Making It Work (Pt. 1)

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Eventually, both Spruce and Brandy managed to squeeze a little time in between their work schedules. Though, that wasn't to say there wasn't still pressure. In her apartment, the day before the date, Brandy explained her feelings to Jules.

“I don't know what I was thinking, Julie," she began. “I mean, I'm not good enough for someone like Spr... Bruce. I should never have agreed to the date."

“Sweetie, your whole life, you've been around losers, users, and misogynists," Jules replied, styling her friend's thick red hair. “This guy is not only extremely good-looking for a man his height, but he's actually helping you fulfill your dreams. Not like Ryan and whoever said you should save your cooking talents for your husband and children."

“You mean, my dad?"

“Really?" Jules asked. “Wow. Suddenly, I don't blame you for running away."

Brandy just rolled her eyes.

“All I'm saying is, you have nothing to be afraid of. Bruce actually cares about you, and you obviously care about him."

“How-How obvious?" Brandy asked, blushing.

“Enough to make him one of your burgers and a drink the day after you met him," Jules answered. “We've been friends since the third time I went through kindergarten, and you didn't show off your skills to me until junior year."

“Alright, point taken," Brandy sighed in defeat. “But I still don't feel like I'm good enough to be with him."

“Honestly, I can't think of anyone better," Jules replied. “But maybe this'll help calm your nerves."

Once she finished styling her nervous friend's hair, Jules gave Brandy a handheld mirror to show the top layer of her hair had been tied back and braided partway down.

“Wow, I look good," Brandy admitted.

“Never underestimate the power of a great hairdo," Jules informed her. “Now, how about some eyeshadow?"


Spruce, meanwhile, was patiently waiting for Brandy at the beach. While still a little apprehensive about a possible romance, he was very much excited about it. Today, it would be a walk through the jungle and him showing off his surfing skills. Tomorrow, who knows what else they could be doing?

“There you go, Princess," he said sweetly as he waxed his surfboard. “Smooth, but not slippery. You'll look extra nice for our date. If she comes, that is."

At that moment, Spruce noticed Brandy walking up to him with a pink flower tucked in her hair and a nervous look on her face. In Spruce's opinion, however, she couldn't be more lovely.

“Um... Hi?" she greeted meekly.

“Hi," Spruce replied with a blush. “So... wanna see if we can make this work?"

Brandy nodded and the two of them headed into the jungle. Spruce noticed how the trees and plants resembled inflatable rafts and styrofoam pool noodles.

“So, Brandy," Spruce said. “Tell me a little more about your family. You already know about mine, I'm sure."

“Well," she began, “my dad used to run an answering machine tape empire, until they filed for bankruptcy seven years ago. After that... I don't know. I haven't seen him or my sisters since I ran away."

“How many sisters do you have?" Spruce wondered.

“Six," Brandy answered. “I'm only oldest by five minutes. I don't know how things work with Trolls, but we can have as many as fourteen babies at once. The average, however, is three. Fourteen rarely happens. Almost never, even."

Spruce chuckled. “And here, I thought I had a lot of siblings," he said, making Brandy laugh, as well. “If you don't mind my asking... How come you never went back to see your dad and sisters again?"

“I... I don't know," she admitted. “I think they probably hate me for abandoning them. I love my sisters, but having to fill the void Mom left behind and try to start a potential cooking career was a very heavy load. As for my father... to him, my only job was to marry rich, and I chose to be with a loser who sold singing fish. So, I couldn't even do that."

“What they really oughta make is fish that can play their own mariachi music. That'd sell like hotcakes," Spruce lightly joked. Brandy didn't want to laugh, but she couldn't help but let out a tiny giggle. “In all seriousness, though... I'm really sorry you went through all that. It must've been difficult."

“It was," Brandy admitted, looking away sadly. “So, uh... What's with the board?"

“What?" Spruce asked, then realized she was talking about Princess. “Oh! Yeah, I like to surf. It was a long way to the nearest beach back home, but whenever I went for a photo shoot with my brothers, I always seized the opportunity. I tried to teach Branch, but he was just a baby and my grandma said no. What about you? Do you surf?"

“No," Brandy revealed. “I... I've never tried."

“Well, um... you want me to teach you?"

“I don't know," she answered. “I mean, I'm not exactly the most graceful Islander. Besides, I don't even have a board."

“We can fix that," Spruce insisted, using his hair to grab her hand so he could gently pull her back to the beach and to a surfboard rental station.

“What are you doing?" Brandy asked.

“You need a board to learn how to surf," Spruce pointed out.

“What can I do for you two?" the clerk asked.

“The lady needs a board," Spruce answered. “I'm giving her a surf lesson."

“A lesson, eh?" the clerk said, winking before handing Brandy a surfboard.

“Not that kind of lesson!" Brandy insisted, blushing as Spruce's eyes widened in surprise.

“Return this within two hours, or you'll have to pay an additional fee," the clerk explained. “That'll be five sand dollars."

“Alright," Spruce said, handing over the money before they walked off together.

“What am I even supposed to do?" Brandy asked, still uncertain.

“Well, first, you gotta get in the water," Spruce pointed out, heading into the water. “Brandy, come on. Let's go!"

Taking a deep breath, Brandy followed Spruce, laid her belly against the board, and paddled through the water with her long, noodle-like arms.

“Now, what?" she wondered. Spruce looked around and noticed a wave approaching.

“Okay, here's what you're gonna do," he began. “You're gonna turn your board around so your back is facing the wave. Then, start paddling towards the shore to match the speed of the wave. Once it starts to carry you, you're gonna stand on your board, keep it ahead of the breaking point, and ride it."

Brandy had a few more questions, but after noticing the approaching wave, pushed them aside and followed Spruce's instructions, wobbling a little as she rode the wave.

“Keep your nose up!" Spruce warned. “You don't wanna pearl!"

“Okay..." Brandy stammered, and took a step back. Once the board was steady, she smiled at how good it felt.

“Looking good, Brandy!" she heard Jules shout from the lifeguard chair.

“Ha! Feeling good, Ju— Whoa!"

Suddenly, after leaning a little too far over, Brandy fell off her board and crashed into the water!

Spruce laughed, oblivious to what had just happened. “Brandy, isn't this... Brandy?"

At that moment, Brandy resurfaced and Spruce jumped off his board to swim up to her. He quickly noticed a small amount of blood trickling from her nose.

“Oh, Brandy," he said worriedly. “I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to–"

“That was... fun!" she interrupted, quite exhilarated. “It was scary... and painful... but fun!"

Spruce smiled. “Come on," he said. “Let's go get you cleaned up. Then, maybe we can try again."

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