𝖎𝖛. the body

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     JULES AND TY haven't talked since she found out that William Byers was dead. Hell, she hasn't even talked to Jonathan. She was still mad over the whole 'him taking pictures without permission' fiasco. It's was wrong of her to ghost him, of course, but those pictures were something he shouldn't have taken. And if him losing her as a friend was what has to happen, then so be it.

The two childhood friends were currently at school. It was kind of weird because it was like the roles were reversed. Ty is paying attention in class and Jules is spacing out. She never spaces out.

"Miss Henderson." Her teacher walked up to her desk when the kids were doing some work by themselves. "Is there something bothering you?"

"No..." Jules quietly spoke but when her teacher's eyebrow raised up, she changed her answer. "Yes. There is."

"Would you like to talk about it?" The teacher asked again.

"No." Jules responded flatly.

"If there's something you want to talk about, you can always come to me."

"I know. I'll just do my work now." The Henderson girl sighed.

"Great." The teacher smiled, walking away.

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     "HEY, JULES!" Ty yelled, running after the girl in the hallway. "Are you okay?"

"You know, it's just...it's crazy. I was with Will taht exact night, watching him play Dungeons & Dragons with his friends. A—And now he's dead? How does that just happen." Jules wiped a falling tear away.

"When I..." Ty cleared his throat. "When I lost my sister, Sarah, I was, uh, confused. She was fine one day and then the next she got diagnosed. It's a crazy and crappy world we live in where anything can happen."

"You're right. It's a crazy and crappy world." She chuckled. "Thanks."

"Yeah. Anytime." He smiled. And then they went their separate ways.

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     "I HAVE to talk to the cops?" Jules asked after Steve told her not to talk about the beers. "Why, exactly?"

"Because Barb's gone missing." Ty spoke up from his position next to Steve.

"No wonder I haven't seen her." Jules sighed. "Fine. I won't talk about the beers." She pointed at Steve. "But I will talk about how Tommy pushed Carol into the pool."

"Fair game." Steve and Ty said in unison, the latter nodding his head.

"Jules Henderson." A lady called out later in one of her classes. Jules stood up from her seat, grabbing her things, and following her out of the room.

They were now in the cafeteria with two sheriff's.

"Uh, well, Nancy was trying to convince Barb to jump into the..." Jules cleared her throat. "pool."

"Nancy wanted Barb to jump into the pool."

"She didn't want to and that's when Carol got pushed into the pool...by Tommy."

"Tommy pushed Carol into the pool."

"I was talking to Ty Hopper about school."

"I was talking to Jules Henderson about school."

"How is this relevant?"

"Not relevant."

"It really isn't but that's all I know of because after I had the conversation with Ty, I left." Jules said quietly.

"She left after that."

"She doesn't seem to know much." One whispered to the other.

"Alright. You're free to go." The other one sighed.

"Thank you. Have a good day." Jules then left the quiet cafeteria.

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     "DUSTIN'S IN an assembly, Mom!" Jules yelled through her closed bedroom door.

"Well, go pick him up! I need to talk to him about something!" Her mother yelled back.

"Fine!" Jules yelled back. If she wasn't yelling, she would be hearing 'What? Speak louder!' for the next two minutes. Jules slipped on her shoes and left the house. She turned on her car, and headed for Hawkins Middle School.

"Hey, Mr. Clarke." Jules greeted her old teacher. "Do you happen to know where Dustin is?"

"Oh! Jules! How great it is to finally see you again! And as for Dustin, he just got out of the assembly. His little group should be in the AV Club room." Mr. Clarke responded with a smile.

"Thank you. Have a good day!" Jules said goodbye and headed to the AV Club room. When she got there she opened the door and saw a girl concentrating while the boys surrounded her.

"Geez, Jules! Shut the door!" Dustin rushed up to his older sister, shutting the door. "What are you even doing here?!"

"Who is she?!" Jules asked about the young girl.

"Her name is Eleven and she has superpowers." Mike explained with a bright smile.

"What? Superpowers? Superpowers aren't real." Jules responded with a small scoff.

"Just watch." Dustin nodded his head back to Eleven and ran back to his spot.

"Fine." Jules sighed, leaning on the door gently.

"She's doing it." Mike said happily. "She's finding him!"

"This is crazy." The younger Henderson stated.

"Calm down. She just closed her eyes." Lucas said.

Out of nowhere, the light went out with made everyone — except Eleven — let out noises of confusion.

"She's doing more than just closing her eyes." Jules said with widened eyes.

"Holy..." Dustin began. That's when some static noises began on the radio, to the point where eventually some banging noise was heard.

"What is that?" Dustin asked, cautiously.

"Oh, God." Jules let out a shaky breath.

Then they heard Will Byers. The, apparently, dead boy.

"Mom?" His scared voice called out.

"No way!" Lucas said, Dustin and Mike looking at each other.

"Mom..." Will's voice continued. "Please...Help! Mom!"

"Will!" Mike yelled at the radio.

"Will, it's us! Are you there?" Lucas also yelled alongside Mike.

"Can you hear us?" Dustin yelled this time. "We're here!"

"Will...?" Jules mumbled, slowly making her way towards the pre-teens.

"Hello? Mom?" Will continued to call out.

"Why can't he hear us?" Lucas' voice came out frustrated. Jules had finally reached them, standing in front of Eleven.

"I don't know!" Mike answered.

Will's cries for his mom we're continuously heard. "It's like home, but it's so dark...It's so dark and empty. And it's cold!" Will's voice broke in some places, showing his fear through only a couple of words. "Mom? Mom! Mom please!"

Fuses began to blow, causing Jules to step back and let out a yelp. She hated wires. The light turned on once Eleven had opened her eyes. Dustin ran for the fire extinguisher, putting out the fire.

"El, are you okay?" Mike asked the girl.

"Oh!" Lucas said.

"Can you move?" Mike asked again. "Here, help her up." He told Lucas, but Jules intervened.

"I got her." She said, lifting her up. "I got her."

Jules had no clue how but the boys found something they could roll Eleven on. So, she put her on there. They ran their way to an exit, hoping to get her out of there fast.

author speaks!
i've just realized that i usually
write from jules' point of view...
so, i'm going to try to write from yy's
point of view more! #tyhopperappreciation
jules' lying gets better i promise

jules and ty argue!
does she know something i don't? - ty
yes. i do. - jules
ouch. - ty

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