan and Mahirah to come back to where I stood.

Sabr and Anam stood directly in front of me as Bhabi positioned Mahirah and Imaan near the door while Amirah and Malaica kept securing the pins in my sari, so that Izhar couldn't even get the slightest of glimpses.

"Izhar, what do you want?" Huda Appi asked through the door.

"I-I need something," he said huskily from the other side and Bhabi winked at me from afar.

I shook my head as the girls laughed at his lame excuses. "And what exactly do you need dear brother? Listen, we already told you, you can't see Nouran jaani till later tonight so you need to get going. Your excuses won't work," Huda Appi teased.

I bit my lip, and Izhar spoke up. "I'm serious! I need something to hold up my salwar," he mumbled.

The girls burst out into laughter, and I had to cover my mouth with my hand to not giggle out loud.

Huda Appi laughed at her brother through the door and waved Imaan to come over. "My dear brother, it's called a naara (drawstrings for pants). If you say so we can order you one specially from Peshawar," Huda Appi teased further.

I grinned, and we waited for Izhar's reply. "This isn't funny, okay? Either let me in, or give me one," he murmured in shame.

We all laughed, and I bit the side of my lip at his innocence, feeling sorry for him. For a man that always wore explicitly dangerously low sweatpants and pajama pants, he ought to know what drawstrings were. Huda Appi gently opened the door and softly spoke to Izhar, and she sent Imaan to fetch him a naara for his salwar. After Imaan was back, the girls couldn't help but crack jokes. He was going to be teased endlessly, and I knew I wasn't going to let this one go anytime soon.


I was utterly mesmerized with all the details and amount of hard work everyone had put into the baby shower. My jaw had dropped once I made it downstairs, and I couldn't thank everyone enough for everything they had done just for a simple baby shower. I hadn't expected things to be this grand and was immediately breath-taken. Shimmery ivory curtains hung from the high ceilings and between the tall granite columns in the heart of the house with thinner drapes in shimmery mint, baby pink, light blue, and exquisite lilac. The columns had strings of matching gossamer and flowers that had been completed over night and shadowed the huge crystal chandeliers. Big transparent balloons filled with matching colored confetti stood in corners strategically, and there were fresh flowers everywhere, making me smile. More balloons with "baby" and made into the shape of diapers, rattles, and pacifiers were stationed around the house.

Flower arrangements of all sorts, in ivory and golden pedestals curved a pathway from the main doors of the house and also to the doors of the garden that were open and warming in a cool breeze. All sorts of games were set up in sections. There were white string lights patterned within the ribbons of gossamer, giving the big house a whimsical glow.

I was hugged, kissed, immensely blessed, and heavily gifted from friends and family. The color scheme of ivory complimented my outfit, and all the ladies wore pastel Desi wear like the girls. I secretly believed that everyone wore the color coordinating to the gender they thought the baby was going to be. Dadi, Mahirah and Ammi wore mint or baby blue and green while Malaica, Sabr, Amirah, and Imaan wore purples and pinks. On the other hand, Huda Appi, Mama jaan, and Bhabi wore a mix of the colors. All the guests held their own guesses as well and I could pick some up as I watched them discuss and observed the colors they wore. It wasn't later till my suspicion was verified by Imaan who had told everyone to wear a pastel color of their choice, depending on what they thought the gender of the baby would be.

Everything was very festive, and I had fun as I watched everyone play the games and I played along with them. Since it was all girls and kids only, no one wore their hijab, a few keeping their dupatta on their heads for sole purposes. I was complimented, and I had blushed throughout the day. Once the sun was starting to set, and the atmosphere became slightly less hectic, Sabr and Anam pulled me away from Dua Aunty, Hafsa Chachi, and one of the other aunty's I was talking to.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

Anam smiled at me and fixed a tendril around my face, her own light blush that I believed was from everyone teasing her about her glowing face while Sabr spoke up. "Are you ready for a surprise?" she asked.

"Are we finally going outside?" I raised an eyebrow with excitement.

I knew most of the arrangements were made outside in the large garden and was getting impatient to see everything, but the secret smile the two exchanged hinted at something else. "A little more patience Nourie bear, but before that, we all have a surprise for you," Anam said and the others girls walked up to me.

I looked at them curiously and noticed that Imaan was missing from the crowd. "What?" I asked and looked around between all the many guests that had came to be a part of this chapter in my life. I had noticed that suddenly all the women and girls that wore hijab had put their hijabs back on.

My eyebrows creased in the middle, and thoughts loomed in my head. Why would they put their hijabs on unless.. unless a non-mahram was coming?

"Wait, what's going on?" I asked as my forehead smoothened.

They all exchanged glances and Huda Appi and Bhabi nodded at one another. They sat me down on one of the sofas that were pushed away to the side to create more space and turned me towards the main double doors. I was about to protest, but they told me to stay quiet. Soon after, the last person I had expected walked past the door with Imaan smiling at everyone beside him.

Izhar's six foot four frame walked though the double heavy wooden doors clad in a spotless ivory kurta and salwar with a gray tweed vest on top, brass buttons lining down the vest and over his rigid chest. His brown Oxford's clapped against the marble floor when he took steps into the house. I watched him with careful eyes as aunties showered him with kisses and pulled him into a hug or a pat on his head, and girls stared at him shamelessly with their mouths hung wide open. But the whole time he smiled fondly at everyone, his bright blue eyes swirled in with brown stayed on mine. One side of his mouth was curled upwards, and his gaze didn't flinch away.

I assessed him from head to toe while he was busy answering the aunties and dismissing stray looks, and I couldn't help but appreciate what I saw. He rarely wore anything other than his button ups and trousers and suits since he spent most of the days at work, but him in a crisp ivory kurta and salwar made his handsome features make any girl's heart murmur with trepidation.

He winked at me once he got closer and closer, and the people around me moved away and stared at us. I closed my eyes as a blush coated my cheeks, and he stood over me. He let out a heartless chuckle, and my heart stopped beating as my hands started to sweat. He was the last person I was expecting to make an appearance at the baby shower.

He bent over and cupped my cheek, and naturally my head moved forward, my lids lowered down as he dropped a small kiss on my head. I could feel everyone watching us as a small tinge covered my naturally blushing cheeks.

Later when no one was looking, he leaned his head to the side and lowered his head so that his lips were right near my ear. I glared at him and tried moving away, but he was quick to stop me as his hands gently sat at my hips.

"I told you a sari would be the perfect fit," I could hear the smile in his voice as my heart thumped and watched the oblivious people around us.

"Izhar, behave," I whispered so quietly that even I could barely hear myself.

His finger idled on the smooth skin of my back and danced on the contours of my spine forcing me to arch backwards. I closed my eyes and grimaced when he rubbed a small circle to the side of waist.

"How can you expect me to behave when you look so damn sexy," his voice racked my nerves.

"What were you thinking getting a blouse made like this?" I scolded under my breath, trying to squirm out of his hold.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" he smirked as he pulled away and winked with a tease of a glimmer in his eyes as he met my gaze.

I shook my head at him and looked away. Men.

"Don't be angry. I can't help but think about you all the time," he leaned in and quickly pecked my cheek and pulled away as if nothing happened.

I gasped, but then saw Sabr coming up to us. "Unacceptable," I murmured to him snidely.

He chuckled and placed a hand on his heart, feigning his innocence. "In that case I'll just tell you," he turned back to me and his eyes dropped down, making my toes curl, and suddenly my throat was dry and filled with sand.

He bit his lip, and his nose and the tips of his ears turned powder pink. "When I was getting that blouse for you, I was thinking about undressing. And my darling, I can't wait," he whispered and then growled the end, making my eyes widen and Sabr raise an eyebrow as she came closer to us.

I gasped and stood there frozen as Izhar chuckled wholeheartedly. "What's wrong?" Sabr smiled cautiously looking at the two of us.

Izhar covered his mouth and shook with laughter beside me when my eyes stayed widened. "Nour, would you like to tell Sabr what's so funny?" he said between chuckles.

Oh dear Allah.


Before we went outside, we spoke to guests, and they were all very friendly except for the girls that stared at Izhar. When I had started to feel self-conscious Izhar had taken my hand in his, making sure to flash our wedding rings. He pulled me close, lightly kissing me on my forehead when pictures were being taken.

I rarely knew half of the people except for the aunties from Mama jaan's side and a few of Ammi's since I'd seen them before. Even the famous, Tabassum Aunty was here among some of Huda Appi's and Imaan's and Huda Appi's friends. She had given me a small smile and made minimal conversation, but had laughed and talked with Izhar wholeheartedly as if he were the only person in the room after he came. I could tell it irritated Izhar, but he wasn't going to be disrespectful.

I had fun when I met some girls my age that were also married. I had also met the drop dead gorgeous Samia Ahmed Shaykh. She was beautiful ma sha Allah with glowing skin and a stylish and trendy haircut only she could pull off. She wore a purple salwar kameez with golden and baby pink thread work as she was rooting for a girl, and her makeup was flawless, her eyes smoky. Once Izhar had introduced the both of us, she'd instantly given me a warm hug and made conversation, making me feel comfortable and hitting it off with Anam as well with their sense of humor. Her words held a ring of wisdom and knowledge, and she was instantly one of my favorites from all the people I had met.

She told me funny stories about their days in univers ity with their other close friends, making me laugh with her witty comments. I learned that she was the owner of one of the biggest non-profit organizations aimed towards children mostly. We hit it right off the bat as we talked about kids, and she told me she had two precious daughters back home, and she wished she had brought them.

We were just about getting ready to go outside, when someone touched Izhar's shoulder. We both turned around, and a tall and skinny yet curvy girl with cat eyes, straight black hair to her shoulders/, and tan skin smiled at Izhar in a deep blood red gown. I hadn't seen her since the baby shower started, and she wasn't someone I would miss as she stood out from everyone else.

Her hips swayed provocatively as she stepped closer to Izhar and shamelessly hugged him with her long and skinny arms. Her black hair moved like mercury with each step she took, her eyes boldly outlined with ridiculously winged eyeliner. Her lips were dripping with blood, her teeth on display as she smirked at him seductively and kissed the air around his cheeks.

I stared at them with wide eyes, and the people around us watched with earnest. He stopped her before she could move to his other cheek. Mama jaan, Dadi, and all the girls' eyes widened, like my own. They held shock and anger and Huda Appi clenched her hands in fists as Imaan walked up to me with pure fury in her eyes.

"Oh Izhar darling, how I have missed you," she seethed in a low and seductive voice as he gently pushed her away. There was a small hint of a European accent in her husky voice.

He met my eyes with his own shocked ones and he shook his head, trying to tell me it wasn't what it seemed like. There was something wrong, and neither he nor anyone else in the room was aware of it. As I stepped away and drank in her appearance from head to toe, some thing's stood out like her hooked nose, small forehead, and curved jaw. She looked a lot like....

"Tabassum Aunty's daughter," Imaan spit out with flames in her eyes and a locked jaw.

"Rahima? What are you doing?" Izhar was trying to keep his voice steady as the wicked girl leered towards him like a temptress.

So her name was Rahima.

"Oh Izhar darling, it's Ima now. I'm here to attend your wife's baby shower. It's a shame I came so late, I guess I was just in time for the big get go outside," she winked at him, a seductress in play.

My eyes bugged out and Malaica had to Dadi Mama jaan back from saying anything. Izhar darling. His name sounded filthy in her mouth, and I hated how she had said "your wife". She was undoubtedly hot, but her looks weren't what made me jealous. What riled me up was how close she stood in front of Izhar, her body inclined towards him protectively as if he was hers in her floor length and tight red gown that accentuated her curves in all the right places, a slit running up on side and exposing her tan and toned legs. I lowered my eyes in shame and looked away once everyone's eyes were closing in on them.

"I thought you were in Germany?" Izhar scoffed as he folded his arms over his chest. He didn't even look her directly in the eye.

Germany. That explained the accent.

"I was, but upon my vacation to meet Mama and my dear brother, I was informed by Aaliyah Aunty that there was a baby shower going on. Aunty asked me to come, and I can never say no to her! It's unfortunate as it is that I couldn't attend your wedding," she threw her head back in laughter, her hair sensuously dancing in midair.

Everyone's eyes turned towards Ammi who had been chatting with Tabassum Aunty earlier, and she wore a tedious wavering smile. Izhar's fists clenched together, his jaw tightening, and his eyes darkening, alerting the beginning of a storm.

"Maybe, just maybe if I was here in time for the wedding, we could have marri-" her voice dropped in masked pain as the light in her eyes dimmed.

"Rahima!" Huda Appi interrupted loudly, and I watched her in disbelief.

She gave her a fake smile and strode to her. "How have you been?" she tried to make it seem like she truly cared with her fake smile, but the boiling anger didn't fool me.

"Oh Huda! It's Ima darling," she kissed her cheeks, and Huda Appi rolled her eyes behind her back as she faced us.

Izhar tried to catch my attention, but I stood still on the other side of Imaan. Bhabi, Sabr, and Anam came to stand by me with blank faces and angry stares at Rahima with their arms folded in anger.

"Who is this besharam? She looks like MAC and Prada threw up on her," Anam seethed in a low growl.

I let out a single chuckle but quickly concealed myself to stare at her. "What?" she shrugged in irritation.

I silenced her with a look and listened to Huda Appi as she glared at Imaan to get Ammi. "Rahima, meet Nouran, our lovely jaan and wife of Izhar," her voice threw daggers at Rahima as she walked her up to me.

Izhar was about to pull them back before the seductress could come in contact with me, but Ammi had came from behind him and held onto his shoulder with a plea in her eyes, Tabassum Aunty by her side.

Rahima's cat eyes trailed over my body, and I shifted my weight from one foot to the other in discomfort as I felt her gaze linger and eyes crawl over inch of my body. I felt exposed as I could feel the judgment in her eyes as her lips turned in a straight line of disapproval and disgust.

"Izhar, this is your precious wife? And what kind of name is Nouran?" she didn't claim me as a person, but an object. My bareback turned cold at her words as she bashed me with immodesty.

"She's my wife, the love of my life, my world, my everything. And for your information, I love her name. It's unique and uncommon ma sha Allah with a bright and beautiful meaning unlike some one syllable names that sound like the names of dogs," Izhar growled.

Sabr and Anam twitched by my side and some had to cover their mouths to not let giggles erupt from Izhar's answer, but I held them in their places. I glared at Izhar to behave and looked up at Rahima with a small and sheltered smile. In a gentle voice I greeted, "AsSalaamualaikum."

Rahima's face morphed into disgust, and the smile I had feigned for her fell away without any strength. My stomach coiled, and I felt revolted as she tore me apart with her stare in horror and didn't even respond to my salaam. Izhar's words rang with shock in the core of her body.

She flipped her straightened black hair behind her and stared at Izhar. "Isn't she too... plain and religious for you? I mean I know you're religious and practicing too, but she's just ugh... I heard she also wore hijab. Such a shame since she has pretty hair. Aren't you hot in hijab?" she shrugged one shoulder and looked at her nails like they were the most interesting things in the world besides my husband.

A gasp swam through the room, and all the hijabis that had heard Rahima glared at her and instantly started questioning who she was and her whereabouts. She had no idea what she was setting herself up for as the aunties glared at her, and word spread like wildfire with Desi ears and mouths.

"She is, and that's why I married her," Izhar fired back with clenched teeth. He was about to continue, but Huda Appi skipped to his side and tugged him away.

Tabassum Aunty pulled her daughter's hand and tried smiling at us, but in return, everyone wore expressions of pain and boiling anger. Mama's eyes were sad as she tried figuring out what was happening.

"Oh Rahima, you silly girl. She didn't mean it like that Izhar beta," Tabassum Aunty said as she tried touching Izhar's arm and looking at me.

I breathed through my nose and suddenly felt so tired. The day had been going so well, but then this siren had turned and shifted everything.

"Izhar beta. Rahima is only here for one more weekend. Tabassum and I were thinking that maybe you two could get together and catch up before she leaves," Ammi jaan said in her sweet voice, ignoring my presence completely.

"What the Jahanam?" Anam whispered.

I grabbed her arm in mine and shook my head at her. Izhar eyes flew to his mom and he stared at her in astonishment. He couldn't believe what his mom was suggesting. "Ammi? Are you being serious right now?" he scoffed in incredulousness.

"So now since you're married, you don't have time for anyone else?" Rahima asked authoritatively and batted her eyelashes as she leaned forward, giving him an open invitation to look down the front of her dress.

My stomach churned, and I begged Allah to not let my sickness come for a time like now. "I never had time for anyone else in the first place except for my family, but now not only do I have more than enough time for one person but two beating hearts that are my darling wife's and our baby's," Izhar snapped and instantly looked towards Huda Appi.

Rahima shook her head in shock and looked at Ammi and Tabassum Aunty as Huda Appi tried to cool her hot-tempered brother that was trying his best to not say something he'd regret later.

"That's not what you two said. You both said that he would be open to the idea of second marriage!" she questioned her mother. Rahima pointedly yelled under her breath so only the people around us could hear. At least she had some brain cells left.

I swayed on my feet, and my throat started to close up as her words swam into my ears with shock and apprehension. Second marriage. Second marriage. The words rung in my ears like a never-ending bell, and my mind and body were sent back to the conversation Ammi had with Huda Appi months ago.

"Rahima not now!" Tabassum Aunty scolded and Ammi watched Izhar with guilt in her hazel eyes.

Izhar pulled away from Huda Appi, and no one was paying attention to anything else except for him. I looked away as my eyes burned with anger and pain. "One minute, what did you say?" Izhar's eyebrow arched in question as he stepped closer to his mom and the mother daughter duo of female fatale cowered beneath his furiousness.

"Izhar, please not now," Huda Appi whispered at him and brought his face down to hers. He would never say a word above his sister's, and I was glad Huda Appi could control him when I stood here defenseless. She muttered some other things under her breath at him, and I could see his tense shoulder blades coiling under his vest and kurta. All the while, Ammi paid reparations to a fuming Rahima and Tabassum Aunty who were still shaken from Izhar's fury.

I tried calming down the girls around me and Malaica handed me a glass of water as she assessed my pale face. My hands had lost all their warmth and became slick, clammy, and frozen. Dadi jaan consoled Mama and told her she'd figure out what everything was about and to not worry when Sahar bounced towards her Mamu as he shook his head at something Huda Appi said.

I watched the little girl with sad eyes as her smile faded from one look at my face. "Mama, when are we going to go outside?" she commanded.

Huda Appi looked down and smiled at her lovely daughter and nodded at Imaan. "Hon, we're going right now. Thank you for reminding us sweetie," she said as Izhar looked the opposite way with his arms crossed across his thundering chest.

No later, the girls started to steer the guests outside, and then slowly we went as well. I kept my eyes down and myself occupied to what Sahar was saying so that I didn't have to look at Izhar. I wasn't angry at him, but I was upset and he knew it as though it was clear as the day. Once we got outside, the girls waited for my reaction. The brown wooden pillars outside were transformed into a shelter of tables and chairs for guests to sit in. Curtains similar to the ones inside were strung through each lever of wood giving it a gentle aura as it lightly blowed against the cool breeze with the lanterns hanging from the tree branches. There were small and medium sized white painted cages that had more flowers inside, falling from the branches and down to the plush grass like gossamer.

There were small lights hanging from the ceiling of the columns and directly onto the tables. Hundred and thousands of paper cranes hung from the top in all sizes and colors to go with the theme. They floated over in precision and danced over the place settings. There were flower arrangements of roses, carnations, jasmine, peonies, and other different flowers in the middle of the tables, the napkins rolled up with embellished and personalized place cards and flowers in the middle.

There was a big and very cute customized banner that read "Nouran's Baby Shower". Party favors and all sorts of desserts were tiered and layered at a table on one side, facing the many tables underneath the shelter. All my favorites were lined up and decorated beautifully and professionally from mini cupcakes with ivory icing, small ice cream cones filled with a whipped vanilla custard base and chocolate covered strawberries, to more layers and layers of various tartes, custards and mousses in small glasses with mini spoons, cake pops, and jars of candy and sweet sticks. The drinks were placed inside accessory baby bottles with paper straws inside. There were sections dedicated to various things around the garden. There was a popcorn machine with bags decorated with cute sayings, a cotton candy machine, and a table for making customized onesies and diapers.

One corner of the garden was dedicated to a Desi stall of savory foods that were my favorite and I had craved greedily in the past months. I had no idea where they found a makeshift pani puri stand, but it was just like the ones in Pakistan. The sign and name of the stand was "Baby Khan ke Savory Delights" serving pani puri, samose, chutney, mini bun kebabs, various chaats, bhel puri, and methi puri. And near the tent, the row of main courses were set up buffet-style on a table over burners and covered silver trays.

The arrangements outside were so mind-blowing that I couldn't help but grin despite what had happened inside. Izhar kept his eyes on me as I thanked all the girls. Everyone helped themselves around the big garden, and I admired every small detail that they had put in as the sunset painted a beautiful background. I would have to thank the men later, as every one of them had put in a lot of dedication to every single thing from the colors, to the choice of flowers, to the decor.

The guests were enjoying themselves as they all personalized onesies for the future baby and wrote funny comments on diapers. They chatted and ate and once the buffet was opened, everyone settled down. I could see Rahima and Tabassum Aunty in one of the back tables arguing endlessly, and I kept my gaze away.

Since I wasn't hungry enough for a big meal, instead I indulged into the savory appetizers and many desserts. Izhar rarely spoke, and I kept quite as I knew he was battling with himself internally as he tried to make sense of what had happened. There was tension between us, and I could still hear the words "second marriage" echoing in my ears. I didn't know what he was thinking, but I wanted to identify all his thoughts and his doubts. What was Ammi up to? Did she really think that after everything, second marriage could still work with Izhar? And Rahima, it seemed like that was her only purpose for coming today in the first place.

Deep down I knew that Ammi still hadn't let go of the idea of Izhar remarrying, and to her Rahima seemed like the perfect choice.

"Um, I think we should cut the cake!" Imaan snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Cake?" I asked with one eyebrow arched up.

"Yeah!" Sabr said cheerily for my sake.

They moved around and pushed me and Izhar towards the long table of desserts that faced the sitting guests. The sun had set completely, the lights from the candles, lanterns, and chandeliers lighting up around us. There were logos and letters of "BABY" all around us with diapers, bottles, and clothespins as staples, and the one on the table lit up. Izhar stood a few inches away from me, his breath on my neck, but we both kept quite as everyone worked around us. They cleared a large space on the table, and Mama jaan walked up towards us with a beautiful ivory tiered cake. It had three tiers with two thinner and intricately designed layers in between and was lightly airbrushed with hints of pastel here and there and the top tier had a small bear holding balloons sitting next to blocks that spelled out BABY KHAN. It was utterly adorable, and I smiled at its overloaded cuteness. Flowers cascaded down from tier to tier, with fondant and edible decorations on the rims. Imaan clarified that it was both white chocolate mouse and triple chocolate for Izhar and me.

Everyone clapped and smiled, and I could feel Izhar's presence right next to me with one hand on the small of my back, teasing the ends of my dori, and the other, holding the knife and wrapped around my small hand. His face was inches away, and if I turned around, I could count each hair follicle that lay on his defined jawline. I could smell him all over me, his warmth encompassing my presence. My breaths stuttered when he leaned in closer to feed me a small piece that we had cut.

The cameras clicked away, the girls clapping and cheering in encouragement. I slightly turned my head when he brought the piece closer, and I could see his lips curling up in mischief as he brought it to my lips. Soon enough, he titled his head to the side, a full blown smile on his lips as he touched the piece to my nose and quickly leaned away with a chuckle.

My eyes widened in surprise, and I glared at him as he wholeheartedly beamed with laughter. All the aunties and the girls around us laughed as I looked down, a small blush creeping up my cheeks and took the napkin from Sabr that she held out towards me with a smile.

"Izhar, why are you teasing our poor jaani?" Huda Appi scolded him between her laughter.

Sahar giggled from where Imaan held her in her arms, and I couldn't help but smile back at his prank. Once I looked up at him he bit his lip to prevent the next fit of laughter, but he winked away from everyone else. I slightly shook my head and looked down, trying to clean my nose.

"Here, let me help," he leaned in closer, and my heart thumped erratically in my heart. We were so close, yet, so far away, and I was thankful that even though my heart jolted from the proximity, there was a modest distance between us for the eyes of the guests.

"It's okay," I said quietly, giving him a mean glare, unaware of what else he would do. However, I hadn't wanted to ruin the moment as it had taken him long enough to potentially leave the tension that had occurred.

"Nour, let me help, please," he closed his eyes and stressed the last syllable like a kid. I couldn't help but admire his free spirit with his prank. It wasn't something he would've done when we first gotten married, and it went to show how he could be himself with me now, and it was a beautiful emotion.

When I didn't put up a fight, and saw Mama nod her head from behind him, I handed him the napkin. The hand on my back brushed against my cool exposed skin, and I bit back a moan as he deviously smirked from when I gulped and took the napkin in his hand. True to his word, he cleaned my nose and fed me the piece of cake without teasing this time.

All the girls of family went wild, making me blush from head to toe when I fed him a small piece. Dadi jaan, Hafsa Chachi, and Maya Phuppo helped get the cake cut, and the girls served. As Izhar and I helped them place the pieces in the cute blue and pink baby shower emblemed plates, the elders told us that they were fine and didn't need the help. When we didn't budge, the group of girls were pushed away with us as well, and we stood huddled in a group as the salis (sister-in-laws) and sisters teased Izhar, and he humbly joked with them.

As he spoke to the girls and they laughed with him, I watched him from the corner of my eye. My heart sighed. He was so good at masking and concealing his emotions that it was easy for him to put up a façade for others. Huda Appi, Ammi, and I had noticed when Izhar didn't respond back to Ammi after what had happened inside. I didn't want to him to dwell on it any longer, knowing that him uncovering Ammi's thoughts would only break his heart and anger him further.

All the girls laughed at what their brother had said when my eyes caught the red bodied jezebel walk towards us from across the platform. Even though my laughter had died down from noticing her presence, a polite smile still bore onto my lips courteously. Before anyone else could notice her, I'd easily figured that Izhar's carefree and buoyant mood would soon diminish upon her arrival. It wasn't soon before she had shamelessly barged into our group discussion and walked up to Izhar's other side.

I wrapped my arms around my shoulders, suddenly feeling cold and Izhar stepped back and he stiffened. The girls protectively moved closer to me and glared at her in pity.

"Izhar darling, I didn't get any cake," she wickedly leered.

I looked away in shame at the way she spoke to him immodestly. Right when Izhar had noticed she was coming to stand right next to him, he was about to walk away, but I held him in place, holding his hand in mine. I knew that if he had left, she would've created a bigger scene.

"First of all, I would kindly appreciate you not calling me darling," he said through clenched teeth.

I unwound my arms from around my shoulders, ready to break in and make him calmer when suddenly very casually Anam marched to the table of desserts next to us and took a plate with an untouched piece of cake. She walked back up to us and held out her hand, offering the piece of cake to Rahima with a smirk on her face and haunted eyes.

"We are so very sorry. Here you go!" her voice leaked with sarcasm and hatred.

Rahima rolled her eyes and moved them from Izhar to Anam and sneered as she looked her up and down. No matter how sculpted Rahima was, she was no match for Anam's slender figure and classy style. My best friend could kill with one look.

She gave a forced and fake smile as she took the plate in her hands and played with the piece of both chocolate and vanilla cake. She took the spoon and fiddled with it as she licked the spoon off the small amount of icing it had grazed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and Izhar was intrigued with the grass underneath him, paying her no attention whatsoever.

"You fed cake to all your family members, aren't you going to feed me," her voice dropped and she whispered loud enough for all of us to hear.

Huda Appi came behind us and put a hand on Izhar's shoulder. He took a deep breath and looked at Rahima straight in the eye without any ounce of wavering emotion.

"You said it yourself. I only fed my family members," he said firmly.

Her eyes widened, her lips straightened as the spoon she twirled in her mouth froze in her hand. I could see her jaw lock and tighten as she dropped the spoon in her plate and shoved it back towards a very tried and tested Anam, but Rahima's eyes didn't move from Izhar.

She stepped closer and her hands turned into fists by her side. "You know what? I didn't come here to look like some desperate bitch that wanted you even after you got married though I wouldn't mind. Your mom and my mom set this up! They were the ones telling me that you would open your mind to second marriage, and that maybe I had another chance. You never noticed me, but this time even I was fooled and thought that I would get my spotlight. But you know what Mr. Khan? You and your damn family can go to hell! I deserve much better than you, and I can do better! One day you're going to be coming back to me and begging me to make you mine," she scoffed.

My mouth dropped to the floor and Izhar's jaw tightened as he vibrated with fury and the height of anger. "Not even in your dreams," he snickered.

"Rahima!" Huda Appi was livid.

For a split second Rahima looked back at Huda Appi, and something foreign softened inside of her. "It's a shame you didn't accept my brother either. You could've been such a good sister-in-law to have, but you all are the same. Your whole family plays with emotions like we are the biggest fools. Huh! I don't know what Mama sees in you guys, Aliyah Aunty played with all our hearts!" she spat under her breath.

"Don't you dare utter one more word out of your mouth against anyone of my family members. I will personally see you and your mother out if you utter one more word against them. If you are so caught up with your so-called heart getting broken by someone who has never seen you in that way and never will, then I'm not sorry because you are setting yourself up. Now before I say something you will not want to hear and I lose my calm, please leave," Izhar glowered at her.

A small angry tear ran out of the corner of Rahima's eye and she quickly wiped it away as it shadowed across her caked face. "Go to hell!" she said and with that she turned around.

"Rahima, don't forget your cake!" Anam yelled before she was out of earshot.

Rahima stopped midway and straightened her back before turning around and piercing each one of us with her bloodshot cat eyes. "It's Ima darling!"

She whipped her back and turned around as she walked up to a very frantic Tabassum Aunty and shell-shocked Ammi.

"More like Ima kamini," Anam said under her breath and put the piece of cake on the table.

I exhaled a deep breath when Izhar whipped around to a very torn Huda Appi. Her face fell when her brother was on the verge of losing all his composure. "What in the world is going on?" he demanded.

I looked around, suddenly feeling awfully tired as brother and sister whispered under their breaths, Izhar having a hard time keeping his voice lower any longer. It had been awhile since dessert had been served so a lot of the guests were starting to get ready to leave.

"Come with me," Huda Appi said to Izhar and held out her hand for him to take as she steered him away. "Excuse us Nouran," she said solemnly.

I nodded my head and braced myself for what she may tell Izhar. Amirah's phone rang and she read Daud's name off the screen of her phone. Her face morphed speedily as she spoke to Daud.

"Oh God! I'm coming," she said.

We all waited for her to tell us what had happened as she shook her head. "What's wrong Amirah?"

"Oh Bhabi you won't believe it. The boys tried to sneak in, and Adam Bhai is adamant on seeing Anam. He's saying he won't leave otherwise," she smiled.

I let out a single chuckle as Anam turned bright crimson and was basked in all shades of pink from head to toe. When she didn't move, I nodded towards her with a small smile on my lips.

"This is so embarrassing," she whispered to me.

I chuckled and winked at her. "Don't keep my brother waiting now," I teased.

She gasped at me and pretended to be shocked. "I thought we were on the same side," she put an arm on her forehead dramatically.

"We are, but you just don't know. Now go before they really do find a way to come inside!" I laughed.

"You gonna be okay till I come back? I don't have to go," she said seriously and shook her head.

I sighed and then smiled at her as I fixed the stray piece of hair in her face and the diamond pendant she always wore that Adam had given her. "I'm fine love. Go, but come back," I winked.

She nodded, and I watched her and Amirah make their way back inside.

"Bhabi jaan, you okay?" Imaan said.

I simply smiled at her and patted her cheek as Sabr held onto my shoulders and Bhabi and Mama were talking in hushed tones. I could see Mama's eyes transfixed on me, worry and pain etching her soft and graceful features. "I'm fine my jaani," I said and went into talking about how much I loved everything to take her mind of the current state of the family.

Soon after, everything moved around like a whirlpool of hectic affairs. The guests left and they all wanted to meet me before leaving. The table of gifts was filled, and the minute the guests left, the house was turned back into a nomadic trance filled with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. None of the elders seemed like they were in a good mood, and something told me they had heard about Rahima and Ammi as Dadi was broodless and glaring at Ammi.

"Beti, there's a glass of warm milk for you in the kitchen," Hafsa Chachi said and as she walked up to me and gave a small tense smile.

I smiled back and nodded as I thanked her. Everyone was anxious and stressed, and I didn't know what to say. Mama jaan, Bhabi, and Sabr left with the kids soon after, and I didn't even properly get to thank them as they rushed to leave the gloomy and blanched house. They said they'd call me soon and to get some rest.

Right when I was about to ask for Huda Appi and Izhar, they came down the stairs to where all the elders spoke in hushed and rushed tones. I was instantly on my feet, but Izhar's disheveled hair, angry and defiant eyes, roughened jawline, and flexed arms and jaw stopped me midway.

"Girls, please take Nouran beti to her room. She's tired," Dadi's voice held no patience for any argument.

Without saying anything Imaan strolled towards me with the other girls and walked me up the stairs. Right as the door to our room opened and before I could step in, I could hear the voices of the men booming downstairs.

"What is going on?" Baba demanded.

My heart clenched and I could sense all the men walking into the house. "Ikram! Calm down. Nouran jaan is upstairs, and we don't want her to hear anything that might hurt her, especially in the state she is in. We are civil people, and we will talk this out in the library room. I want everyone there now. Let's go," Dadi's voice was authoritative, and even before I came upstairs, I knew there was a storm ready to frenzy into the house.

My heart dropped as I could imagine all the elders and Izhar shuffling into the large office downstairs. It was too quiet, the click of the door hadn't gone unnoticed, and almost instantly Izhar's angry voice boomed through the room and through the walls, echoing his hurt and frustration.

I clutched my chest and deeply breathed in out as my heartbeats picked up with worry. Oh Allah, please, please, please....

Soon after the girls took me into the room and closed the door behind, I felt trapped from the storm that was hell-bent and tortured with every whip and lash. I wanted the storm to wash over me as the harsh rain pattered with rogue, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to calm it down.

Because I was so caught with everything that was happening, I almost missed the dark room only lit with candles strategically placed here and there, making the room glow placidly. The room smelt of fresh roses and lavender root. My eyes roamed around, and froze on the bedside table on Izhar's side. There was a bottle of sparkling water in an ice bath and chocolate favors on either side. I looked at the girls and their heads hung down in guilt. 

"Huda Appi and Anam Appi's idea. They wanted you and Bhaiya to have a relaxed night after the long day. A little gift to the mommy and daddy," Imaan squeaked on behalf of her, Mahirah, and Amirah. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as a blush creeped up my cheeks. I bet they weren't expecting such a long and tiring day that was filled with exuberance to turn out like this. No matter what, I was touched by the lengths they had gone to. 

With a hammering heart, clammy hands, breath-taken and exhausted body, I walked around the room over and over again, facing the door as my ears picked up the smallest of sound waves from the largest echoes of thunder. It was them against Ammi. The battle between mother and son that I'd tried to prevent had been released, and I failed my job to keep them on the same beat as each other.

Oh Allah, please, please, please....

To be continued!

AsSalaamualaikum! :) So? What do you guys think? I know, it was a long chapter! Hopefully, we can all show some love and be generous with voting and comments! They truly mean the world and make my day. Let's hear what you guys are thinking. :)

What are your thoughts with the baby shower, and everything that happened? Hmm, what about Rahima... oops, I mean Ima! >.< Looks like Aaliyah is going to face her wrath. Do you guys think that she's wrong, or did she do the right thing?

Please leave your thoughts and comments for the chapter as I am very eager to read what you all are thinking! EEEKKK!!! Until next time my Wattpadians, lots of chocolate coming you way. P.S. If I haven't replied to your comments on the last chapter, then please understand that I am working on it and in sha Allah I will reply! I promise.

Vote, comment, and share! #Wattys2016

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