𝖛𝖎𝖎. the bathtub

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     JULES WENT to the Wheelers house...with Ty. She mostly wanted to check up on El, but also to just bother Dustin. She ran down the stairs to reach the basement, and heard the boys asking Lucas something on the walkie talkie.

"Hi, El!" Jules grinned at the young girl. Ty slowly walked towards the two girls. "This is Ty. He's an old friend of mine." El looked towards Ty then back at Jules. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, Eggos." Jules nodded, and sat down next to her. Ty sat on the couch, confused of what was happening with the boys.

"They know about Eleven!" Was enough to make Jules jump out of her seat, and run upstairs. She ran back down shortly after with a whole lot of Eggos for El.

"We're going to need this." Jules nodded towards El and Ty. The boys had also ran upstairs to check for the bad men. Oh boy, were they in trouble. "Okay, El, we're going to have to split up." Eleven furrowed her eyebrows. "You go with the boys. Ty and I have something to do." Ty stared at Jules, confusion written all over his face.

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     JULES AND TY had split up from the boys, going to find at least one of the Byers.

"Why are we at my Dad's job?" Ty questioned Jules.

"No need. Just act cool. Like, what is happening with my brother, isn't...happening." Jules nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.

They got out of the car, slowly approaching the door of the police station. Ty was greeted with a whole lot of Welcomes and "Hi Ty!" They walked towards the Byers, Jules sighing as she saw Jonathan.

"You say blood draws this thing?" Jim asked the teenagers. Jonathan glanced at Nancy, opening his mouth to answer.

"We don't know." Jonathan stated. Jules sighed, as she found a place to sit.

"It's just a theory." Nancy shook her head softly. Joyce looked at the girl, her gaze shifting downwards. Jules spoke up.

"Some—Sometimes theories are...correct. Fifty-fifty shot." She smiled. Ty nodded in agreement.

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WHILE TY and Jules were at the police station, a whole lot of other things were going on. Steve finally standing up to the jerks he used to call friends, the Wheeler's house being searched, Hopper going to the Wheeler's, and now, the two childhood friends found themselves at the Byers household.

"Shit, I forgot the key they recently gave me." Jules sighed, slowly bringing her fist up to the door to knock. Just then, Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, and Jonathan came up from behind.

"Did you forget your key?" Jonathan asked the Henderson. Jules sighed once more, and nodded as a response. Then, they entered the home.

Joyce immediately rushed towards Will's room, hoping to find something. Jules and Ty were both confused, slowly trailing behind the group.

"I got it!" Joyce exclaimed. Jules frowned her eyebrows.

"Got what?"

"Will's Walkie Talkie." Nancy responded.

"Oh, Dustin has one of those. I forgot what channel they're always on though." Jules stated.

"I hope Will left it on the right channel." Jonathan sighed, hoping to keep his little brother's friends safe from harm.

"Mike, are you there? Mike?" Nancy began to call out. "Mike, it's me, Nancy. Mike, are you there? Answer. Mike, we need you to answer. This is an emergency, Mike." Nancy said more urgently.

"Hand me the walkie talkie." Jules sighed, and Nancy did so. "Listen up, Dustin. I know you're there. And if you don't answer soon, oh just you wait until I get ahold of you. So, do you copy?" No answer. "You have three seconds. One, two...two and a half..."

"Yeah, I copy." Mike was finally heard. "It's Mike. Dustin's here too. Well, we all are."

Jules smiled, handing the walkie talkie to Hopper. Hopper smiled at the girl, silently thanking her. Jules smiled once more, going to sit next to Ty on the bed.

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     "THEY SHOULD be...here." Ty and Jules said in unison. They both smiled at each other, before focusing their eyes on Jim. Hopper got down from the vehicle, going to get the young kids. But not before he put up a fight.

Meanwhile, Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce had stayed at the Byers home. Jim had only taken the two teenagers because well, Ty was his son, and Ty wouldn't go without Jules.

The three rushed out of the house, wanting to see everyone in one piece.

"Mike. Oh, my God. Mike!" Nancy ran towards her younger brother. Jules stopped Dustin from walking any further.

"Don't you dare ever think about doing that again, you hear me?" Jules kneeled down to his level, giving him a tight hug. "If you do, I will, well, I can't do much, but I'll do something." She smiled, walking towards Eleven now.

"Hi, El!" Jules smiled. "You okay?" Eleven nodded slowly, watching as Nancy looked towards her.

"Is that my dress?" She asked. Jules stood up.

"To be fair, I—I bought her clothes! But the boys had already gotten her that, and she was too tired to change." Jules smiled softly. Nancy laughed softly at the older Henderson.

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"OKAY, so, in this example, we're the acrobat." Mike explained what Mr. Clarke has taught him a few days before. "Will and Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space."

"A gate." Dustin interfered.

"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab." Lucas added.

"With our compasses." Dustin said.

"The one I got you?" Jules asked, and Dustin nodded. Everyone on the couch gave the kids a weird look, which told Dustin to explain even further.

"Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle." Dustin stared at the teenagers.

"Is this gate underground?" Jim asked.

"Yes." El whispered. This was the first time she had talked in the conversation.

"Near a large water tank?" Jim continued.

"Yes." El repeated.

"H—How do you know all that?" Dustin asked, something that everyone was wondering.

"He's seen it." Mike whispered, looking at Ty who was just as confused.

"Is there any way that you could...that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this—." Joyce tried asking the young girl.

"The Upside Down." Eleven nodded softly.

"Down. Yeah." Joyce whispered, watching as Eleven's head moved up and down.

"And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?" One head movement was all they needed from her to know their answer.

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THE GROUP had now moved to the Byers' kitchen, where they all sat watching Eleven try to find the two missing kids. They all stared at her, waiting for something to happen, and then, the lights flickered, causing Eleven to open her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jules whispered softly. El nodded, beginning to talk towards Joyce.

"I'm sorry." Was the two words she could muster up.

"What?" Joyce asked, looking around. "What's wrong? What—What happened?

"I can't find them." El held back tears. She had then went to the restroom.

"I feel so bad for her." Jules whispered towards the quiet table. "She's been through so much...and I don't even know half of it."

"Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak." Mike began to explain more about El, just what Jules wanted.

"The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets." Dustin looked around the table.

"Like, she flipped the van earlier." Lucas stated, Ty's eyebrows going up.

"It was awesome." Dustin smiled.

"But she's drained." Mike said. Looked like he cares for her a lot.

"Like a bad battery." Dustin elaborated.

"Well...how do we make her better?" Joyce began to stutter.

"We don't. We just have to wait and try again." Mike sighed.

"Well, how long?" Nancy asked another question.

"I don't know."

"The bath." Eleven's voice was heard behind Joyce. She had come back from the bathroom.

"What?" Joyce asked.

"I can find them." El paused. "In the bath."

Then, Jules found herself next to Dustin, who was calling Mr. Clarke.

"Mr. Clarke? It's Dustin." And then Jules didn't listen to the rest.

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   SHE FOUND herself breaking into Hawkins Middle School, where loads of bad memories were made. Jim, Jonathan, and Ty had went to get the salt, while Jules just followed whoever was around her.

"Hey, wait." Jonathan spoke up to the males. "It's not gonna snow next week, is it?" Both of the Hopper's sighed.

"Worst case, no school." Jim answered the worried teenager's question. And then Jonathan asked another question.

"Even if we find Will in there..." He paused for a second. "what are we gonna do about that thing?"

"We're not gonna do anything. I don't want you, and you," He pointed at Ty. "anywhere near this, all right? Your mom's been through enough already."

"He's my brother." Jonathan argued.

"Listen to me." Jim grabbed Jonathan's shoulder. "I'm gonna find him. All right? You gotta trust me on this. I am going to find him."

"Why can't I get involved?" Ty suddenly asked. "I'm a Junior in High School. I think I'm old enough."

"Well, yeah, but you're my son."

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JULES HAD chosen to go with the Wheelers. Only because she didn't want to help her brother put up the pool. So, she was instead helping with the water. Nancy and Mike seemed to be having a sibling conversation though, so she chose not to interfere until they brought her into the conversation.

"And I thought Jules was acting weird because of Ty." Mike smiled at the older girl. Jules sighed, waiting for the conversation to continue.

"Hey..." Nancy stopped walking, causing the other two to stop as well. "No more secrets, okay? From now on we tell each other everything. Including Jules." Nancy looked at the girl, who's mouth dropped.


"Okay." Mike cut Jules off. "Do you like Jonathan now?" He asked his sister.

"What? No. No, it's not...it's not like that." Mike nodded his head softly at her response. "Do you like Eleven?" Nancy quickly asked.

"What? No. Ew. Gross."

"Just wait till all he wants to do is be near her." Jules chuckled. Mike smiled, quickly moving the topic onto the Henderson.

"Jules, what about you? Do you like Ty?" Jules stared at him in disbelief, quickly pulling herself together.

"We just started to talk to each other again, and I don't want to break his heart again." Jules sighed, continuing to walk, as the two siblings gave each other a look.

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     ARRIVING AT the Hawkins Middle School gym, Nancy, Mike, and Jules began to put the water into the pool. Mike holding the hoses, Nancy and Jules being able to turn the temperature colder or warmer. Orders from Lucas.

"Colder!" Lucas screamed. Nancy turned it colder. "Warmer!" He screamed once more. Jules turned it to be warmer. "Right there!" Then began the process of the salt. Jonathan, Ty, and Jim were the ones pouring it in. Then the test. The egg.

It sunk.

Another bag of salt.

It began to float.

Mike set up the walkie talkie, where they would be able to hear what El could see. Jules stood next to El, grabbing all of her things.

"I can go in with you?" Jules whispered. El shook her head. "Only if I need to. Got it." Then Eleven put on her goggles.

Jules helped the girl step into the pool, making sure that she wouldn't trip. El began to slowly sit down, her dress beginning to inflate. Then, her body was underwater. Minus her head, of course.

The light began to flicker, before they turned off. Just like it did when Will and Barb disappeared. Only this time, they were being found, not taken. Everyone stared at El, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for her to move, to hear something off the radio, but silence was heard for a few moments.

Eleven began to breathe heavily, then the lights began to flicker. Jules began to take off her shoes, and watch.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know." Mike responded.

"Is Barb okay? Is she okay?" Nancy asked, terrified of her friends fate.

"Gone. Gone." Eleven repeated quietly.

"Should I jump in?" Jules asked Joyce, who nodded.

"Make sure she's comfortable." Joyce whispered. "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." She tried to comfort the girl.

"Gone! Gone!"

"It's okay. It's okay."

Jules' skin met the water, as did the body half of her body. She was going to be soaking wet but oh, well.

"Hey, Eleven. It's Jules." Jules began to whisper, as everyone began to freak out. "I'm right here. I don't know if I can touch you, but just know that someone is here with you, okay? I'm right here. We're...we're right here." Ty stared at Jules, smiling at how careful she is with the girl. Jules was always good with kids, and now it's showing.

"Castle Byers." Eleven whispered once more. Joyce looked ay Jonathan, her eyes averting back to El. "Will?"

"T—Tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming." Joyce's eyes began to get watery. Her son is alive.

"Hurry." Will's weak and drained voice was heard from the walkie talkie.

"Okay. Listen, you tell him to..."Joyce began to freak out. "to stay where he is. We're coming. We're coming, okay? We're coming, honey."

All the sounds that were left on the walkie talkie, were the sounds of Eleven whimpering. Then, her body shot up.

"Oh!" Dustin backed up. Jules grabbed onto Eleven, hoping to comfort her.

"You did amazing." Jules whispered. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. Are you okay? Was it scary?"

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     ELEVEN AND JULES were given towels to get themselves dry, but that didn't stop Jules from going with Jonathan and Nancy. Ty just followed wherever Jules went. Nancy was still trying to get it into her head that Barb was, gone. But that isn't easy to do.

author speaks!
you guys should, idk, comment?
i love hearing your thoughts on
things! as long as your kind, i will
be too :} ask anyone i talk to on this
app, and they'll agree!!

jules and ty argue!
we will protect eleven at
all costs. - jules
yes, what jules said! - ty

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