First message

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It is insane expecting he would be the real Dev Dikshit. Why would such a big millionaire want to be friends with me? What if it wasn't him? Some douche bag trying to play with girls. It happens though. After going through his profile I got slightest of an idea it can be him. His pictures, some business advice and such big followers make it to appear real.
What if he was real? What if he wasn't?

Let's clear it up Sona why would he want to be friends with you? A normal girl. Is it right to accept his request? Does that mean I am privileged? Maybe this friendship request can be fun and interesting. After all, I am an MBA student.

Scrolling through my profile, looking at my pictures with Elena and dada ached my heart. It is been 3 days after my arrival but I couldn't allow myself to settle in here. This place feels alien to me. As always Elena says it takes time to settle in but without her, it feels different. I moved to his profile looking at his pictures, reading his business advice and his success messages. Moved to the starting of the page looking at the tab displaying accept request or decline request I whirled into the turmoil of confusion.
With the blink of an eye, the page switched to request accepted tab as I turned around to see Sakshi clicking the ' accept request ' button.
There was a message
' You and Dev_Dikshith are now officially friends'
" What the hell! " I stood away from the chair I have been sitting.
" What! You will thank me later" Sakshi announced.
" Are you crazy? Why would you do that? Did I ask for help? Remember what you told about not asking about each other presence and absence, I thought it means we should respect each other's private space. Is this what respecting private space. Did you sell your manners? Sneaking is wrong "

"Woah Woah Ms Bose chill. I am not trying to invade your personal space. I am trying to be nice. Just nice"

"How by sneaking my account? "

"It's not a big deal you accepted his request. He is never going to speak to you. If he does, it's a good babe. He is Dev Dikshit! Dev Dikshit. Just go with the flow "

" It is Sakshi. I decide to make. Not yours"

" Oh, my dear roommate chill it's just a social media request. Takedown a notch. On a note, I do need privacy. I respect yours too. But sitting with laptop sulking or checking out boys oh sorry in your case men doesn't go to bring you out of your misery"

"Misery? What do you mean? "

"I clearly can see. It's okay to be homesick"

"Homesick? Me? What the hell are you talking?"

"You know yourself what I am talking about. If you miss your family just call them and talk to them. You will feel better. It will just take a few days and then it will be just fine only if you come out of the room. Have a change of mind"

"I am fine"

"I wish. Listen Sonakshi it's okay to miss people when they are far away don't push yourself" This girl hit my nerve.
But she may be right.

I wanted this experience so I have to deal with all the consequences I am facing with it.
Maybe I don't have to.

Next day
"Still wondering whether he will message or not? " Sakshi asked while leaving for college.

"None of your business" I snapped.
" Yes, I guess. Don't worry my roomie, you are just one of the million people who like him. He is never gonna do it. So be happy that you have a celebrity follower" Sakshi shouted as I left the room.
First day of masters. I was excited but also confused and not sure about the reason why Dev Dikshit would want to be friends with her.

I tried enough to stay focused but the thought that I am being in friend's list of Dev Dikshit hyped.

Classes were good with introduction and with a briefing of subjects. Pretty normal. Sometimes annoyed by Sakshi's teasing. I was sure about three facts
1. Sakshi isn't a morning person.
2.She has the habit of interfering in personal stuff.
3. I am going to message him.

" So roomie decided to text him first. Huh? " Sakshi's voice startled me when I opened my laptop and logged in.
Should I? Shouldn't I?

" Go for it, babe. It is not like he is going to reply to you." Sakshi again

" Can you stop breathing around my neck? " I asked her with all patience I got and a possible forced smile.

"You are cute when you are angry! " Sakshi shrugged with a wink.

" Weird! "

I ignored her sat with laptop thinking about the message I have to send.

"Don't be too formal" Sakshi shouted behind my back.
The fact no. 4
Sakshi cannot mind her own business.

Maybe Sakshi is right. He might not reply. Chances of replying to me are less than Sakshi minding her own business. So let's go for it.

Okay here comes the next question. Should I be formal? Can I say my name? Should I mention the city? Should I mention my qualification?

Oh god!!!

Okay here let's think of him as a normal guy who you have a crush on.
I don't have a crush on Mr D
Do I?

" Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and type what are you feeling " Sakshi closed my eyes.

"Sakshi trust me after sending messages I will break your bone" Sakshi closed my eyes.

"Can you mind your business? "

" No, I can't "

"Get lost".

" Okay fine I am leaving" She left.

Taking a deep breath I typed.

Hi, I am Sonakshi Bose. I am an MBA student. You are my inspiration. It's a huge opportunity to be in your friends' list

Message sent

"Opportunity? Seriously Sona?
You are a stupid woman! " Sakshi again. I slammed the desk and about to tackle her when she shouted " He is typing. OMG he is typing "

..... Typing


Hey guys. Sorry for the very late update. I know I am a lazy person. I cannot promise you guys but I am planning to update regularly hope you guys don't beat me up.
Do check my other works!!!
If you like the chapter like it, drop comments and share stories to all Devakshi fans.

Keep loving.

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