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"You've got to be kidding me," I said letting out a groan, as I use my super hearing I hear growls coming from upstairs it was the same voice as I always know. Scott. If he's here then that means the others are here.

"The more I try to stay away from the more they come closer," I said letting out a groan as I walked the hallways of the Calaveras place. "Before I go all here again which is why I'm like this in the first place, I should get something to eat," I said as I looked around for something to eat as I looked I saw a man.

"Hey, you!" I yelled as I walked towards him. He turned around and looked me up and down. "Yes." He told me as he walked closer to me and I roll my eyes at him and stood in front of him my eyes meet his I looked straight into his. "Don't move, don't scream." I compelled him as I watch him look at me before nodding.

"Okay." He said as I smile. "Great," I said as I revealed my vampire face feeling my eyes changing and my fangs coming out. I dig my fangs into his neck as I began to draw all his blood from him I didn't stop I didn't want it just felt amazing doing and I loved it.

I pulled away as I felt my fangs go back in and I let out a sigh as the guy fell to the floor. "Well," I said panting as I wiped my mouth. "Let's go surprise them," I said as I walked over to the dead guy and left.


"So, you're just letting us go?" Scott asked the hunter. "I sent four men out to where Kate was rumored to have been seen. None of them came back. Let's see if you can do better." The hunter told Scott as Katherine was hiding behind a small store outside of the club as she watched them.

"You could've told me she was alive," Scott told Araya. "You wouldn't believe me. Now I know what kind of alpha you are. And where your next step lies." Araya told Scott as Katherine watched them talk carefully as she tried to see when was the right moment to appear.

"What next step?" Scott questioned to werewolf hunter. "When you take the bite of an innocent when you make a wolf of your own when you do that, then I will cross your border and come knocking at your door," Araya warned Scott.

Araya was about to leave when she whispered something to Scott. "And when your friend tells her she has unfinished business with me," Araya said as Scott looked at the woman confused. "Who?" Scott said to her. "Katherine." Araya as she turned away from Scott,

he stood there surprised and shocked he just couldn't believe what she just told her. Scott turned to walk to his friends. "What did she say?" Stiles asked his best friend. As he looked at the ground debating whether to tell his best friend. "What's wrong?" Stiles asked him, Scott looked up at his best friend.

"Nothing, I-It's just something Araya told me," Scott said as he shook his head. "What is it?" Stiles asked his best as Scott let out a sigh, "She told me that to tell my friend that she has unfinished problems with her." Scott said making Stiles frown.

"She?" Stiles said to Scott, he looked at his best friend. "Katherine," Scott said making Stiles confused. "No. That can't be right. Freya told us that she died after she left." Stiles said with a sigh at the end.

"What if she didn't? What if Freya lied to us and Katherine is out there and she made us believe she died." Scott said. "Stiles, we never really saw a body or anything," Scott told his best friend.

"Then if she is then what the hell was she doing here?" Stiles said as he tried his hardest not to believe that she is alive. "I don't know, but before we get into that we need to find Derek first," Scott said to his best friend.

"But for now we have to keep it quiet I don't want Lydia to freak out or something about her best friend being alive," Scott said to stiles they both agreed not to say anything as they went back to them.

"So what now?" Stiles asked his best friend, "She thinks she knows where we can find Derek." Scott told him. "She gonna tell us where?" Malia said to Scott. Katherine squinted her eyes as she saw a girl beside Lydia.

"Malia?" Katherine said to herself as she felt someone looking at her she grabbed a hat and put it on her as she took out the money and a pair for it. "Gracias," Katherine said as she watched her friends.

"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide," Scott said as someone in a black motorcycle arrive and parked in front of the group. "You know her?" Stiles said to his best friend while the woman took off her helmet. "Braeden?" Scott said.

"Who's Braeden?" Kira asked Lydia. "She's a mercenary," Lydia said as she watched Braeden. "Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to la Iglesia," Braeden told them. "The church?" Lydia asked Braeden.

"What's The Church?" Stiles said Making Katherine roll her eyes even though they can't see her. "How on earth have I ever dated him," Katherine mumbled to herself. "It's not a place you'll find God," Braeden told them.

            "You don't know how to take a hint, don't you?" Katherine told him as she walked away from him. "True, but you called me." He told her. "I called you because I need a ride to la Iglesia," Katherine said as she hopped in the car.

"Why do you need to go there?" He asked her again as she rolled her eyes. "For a guy like you, you sure really are so fucking annoying," Katherine told him. "Yeah, okay." He told her as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't tempt me because I can easily take out your eyes without even flinching so I suggest you should start the car," Katherine told him as he started to feel very scared of Katherine.

"That's what I thought." Katherine with a smirk and began to drive. "Why are you following them? Didn't you tell me that you faked your death, or whatever?" He told Katherine.

"Yes, I did, but, Araya told my friends that I'm alive too I'll probably surprise them, but they won't know it's me, like their old friend who died but the bitch is dead," Katherine said as she shrug her shoulders.

           "So, how come you didn't kiss her?" Braeden asked the werewolf. "What?" Scott asked the mercenary. "How come you didn't kiss your girlfriend?" She asked him again. "You mean Kira?" Scott asked her.

"Whatever her name is," Braeden told him as they walked through the Church. "Well, she's not really, uh... I mean, we've never actually... she's not my girlfriend." Scott said as he stuttered his words.

"So if you die down here, are you gonna regret not kissing her?" Braeden said to Scott making him turn around and face her. "You should've kissed your girlfriend," Braeden told him.

As they walked further down the old church. Scott carefully turned around as he felt someone following him. "What?" Braeden asked Scott. "Just had a feeling like something was behind us," Scott told Braeden as they continue to walk.

And Scott kept turning back as felt them following him. They heard low growls making them look at each other. "You hear that?" Braeden asked Scott as he aimed the flashlight in front of them.

"Is this why you never get that far?" Scott said to Braeden as they started to hear foots stripes and growling coming towards them. "Get ready!" Braden told him as they heard the footsteps coming closer. Katherine took her chance as she ran after something big covered in bones.

"Your something I never saw," Katherine said as she attacked them. "Motus." She said as they went flying away as she was panting heavily.

"Who are you?" Braeden asked as she saw the girl in front of her as she had her back facing Scott and Braeden. Katherine slowly turned around and saw Scott's face with disbelief or surprised face.

"Surpris!" Kath said with a devilish smile on her face as she watched Scott's reaction. "Before you say anything, let's save the friendly reunion for later," Katherine said with a smile as she heard the footsteps coming closer.

"well, he's come back," Katherine said as Braeden and Scott backed away. "Where is it?" Braeden asked her. "Beats me, all I hear is footsteps," Katherine said to her.

"I can't see anything!" Scott told them. "Where is this thing?" Braeden asked as Katherine used her vampire hearing. "It's coming this way," Katherine said. "Scott get behind me," Braeden told the werewolf but he didn't listen.

"Scott, get behind me!" She told him again as Katherine roll her eyes at him. "Oh, for the love of God," Katherine said as she pushed him back.

"Flactus impulsa," Katherine said as the ground began to shake making the ceiling collapse in front of them. Katherine turned around and face Scott and Braeden. "See it wasn't so bad now wasn't it?" Katherine said.

"What is that?" Scott said as they turned around and saw a medal wall. They walked closer to it going inside. "Tezcatlipoca. The nagual jaguar God." Braeden said as she saw the symbol. "Okay, what about that?" Katherine said to them.

"I think we found Derek," Braeden told them as Katherine used her vampire hearing again and she heard a heartbeat. "Well, I guess she's right, I hear a heartbeat," Katherine said right before Scott started to smash through it.

The wall broke as Braeden and Scott looked through it and saw a hand reaching out. "Okay, like you guys found Derek. Let's get the hell out of here." Katherine said as she roll her eyes. Scott and Braeden got a hold of Derek pulling him out of the tomb.

"Chop, chop," Katherine said clapping her hands together as she watch them carry Derek out of the Church. "How are you alive?" Scott questioned her. "Long crazy story. But we'll have time later on." Katherine said to him.

"Your aunt told us you died," Scott said as Katherine roll her eyes. "She told you that because I asked her to," Katherine told Scott. "Why?" He asked her and she roll her eyes.

"Because I told her not to okay, take Derek out," Katherine told him angrily as she watched Scott take Derek outside and she heard her friend's voice. "Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked Stiles. "Uh, sort of," Stiles said to Malia.

"Where is she?" Braeden asked as she looked around for Katherine. "What?" Lydia said looking at Braeden. "Your friend who was with us?" Braeden asked as everyone turned to look at Scott. "What is she talking about?" Lydia asked him. Katherine had enough of the questions so she decided to pop out.

"For the love of god just spits out, they will find out either way," Katherine said making them have their mouths open. "Katherine." Kira, Lydia, and Stiles said surprised as they saw her alive.

"Surprise, miss me." Katherine said with a smirk as she walked beside Scott. "Katherine-how- you're alive?" Stiles said as he watched the girl he tried to forget that is now in front of him. "No shit," Katherine said to them.

"I'll tell you, guys, everything but can we get the hell out of here," Kath said to them as she was trying to act like her normal self. "Would you guys stop staring and help Derek out of here," Katherine said as Lydia ran up to her making Katherine frown.

"I'm so happy you're alive," Lydia said making Katherine laugh nervously. "Yeah, me too," Katherine said pulling away from Lydia. "Let's go," Katherine said as she walked away from them and went inside Stiles's jeep.

Before Scott went to his friends he took out his phone and texted the only person who could've known what happen to Katherine, he texted her aunt.

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