Who Am I?

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Before I begin, the first part of this chapter includes what I guess counts as harassment (nothing physical), along with body dysmorphia (there must be something really wrong with me, if I'm including all these mental health themes in something as innocent as Trolls). So, if those are topics that make you uncomfortable, please exercise caution as you read.

And, of course, enjoy!

There were only a couple of days left until the Vacay Island Cooking Fest. After that, Spruce said he would head back out to sea, but he was beginning to think perhaps, since he had nowhere to really go, maybe... just maybe...

“Hey, Sprucie," greeted Steffie the concierge flirtatiously as Spruce stepped inside the hotel lobby.

“Yeah, how do you do?" Spruce replied, not feeling nearly as affectionate towards her. “I'm just gonna get a drink at the bar."

“I can't let you go past the lobby," Steffie denied, getting up from her desk and stepping in front of him. “Not until I see those beautifully-sculpted muscles under that shirt."

Spruce's eyes widened and his face went pale. He was used to hearing her give him inappropriate comments, but never anything this extreme (his new bit of padding didn't help much, either).

“Well... I, uh..." he muttered. “The... thing is that... I..."

“Come on, Heartthrob," Steffie growled seductively, bending down to his level. “What are you trying to hide?"

As she attempted to pull his loose-fitting shirt off herself, Spruce took a few more steps back to evade her and said, “I just remembered, they just opened up a new place on the other side of town. So, uh... I'm gonna go there instead. Okay, bye!"

“Spruce, come back!" Steffie cried out as he ran out the door. “Why won't you love me?!"

Of course, he didn't answer. He just hid behind a palm tree not too far from the hotel entrance. Being around people who wanted to see him take his clothes off was nothing new to him, and he was usually good at hiding how much it really bothered him, but now, and while looking like this...

“Spruce?" a gentle voice said. Spruce looked up to find Brandy looking down at him in concern. “Is everything okay?"

“I don't wanna talk about it," he answered, standing back up with his arms crossed.

“You sure?" she asked in concern. “Talking might make you feel better."

“I'm okay," he lied. “Just go home. I'm gonna wait out here until that concierge is done with her shift."

“Oh," Brandy muttered, looking towards the hotel entrance, where she could see Steffie looking out the doorway with a lustful hunger in her eyes. “Well, Steffie usually works half the night on Wednesdays, so maybe you can wait at my place instead?"

Spruce looked away in shame. “I don't think that'd be such a good idea."

“Why not?" Brandy asked. “We see each other all the time, and I can make you something to eat. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

“I'm not hungry," he said, looking away from her. “I'll wait out here. It'll be fine."

“Well, I don't want you to catch cold, so..." Brandy said, and removed her green apron to wrap it around the Troll like a blanket. “I'll see you tomorrow."

Spruce watched Brandy walk away before being left alone with his thoughts, once again. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so standoffish towards her, especially after how nice she's been to him for the past few weeks. For the first time, he felt as though someone was seeing him as more than just the Heartthrob. It made him think about living on the island with her. In a few years, they could marry, open a restaurant together, have fourteen babies, maybe more! That is, if their height difference wouldn't be too big of an issue.

And I'd give up forever to touch you

'Cause I know that you feel me somehow

You're the closest to heaven that I've ever been

And I don't want to go home right now

All I can taste is this moment

All I can breathe is your life...

But... what if it was too good to be true? What if deep down, she was just like everyone else? He wouldn't have it in him to stay if she just wanted Spruce from BroZone and not the real him.

Sooner or later, it's over

I just don't wanna miss you tonight

Then again, he was beginning to question who the real him even was.

And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

After finishing the song, Spruce leaned against the tree and lightly rubbed his tummy, still feeling insecure.

“Who am I?"


Back at her flat, Brandy was whipping up a a practice burger to prepare herself for the upcoming cooking fest. She was a little hurt by Spruce's rejection, but decided not to let it get the better of her. With only two days left, her goals were more important than her feelings.

“Perhaps a dash of oregano," she said to herself, and grabbed a shaker of the dried herbs. “Add a little zest to it."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Brandy stopped what she was doing and went to answer the door, and as she suspected, Spruce was standing right outside, holding up a medium-sized box with his hair (which was big for a Troll).

“Hey, Brandy," he greeted shyly. “I understand if you don't want to see me, but I wanted to get you something."

Brandy pulled the box away from Spruce's hair and opened it to find some sand dollars and a new red cooking apron that read “I'm Flippin' Awesome" with a print of a spatula alongside it.

“Oh, Spruce, it's so adorable!" she gushed, but then, her smile disappeared. “Wait... why are you giving me gifts?"

“I just, uh... wanted to do something nice, since we've been seeing each other for a little while," he answered, not quite sure how to tell her the truth. “My weekly pay is in there, too. It should be enough for the rest of the fee."

“Thank you," Brandy replied, and put the box in a drawer with the rest of her savings. “You sure you don't want to come in?"

“I want to, I just... I just..." Spruce stammered, before sighing in defeat. “Maybe just for a few hours."

Brandy nodded and let him inside. “I know you said you weren't hungry, but if you change your mind, I could use a second opinion on my jellyfish sliders. I'm thinking about showcasing them in the cooking fest."

“I'm sure they'll do just fine," Spruce replied with a reassuring smile. “Say, uh, do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

“Not at all, go ahead," Brandy answered, and returned to the kitchen as he went in and closed the door. She blended the seasonings into the meat, but just before she could prepare to grill it...

Knock, knock, knock-knock!

What the huh? Brandy thought. She wasn't expecting anyone else to show up that evening. Curious, she put down her spatula, and went to open the door. Unfortunately, even if she were expecting more company, she was receiving it from the worst possible person.


Yeah, I'm not proud of this chapter. I had to remove and add in various things. I'll explain why Jerk-wad has come back in the next chapter, though.

Until then, peace out. ✌️

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