Chapter 5: White is for Purity

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It had been two days since I had seen my sign after praying Istikhara even though I wasn't expecting to get one the first night. Mama and Bhabi both told me it was because I was pure at heart and that's why I got a pure answer.

I wasn't exactly sure what I had seen but some things stood out. In my dream, "or sign from Allah," I had seen myself in an emerald green dress my hair flowing behind my back. It was extremely cold, and there was a man praying across from me. I don't remember his face, but it seemed familiar. He was wearing a white button up shirt, sleeves folded up to his elbows. When he turned his head in salaam, he had a smile gracing his lips. I shamelessly stared at him the whole time. He got up from where he was praying and walked over to me. Surprisingly I walked towards him as well saying something that I don't remember. Before we could reach each other, I woke up to my blaring alarm for Fajr.

When I told Mama and Bhaiya about my dream the next morning over breakfast, and they both beamed at me telling me the sign was a yes, and that Allah had given me His blessings to move forward with the proposal. Sabr and Bhabi were excited and busy helping Mama with all the preparations. The boy's side was coming over today and the families would officially meet each other. It made me happy that everyone else was; however, I was scared and still hadn't seen his picture. There was no point in doing so anyways since I had already agreed to see him. I had this twisted feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I knew I was scared beyond my mind. I couldn't tell anyone, or else they'd be worried as well. The only person I could tell was Anam, but I decided I would tell her after everything was clear with either a yes or no from both sides. I didn't want to get her hopes up and then disappoint her, even though she'd kill me for telling her so late.

I sat on my bed staring at the endless numbers of salwar kameez Mama, Bhabi, and Sabr had laid out for me to choose from. I was already indecisive and so many choices were of no help. I ended up picking a cream-colored salwar kameez with fuchsia designs and simple thread work. It was simple yet beautiful. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, but if I went in my scrubs then everyone would scold me.

I had already showered and blowdried my hair my layers more prominent, and the tips curled naturally. Everyone agreed I should let my hair fall loose, since it was always in a ponytail. I was tempted to pull it back but I could hear Sabr's voice in my head, threatening me. "If that hair goes up in a ponytail today, then I will cut it all off!"

I sat in front of my vanity after putting on the pretty salwar kameez and looked at myself in the mirror. He's going to say no right away! I mean, any guy would be crazy to yes to someone so unattractive like me. Sighing, I ended up putting my hair half way up letting the loose curls frame the side of my face. I wore my rose gold, double studded earrings and my favorite watch that Bhaiya and Bhabi had gotten me last year for my birthday. I wasn't big on doing my makeup, but I occasionally put on mascara and eyeliner. I decided I'd put on mascara and nothing else since I wanted him and his family to see me as my true self.

As I swiped my lashes for the last time as a knock interrupted me and I called, "Come in!"

Sabr and Bhabi both walked in, they looked gorgeous! "You almost done Nouran jaani?" Bhabi asked.

"Yup, just about done."

I placed my mascara back in my makeup bag and sprayed myself with my favorite perfume, Noir Tease. Bhabi and Sabr walked towards the vanity and looked at me in awe through the mirror.

"Aww, you look beautiful masha'Allah! I think I'm gonna cry!" Sabr fanned her eyes.

"You do my love masha'Allah, but what about eyeliner? Do your big eyes some justice!" Bhabi exclaimed.

"Guys, I want them to see me for who I truly am! It's not like they're going to say yes either way!" I said.

"Stop underestimating yourself. Not only is my sister the prettiest girl in the world but also she's the sweetest. No offense Bhabi," Sabr winked at Bhabi while grabbing the eyeliner.

"Exactly! Sabr is absolutely right. And it's not like your covering your whole face! Eyeliner, or surma was something our Prophet SAW liked!" Bhabi said.

She had a point. I couldn't win with these two anyways, so I let Sabr put eyeliner on me, and Bhabi gave me a light coat of lipgloss. It was 6:15pm and I was starting to get impatient and anxious. They were supposed to arrive in the next 25 minutes. After giving me one more glance and placing my loose curls back in place, Bhabi gave me a kiss on my cheek and Sabr enveloped us in a group hug.

I got up from the vanity and put my dupatta across my shoulders and we walked downstairs. Mama and Bhaiya were placing all the platters of appetizers on the table ready to be taken to the living room.

Bhaiya stopped midway and stared at me with wide eyes. I snapped my fingers, and after awhile he said, "Masha'Allah, my sister is all grown up."

"Stop acting like I'm leaving," I whined.

"You never know...." Sabr sang.

"Aren't you too eager on getting rid of me? I see what you're trying to do. You're tired of me," I said half jokingly and half upset.

"Haye Allah Appi, I'm not trying to get rid of you! I'm merely stating possibilities," Sabr replied.

"Okay, that's enough. They must be coming any minute now. Is everything in place? Is my hijab okay?" Mama frantically asked.

"Mama you look gorgeous masha'Allah," Bhaiya said and all three of us nodded.

"Okay, so Nouran, we decided that you can stay in the kitchen until we announce for you to come into the living room. Sabr and I will come to get you, okay?" Bhabi told me.

I just nodded my head. I'd still be able to hear everything they'd be saying so that was a good thing. The doorbell suddenly went off and everyone froze. Bhabi pushed Bhaiya to the door, and he fixed his shirt collar. My heart started hammering in my chest and my palms froze and started to sweat. I felt dizzy, and my breathing became irregular. I must have looked the part because Sabr pushed me into one of the bar stools and Mama hastily handed her a cup of cold water for me to drink.

Sabr told Mama to go as well and despite my protesting, she made me take a few sips of the water. Coolness rushed through my body, and I instantly felt somewhat better. My hands shook, and I ended up put them underneath me so that Sabr wouldn't notice.

"AsSalaamualaikum! How are you?" Bhaiya and Mama greeted the guests.

"Walaikum asSalaam, Alhamdullilah. How are you?" a lady answered.

The greetings were exchanged and though I wanted to hear what was going on in the next room, my thoughts roamed astray and I thought about him sitting only a room across from me. The kitchen started to spin and Sabr wasn't there to hold onto me because after the greetings, she had gone next door with the appetizers. I had to calm myself down so I started breathing through my nose.

In and out. In and out. As a nurse, I knew tricks to control panic attacks, but at that point everything could've gone to Jahanam and I wouldn't have cared. In and..."Nouran hon, you okay?" Bhabi asked as she and Sabr walked through the doors to the kitchen.

I shook my head no and looked down as my eyes closed with nervousness. Bhabi came to my side and held onto me till I opened my eyes again, and Sabr rubbed circles over my back. She looked worried her forehead creasing in surprise that I for once was losing it.

"Sweetie, it's going to be okay insha'Allah. They're so nice and are patiently waiting to meet you. Read Surahs and say Bismillah," Bhabi said softly.

I looked up, with a small smile on my lips so Sabr would stop worrying and got up from the stool. I took a deep breath and muttered Bismillah under my breath. They both walked beside me, and as we got closer and closer to the living room, the voices stopped and I could feel all eyes on me.

My eyes were trained down, my head lowered, and Mama said with awe, "This is our Nouran."

Bhabi nudged me by the elbow and I softly said, "AsSalaamualaikum."

They all replied in unison and before I could even look up, a very beautiful lady in a silver hijab about Mama's age enveloped me in a hug and asked, "How are you my love? We've heard so much about you, and masha'Allah you are all of that and so much more." I guessed she was probably the mother.

I didn't know what to say, she had barely known me for five minutes! "Alhamdullilah," I replied.

I was passed down the line of guests before I could even comprehend what was going on. I met the father who was an absolute sweetheart reminding me of Baba and how he would've been so proud to see me. I missed him terribly. He had been on my mind since the night I prayed Istikhara. He was my best friend and I always had been daddy's little girl. I met the two sisters, the elder one was Huda and the younger one was Imaan. They were both very sweet and sat me right in the middle of the them.

I still hadn't looked towards him. Unaware of what he would look like and if he was even looking my way, I kept my eyes on his sisters. They both were extremely friendly and Huda reminded me of someone. Huda's husband was sweet as well, asking me what my plans were on education as the elders talked. I told them that my goal was to become a pediatric nurse practitioner. They seemed impressed, and the two sisters went on to ask me about my likes and dislikes. Huda had a daughter who was at her in-laws house, I asked her why she didn't bring her along, and she shook her head and said, "She actually fell off her bike the other day and I decided to leave her so her knees and elbows could heal."

That struck a cord so loud it tuned out every other sound in the room, my thoughts became blurry and I finally looked all the way to my left on the love seat where he was sitting. Mr. Armani Suit and iPhone, or as I should say, Mr. Izhar Khan. Huda... she looked like Sahar, or should I say Sahar looked like her mom?

He was looking right back at me as a smirk tugged the right corner of his mouth. His eyes were brighter today shining with a gleam I couldn't pinpoint. I looked away before I could gasp out loud and make a fool out of myself.

"If you don't mind, then I think it is time to give Nouran dear and Izhar some time to talk between themselves," his father said.

I looked at Bhaiya and Bhabi with fear evident in my eyes. Bhaiya looking worried and Bhabi nodded her head yes at me. "Yes, of course. We can go to the dining room right next door, and let the two get to know each other," Mama replied.

No! Please Allah, don't leave me alone with him, please. His brother-in-law patted him on the back and got up with his parents and my family members to head to the adjacent room. I scanned the room for Sabr and she mouthed, Bismillah and gave me two thumbs up. Huda and Imaan got up as well and Imaan whispered, "Good luck," with a wide smile. They both passed him and gave him a wink. He gave them a glare and looked quite distraught himself.

After everyone had left the room, Bhaiya was the only one left. He walked up to me and said, "We'll be in the room right next door. Call us if you need anything. Okay?" he looked at him.

"Yes, thank you," he answered.

Bhaiya patted my head and I looked up at him through my eyelashes, pleading to not leave me alone. He nodded his head and gave my hand a squeeze. Before I could scream for him to not leave me, he walked down the hallway to the dining room. I understood that it wouldn't have been Haram because they were across the hall and could hear everything we said and did. Well, that was thoughtful!

I tangled my fingers in my lap, feeling self-conscious when he cleared his throat, "I don't think we've had a proper introduction. My name is Mohammed Izhar Khan, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

I looked up from my hands and finally looked over at him. He was dressed impeccably in a sky blue shirt and dark grey slacks. Blue was my favorite color and it made his eyes seem brighter....

I slightly smiled and said, "AsSalaamualaikum, I'm Nouran Bayaan Hameed."

"Walaikum asSalaam wa Rahmatullah. You have a beautiful name Nouran," he said.

"Thank you," I quietly said feeling socially awkward.

"Look, I'm really sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to be so rude. I was in a hurry to get to a meeting, but I know that wasn't any excuse to talk to you in that way. Then the other day in the hospital, you were so kind to Sahar, and I couldn't even properly thank you," he said.

Taken aback by his apology I simply nodded and said, "It's okay, don't worry about it."

He nodded back and then there was an awkward silence for a good two minutes. "Is there anything you'd like to ask me? Look I'm not really good at talking to girls that aren't apart of the family. And you're the first girl who's proposal I've taken seriously," that had grabbed my attention.

"My family said that you and your family sent the proposal about two weeks ago. Did you know it was me when we bumped into each other outside of Starbucks?" I asked curiously.

"No, I didn't, but I did find out that same night when I got home. I saw the picture that your Khala had sent and I knew it was you the next day in the hospital. I guess that just added in to all the more reasons why I really wanted to apologize to you," he said genuinely.

Khala sent a picture of me? I couldn't believe that this was the same man I had met about a week ago. He seemed so humble and compassionate. My mind couldn't help but go back to when he said I was the first girl whose proposal he took seriously.... Nouran, he's just putting up a facade.

"If you don't mind me asking, did you pray Istikhara?" he asked with a strain in his voice. Almost as if he was worried with what my answer would be.

I nodded my head and he asked, "What was your answer?"

"It was a yes," I said quietly, unable to look at him.

"Same here," he said. I looked up surprised with his answer and the fact that he even had prayed Istikhara. He had a smile covering his whole face.

I slightly blushed and quickly looked away unable to reach my voice and make coherent sentences. Not only had he prayed Istikihara, but he'd gotten a positive answer as well. But did I actually see a future with him? I still felt like I wasn't ready.

He asked me about my hobbies, and I told him I loved to read, travel and spend time with my family. Even though I hadn't traveled to too many countries outside of the states, I had still wanted to take a world tour and explore the different places out in the world. It was always a dream to go to Italy and he told me that even though he'd traveled multiple times for work, he'd never been to that part of Europe and wanted to go sometime as well.

He told me that he was a big soccer fan and played during his whole high school and college career. He also talked about his college experiences and that he was a Columbia University graduate. That was one of my top choices but I hadn't applied because I couldn't live far from home and my family. He mentioned a little bit about his work and that he was the CEO of his own company.

"Sahar said that you had little kids building things in your office," I told him.

He chuckled and said, "That's one way to put it. Actually, when I was 13 I built my own version of an early cancer detection machine. I graduated from high school a little early because I had government officials and healthcare professionals chasing after my robotic. I got a full scholarship to MIT and Columbia, but I chose Columbia since it was closer. I was dual-enrolled so I graduated at 21 with both my BA and MBA." He had stated the whole thing as if it were no big deal and I stared at him my eyes wide with shock.

"Wow, masha'Allah. That's amazing, but I still don't understand where the kids come in from," I said.

"Well, after I graduated I decided instead of working for an authority or company, I'd try to build my own. That way I could hire my own workers and get people I thought were capable of making a difference. I didn't want them to think it was a chore, but a passion that drove them. It was rough, but Alhamdullilah it's going great now. As for the kids, I have a private office where anyone between the ages of 10-21 come in and build their own creations. We take them to the next step and try to make it into something life changing. The younger generation has a great time and enjoy doing what they love for a greater meaning. It's a hobby, but they have no idea what big of a difference their making yet," he shrugged.

I was amazed by these revelations and in awe by him. Masha'Allah he seemed smart but humble, giving an opportunity and talking about his career as if it weren't a big deal. "That's amazing masha'Allah. My Allah always guide you to the right path," I said.

"Ameen," he replied quietly.

Someone cleared their throat by the hall, and we both looked up to see Sabr and Imaan looking at us with mischievous smiles on their faces, "Dinner is ready!" Sabr said knowingly.

"Izhar Bhaiya, why don't you and Nouran Bhab- I mean Appi join us? The food looks amazing and I can't wait!" Imaan said.

Her slip of tongue had not gone unnoticed by anyone. Sabr giggled, and I blushed furiously as he gave Imaan a glare, his own face coloring and walked up to her. He pulled her hand and said under his breath, "You just wait till we get home."

Sabr walked towards me and asked if I was okay. I simply nodded back wanting to tell her that Izhar was Mr. Armani Suit and iPhone. "Let's go," she said taking my hand in her own.

Dinner was nice and pleasant. Both Uncle and Aunty were sweet and talked to me the whole time. They asked me how I liked my job, what my future goals were, etc. Uncle told me embarrassing stories about Izhar. He mentioned the one time; Izhar had gone to take his first practical at Columbia and flew back home without taking the test because he had upset Aunty the night before and didn't say sorry. It was beautiful to see the relationship all three had with their parents. It reminded me of Baba and all the times he would tell me stories and bring me ice cream whenever I was upset.

It was almost 10 pm when they started getting ready to go home. The cold December night was still and clear of snow. "Thank you so much Kaiyanat Appa for treating us so well. Masha'Allah all three of your children are sweet, and your daughter-in-law is precious. May Allah SWT bless you all and always shower His mercy upon you," Aaliya Aunty said.

"Thank you Aaliya Appa, it was nice meeting you all. Masha'Allah you all are so kind and we hope you all will come over some time again," Mama said. Bhabi winked at me and Sabr nudged me with her elbow. I gave them both glares and we made our way to the front porch.

Ikram Uncle patted my head and kissed my forehead, "May Allah bless you my child. Masha'Allah you are the brightest shining star in the sky, just like your name."

I smiled and muttered my thank you and salaam to him.

Zargham Bhai, Huda Appi's husband said his salaam and smiled at me walking out the door. Imaan gave me a tight hug and said, "Until next time, insha'Allah."

Huda Appi said salaam to everyone and enveloped my in a warm hug. "It was nice meeting you. Hopefully, my brother makes the right decision," she whispered the last sentence in my ear.

After Aaliya Aunty gave me a hug and smile, Izhar was the only one left. He looked upset almost and out of place. He shook Bhaiya's hand and they both exchanged their manly departure. "Thanks bro."

He nodded his head towards Sabr and Bhabi saying salaam and looked at me one last time before turning to Mama. I looked away feeling everyone's gaze on me. Izhar took Mama's hands in his and said, "Thank you so much Aunty for everything. We all had a great time and enjoyed meeting every one of you. AsSalaamualaikum Aunty." He kissed Mama's hands and my heart stopped beating for a whole minute. What is wrong with you Nouran?

"Aww, beta. Walaikum asSalaam, we enjoyed having you all over and getting to know you guys," Mama happily said patting his cheek.

He glanced around once more and I quickly stood behind Bhabi unaware with why I was hiding myself. I guess I just didn't want to be embarrassed anymore. We waited till they all got into the black Range Rover and waved as they drove away.

Bhaiya closed the door sighing, "Well, Alhamdullilah that was nice."

Before I could escape any questions, Bhabi grabbed my hand and they took me to the kitchen,"So, what do you all think?" Mama asked.

"Well, Mama you tell us what you think first," Sabr said and we all nodded at Mama.

"To be completely honest, I don't think there is any other family of any other boy who can take care of my Nouran as much as he can," Mama said daring anybody to question her opinion.

"I agree, as much as I don't want to agree and let my Nourie go, I really think that he's a great guy masha'Allah," Bhaiya said begrudgingly.

"Aww," Bhabi said lips twitching with a smile. She walked over to Bhaiya and took his hand in hers,"I couldn't agree more."

I took into account what they were all saying and turned to Sabr who was looking down playing with the beads on her dupatta. I took her hand in mine and pulled her towards me, "What does my Sabr baby think?" I asked in a low voice.

She looked up, everyone waiting for her answer. Everyone's answer probably took her aback. She was excited before, but now she seemed upset.

"I think he's great and that he's going to take really good care of you," she said looking up at me, her eyes shining with tears. It broke my heart. The entire joking aside, my baby was scared and worried about me. I gave her a tight hug and said, "You my darling are staying with me tonight. We have some talking to do."

Everyone expectantly waited for my answer and I knew I had to give it to them soon, "If you all don't mind, then I'd like for you to wait and see what they say before I give my answer. I'd like some time please." They all agreed that it would be fair for us to wait and give me some time before I gave my answer.

It had been a long day and everyone was tired. After cleaning everything up, we all went to bed. I prayed Isha and crawled into my bed next to Sabr who was staring at me.

"Sabr, remember when I told you all that a guy had bumped into me last week and I spilled my drink?"

"Yeah," she said slowly, unaware of what I was getting at.

"He was Izhar," I whispered to her, my voice echoing in the dark.

"WHAT?" she whisper yelled sitting up on the bed. The city lights from my window casting her shadow on the wall.

"Shhhh, you're going to wake everyone up!" I said back.

"Well, you better tell me what he said and what happened!" she whispered but I was sure everyone could hear her.

I launched into what happened in the hospital and went on to tell her everything that had happened today. After I finished, she finally laid back on the bed and gazed up looking at the ceiling. She hadn't said anything since I finished.

"So, do you... you know like him?" she whispered suddenly.

I looked up at her and didn't answer right away; she looked at me with her eyebrows drawn up to her forehead. "No I don't like him, I barely even know him Sabr," I said.

"You do know him. You guys talked like civil people today! I mean look, he's so handsome masha'Allah, he's practicing, his family is an absolute sweetheart, and he was nice to you. Let's not forget he apologized! Don't you dare go into your what if's now," she said looking completely swooned.

"He's handsome? Really? Well, if he's so perfect, then you marry him Ms. Sabr Aisha Hameed!" I told her pulling the blanket up to cover my face.

She pulled it back and held her head with her hand elbow resting on the pillow, "I'm serious Appi."

"So am I," I replied.

"I hope you know you're being irrational," she huffed.

"We will see who is being irrational when they reject me," I told her teasingly.

"I can't believe you think he and his family will reject you! They love you and you should've seen the way he was looking at you. That man has fallen for you," she said.

"This isn't a Bollywood movie neither is this one of those romance novels you read," I told her gruffly.

"You're right, it's not! It's so much better," she sighed.

"Ugh, I'm tired I have work tomorrow unlike you, Ms. I-Get-Off-From-School-Even-If-It-Rains," I say turning to the other side and pulling my blanket tighter around me.

"Fine! Go to sleep, you'll need as much as you can get so you can dream about him," she said laughing.

"Sabr!" I said sternly.

"Goodnight Appi," she sang.

Even though I made no noise whatsoever, I stayed awake the whole night. I couldn't sleep. Had Sabr been right? What would happen if I didn't accept and refused Izhar as well? The proposals and constant pampering on marriage wouldn't stop and who knows, maybe I won't find anyone.... I had to make a decision. Ya Allah, I hope he takes forever on his decision so it buys me some time!

Salaams everyone! Yay, an update and that too a long one. :) The picture is of Nouran's salwar kameez. Who would've thought that Izhar would be the one whose proposal Nouran's family was considering? I know, crazy isn't it? ;) Until next time, PLEASE vote, comment, and share! Just a shoutout to you all for getting She's My Hayaat to 100+ reads. Subhan'Allah, I don't even know how to thank you all. Stay awesome, and enjoy.

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