Chapter 12 'Happy 19th Birthday more like go die in a ditch'

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*Roxannes POV*

I woke up smiling a bit.

Today was my 19th birthday. 2 years closer to being able to drink! Yeah, I guess it's not really something to celebrate much.

I sighed getting down from my bunk and went outside for a cigarette. Lighting it, I put it on my lips, inhaling and exhaling.

I started smoking at age of 17, when I first came here. It helps with my sanity. Even though, I'm somewhat addicted. I stomped out the cigarette and realized, I'm alone. Absolutely no one was on the bus, around the bus. Where the fuck is everyone? Groaning, I walked back on and read the note.
we all had to go out for an emergency meeting. I don't know what it's for, we'll see you later babe.
Someone is gonna stay with you today. But Happy 19th!!!
The losers.

Shit. Who was this person? Was it atleast someone I admired? Alex Gaskarth? Kellin Quinn? Pete Wentz? I sighed, getting dressed and pulled out my batman shirt, my ripped skinny jeans and converse. I had a red stripe going through my hair, just because I wanted to look like Pete Wentz. The Emo King! I usually always change the color. Eh, I'll keep it red for a little while longer.

I took out my lip ring and put in a black one. I changed my earrings to black studs and I did my make up.

There was a knock on the door and I hurried quickly to answer it. He stood there in tight ass pants, a pair of boots, a ripped batman shirt. His hair was quite fluffy. He wore deep eye liner, his blue eyes piercing. His smile formed.

Andy. Fucking. Biersack.

"You can't stay away can you?"I asked. At this point I was about to slam the door. He stopped it "Wait wait, can we at least talk about this?"He asked. "NO! After two fucking years you decide to come talk to me. Two fucking years."I spat. "I know, I know. I want to make it better."He said. I rolled my eyes. "You've said that before."

"Please Roxanne, I miss my sister."He whispered. "Yeah. I miss my brother. The one that wasn't an asshole."I said. "I'm still him! Roxanne please!"He begged. "Don't you have a girlfriend to suck up to?"I asked. He was a bit shocked at my words. "Don't bring her into this. Roxanne I just want us to be able to talk again." He said. Tears formed in his eyes. "Ever since you left, I haven't stopped thinking about how to make you love me as your brother again."He usually wasn't the one to cry. I sighed. "Fine, fine. But it's gonna take more than a sob story to make me forgive you. For Everything."I said.

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