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“Well, I don't know if I must be..." Brandy muttered as more tears fell down her face. Not wanting to talk any further, she just picked up a rag and went to clean up the mess she made. Pained to see such a lovely young woman this distressed, Spruce jumped off the counter and ran up to help her.

“Here, allow me," he insisted, using his hair as a broom to help sweep up the broken glass. Brandy smiled as she pulled out a dustpan, allowing him to push the glass off of the floor. Spruce delicately shook the remaining fragments out of his hair and onto the pan.

“You're too kind, Mr. Spruce," Brandy said quietly as she dumped the glass into a trashcan. “I'll... I'll get you another one."

Not sure what else to do, Spruce just sat back down and watched Brandy pour another glass. “So... four years, huh?"

Brandy nodded. “I really thought things would be different. The only progression we ever made was when he moved in with me, and that was just to save money. I threw my whole life away for him."

“I don't know about all that," Spruce admitted, “but your life's far from over."

“It feels over," Brandy argued, sliding another tall glass over to the Troll. This time, he managed to stop it by grabbing the handle with his hair. In the corner of his eye, he noticed an empty karaoke stage.

“I've never been in a serious relationship with anyone," Spruce said, “but you're not the only one who felt as if they had to make sacrifices to please others."

“Oh, yeah? How?"

Unsure how else to explain it, Spruce took a sip of his drink, jumped down onto the floor, approached the stage, and began singing.

I used to do it for the love a long time ago

And all I ever wanted was love

I used to love without fear a long time ago

And all I ever wanted was love

Then, somebody came around and tried to hurt me

Tried to make me feel like I was unworthy

Took pure love and tried to make it dirty

Truth was, they never did deserve me, no!

I had to lose myself

So I could love you better

I had to lose myself

Had to lose myself

So I could love you better

Lose myself in love

And that's just the way it is

Couldn't tell me I was loved when I needed it

When all I ever wanted was love

Should have told me just because I'm worth receiving it

All I ever wanted was love

There's something awkward about the selflessness it takes to

Give love and the good that it makes you

True love can never really forsake you

But it took a little while just for me to see!

I had to lose myself

So I could make it better

Had to lose myself

Had to lose myself

So I could make it better

Had to lose myself

Had to lose myself

So I could make it better

Lose myself in love

And that was just the way...

And that was just the way it is!

Brandy was in awe during the entire performance. While the other patrons applauded, Spruce returned to the bar, finished his drink, and said, “You're gonna be alright, Brandy."

“Thank you, Mr. Spruce."

Spruce chuckled. “Just Spruce, please. I wouldn't need any of this ‘mister' crap unless I became a dad."

“Okay," Brandy laughed, pouring him another root beer. “Spruce, it is. Speaking of which, if you don't mind my asking, why did you and the rest of the band split?"

“Well, we all had fun, at first," Spruce explained. “But to John Dory, it became all about being perfect. Perfect dance moves, perfect body, Perfect Family Harmony... Nothing was ever enough for him. And the crazy thing is, I still miss them."

“It's not crazy, it just means they're still your family and you love them, even if you couldn't stay," Brandy figured. “My family was the same way after my mom passed. Being the oldest daughter, I tried to keep things afloat, but I guess after a while, I got all ‘What's the point?' I ran away from home at seventeen just to be with jerk-face, away from the drama."

Spruce noticed Brandy's eyes tearing up ever so slightly and decided to change the subject.

“So, culinary school?" he asked after taking another sip of root beer. “That could be exciting."

“Yeah, but I doubt I would've gotten in even if I hadn't met... Well, you know," Brandy admitted. “I've never really prepared anything fancy. Mostly your typical beach lunches, though I guess those are considered a quality meal in a place like Vacay Island."

“Yeah? Well, maybe you can work with that," Spruce suggested. “How about tomorrow, we meet up and you can show me what you're made of. Sound good?"

“What happened to getting a new boat?"

“Maybe I can stay a little longer," Spruce suggested. “Just until we get you back on your feet, of course."

Brandy smiled. “That could work."


Later that evening, Spruce would lay in bed and think only of the very tall bartender he had just met. He had only met her a few hours ago, but she was, for the moment, the most important person in his life. At said moment, he made a vow. So long as he stayed on that island, he would be there to support her.

As he drifted off to sleep, Spruce failed to notice himself mumbling a select few lyrics of the song from earlier.

Brandy, you're a fine girl.

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