Will... Dont Leave Me...

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"Do you want a drink?" you ask the young boy.
"Just some water will do me," Will replies, smiling at me.
"Of course."
"Thanks y/n."
"N-no problem," you reply, handing him a glass of water with a smile on your face.

You sit beside Will and you two talk for hours. You two usually either go to the arcade together or just hang around at each other's houses, so this was normal for you two.

After about three hours, you two stop talking, not knowing what to talk about. You sit there in an awkward silence.

Eventually you ask will, "So, when can I meet your friends?"
Will sighs and replies, "We've talked about this, y/n/n. You can't meet them, they wouldn't accept you, like I have."
"R-r-r-right... Sorry..." you answer, your stutter becoming prominent. "W-why won't they accept m-me? If you did, then w-why wouldn't th-they?"
"Just give it a rest, y/n!" Will shouted, making the poor girl jump. He stands up and walks towards the front door, saying, "I have to head home. Goodbye, y/n."

And with that, the boy walks pit of the house, slamming the door behind him, causing you to flinch. You sigh and you wash up the two cups you used, and you put them away in their respective drawers.

You walk to your room and you crawl onto your bed. You kick your shoes off, and you crawl into a ball. You hugs your legs and cry your eyes out. Out of habit, you use your powers to become invisible, and you continue to cry.
You don't know why he acted like that, but you knew that it was your fault, and that was crushing you.

~The next morning~

"Y/n?! Where the hell are you?!" a deep, masculine voice booms throughout the house.

You realise that you are still invisible, so you become viable again, and you jump out of your bed. You run into the living room and you asked the man sweetly, "I'm here. What is it you wanted?"
"What did you do this time?" he asks angrily.
"W-W-what do you m-m-mean?" you ask your step-father, your stutter once again getting the best of you.
"There's a police officer at the door, for gods sake!"
"Then maybe y-you should stop y-yelling..." you mumble.

He glares at you, then nods, pushing you towards the door. You open the door to see Chief Hopper. He looks down at me, smiling slightly.

"Hello Jim, what are you doing here?" I ask, smiling back at him. I open the door wider and I step out. I close the door behind me, leaning on the door, crossing my arms, continuing to smile at the Chief.
Hopper's smile falters, and he asks, "Have you seen Will recently?"
"Oh y-yeah. He was over here yesterday morning, but then he said h-he was going home. He also said that he was h-heading over to one of his friends houses l-later that night," you explain, confusion evidently plastered on your face. "Why?"
"Will Byers has gone missing."

Those five words were the last things you heard before you collapsed...
Will Byers has gone missing...
Will is gone...

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